
Beyond the Cygnus O'lan-Chapter [Ⅰ]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Marie Yeats Nishina  
Chapter  1


     And now, I would like to have ever more nimbler at uplifting the whole sails as to a fantastic voyage along with my decisive reminiscences of faraway bygones, however, there I hear about surely enough some of the fairies whispering sounds telling below their breath that I might start right away on my own strange adventure story from the very beginning quite so the same of every such work in this world have an opening, now then, at any rate, I will bring it forth with the art of memorization that would be an excellent feat for which I only have. In the course of those peculiar successions, even the daughters of Mnemosyne a.k.a. “Lamp of Memory,” the Nine-Muses’ famous private apprentice whose alias was a bard or a rhapsodic minstrel or else Orpheus of the triumphant stanza in the form of dactylic hexameter mightn’t be ever imagined to recite it at the C clef as one’s own odyssey, still apart from it, before anything else, certainly I had had various encounters with so many events at which, there had been concerned over the matters of consequence, in any case, as for the opening there was nothing particular incident had happened, so it started calmly in an ordinary way. . . .
From the time when I was just a toddler, every summer vacation, we, two of us, to be sure to spend at a 'Cottage' in a small village somewhere of the Ayrshire county along the Firth of Clyde, which built on the land that had been passed down through the generations. It was called a Cottage because of my grandfather who in his youth was assigned as a military duty in Toulon in the south of France for a while, dislike the expression of such as Chateau or Court.
  When none of the people of the family lived in the Cottage, there were the persons who kept large garden, main house and rooms by all means. Two of us that were my mother and I, yet it was a grandfather to have decided it, and it was always a grandfather that selected all as anything, whose name was known widely even in whole 'na daoine le' Ayrshire. Before his retire to the Royal Navy, Lord Isaac Dorerrian Rheese, was said the Admiral who does not know any fear but some said that Rheese the stubborn as well. In the village there, every people spoke of the Admiral that the man who is gently tear fragile, does not discrimination over any position or status or particular.
  My mother was an only child of my grandfather. Presumably, I think it might be the annual summer care about my mother's health. The year when I was born, my mother took a severe pneumonia lobar, that was so heavy as it was really life-threatening matter of my mother. Supposedly, as for it, my father's unfortunate accident was the cause by itself. My father who was assigned in the navy as a commissioned person just the same way of our grandfather, at that year, during the voyage mission was caught up in a small battle, really unfortunately, was caught off guard in terrorism warfare, passed away. I knew my mother loved him from the deepest bottom of her heart. As like as not, because I have heard many times throughout in all my younger childhood.
 Around the time when I was so young not yet understood anything, then, years added some more in the course of this life, I came to know the name of 'Red Sea' which is elongated between Africa and Arabian Peninsula, and it was the place where my father was happened to be killed. Therefore, the combination of three words of the Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea and the Terrorist was only a bad dream for us.
 One midsummer morning, when I had become ten years old, we were stayed at the Cottage in Ayrshire as usual, I saw very beautiful island floating in the bay of Clyde on which the people of village called just ‘Firth.’ I asked mother the island's name, and a talk developed into an opportunity to go to that island after all. The people of the village also called that island 'Sleeping Warrior' due to its resemblance silhouette to a resting ancient warrior, instead of formal name 'Isle o’ Arran.' We stayed there the rest of that summer days. We explored there from end to end at one time together with someone who came to know in the Isle o’ Arran, and at another time by ourselves. I was so happy that my mother beyond recognition became very lively and active, though I was just a child, that had cheered me up ever more. My mother surely was a fair lady, but she seemed much more marvelous at the time. When we were aboard The PS Wavery, widely famous with its red, white and black smokestack, she was even made honorary captain.
 The hotel was located in Lamlash, but we explored everywhere from the Lochranza castle to the north, Catacol where featured the row of white cottages called 'Twelve Apostles' to the cryptic cave of mystery. At times, we visited the beautiful distillery plant house where created a Robert Burns Single Malt in honour of the great poet, and on another occasion, visited the Brodic Castle, the National Trust for Scotland, there a family member of my grandfather's old friend invited us. Of the people I became familiar with there was Mr. Max Chadwich. He was from Cambridge, investigating the unique landform history of the island's rocks ranging in age from Precambrian to Mesozoic. While explaining his stunning findings that he had made, he introduced us to the most interesting locations on the island. Though I did not fully understand his 'geology,' I learned many interesting facts about the cliffs on the coast, the colors of the dunes, and the secrets to the creation of caves.
 With all sorts of things to do, that summer quickly came to an end. However, that summer was the real beginning. Seeing how merrily my mother had become, my grandfather, believing that it was due to life on the island, made several arrangements to buy the house, in some island, from an acquaintance of whose family was moving to the mainland. This ultimately led to my encounter with that fateful place, four years later.
 It was south of the Celtic Sea. It was known as St Mary's or Ennor in Cornish and I held in my heart, from first sight, that it was the place where might St. Mary had once lived. There were so beautiful dreamy sea-strand surrounded the island.
 St Mary's Island was located 30 miles west of Land's End, the western most cape of the Cornish Peninsula. It was the largest of the 140 isles in Scilly archipelago, though not as much as Isle o’ Arran, was fairly populated. Having pleasant impression to the isle from the beginning, every day until fall was an adventure. Even my mother, as grandfather had wished, regained her health. She began actively speaking to the people of island and even hosted dinner parties at times all through that summer days.
 Of the many friends I made on the isle, the most closest was Sydney Auduborn, his father managed a fine shipyard. Syd was a tall, lean, redhead. He was amazingly good at swimming. As he taught me the 'correct way to swim,' he had made me as good, or even better than the other children on the island. Syd's swimming style was his own little secret. His hands and feet moved differently from all of the other children, although, it came natural to him, so he could not clearly explain it. When the sea was calm, we would swim out to the far islet that no one else would ever think of going to.
 William Cowie, son of surgery in the Tre Huw, was also a best friend of mine. Willy was stout, but extremely fast at running. His mind seemed to move at the same speed, therefore  he always took pride in making us laugh with his jokes too.
 Both of the boys were well minded and well-intentioned. Having them guide me around the island, there was almost no corner I did not know. Around this time, I became acquainted with Uncle Jacob at the daffodil field between the airfield and the East Cape. Uncle Jacob, with his beard as white as snow, was very intimate with Willy and told us all kinds of stories. Some were myths passed down by the island people and some were secrets of the sea and of the island that only Uncle Jacob knew. We were always excited to hear his stories. The most intriguing tales were the legends of pirates and smugglers that hid their treasures on the island. The story of the treasure on Bryher Island, next to Tresco, we liked especially. We had asked him many, many times to make sure of the exact location of this treasure. We had imagined that this treasure actually existed, and that it was far more than just pirate’s gold. To begin with, the story took place an overwhelming 1,000 years ago. However, Uncle Jacob always ended the story with “the treasure ended up somewhere in the northern bight."
 The summer of my fourteenth birthday, my mother and I, as usual, boarded the ship from Penzance Port to the island. My mother did not take a liking to planes, so we always took a ship. As we walked to the cabin of the Scillonian , someone called out my mother’s name. It was professor Chadwich from Cambridge, whom we had met at Brodick Castle on Isle o’ Arran. He was with the member of the 'Cornwall Natural Fauna and Flora Conservation Organization,' Mr. Taylor, who had met prof. Chadwich before at some other function, decided to accompany him on the ferry. Prof. Chadwich claimed that he was on the way to investigate some islets north of Tresco and St Martin's and Mr. Taylor was on his regular inspection of the Scilly Islands. And there, one more important person, Mr. Yarborough was also with them. He worked as an investor, specifically for academic finding and was introduced as a noble Israeli philanthropist. An interesting new stratum in the field of geology had been recently discovered in Scilly and he had decided to ask Professor Chadwich to explain it to him.
 Prof. Chadwich told me that, if he could manage, he would like to visit Bryher Island on the way back. This was, in part, because I had told him about my secret plans, along with the other two children on the island, to spend a few days at Bryher Island. Though Prof. Chadwich was a researcher of geology, he had a love for birds and had frequented the island for bird watching. “This is secret, but I’ve explored and studied the secrets of Bryher and the other islands before," he told me with a wink before parting with us.
 At the Tre Huw’s quay, Syd and Willy both jumped up and down as they welcomed me. Our reunion after one year was full of joy. As was customary, our first 2 or 3 days on the island were to be spent at the hotel. We all boarded a car to the Star Castle and had a jolly luncheon together there. We had talked of going to Bryher Island already, and decided to go after one week. Even if we all wanted to go immediately, there was something we had yet to hear from Uncle Jacob.
  The children called the region around Tre Huw the ‘Bar,' the western part near Star Castle the ‘Garrison,' and the region where Uncle Jacob lived the ‘Land.' The next day, after swimming at Bar point’s seashore, the three of us visited the ‘Land’ to see Uncle Jacob.
 Uncle Jacob, as he always did, was working in his flower garden. Seeing the three of us, he happily welcomed us inside and presented us with what he called ‘deliciously baked’ biscuits. Of course, we brought gifts for him too. My mother had prepared a utensil bag with a hat and pair of shoes inside. A strange combination, but I had remembered that he had wanted them the previous year. Uncle Jacob was very happy to see us, and so were we. He told us much about himself. How he was born in Ireland, or the ‘Eire’ as he called it, and that he had worked in Wales in his youth. That he first lived in Caerleon but moved to Glastonbury in the Cornish Region due to a change in work conditions. That the job had not gone well, had made him move out within just six years, and that he began working for ferry company in Penzance. That, over the many years of work, going back and forth between Tre Huw and Penzance, he had begun thinking of St Mary’s as his home away from home. He had bought his current old-fashioned stone cottage with a hedge and daffodil field with his savings that worked on for a very long time. The lot was right next to Carreg Dhu, which apparently meant black stone in Cornish. The lot itself was not all that large, but was a very beautiful plantation with a pretty dry-stone wall made of rich ochre and olive brown lime stone. Uncle Jacob himself was proud of the pyrite and carnelian embedded in the wall. "That's what makes it good," he often said.
 “Uncle Jacob," Willy asked in his usual way. “ How does the story of the Liath Fáil end ?”
 “Well, it isn’t really that fun a story, but it sure was complicated. A secret that Ben, the shepherd at Castletown once told me. Ben Rogers lived in a village that overlooked the Hill of Tara from the north. Back when I was still in the Eire, so quite a long time from now. Ben told me that the 'Knights of Yurth' sealed all but one of the treasures of Eire, deep in the Isle of Ynys Yr. The Knights of Yurth were…oh, this is also supposed to be a secret too. But, Yurth was the original family of the Knighthood of the Temple that had their stronghold in Solomon’s Temple. The nine Templars with Hugues de Payens were guided by the Yurth Monastery to serve God. But times were different back then. Back when the Yurth Monastery was in Ynys Yr and propagation was still popular, the Norsemen weren’t invading as frequently. They would call the Vikings the Danes or Norsemen back then. Not even the Crusaders were established yet. So, even the Knights of Yurth were ordinary monks that served God. They were sometimes monk, sometimes knight. . .In the midst of all this, the knights took the 'Liath Fáil' and ran along from the Eire to Tintagel and just once. . .just once. . .they came around here to Tresco. Now, that's all what Ben told me, but here's my own secret. One of the knights stayed here in Tresco. He threw away his helmet, his shield, his sword. Everything to do with war, he got rid of. Dressed in just a linen cloth tied with rope, he lived the ascetic life of a monk in a small stone hut. Apparently, after raising tremendous results in war, he realized what he had done. He had spilt so much blood as a monk, he had sinned so much and for so long. Because he was so full of religious piety, this Knight of ...I mean, this Monk of Yurth became a ' Holy Saint.' Then, the story takes a bit of a turn. Now listen. About the Norsemen. The most popular Viking is Olaf Tryggvason. Some call him Olav. Either way, you've probably heard of him. When Olaf was still a child, he was kidnapped in Estonia and was taken to Rus, the old name for Russia. He was taken to  Novgorod in Rus as a slave. Once he became a free man, though, he changed as a person. One day, after he had grown into a young man well over average in physique, he ran into one of the men that had kidnapped him and, with the axe he was holding, smashed the man’s head open. He traveled from Estonia to Wendland to Denmark, raiding ports and cities killing many, many people and taking their gold and silver. Then, he went to England. He raided many places, like the Monastery of Lindisfarne, and he didn’t care whether he killed monks or soldiers. They say that some of the bloodstains from Olaf killing clergymen still remain on the ceiling. In any case, after raiding many other places, he came to Scotland. He raided the abbey on Iona, Inner Hebrides…the abbey that High Saint Columba had erected long ago. And he took many holy relics. Not only the famous Manuscript of Kells, Known as the Book of Columba, with holy script, but he also targeted the Tresco Monastery that was mentioned in it. I guess he thought that there was some kind of great treasure hidden there. So, having two holy manuscripts, the Book of Kells and the Book of Lindisfarne, and knowing their value, he thought that there had to be more. However, things went a bit difference from there. The Tresco monk did have a great treasure, but, as you should know by now, he wasn’t an ordinary monk. Olaf and his dragon ship, the ‘Omen Lange,' led an army of bloodthirsty Norsemen on their Snekke ships and Oseberg ship gallantly into Scilly and straight to Tresco. It was told a bit differently in the legend, that Olaf had tested the monk, but don’t mind that. Olaf had heard that there was a great soothsayer in Scilly before, but, as they approached Tresco, a monk in nothing but a linen cloth tied with rope, with two large ravens, one on each of his shoulders, slid over the rocks on his bare foot. Then, he skid across the waves to the ‘Omen Lange.' Now, all the Vikings on the ships had bows and arrows, but nobody moved… they were all entranced by this monk who could walk on the water. Going directly to Olaf, the monk reached out his hand. Olaf grabbed the hand, but couldn’t move…his legs were trembling. The monk calmly pulled him. Sliding back over the waves, between the rocks and up through the dunes, all the way back to his stone hut. It wasn’t too long before they came back out and, like nothing had happened, returned to the ship. One of the raven, however, stopped on the bow of the ‘Omen Lange’ and the other flew ahead of the ship. All of the Viking ships followed it. It was later known that Olaf and the ships sailed, before the strong wind and following tides, to Southampton with amazing speed. They even caught an uplift, which is really rare in this region, and made it all the way near Winchester, up river. What’s more, Bishop Elf-High of Winchester, who later became the Archbishop of Canterbury, greeted the army of Vikings, purified them, and converted them all. The whole lot of violent, bloody wolves vowed to serve Jesus Christ our Lord. This is definitely true because it’s recorded in the history. After this, Olaf stopped his raiding and battling in England and was summoned back to Norway as King Olaf. Now, heres something that we need to remember, many believers from near and far came to see the monk of Tresco, bringing gifts and such. There were many monasteries from all corners of the region that tried to invite him as a Saint too. Still, he said that he was still in training and stayed in his little hut. And, though nobody knows about it, the ‘Holy Book’ and one other relic that the monk kept is still around to this day. Really, nobody but I know about this. I only know how to get there, and the rest is a mystery. There’s a bit of a secret with the stone from Harry’s Wall if you can use a compass. Oh, you also need a flashlight of some sort. I know that with that, you can get to Bryher. But I’m still not really sure about the connection between Bryher and Tresco. I’ve checked many, many times by myself…."
 We all held our breath while Uncle Jacob spoke. He took a gulp of dark ale from his mug and continued.” Well, anyhow. I couldn’t find it at all. It all began from the walls of this very cottage. During the Anglican Revolution by Henry well, it was actually planned by Thomas Cromwell. But the Tresco Monastery was taken down. So were all the other monasteries around the nation, there it couldn’t be helped. But, due to some kind of deal, the pyrite and carnelian from the monastery was brought to St Mary’s. And I lay in heaps some of those stones, and some were embedded in my very own way here. It was all coincidence that I came upon the strange stone. That storm eight years ago did some damage to the wall, and as I was repairing it, one of the stones cracked right open. I later found out that someone had carved out the inside of the rock with amazing masonry and stuck it back together. And inside was a scripture. Here it is."
 Uncle Jacob took out a sturdy wooden box from the top of the shelf, placed it on the table, and took out a book.
 "There were five of those carved stones. I used string and needle to sew together the pages by myself. See, this. It is called parchment, not vellum, though this one just made from calf."
 We carefully opened the book sewn together with thin threads. The original text was all in Latin and Old English, however every page of the scripture, someone had been translated into modern English. Willy, who was the best at reading, began to read in a tiny voice. It must have been challenging because of the old fashioned sentences.
      Ic the Apostle, true descendant of the proud Knight of Yurth, hereby announces.
      If thy wishes to set your eyes upon this scripture, ask the inner heart.
      If thou hath righteous soul to know the absolute truth, read on.
      If not, banish thyself to a far land, unknown to Ic the Apostle.
      For the Holy Spirit of Heaven will punish thy.
      Thou must hold within thy heart, the precept to do well to the good and to banish evil.
 "I can't read any further. Please, Uncle Jacob." Willy pleaded.
 So Uncle Jacob took over. Written in the book were many of the great deeds of Alfred the great, especially with regard to his emphasis on culture. Of the literary works, the 'De consolatione philosophiae' by Anicius Boethius, translations of 'the Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum' by Saint Bede the Venerable, the famous 'Anglo-Saxon Chronicle' had actually edited one of its manuscript by the Monk of Yurth himself after some time had passed. The cordial relationship between Alfred and the 110th Roman Pontiff=Pope Stephanus Quintus, Shaftesbury Nunnery's construction by second oldest daughter Ethelgifu's request who between Alfred and his spouse Ealhswith, and records of the Roman conqueror under then Emperor Claudius legionary headquarters' remains of Caerleon in South Wales followed. There were the types of military outfits and ranks of the Roman LegioAugustus (ex-Sabina) that tried to create an eternal fortress in the Isca Silunum (modern-day suburb of Caerleon). It mentioned a commander as Legatus legionis and six second-commanders included one Consul as Tribunus Laticlavius, and then the Centurion's leaders or so. Among Tribunus Laticlavius, there wrote the name 'Marcus Gaius Reverianus ' as a Consul sent from the Senate. Marcus Reverianus had recently replaced his predecessor. Little while before, about six months or so, he was a adviser to the general of the Province Judaea, far east of the Mediterranean Sea. His father was the superior to Flavius Josephus, who had written 'The Jewish War' and 'The Antiquities of the Jews' had been requested as a guardian by Joseph at some points. There were records of Marcus being asked to divide Joseph's legacy after his death and also a very descriptive explanation of how to make Egyptian Cyperaceae papyrus. The book ended with a note on the troubles of making and preserving papyrus and the second verse of the poem.
  The few words engraved within a sincere and righteous heart are the road to truth,
  Man may linger in Caerleon, then Reverianus fly up above, around North to South,
  At times, East to West, over the sky, from Carlisle to Vindolanda.
  Ethelgifu lies under the Big Dipper, Twin Stars, Orion's Belt, and the castle walls of praise,
  Length is the cubit of Revelation, so the dove must hold an olive, then there light appear,
  The light must hold the vast green of Liah Fáil deep within thy heart,
  Between the Pleiades, Gemini, the fierce wolf and the puppy, the vast orange,
  Seven in the right hand, and I, Alpha, is that which appears at Omega.
 After reading, Uncle Jacob finished off his dark ale in one long gulp.
 "I'm quite exhausted now. It's been quite a while since I've read that. Well, this map here you can keep. But, those last words on the parchment, you have to learn. Every letter of it. How to get from Tresco to the Bryher is on the map. Even I got that far, but I still didn't make it. I think it's because I couldn't remember the entire script. Here's some paper and pencil. Go ahead and copy it down. Now, all you need to do is to think hard. Real hard."


 From the next day, the three of us studied so hard that my mother wondered what had happened. We had drawn lots on whose room to study in, because all of us had had our own room, and I was chosen in the first order. We prepared our papers with the transcription from the parchment, dictionaries, books on geography and history, and even the Bible. Within no time, we figured out that ‘Ic’ could be ‘Ich’ meaning ‘me’ or ‘I’. From the historical era, then, we sought that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the regional monks and Alfred the Great, the Pope and Ethelgifu referred to Christianity and its scriptures. We also found that Marcus Reverianus was Roman royalty at Caerleon fortress in Wales. However we were not too sure, we felt that we had come little closer for solving the mystery on the third day. At the day we had run across Mr. Yarborough, the famous philanthropist with whom I had boarded the Scillonian together with Prof. Chadwick all through the voyage, at Willy's home. Mr. Yarborough had injured his foot on the jagged rock, while he was at the hospital in St Mary's, become acquainted with Willy's father. Having heard about our mystery-solving during his visit, he gratefully aided us. Certainly, we abstracted from telling him about Uncle Jacob's parchment. Mr. Yarborough must have really cherished the Bible, that's why he knew it as if he had memorized the entire passages of both the Old and New Testaments. Anyway we were essentially to get stuck in everything, still the most toughest part was the poem.
 "The Dove with an olive in its mouth refers to Noah's conclusion that the water had receded, so it points to a state with no water...The wall of the Revelation is 144 cubits, so this wall in the scripture would be about seventy meters...The Big Dipper is made up of seven stars, meaning that there are seven monasteries. Now, not Ephesus or Smyrna, but perhaps the nunneries related with King's second eldest daughter Ethelgifu."
 Mr. Yarborough was also very knowledgeable of where in the scriptures the references were. He had told us that the Big Dipper and Orion's Belt were mentioned in Job 8:8, the dove holding the olive was in Genesis 8:11, and the Pleiades was mentioned in Amos 5:8. Even more amazing was his knowledge of the Roman Legion Augusta in the Provincia Britannia, it meant under the Roman rule Great Britain. He, of course, knew the history of the conversions, and especially knew a lot about the wooden and wax tablets that were found in the Roman Legion fortress remains, on the other hand, he seemed to know nothing of the papyrus and of Liath Fáil and of the 'Treasure of the Eire' which we were eagerly searching for. Nor did he seem to have any interest. Since our goal was closer to Cauldron and Claίmh Solais, we needed to find our own clues.
 The next day, however, there was a terrible turn of events. We accidentally found out the reason for Uncle Jacob's giving up the treasure hunting. This swayed deeply our hearts unexpectedly. Willy had no intention of such doing, but had overheard bits of a conversation between his father and one of Scilly's district social act counselor.
 "...Mr. Jacob, if...back to the main...surgery, he...have made...had no relatives..."
 "...couldn't possible here...was short of facility to take care of the symptom..."
  Even that was all Willy could muster, we gathered that Uncle Jacob had some sort of physical problem and might not have long been to live. Our hearts sank with deep sorrow. But we were quick to recover. We wanted to show Uncle Jacob the 'Treasure of the Eire' to cheer him up. Our first step was to tell Mr. Yarborough about the parchment and to ask for him to input much more information for the translation of hard enigma.
 It was a great success. Many of the hidden keywords had connected like a puzzle, many of tangle threads had come loose, and Mr. Yarborough believed that "because someone went through so much trouble to hide all of this, there really may be some great secret." He found that Flavius Josephus had a Jewish name, Yosef Ben Matityahu, and believed that this individual was the key to the mystery. Having served as adviser to Titus Flavius Vespasianusand, under the Flavian Dynasty, Yosef Ben may have used his position to acquire something related to the Gospel. Still, Mr. Yarborough thought it just a rumor since it was in the middle of the Christian oppression. Ben Matityahu wrote the twenty volumes of the book of the 'Antiquities of the Jews' and Mr. Yarborough had read a whole manuscript copy. He had also found very rare mentions of 'Jesus' and/or 'Jesus Christ' that only in the eighteenth and twentieth volumes.
 "During this time, following the First Jewish War, Christianity was strictly monitored in Rome and in Britannia, Judea and all other Provinces, so it was very rare to find records like this. There were even theories that they were added in later years. Now, I'm not sure of what the Pleiades Cluster refers to, but one of Gemini is Pollux, Canis Minor is Procyon, the wolf or Canis Major is Sirius, the vast orange is most likely the Alpha Orion. So, with Capella, Aldebaran, and Rigel on the other end make the Winter's Diamond. So, this probably refers to a hexagonal shape or some treasure of that shape."
 Mr. Yarborough explained. He then continued to ask us what we would do if we did not find anything.
 "We will find it," Syd answered clearly. "Because if not, we couldn't travel to London with Uncle Jacob. And we wouldn't like that."
 "That's an issue, isn't it. We've made so much progress so far, your adventure surely will succeed."
 Mr. Yarborough patted Syd's shoulder and waved us farewell. The three of us shouted our thank you and farewell's back. Moreover, we finalized our notes and double-checked our maps, the Grey Stone, and flashlights. After we made sure that each of us had everything prepared, we gave each other high-fives. We were ready to go.
 Early in the morning of our adventure day, Syd and Willy came knocking on my room's window.
 "What's going on ?"  I was still half asleep.
 "We just heard something amazing !"  Both Syd and Willy had their eyes wide open as the words poured out of their mouths.
 "Uncle Jacob is going to be alright! £300,000.”
 "What are you talking about ?"
 "Last night, Mr. Yarborough chartered a plane and took Uncle Jacob to a big hospital in London and bought the parchment collection from him £300,000."
 "Really ? Wow, that's great !"
 "My dad was saying that it's early enough that Uncle Jacob will recover just fine. Well, later then. See you at quay 9 o'clock sharply!"
 Looking refreshed, Syd and Willy ran off. All of us were truly glad for Uncle Jacob. We weren't entirely sure of what had happened, but it sure sounded good. We knew that we could not find treasure that easily, and Uncle Jacob's situation was haunting us. Our hearts were now at ease.
 At 9 o'clock in the morning of that day, we boarded the inter island ferry from the Tre Huw wharf. It was supposed to be a direct trip, but we had to take a pit stop at Tresco because of the tidal situations. After asking how long we had, we decided to visit the Abbey Gardens that have many sub-tropical plants. The botanical gardens, and the ferry for that matter, was full of people. After all, it was summer vacation. As we left the botanical gardens and returned to the pier, we ran into Prof. Chadwich.
 "Good day, Al." He looked spry with a light tan. "Were you boys studying your botany today?"
 "Not really, sir. We just had some extra time because of the ferry." I introduced my two friends. I had told them about Prof. Chadwich before, and they were genuinely happy to be able to shake hands with a famous scholar.
 "I thought I told you before. But, it's from today that we're going to explore Bryher Island."
 "Ah ha. If I could be of any use, I may be able to go tomorrow. Today, I need to return to St Mary's and send on a report". He said as he patted our shoulders. Prof. Chadwich asked us the exact place where we would stay on the Bryher isle when he left. The liveliness that he displayed, even with a lot of luggage, looking quite a healthy impression.
 According to schedule, we went to the farm lodge in Puckie's Carn when we got to Bryher. Mrs. Agnes greeted us with a warm smile, and then, she found out that we began to take a lunch soon as settled in the room, served us for excellent clam chowder 'on the house'.
 Now that we were in Bryher, we had to check all of our supplies and do a final confirmation. By and by, most things went well, except for one.
 Syd had asked a thing relating to the shipyard business, he was handed a key from his father at the time he left home in the morning. The key was for a boat storage depot on Bryher, usually, there were not supposed to be any boats in the depot at the season, Syd's relatives had bought four PWs and had them stored there. PW or PWC are short for Personal Watercraft, including water scooter and jet skis. Some can be stood on and some have mounted chairs that seat up to four. Anyhow, his job was to hand them the key when they called because his father was called for another job. At any rate it would mean that we would have to wait at the lodge until they called. Fortunately, Mrs. Agnes had an easy solution to this. She lent us a cell phone and promised to call it the people called for the key.
 Everything was set. We thanked Mrs. Agnes and bolted outside. We were now challengers of the legend. First of all, even Uncle Jacob had found many hints before us. If he did not have the conviction, he would not have made a map.
 Surely we were just only children, still one advantage we had, it was the fact that there were three of us. If someone came apart at an idea, someone would go to amend it. If someone went back from an adequate idea, we could all come again to discuss it in an instant. We decided to take the locations, names, distances, and directions, give them numbers and start from the number '1'. Uncle Jacob had used to said it was the northern bight, but not even that was easy to find. Just on Bryher, there were many distinct 'inlets' and 'bays' and many more ways to say them. There were gulfs, bays, chasms, holes and even 'porths' with names like Smith and Reisman, or directions, like North and South, and besides there were animal names, like horse and sheep, attached to them. As an example, the actual place name of Mrs. Agnes' farm would be 'island central, near Puckie's Carn, south of Watchman's Hill, north of Water Meadow-pool.' There was no GPS back when the parchment was written.
 We were supposed to start at the foreground of Shipman Head on the northern tip of the island and work all the way to Rushy Bay on the southern tip. However, we received a call from Mrs. Agnes midway and return to hand over the key at the PWs depot. Eventually, it meant that we were all done with the PWs and Syd's duties. We then took Willy's advice to "make haste slowly," and reviewed our adventure plans at the lodge. We also took up Syd's plan of making our own map. Mapping out the entire island, all the place names, including Samson Island, and every little detail we could remember. It was hard work, but we later found out it was another turning point for us.
 The second day on Bryher, we left Puckie's Carn Farm early with lunches we had asked Mrs. Agnes to make. I had done some research about the tides. The first low tide was around 9 o'clock a.m. and high tide was around 3 o'clock p.m., the subsequent tide changes happened 12 hours later each. Especially because it was a day after the full moon, we considered the possibility of walking to Tresco and Samson. Certainly, this was only if we had found nothing else on Bryher. The three of us each had our own ideas, but agreed that we should confirm the inlets on Uncle Jacob's map first. We had finished exploring the Gulf, Smith's Hole, and the Bight, using compasses and the Grey Stone from the Harry's Wall, and found nothing out of the originally. Beginning with the Cape, we went around Gweal Hill, Heathy Hill, and all of Works Point but still found nothing. Since most of the water had receded, we walked past Green Bay, right between Bryher and Tresco, past Queen's Ledge, and had an early lunch at the Kitchen Porth.
 The tide was beginning to rise, and we did not really want to go to Hangman's Isle. It was around this time that we noticed Prof. Chadwich, waving his hand over the direction of Puckie's Carn.
 "Hi, there ! Having lunch already? I went to the lodge and was told that you boys left early. I think I'm lucky to have found you here."
 "We've gone half way around the island already. We've had a lot of time."
 "Oh, I'm guessing that the search is going well too, seeing that the tide is just flowing in."
 "Well, sort of. But we just started and we've only looked at the coasts, none of the hills yet."
 "That's the spirit. I plan to go Gweal Island tomorrow, but I'll be heading over to Great Bottom later today. Would you boys be needing any help?"
 The three of us looked at each other, we were all taken aback. We did not expect world famous scholar Professor Chadwick to help us at all. We showed him our notebooks and asked for clarification in certain areas that we were unsure of. He suggested that we sit down somewhere, and then we returned to the lodge.
 According to Prof. Chadwick, still he gave us a disclaimer that he cannot be too sure without the original text, the first poem was written only toward Christians. Next, certain names should be placed in historical order. 1.Marcus Reverianus's father, 2.Flavius Josephus, 3.Marcus Reverianus, 4.Boethius, 5.Bede the Venerable, 6.Pontiff 110 ; Stephanus Quintus, 7.Alfred the Great, 8. Alfred's daughter Ethelgifu, 9. the Monk himself, and each of these people had to be referenced with one another. Each locations should be given a history and connection with the people. Lastly, came the names of the stars and papyrus making and storage.
 "I'm not entirely sure whether or not is this related to the secret of Ireland you boys are searching for. But, of course, there's no telling until the end. You need to give it a try".
 Then, beginning with (1), he began giving us the histories and dates. (1) and (2) had overlapped a few years. (2) lived from circa 37 CE to 100 CE,(3) was (1)'s child and had been sent to Caerleon as the Second Roman Legion's advisor, so had some connections to (2) and through his father and Josephus. As for (4), his Book of Philosophy had been published in 562 CE, making him an outstanding figure. (5) lived from 673 CE to 735 CE and had looked up to (2), but had never left Northumbria. Both (7) and (8) followed the same religious beliefs as (5) and had looked up to him. (7), Alfred the Great, lived from 847 CE to 899 CE and had a very wide area of influence. In a sense, his wishes may have been granted. (8) was very religious and had devoted her life to the Shaftesbury Abbess. (9), the Monk, was fully devoted to religion. He had claimed to have written the parchment, but also admit to have written parts of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle so may have had connections with Alfred or his daughter. However, the invention of papyrus was much earlier in history, yet the
author seemed to know how to make and preserve it. This implies that the author had some papyrus scripture at hand. Looking at all of the people and their connections, beginning with (1), and how it begins and ends with Christianity, there should be a connection to the papyrus scripture. There was the mention of Josephus and the Gospel, how one of his acquaintances in the Roman Senate had a son in Caerleon, and how those cities, including Exeter, were used as the Roman Legion's headquarters for over 200 years. Even there Christianity was banned at that time, with the various types of missionaries, there was no real telling about it.
 "What-if this is just a complete imagination...let us say that Josephus had acquired something of value and Marcus took it to someone of influence in Caerleon base in Wales. The Roman militia was there until around 400 CE, but the Milan Decree that's the Edict of Milan allowing Christianity was only passed in 313 CE, so this person must have been of great influence. Then the problem comes. The only safe place was in Ireland then. We aren't entirely sure of the historical actions of the Knights of Yurth. According to the scripture, they only brought the 'Liath Fáil' that you boys are seeking. I wonder what the connection of the stone and the papyrus would be."
 "Professor, Uncle Jacob told us that we would also need Grey Stone from Harry's Wall and a compass." I showed him both as I spoke.
 "Neither the compass nor the Grey Stone was mentioned in the scripture. Surely, it would be different if the ancient people of Caerleon used compasses to tell the direction. Well, is there anything else that isn't written here?" He said as he cocked his head, as if to think any farther.
 "We were told to go to the northern bight and to take flashlights... Oh, the Monk's Scripture of Prayer's were just bought by Mr. Yarborough for £300,000."
 "Is that so?" Prof. Chadwich looked even more confused.
 "Yes, my father told me." Willy replied.
 "I see. Then it isn't entirely strange if there is more to this that we don't know."
 After staring at my notebook for a bit, he stood up and invited us on a walk.
 "Let's ask Mr. Yarborough about the part of it. We need a bit of a break. You can't rush too much now. You boys need to switch your mind when the puzzle gets harder."
 We were all a bit disappointed, but believed that he had a reason for doing so and followed him out. The four of us began walking toward the northern part of the island. It was not intended, but we let our feet wander. Most of the homes on Bryher Island, except for some of the hotels, were clustered in the central village. Once walked past the village, there's a hill which overlooks all the way over the Shipman Head. Aside from the beautiful ocean view, there opened a field with many sort of heaths and small clusters of low shrubs.
 "The geologic stratus here is very unique and has many characteristics."
 Prof. Chadwich pointed as he walked.
 "The bleached earth called podzol protruding in many spots was one example. Hercynian granite was one of the causes, but this granite was made when two new continents of the Laurasia and the Gondwana were born by breaking apart of the super continent Pangaea ca.175 million years ago, at about the end of the Paleozoic era. The reason of the beach here is so beautiful is because the granite eroded and decomposed over many years. Now, after the formation of the super continent, near the end of the Permian period, there was a super-plume explosion that caused the extinction of most life on earth."
 "Was it around the time that the dinosaurs had gone extinct, sir?" Syd asked. He was very interested in the dinosaurs.
 "Oh, it was between the Cretaceous Period and the first period of the Cenozoic Eras, which conventionally to be called the Paleogene period, that informally 'Tertiary Era', the Tertiary period began about 66 million years ago and ended about 2.3 million years ago. A giant meteorite, falling at a speed of more than 16 kilometers per second, passed through earth's atmosphere within three seconds, landed in Chicxulub of Yucatan Peninsula. The meteorite penetrated more than 30 kilometers deep into the earth, causing massive explosions giant earthquakes, and over 300-meter tidal waves. The earth faced global disaster within no time. With dust particles and ashes everywhere, even sunlight was ceased to reach the surface. This is true even now, we humankind cannot protect by ourselves from colossal volcanic eruptions and giant meteorites."
 "I heard that the extinction of dinosaurs was also because of an eruption of the Deccan  plateau ?"
 "It's pretty amazing that you to know about the Deccan Traps. And, yes, you are right. Those huge eruptions was around the same time too. However, it's little earlier than that distinction. When Luis Alvarez and his son Walter Alvarez first issued the meteorite theory, one of the key points of argument against them was the Deccan eruptions. Alvarez claimed that the geological stratus near the end of the Cretaceous period had 20 to 60 times rich the normal rate of Iridium, which is found in meteorites but rarely seen on the earth's surface. However, the fact that Nickel and Chromium, both found usually in magma eruptions, were not found from the stratus of 66 Mya K-T, or K-Pg boundary, the fact that one of the historical uncertainty was off, and then, the findings of geomagnetic and gravitational anomaly and the formation of tektite glass around the tip region of the Yucatan Peninsula led to the eventual acceptance of the meteorite theory, the object might have the diameter of approx. 10 km. It surely is difficult to come up with a new theory."
 I suppose Prof. Chadwich had felt a bit guilty for not being able to solve the mystery for us. As we kept walking north along the trail, he kept Syd entertained with more history on dinosaurs. He explained to us how, in place of the dinosaurs, their close ancestors, birds, survived and adapted to the new environment. Today, there are over 9,000 species of birds due to this 'adaptive radiation'.
 "On Bryher Island too, there are a couple of interesting birds near Shipman Head."
 We had walked past the trail point 'Small Boat Carn' and near the cape. Prof. Chadwich took out binoculars from his bag and began searching for something toward Shipman Head.
 "How unfortunate, not here today. Black-Legged Kittiwake, Giant Black-Backed Gull, and the Herring Gull. Only gull variations. This morning, I saw a Song Thrush, formally Turdus philomelos, and a desert wheatear at St Mary's. It was singing such a beautiful tune..."
 He seemed disappointed, but still pointed out Storm Petrels and Razorbills for us to see.
 In any case, we soon found out that he had been thinking about our mystery the entire time through, when we returned to the lodge, he gave us his theory.
 "Maybe Mr. Jacob was looking for something entirely different."
 Prof. Chadwich began, as if he was to tell himself.
 "I believe that he was following the legends of the Eire as you boys are. If he was a childhood friend of Ben from north Castletown, he was also born near the Hill of Tara. The Liath Fáil could be referring to the true Tuatha Dé Danann, not the treasure that was mentioned in the scripture. The final portion of the scripture refers directly to Jesus Christ in Ancient Greek. All the writing about papyrus is all Gospel. Knowing that, Mr. Yarborough bought it for 300,000 pounds."
 Professor Chadwich's theory was so dreadful that our minds were spinning trying to keep up. He had begun doubting the scripture when it mentioned the papyrus. During the Roman Empire, the main means of documentation were wooden plates and wax tablets. The papyrus, including their creation and preservation, was a very expensive export of Egypt, allowing only specific people to have any access to them. At the time, Greek was the official language in a Jewish circle of intellectuals in Cairo. The most important document of the time was most likely the Gospel, and Yosef Ben Matityahu was mentioned.
 Therefore, he had hypothesized that Yosef's position could manage almost everything. Perhaps, due to the criticism and slanders that he had received, might plan to exploit his position the advisor to the Roman Emperor, he retaliated in his own way " the promulgation of Jesus."
 However, preserving papyrus is, as was mentioned in the scripture, very difficult. Even the Oxford manuscript that Prof. Chadwich had seen was only 25cm in width and 20cm in length. If the scripture were of high quality, it would have been at least 40cm wide, 30cm long and bound them as a book of 20 pages or so.
 Being a very clever individual, Yosef Ben Matityahu must have taken every possible measure to store and hide the scripture. This was apparently evident from the fact that even Roman Senator Marcus Reverianus was involved.
 The most important part, the actual Evangel, can be assumed, from the timeline and content, to be the Evangel of Matthew. To fit the historical era, it would also have to be the first and original text too. Obviously there are many lines 'Jesus' from the Evangels, 387 out of the 1071 verses in all of the whole New Testament pages are peculiar to Matthew, on the other hand, there are also 184 verses from Luke and 130 from Mark.
 "As a personal remark, the Gospel of Matthew can also be said to be a very appealing one. The most important issue is the fact that this is not what you boys are truly searching for. The 'Tuatha Dé Danann' would be a true dream to chase, but this seems like a very dangerous tracking effort. Yet, I really do hope that I am wrong."
 He then suggested that we take a break and talk to Uncle Jacob once about the truth. We all agreed to talk to Uncle Jacob, who was much easier to reach, before making any conclusions. But, Prof. Chadwich seemed very excited when he returned from borrowing the phone of Mrs. Agnes's office.
 "Mr. Yarborough said I could talk to him at Tre Huw. I will try to return here by nightfall." and he ran off.
 After he had left, we went out towards Syd's boat storage depot, because Syd had left the key at the depot when he gave the PWs for his relatives. To keep our spirits up, we went in our full adventure equipment on our hike to the Great Rock Hill.
 As Syd had remembered, the key was on the stone table near the back wall in the depot. It was around this time there something happened. The Grey Stone from Harry's Wall, which Willy was holding, had flown into the wall. We turned on our flashlights to find out what had happened. The Grey Stone was embedded on the wall near the stone table. There seemed to be a cavity in the wall, it was the same size as the stone. Furthermore, our compasses were all pointing the wall, which now showed us a strange pattern. As Syd tried to take a closer look at the pattern, he accidentally twisted the Grey Stone. The stone floor in front of us slowly pulled into the wall, opening a stairway downward. The three of us automatically followed the stairwell down. However some of the steps were damaged, a dozen or so steps led us down. Even it seemed like a naturally made cave, there were iron braced oak wood gates ahead and behind of us.
 "Which way do we go?" Syd and Willy asked at the same time.
 "Let's decide using the map and compass." I suggested.
 The three of us, almost like robots, pulled out our maps and checked the direction using our flashlight. The gate to the right pointed toward the sea and the gate to the left pointed toward the hills. We instinctively chose not to go toward the sea. The gate was heavy and rusted, but the three of us manage to open it half way. A narrow path guided us to a larger hall with paths stretching in seven directions. From our compasses and the map, we were able to tell that we were in the underground region between 'Bight Drang' and 'Great Bottom', and that there was only one path leading due to north. Once we reached another hall with paths leading in three directions, this time with sand covering the floor, only one of the paths led to land. Especially because 'Anchor Light' and 'Green Bay' were in that directions, referring to the key words, 'Light' and the 'Vast Green' from the poem, we chose to follow that path. Soon, we were in a temple-like hall, lighting a large stone box on the center of the altar with our three flashlights.
  The stone box was very heavy, but we had somehow managed to move it. As Professor Chadawick had hypothesized, it was a Papyrus Scripture. We peeked at it and saw ancient Greek all in capital letter writing on the inside. The three of us carefully re-wrapped the scripture and placed it into Willy's backpack. We all posed with great delights on our faces, We had claimed victory. A rather simple victory, but we still needed to celebrate. While we were expressing our joy, dancing for the altar, when Syd saw something like a lightning shine to the right. There was about a two-foot width hole carved out of the wall. Through the hole, we reached into the hidden space. Inside this strange room, the walls were not natural stone, but were carved out so smooth in a perfect sphere. The lightning that Syd saw was a reflection cast from the mirror-like carved stone. To our great surprise, the inside was decorated with writings that we could not identify, and the ceiling of the space even more colorful designs. It seemed like a drawing on a unknown future geometrical theory, as if Roger Penrose designed the patterns by himself.
 “Look there!!" Suddenly, Willy shouted. "The shapes are changing!"
 He was right. The ceiling designs were changing its patterns strangely in front of our eyes, even more, the spherical room began to rotate. Suddenly, something shined whole brightly, our bodies floated, and we were embraced into the flood of lights.

Before I could retrieve my consciousness, there might have been passed a certain quantity of time, and even with a faint knowledge than before that couldn’t express exactly, without recognized what’s what, anyhow I recalled that mysterious spherical space in the Bryher’s cave, and of the beautiful geometric optical activity patterns. Slowly, I got regain my memories clearly. That reminded me the changing patterns and the flood of bright lights. We were embraced utterly by the flashing light. And nothing remembered after that.     
. It had felt like three of us were lost consciousness as if sleeping for a while, even long or short, I did not understand.
 The other two were still kept falling senseless quietly when I got back. Fortunately, they both woke up after I called loudly their names, and looked around dubiously.
 "What happened ?...Where are we ?"
 "I have no idea. I just woke up too."
 "You too, then, well let's see where we are."
 We began looking around, noticed immediately that we were not in the underground temple of Bryher's cave anymore. There was a light mist covering the area, lowering the visibility, yet, we were able to tell that we were in a very large room and the milky-white light was not coming from above, but its came from below. Having looked at the floor, we instantly noticed there was nothing beneath. We three all jumped up at the thought of standing in the air. Upon examination, now it came clear, we realized the floor was made of a very fine transparent crystal or something resemblance material which appeared almost clear. We all let out a sigh of relief. Then, at the time, we heard some footsteps approaching us.
 "Who exactly are here now ?"
 The stranger was a very tall man nearly about seven feet in height wearing peculiar garment. It was a loose long, pure white cloth somewhat similar to an old time Roman toga. The man had a long cane in his right hand and a crystal ball that radiated a feint blueish purple light in his left.
 "I am William. This is Sydney. That is Alnylum, sir."
 Willy said in an almost mechanical intonation, still, he stood tall with his head up high and projected his voice.
 "How did you manage to make it to 'Neylon' ? What did you ride and where did you travel ? I find it hard to comprehend such children of the H.sapiens or simply human beings could make it here."
 We told to the man about the temple in the Bryer island's cave, spherical chamber, and the strange moving geometrical superior patterns.
 "Did those strange geometrical patterns look like this ?"
 Tall man depicted quickly the pattern in the air with his long cane.
 "Yes, sir, just as it is, but, where exactly is Neylon?"
 "This is the absolutely relativized relay-centre, almost alike the 'origin and outside existence of Cône de lumière' on the hypersurface of the present, past and even future, still actually no one recognize here from inside spatial-world. The measurement in the field of physics is the process of determine the ratio of quantity, as a result even if a sharp tip of the needle has the quantity, so it can be measured, but Neylon isn't, because of being more faint existence than a 'point-mass,' it means there are nobody to be able to come here, The Neylon Place."
 "I couldn't agree with that, sir. Now, we are here in the grand hall such as almost the palace in this way, moreover we can feel both air and gravity. And we practically exchange the conversation like this. Oh, please don't say ridiculous."
 He pouted and gave an opposite opinion. Of course, Willy and I were totally the same.
 "Ha ha, you're surely right. Now I'll give you plain explanation in order to make you all understand clearly. Well, truth to tell, only that conglobation 'Ellcure' is utterly different. It has the ultimate transmittance coefficient of the ubiquitous extensional dimension, that's to say it has a permeable ability to come in here. Besides, this relativized relay-centre's inner 'degree of freedom' could make an internal space. Yet, oh yeah, it might be just only an illusion. Well, by and large, even from the neutral dimensional space of both peri-plane-sphere and epi-plane-sphere, no one can measure the mass of Neylon. The Neylon is a genuine spatial body which as a general rule only that conglobation 'Ellcure' could make consecutive passageway to reach here. You run against the contingency to meet 'Ellcure' upon the probability ratio of one thousand millionth, anyway it happened by. I am Cellurfle the Abstract truth, but this is a big mission to me, for the purpose of having no competence to let you come back to the place where you stayed then. As a natural trait of mine essential nature, I am just looking and learning things, but couldn't do any active conduct, so they call me an eternal existence of objectivity."
 "Then how can we manage it ? Please do not talk nonsense! We do want to come back to our home."
 "That's the problem. There are few visitors to come here, in addition to you all do suit my taste, surely seized my fancy, because I don't see any fearfulness over you to keep staying here in the Neylon. I like the courageous heart. Yeah, let me think it over for a while. To be frank with you, in behalf of returning home to you boys, you must pass more than six 'portal' at least, except that you can't go back to where you were up to it. Oh well, I don't understand that the children of Homo sapiens have the ability to achieve such a difficult problem. Ah ah, oh dear ! At the place where you were, something seems to happen. Let's see it together! But I say a condition first. You can't hear the sound still you can look."
 Cellurfule the Abstract put the beautiful blueish purple coloured crystal ball which he held in his hand on the floor quietly. We could immediately understand it was not an ordinary crystal ball. Oh ! We realized the blueish purple sphere had a movie-like mechanical structure which could projected some scenes upon the milky-white mist that was floating around us. The scene was so clear and realistic that was almost as on a super-high-tech wide TV screen. There we could see some people at the underground temple of Bryher's cave vividly. In front of its altar, there were two armed soldiers dressed in combatant camouflage suits and an unarmed common civilian. Both soldiers wore on their head very much like the Navy SEALs hats. Three men were under searching for something. Then one of the armed man found out the Willy's backpack which we left there outside of the round cubic room's wall, and took it up to the civilian to see the inside of it. To our great surprise, that civilian was certainly Mr Yarborough the philanthropist himself. He took out the papyrus scrolled scripture from Willy's backpack and looked into it carefully with the very familiar way, as though he did say to know nothing about such a scroll. At the very moment when he took that papyrus scripture back into the backpack, there were new comers suddenly appeared at the cave's entrance. Oh well! Again we were surprised, they were prof. Chadwick and Mr Taylor. Each of them came running against Mr. Yarborough exclaiming over something in protest, nevertheless there were two big soldiers with combatant equipment whom immediately came to block out the way and caught them up with just only their single hand. Then, the soldiers bound two sacrifices to the altar's pillar tightly with the ropes, and to make the matters worse those mighty gorillas put gags into our friends mouth.
 Was the matter what it might, Mr. Yarborough took up the papyrus scripture from Willy's backpack and put it into his own portable-safety cassette carefully. Then, three of them left the temple cave immediately without paying slight concern about two prisoners who were trying to unfasten themselves in a great effort.
 At the moment, the scene was suddenly faded out as if it were the blowing wind, and there were once again just floating milky white mist, because Cellerfle the Abs. took up the sphere from the floor.
 "Why did you stop that at a half way ? I can't know its consequence. . ."
 I was so anxiety about prof. Chadawick's fate.
 "Oh yeah, they were surely all right. If the vanished three had the will to injure your friends, they would already do it before they left there. So you needn't worry about that. By the way, what were their protest for the main part ?"
 "It's so precious public cultural property belonging to the whole people in the world that is why that two person would like to stop personal privately transactions."
 "All right, I can understand it all to hear the story. In any case, let's talk about the subject we took up little while ago, eventually about the fate of yours. As I told you from the beginning, Cellurfle the Eternal Objective Existence might practice any active help, but I think there may be some possible way. Well, I can't have a proper expression, in other word, it should be approved to talk things what I know. As a general rule, perhaps I'll be able to show you the way to come home. Actually we are talking to one another. Well, at any rate, let us change  the place, let us go to the Cellurfle's private place."
 Although we felt nothing, the very moment he told out that words, we were at the new room. The room was large and beautiful, where we could see many unknown quantities such as another world's mechanics. There were very big most likely lapis lazuli table, if we could call it table, on the very beautiful pure white coloured soft rug. Anyway we felt strange atmosphere, moreover the room gave us very much relaxing mood, still he once said "might be only an illusion" of which I couldn't realize at all . . .
 "Make yourself little more comfortable. And take a seat anywhere you like around there."
 Cellurfle the Abs. said that cheerfully, and got some beverage from a huge basket on the side shelf.
 "Take it boys ! You all seem thirsty, isn't it ?"
 We were surely thirsty, in addition to the beverage tasted so good that we drank them out at an one swallow.
 "Oh dear ! Ah ah, it's my mistake, I didn't realize you are so hungry."
 He gave us something to eat that were the apple like fruits, so we wanted to take that at once as his offer, even though he gave us many, at an one ate, they made us full stomach, besides they were very much delicious, then we asked him to keep them left there, and after with his agreement, we took them into our backpack carefully.
 "Now boys ! Listen to me a little while, even if I have no intention to threaten you, please remember that. This is a matter of consequence that is concerning of your life itself and there are nothing uttermost desperation in the whole universe. All right, it's time to see you the spatial phase structure, the whole cosmic world are not made by only one space-time, in other word, there are comprised various spatial phase in the universe. Some say that multiply-unconnected-structure, or others say them the parallel divisions. Here I'll show you some of them. Look ! This one is so curious that you can't see nothing but shadows and pure darkness, even though it’s also one of the true world. Then, there you can see next normal space, yet that is made from antimatter. It is looking like just the same world of yours with the Earth, and looks nothing strange. But if the two of them come to meet by chance they'll be vanished at once by the pair annihilation with vast radiation of photon quantum. Oh yes ! You shouldn't worry about it, as a matter of fact the absolute physical rule of the universe prohibit to meet any two or more spaces. And then, look at this one. They are made up so muddle that no one can live there to have the normal life. And so on. There are much more spaces in the universe. Anyway, the most problem is the Ellcure's special quality of the transmittance ability to the different phase dimension. It's trait of infinite quality will be able to go through the every phase space-time, in an actual fact, I am greatly embarrassed with this. If I can't teach you correct operation, Ellcure wouldn't go through right course in a slightest mistake, it makes him to lost its unique competence, and my given role couldn't drive it by myself, none the less there we would be having much enough time, I'll be able to lesson to you super-high-performance tech, every one of you have a hidden potential ability, besides you boys already ate Neylon's Apples and drank the pure water, I will also rely upon them."
 When he ended his words by saying that, Cellurfle the Abs. again moved us to the other place, however this time he didn't come with us.
 We found there beautiful changing spherical geometric patterns. It was nothing less than the Ellcure's inner room itself. As a matter of fact, he didn't make his appearance, we could hear the voice of Cellurfle the Abs. clearly. At first, he gave us explanation about the geometrical movement structure, but it was so difficult that I asked him to wait for us taking out some notebooks from our backpack for the purpose of writing it down to memorize. Except Willy of whom left his backpack at the underground temple of Bryher, we have several notebooks each, then I took out one of them to Willy as a help for learning.
 Up until the lesson, Cellurfle the Abs. was so tender and gentle, but from thenceforth he became very strict trainer, and didn't admit even a slightest misunderstanding. The learning seemed to continue forever, even though as it was, by and by we were able to realize it more clearly than before, and at last the lesson was all over. So we could finish the operational management of Ellcure's space-time course precisely.
 "All right my boys ! Then give your whole attention to the gauge's pattern. Best of luck to you, bon voyage !"
 Now the voice's tone of him had so kind and tender as that he used to be. At that moment, we were suddenly enclosed with the white flashing wave of light. . .
 When I could retrieve my consciousness, there just in the same sequence as before, both Willy and Syd were still in the faint away situation. In any case, we were on the real earthen-land, but there was neither the Isle of Bryher nor the Tresco in the Scilly archipelago, and I saw the unknown topographical scene around there, still and all, it was no less a scenery country land than the Earth, as a result we could get back to our own planet but at never knowing land after all. Surely we did most perfect operational management, still, as Cellurfle the Abs. told, just the slight miss gave us such a different result. . . there we were on the top of gently-sloping of green grass hill and I could feel comfortable early summer afternoon breeze. I saw great high mountains stretching from right to left in the rear direction, still there were vast prairie in front of us, and faraway behind that open plain, I could see ambiguously a sparkling sea surface under the shining sun beam in the blue sky.
 "Oh ouch! I have a pain in the back."
 Suddenly, Syd shouted behind me. Now he got his sense again to realize something.
 "What are these odds and ends. They're to make my back pain !"
 When I saw Syd, he had something stone-like objects in his hand.
 "Bad luck with you, Syd ! I feel sorry for you to get the stones in the back."
  In a moment, Willy said that. He could also gain his sense again almost at the same time.
Then he picked up them from the ground and tried to throw that away, but suddenly he stopped to do it.
 "These are not stones. They're the dried clay tablets and serial patterns are writing on them. Oh ! They're strange matters !"
 After saying so, Willy was carefully looking one of them, and kept silence for a while, still I could hear his murmurous voices. Soon both Syd and I paid attention to that clay tablet out of curiosity, and after gathering at the place, before long we all realized ourselves saying something in a whisper, so we burst out laughing, but we were in really unpleasant mood, according to the situation of too much unpractical. There were some people who intrigue a plan in behalf of themselves' personal fan for laughing when their object is succeeded. We all felt such a kind of deed at the scene we happened to encounter there. They are the cuneiform characters of which we met on there by chance. We're looking such a letter like designed pattern in the study of the history classwork at school when learning old time Sumer or Akkadian stories.
 We soon found out several clay tablets around us. About those words, we knew them only through the pictures in the books, but that cuneiform as an actual sample were engraved much more finely arranged shapes together with fine triangles and straight lines.
 To my great surprise, suddenly, Willy began to read them on the clay tablet with clear voice, so, both Syd and I were strained at a standstill in silence.
 "How can I. . .?" said Willy in a questionable way. Furthermore, he seemed very frightened to be able to do it.
 "I happen to recall the face of Cellurfle the Abstract, when I realized to understand old time Mesopotamian languages. Now I know that I can understand several of them spoken in Akkad and Sumer."
 "That's wonderful, Willy, isn't it ! Please read it once again, but little more slowly, this time."
 "All right. I'll read it more slowly. Please, just wait a moment. OK ! This one may be a most appropriate tablet. I'll read it word by word.  'seettin,' is for moonlight. And  'uumi paana' is for long ago. Oh, yeah, I'll give you just only the word itself from now on. Except, you might be little perplexed. 'kakkab rabu', meteor. 'nakiiru,' foreigner. 'alaak paani,' headway. 'shaddaaiu,' highlander. 'shaabu seeri,' nomad. 'mulkil appaati,'  chariot driver. 'mu'irru,' commander. 'naash qashti,' archer. 'ashtabarru,' lancer. 'maar damqi,' or  'reedu ' ,soldier. And this is end of this tablet. but what is this ? May be training to write word for the school children, I think. Oh! By the way, this tablet reminds me something. Yes, I have a memo in my notebook which was the text of Cellurfle the Abs."
 Willy took out a notebook from his new backpack. In his notebook, we could read some words such as 'Babylonian math' or 'Plimpton 322' or 'YBC7289' or so on.
 "Listen boys, OK!"
 So he started to read again.     
  "These are the signs of the zodiac. I'll read them from the beginning. 'Agru,' Aries. 'Alu,'
Taurus. 'Maashu,' Gemini. 'Alluttu,' Cancer. 'Neeshu,' Leo. 'Sisinnu,' Virgo. 'Zibaanu,' Libra. 'Zuqaqiipu,' Scorpio 'Pabilsag,' Sagittarius. 'Suhurmaashu,' Capricorn. 'Gula,' Aquarius.'Zibbaati,' Pisces. Still there are some annotations concerning another names. By those footnotes, they are Gemini (Tui'amu), Leo (Urguluu), Virgo (Sher'u) and Pisces (Nunee) also right respectively. Moreover, the era to complete the present time orders and signs form of the zodiac was roughly estimated later than ca. 14th century BCE at the time of Kassite, or after the star catalogue MUL APIN compiled, so this text of Cellurfle the Abs. should be appeared more later time, since these tablets around us were engraved the cuneiforms by Akkadian style that was used only at their era, except some parts of them, and their prosperous time was about ten century before Kassite. That's the reason why I wonder. . . Oh yeah, anyhow I'll read an another tablet little more, OK?"
 "All right, yes. Please do it again ! But this time you must choice more casual one, 'cause I'd like to write down them on my notebook." 
 Then Syd asked me to have him a notebook which I put mistakenly to keep in my backpack instead of his new one, so I took out the notebooks.
 But we were already used them up at the lessons of Cellurfle the Abs., still ours had great amount of writing spaces. And the miracles were not merely quantities but also their qualities. The papers of notebooks were very thin which seemed like limitless, though they didn't  break and even couldn't fold, then about the pencils were never reduced by writing, moreover each of us had written down them different learnings, even though we thought that we had trained same thing at the same time. Willy was learning archaeology and ancient times sociology, and about Syd who studied medical science and psychopathology, then mine was physics, astronomy and biology.
 No sooner had we noticed those strange phenomena than we began to search the inside of backpacks. There were much more miracle articles in them, such as the big backpacks for each of us, the three sets of micro tablet computer, the two pieces of mini earphone type translator, omnipotent auto-charge-battery and foodstuffs and other things. Cellerfle the Abs. had already known the future, so he prepared for such devices that we would carry out our appointed task well. And he anticipated our fate might be very hard one that we had a bitter time to get it out. Now I could remember his words concerning with destiny. He always said that each of all the desperate situations would have the door of exit, in any case, even if it weren't looked hopeful at first. He used to talk us such words usually. "you should exploit your hidden abilities boundlessly" or "the good fortune wouldn't take place except your own exertions."
 To make a long story short, he wanted to tell what we must clear the hard ways by ourselves. And he said about the Portals of which we should overcome were waited there at least six in the future. . .how could young human creatures resolve such a difficult question? We know nothing at all, everything was out of our hand, still couldn’t expect any help. . .at any rate we hadn't enough time worrying about what to do, as a matter of fact, our knowledge was very much obscure at about everything. . . anyhow, we began to walk down the gentle slope of greenish hill heading for the faraway villages that scattered in the prairie.
 It was almost mid afternoon, still there were left three or four hours toward sunset, when we approached to the nearest small hamlet that was consisted by ten cabins or so in all.
 At the moment we passed by the first cabin of the hamlet, someone opened the door and came out from it. No sooner had he looked us than he began to shiver and prostrated himself down on the ground. He seemed just like the same age as ours wearing hemp sack with three passable hole of neck and arms, in addition he was barefooted.
 Suddenly, all of the hamlet people came out and knelt down to pray us.
 "Amma. . .sharaash. . .kuriibu. . !"
 "Amma. . .sharaash. . .kuriibu. .!"
 There arose the chorus of praying all over the gathered people and the voices in unison were so loud and clear that I could easily hear the three words distinctly.
 "We are the children of human being. We are not Kuriibu. Please get up to tell us where this place is, and let us learn the way to the nearest town."
 Willy said to the boy and helped him to stand up kindly, on the other hand he told us taking to put Cellurfle's translating earphone.
 "This morning, we, all of us, saw the flashing white light of the heaven, sir."
 Oldest man in the gathering said for us, still his knees were dropped on the ground.
 "Please have mercy, give us a little alm sir."
 "We only want to know the way to the town."
 "Oh please! We are all poor moufflon raiser, sir."
 "All right. Take these and you may answer my question."
 At last, Willy resigned himself to exchange normal conversation, so he gave the oldest man several shekels of silver which he took out quickly from his backpack. The oldest man received the shekels of silver very careful way and saw them to the whole villagers. Then he expressed deep thanks to Willy and made an offer for the boy as a guide.
 "Now, listen Adaaru, you must go straight to Seretou, and never lose your way. Oh Kuriibu, sir!  There are just one zuuzam to Seretou. Be a nice trip."
 The boy walked out the hamlet with quick steps, so he took the lead of us. Soon we met the wide river and the road extended by the riverside straightly for about half a mile.
 "I say, you two." Said Willy to us with laughing. "I don't understand at all about that chant of incantations except such three queer words meaning. They said 'Lo! three cherubim.' Furthermore, they were not in jest but in really serious ways."
 "You what, cherubim! Oh, angels!" Both Syd and I cried out at once.
 "I've thought it through and through. It might be possibly our outlook. They never saw our time costumes, still we wore white helmets with headlights on the heads, besides there were big backpacks on each of our back which were looking like angel's wings. Especially, for the people, the special head gear meant the particular symbol such as goddess Inanna or Ningal. Moreover, the heaven's flashing light crossed through up above their hamlet. I think it must be the flashed trail of Ellcure."
Anyway, Willy was taught archaeology by Cellurfle the Abs., utterly, be that as it may,   possibly his imaginations didn’t off the mark. But if Willy was right in the situation, there would be very unreasonable to understand with common sense. . .
"The distance is just a mile and half to Seretou, if the old man's figure was accurate."
On our way to the next town, Willy also told us many historic events, on the other hand, he practically wondered the precise time of era.
"If we may have a good luck, there would be at the era of the King Sargon, if not, we're at the King Rimush or Manishtu, if not, it’s the era of Naram Sin that is the worst case. Because the stable time of the community may has less risk than in the confusions."
He seemed to become very uncertain, so he run to the boy who walked little ahead of us with quick steps.
At first, the boy didn't talk much, but after taking the Cellurfle's Apple, soon he became so vigorous that their conversation was going very smoothly, it was almost like an old friend, so they were talking on about something little while.
"We're lucky enough."
When Willy came back for us, he said with a smile on his face.
"We've came across the most stabilized time in the Akkadian establishment period, by the boy Adaaru, there have been fifteen years passed from the time Agade settled down as the capital city. In other words, King Sargon who had already proclaimed 'Sharru Kin' is now at the height of his glory. At present, its territory included both upper and lower Mesopotamia, with Elam and Subartu in the east-side, and about the north there developed over Cilician Portal, then for the Mediterranean coast at west. Surely, there might be needed the proof. . .anyway, his empire is at peak."
 "Well well, and where are we now?"
 "Oh yeah, we're now in the south Mesopotamia, and that great backward mountains are Zagros Mts."
 "Then the faraway sea may be the Persian Gulf, I think, OK?"
 "Yes of course. But..."
 "But what?"
 While Syd and Willy were exchanging such words, I saw Willy's face there looked  something little troubled, so I asked him if anything went wrong way.
 "Oh well, the problem is very queer. When I asked Adaaru about the present date, he answered strange thing. We were at Scilly in the early August, and he said that we are in the 3rd month 'Arah Simanu'. Akkadian lunar calendar is opened from 'Arah Nisanu' as the 1st month, then 2nd is 'Arah ayyaru', so the 3rd 'Arah Simanu', 4th 'Arah Dumuzu', 5th 'Arah Abu', 6th 'Arah Ululu' and so on, then ended of the 12th 'Arah Addaru' and if intercalary is needed, there may come 'Arah Makarusha'. But there are about 3.5 months long discrepancy between the Gregorian solar calendar and Akkadian’s lunars, their 1st month 'Arah Nisanu' begins at between March and April of our Gregorian calendar, and so as to 'Arah Simanu' is equivalent to between May and June. This mean we are now at here before August to say the least of it."
 We all soon looked at own wrist watch's date number, but ours couldn't useless, they stopped its function to indicate of days and months.
 "If so, we had spent too much days at Neylon. . . nearly about ten months, although we stayed there only several hours."
 Syd said in a very questionable mood.
 To tell the truth, we did not realize the matter at least then, none of us couldn't answer how many length of the time we stayed in the Neylon place, ten months or a year or two years or. . .we were utterly puzzled.
 Cellurfle the Abs. taught me very carefully concerning the symmetry of the elementary particles and the spontaneous breakdown of symmetry, but how could that theme of the theory resolve these paradoxical phenomenon. I couldn't understand such difficult question, even so I remembered Cellurfle the Abs. said the irreversible reaction of time is one of most fundamental character in this universe, and the time flow of this universe is just the integration of events in regular sequence and the time is merely a calling unit. On the other hand, once he saw us another universes, besides Ellcure has transmittance ability to the different phase of the dimensions. So, if I could meet him again, I'd like to ask him about these queer contradictory problems.
 "Oh yes. But if the Neylon of pure objectivity is continually moving super ultimate high speed, many times faster than light over the outer multi-verse circuit superior space at all times, then the time span of five or six hours at there may possibly be equivalent to the Earth's ten months, or even more large quantity of scale rectified in the outer multi-verse free optional gauge-less field, where space-time and every known law of physics are all optionally discreted attribution."
 I suggested them with my idea aiming to get rid of their anxiety, that's why I knew both of them could understand the relative time delay of the high speed moving body against the stationary system .
 "I see, well you may be right. even Ellcure, for instance, moves much quickly in the peri-epi-plane than the velocity of light, so such a phenomenon might be quite probable. I agree with you, Al."
 Syd answered at ease with satisfaction, and consequently Willy could also retrieve his relaxing mood, so, he began to tell us old Babylonian society with his rich archaeological knowledge, since Syd asked about the silver grains which Willy handed to the oldest man in the hamlet. Willy said that, there were many regional differences for circulating media in old time Mesopotamia, and most used system was a barter at first, but after appearing of precious metals such as gold or silver, they were to circulate as the currency.
 The precious metals as circulate media used in the form of weight units, and the unit was divided for several classifications, for instance, Shekel is about 8.3 grams, Light-Mina is 500 gram, Heavy-Mina is 1 kg, Light-talent is 30 kg and Heavy-Talent is 60 kg. Willy also told that Shekel is Sikulu, Mina is Manu and Talent is Biltu by Akkadian phonetic symbol respectively.
 After that, he explained us about some more systems of measurement, and most attractive custom among them is a time measuring method by the clepsydra which Akkadian call dibdibbu. They prefer calculating the time by the weight unit instead of the scale marks by local custom, and fundamental unit is mina that is equivalent to our pound. Akkadian set the night of summer solstice as the standard measuring base, and the water amount of its night is two minas, then the amount is increased by one sixth minas every half month, so after three months, at the night of autumnal equinox, there weighs water amount of three minas dropping from the clepsydra's cylinder. And the same procedure is taken for next three months, then the water from the cylinder is four minas at the night of winter solstice, but for next three months the water amount is decreased by the same rate, so the water at the night of spring equinox is becoming to three minas again, and it goes on similarly to the night of summer solstice as the same amount of a year ago.
 Anyway it's very interesting custom to measure time by weight, yet there were the problem of water pressure, so the accurate water clock didn't appear until the age of Hellenism.
 "Ah, Willy, what's about Enheduanna the author of many Akkadian hymns?"
 Syd asked that famous Akkadian the world first poet.
 "Oh yeah, that boy Adaaru called her princess 'Ina Shasheri' instead of Enheduanna."
 "Ina Shasheri ?"
 "Yes, that is the aurora in English. But, I think, it appears usually at the regions of high latitude on the Earth, isn't it, Al ?"
 "That's right, yes, while the sun's activity is normal or inactive. But sometimes it goes very active, then the Earth's magnetic field gets on excited state, that the current of electric power
in there may generate higher volume than usual by means of MHD, namely magneto-hydro dynamic effect, and even at low latitude areas may happen to see aurora. There left several records of solar activities such as many number of sunspots appearance at that time of era."
 "All right, now I understand it."
 Willy showed his assent by nodding to us, and he began to talk about old time events with his knowledge that learned from Cellurfle the Abs.
 Little before 10,000 years ago, human being could escape from hard glacial epoch, for instance Younger Dryas cold period, and Pleistocene ended, then the average year temperature kept over suitable 14 degrees on centigrade baseline until our present day, (still as a matter of fact, 21st century's environmental problems deeply wicked), except some temporary happenings. There were evidence of harvesting around that time and Neolithic era began in Ancient Near East.
 But, as Earth spins around its obliquity axis and elliptical orbit around the Sun, a kind of sinusoidal components that gives the Earth various unstable solar radiation amount , especially at northern hemisphere, in behalf of solar system itself rotate around the Milky Way Galaxy Center at about velocity of 22 km/sec that meet various interstellar spatial affairs. Concerning natural phenomena, there were many other factors emerged such as magma-plume eruptions or falling of some celestial bodies include bolides or meteors and what not. (Even if those natural phenomena didn't endanger to make the planet in ultimate menace so called mass extinction until 21st century, when Homo sapiens with own artificial mass destruction implements ready to challenge for it. Do you believe it ?). There were many perils, the first accident of the latest 10 millennial period was Tollmann's bolide, he associated with his hypothesis to global cataclysm at ca.9600 YBP. And as a next event, the Kurile eruption occurred about 8400 YBP was one of largest Holocene epoch, then 8.2 kilo year event took place. Both of them gave big damage to the humankind. After that, there was Holocene Climatic Optimum appeared which brought many cultural promotion most of all the old time Mesopotamia developed active civilization. Almost always, the alternation of pluvial or sub-pluvial climate and aridity triggered directly to proceed the prosperity and the decline of civilization around the old time Near East, for instance, ca.5900 YBP's aridity caused abrupt end of Ubaid period, on the other hand ca.5000 YBP's sub-pluvial mild weather brought the creation of Sumerian cuneiform script.
 "And now, this is one of most optimal climate at the Southern Mesopotamia. But... Oh what's up there ! "
 Suddenly Willy stopped to talk about Near East history, because someone cried out big voice over there.
  It was the boy Adaaru's crying voices. And he ran to us at top speed.
  "What on earth are you shouting about ?"
 Willy also cried out with a loud voice.
  "Dispatched troop of the cavalry ? What's wrong with it ?"
  "I saw them coming around..."
 The boy looked so pale.
 "I couldn't expect the cavalry at such an ancient days."
 Syd said with an incredible tone of voices.
 "Oh, Syd, you might think so, but it's true. There are the heavy infantries, the archers and the lancer cavalries in the Akkadian armed forces, because they built up the unite of three forces for the first time in the world. And later times, they made even Navy. Of course, I don't know what kind of its level as an Army."
 About the horse, he also had rich knowledge. For which he told very quickly. By Willy, around the time of Eocene epoch at ca. 50 million years ago, there appeared Eohippus as a founder-morph species, then, after long term of evolution history, the equine accomplished their form except size as the horse now we know them at the period about one or two million years ago, which humankind tamed, in a matter of course, there laid large amount of intervals passed through, and made them one of the domestic animals in the end, aside from old time's precedent case, there were some visible proof such as Bhimbetka rock shelter paintings in Madhya Pradesh at oldest, about 30 thousand years ago, and much more later ages in sequence, we knew conspicuous evidence of the Sintashta-Petrovka culture's burials that included the chariots with horses. After that Akkadian also used horses reasonably as a practical utility.
"Now, there they coming !"
Adaaru's shouting voice echoed over the area.
At the time, suddenly a troop of cavalry appeared from the back of the riverside forest, just ahead on our way to go with the great rumbling sound. They were all armed with the lances, the spears and the war-hatchets or short-bows and arrows. In every respect, the army seemed to be an Ancient Oriental Lancer Cavalry, and there were followed several four- wheel chariots with archers.
When they approached to us, they took slowly surrounding formation against us, and all of them with naked lances in hand dismounted from their horses. Then the sharp eyed big and tall man who looked like commander came forward to us.
"I am the commander of this regiment and my name is Muma'irru. This Lagash dispatched army is consisted by the lancer-cavalry battalion and the heavy infantry troops which are composed entirely of chosen elite soldiers. We were just settled the temporary military camp in the Seletou, so we could receive the messenger's tablet at there. "
We heard his explanation about his elite army in so strange circumstance.
"I am sure what you want to say, commander !"
Said Willy very clearly with dignified voice. He put on the Cellurfle's earphone back of his ear and the micro-tablet in his hand.
"Following these elite splendid soldiers, what do you want for us ? "
"We beg you to forgive our rudeness being too late to meet you. The tablet bearer lost his way to find out our headquarter. So I could not receive the message tablet more earlier. But now we arrange the chariots for you with fine male onagers there. Please ride on them, our Kuriibu, sir."
"I understand that, commander. Incidentally, well, I would like to ask you, by whom were you ordered to do this duty ?"
"Oh, it's the Great King Sargon the Šarru-Kish-āti himself, our holy Kuriibu, sir. There was a prophecy that told us the three Kuriibus coming down at southern region from heaven by the En-priestess Ina-Shasheri that's to say the legitimate female successor as a primogeniture daughter of the Queen Tashlultum and the Great King Sargon, Princess Enheduanna's astrological supplication. So, the King Sargon ordered me to meet the fortune, sir."

Then, we could see three chariots that pulled by four onagers each were coming in.


  Eventually those unexpected wild presence especially conspicuous sharp naked spear heads or swards made my mind so darkened, that conceived uncertain shady of gray cloud, and its shadow stayed in obscure emotional aftermath of subconscious as if there might have been waiting a doomed future. In any case, whatsoever ambiguous imaginary happened in my unclear sensuous, there were surely appeared, as a stern reality that there were surely living Mesopotamian warriors. That’s to say, we had got to meet the famous unbeaten Akkadian Empire Regular Army, There historically famous formation of the Middle East were not unified as the armed forces, but a composite regiment with some of spear soldier troops and several numbers of lancer cavalry squadrons followed by some sort of archery corps led by raptor-eyed quite a powerful great beer-belly commander who was mounted a dapple gray horse, his feature might surely be the real cause of my depressing conviction, it’s so much an eerie and severely hard atmosphere above his existence, I decided to keep in silence with two of my comrades by putting such a weird touch of moods tuck away deeply inside of my chest, because I didn't want to get revolved in a similar ominous feeling even on them.
 In any case, despite at an ancient of time called the early bronze age, the civilization of the Akkadian Kingdom had already reached at a very high level of culture against our expectations, there then through the sequence of events, we'd have to change our plans developing to the situations, yet we three happened to be in the middle of Akkadian age, furthermore they were at the prime of the nation's prosperity.
 Owing to Willy's explanation, King Sargon The Great id est "Sharru-Kish-ati" used to arrange the ruler Ensi so called "lord of plowland" that was the Sumerian civilization's system inherited from the King Lugal-Zage-Si of Uruk and the follower late King Ur Zageba to rule over whole relating districts and/or lands, in order to his own purposes, Sargon had sent high-ranking officials of whom almost the relative of his own to wherever he wanted for, and then about the female recruitment, he used to send daughters of royal relatives would marry to the conventional another region's Ensi as a rule. So the traffic between various local cities were settled in conveniently as well as the setting communication network such as the practical post-operations were to act very smoothly. In other words, they were good at arranging various institutions to optimize the stability systems in whole of the kingdom. This was not only a way of rational rule of governance for those livings inside the kingdom, but also surely same on several neighboring countries, therefore even if it would have been bringing a few amounts of economic costs losses that would be able to maintain better relationships with other concerned countries. As a result, they were something like that of smooth-diplomacy, for the time being, on the respected way of each other's independent recognition without power loss of redundant anxieties.
 At the time when we were shifted over there, they were already conquered surrounding countries to create an empire which reached in the eastward over Elam, as for the west to the Mediterranean Sea, and descended that seaside hillock there were several nationalities of which so called northern Levant nations were needless to say, where there were rich in mineral resources zone and, then in front of northern realm around the Taurus Mountains, there were also several places such as Silver Mountain or Bolkar-Dagh with various mineral resources in the famous Adaniya or Kizzuwatna counties including also historically famous key-points 'Cilician Portal' adjacent some another important mining areas, between the upper Mesopotamia and the Anatolian Plateau, part of which was called Hilakku in Akkadian phonetics, and about northward as far as beyond Subartu to the Hurrian Kingdom which spreading out with the Caucasus behind it, thus south to the Dilmun or the Magan and far off the Persian Gulf there were Meluhha with ancient Harappan Civilization.
 As for the main sources of Akkadian development was the rain-fed agricultural system of northern Mesopotamia and organized irrigation system of southern region that was accomplished by the use of shadoofs, gutters, ditches, canals, channels, dykes and the like. Akkadian had large scale of refined cultivation of land with organized agriculture labour force in a form of ‘corvee’ under state control, so they could develop the intensive farming. And, there were many nomads who bred the herbs of sheep, cattle or goat throughout the outskirts regions of the Mesopotamia suburban area. The nomads needed water for their livestock, therefore they received water from the waterways of the kingdom in bartered way of exchanging for wool, meat, milk, cheese, whey et cetera.
 The vast amount of trade expanding was the most prominent reason of the Akkadian prosperity. They exported grains and other products, especially wheat in the first place, then woolen textiles was next to it, and the others were barley, dates, lentils, onions, garlic, leeks and mustard. In addition, there were great variety of pottery and reeds-woven basket which mass-produced by specialists under bureaucratic control.
 Their expanded trade zone was so much vast in scale, consequently they could be able to import various necessaries from the silver mines of Anatolia to the gemstone mines at Indus Valley, and such wide ranging trade network brought them far land's wood or stones, especially, cedar from Lebanon and resin of Mozambique were most famous. There might have been such a trading network of both sea and lands worked extreme smoothly became the foundation of great prosperity.
 Through the midst of that Akkadian flourish civilization, we were traveling with guardian army commanded by that raptor-eyes, with our hidden purpose of finding out the Fortuna Blessed Portal which should lead us to our native place, by all means.
 Ultimately, our itinerary schedule, after agreeing to the plan suggested by the commander Muma'irru, the city Ur in the southern region was the primary destination, but after all we three secretly had a long enthusiastic "conference", whereby we talked and talked repeatedly, in the end we decided to go to the town state Kish as a next destination after dropped in at Ur. That was the city where Willy had a strongly dazzled wish to attain of, saying his quite certain conviction felt to discover a clue for the space-time portal. All of us surely wanted to get finding up that portal, none but we never found out our way to return to our own native world called Scilly archipelago. Willy continued little more explanation when asked about the ancient empire's circumstances in detail by another two, he felt utterly sudden case something like a few more possibility whether if we might be moving to the city such as Agade or another.
 Willy had many precise knowledge, with that he combined or analyzed a number of historical events trying to deduce the right way to transcend the gate of our shifted current space-time. Perhaps it is because of Cellurfle the Abstract's education performed so pure-reason and much effectively performed that Willy might have a wide amount of real archaeological knowledge at which he thought such subject far different way for what we were thinking of.
 For that reason, consequently his explanations about southern Mesopotamia socialized commune circumstances of the era was quite straightforward and understandable except  slightly crowded nuance. Perhaps that's his personality, he would have been so with the desire to communicate exactly.
 Prior to everything, we were asked to meet Ina-Shasheri, the En Priestess of the goddess Inanna and the moon god Sin by the commander Muma'irru, to begin with getting down to Ur's Ziparu, one of the Great Sargon's temples. We three of all were surely having much pleasure to see her. As a first poetess in the world history, her many contributions for Sumerian literature, definitively ascribed for herself, including several personal devotions against Inanna of a collection hymns known as the ‘Sumerian Temple Hymns’, The ‘Exaltation of Inanna’, ‘Hymn to Nanna’ and not to mention of refined unique description in her own style were so attractive that most every person who have read her works should have an admiration in mind deeply. Especially there was that famous "Exaltation of Inanna" also known as "Nin-Me-shar-ra" was translated in various modern languages from the original cuneiform tablets by many adherents.
 "I once read that poem. It was just the Nin-Me-shar-ra, that may be at the time when we stayed at Cellurfle the abstract's Neylon place, I think".
 When our conversation came to that point, Willy told us suddenly with a delightful voice. 
 "Certainly, only several beginning paragraphs that I have remembered, just first some lines of them."
 "It's fine! Well, won't you recite it for us now."
 Syd asked.
 ”All right, well, now I'll start, then”.
      My fairly Highness of the Eternal Providence   brilliant light up above
      My admiring etillyte of glorious clothing   beloved of An and Uraš
      Ever devoted unto An   with your excellent pectoral refined plates
      Lady who loves the proper headdress of its righteous crown  purely suit En Priestess
      Oh! my fairly Highness   empowered with all of its seven eternal divine approvals
      Ah! mine fairly queen, you are the guardian   embrace of all divined justice
      You have uplifted with crown might    you have clasp the divine to your breast
 "This is the first paragraph and that's all I remembered, oh, by the way, there must be some annotations needed. At the time, they used to say etellutu instead of the word "etillyte" meaning as noble lady in most cases, and the An is heavenly god, then the god Uraš means earth itself". 
"It's splendid at this older time of this era! She's wonderful poetess in the ancient world!"
 Syd admired her in such a high feeling, but at the time, I saw someone from the army's setting camps came running for us.
 "That one is Adaaru I think, isn't he?"
 Willy also looked the coming runner.
 "Well, yes, he's no doubt Adaaru himself, once and again he's running."
 Syd saw too, on his quick reflex eye movement. Although Syd said it in a usual pleasant tone, however the boy’s appearance who came approaching was quite difference from normal way. 
 "Oh! Kreebu, sir! Kreebu, sir!"
 Adaaru was breathing so hard that his excited voice was trembling, and couldn't talk in a usual his own tuneful voice. When he came in front of Willy, suddenly he knelt down and attached to his leg.
 "Oh, Kreebu sir!  I've heard it! I've heard it!"
 He repeatedly cried that spoken words intermittently while breathing very hard breath.
 "All right, all right, Adaaru. I could understand you. Now that, you must stand up and sit down on this chair".
 Then Willy helped poor boy to wake up and made him softly putting on the chair, while quickly took out a small bottle of whey from his backpack for the sake of recovering Adaaru hard breath to ease.
 "That's OK, Adaaru. Now, you can tell me who talked what".
 Finishing after a bottle of whey at a stretch in a few seconds, Adaaru seemed to retrieve himself reshaped and opened his mouth smoothly in order to speak, so he began to talk the unexpected secret schedule which was planned by the commander Muma'irru.
 "It was Last night happening, after finished our supper, I was asked to buy some daily goods in the nearby town from a familiar soldier owing to be ordered to stand on irregular night sentry, and I went to town. At the time, on my way back, when I was passing by liquor house street, I saw several drunken soldiers fighting on the road over there, then I hid myself to the side alley for avoiding to drag into such a violence. Just a few seconds before the time when I passed through the corner of back alley, where the Town-Shrine stood, I heard someone talking in my own rural dialect through the Temenos-Wall that I soon recognized the distinctive tone of voice was our army commander Muma'irru himself".
 I wondered how could he talk so smoothly with our language. I was puzzled that there were not so much term smoothly passed through when we talked last.
 "All right, you can notice the voice of Muma'irru, surely, I understand. But whom the person he was speaking to?".
 "Oh, he's a vice-commander of the army, and the nephew of commander Muma'irru. He also has a habit of peculiar rough talking".
 Then he confided all the commander's perilous secrets he had heard at the outside of the shrine wall. They were talking about their long wished vengeance and were trying to avenge for the late father of Muma'irru who once was the King of town-state Shijiyyu in an upper eastern region alongside Idiglat what we call Tigris. That Shijiyyu perished by war against for early period Akkadian Empire, and the father of Muma'irru was killed in action then. Using many years, Mumma'irru had sought an opportunity for inductive procedure which brought the circumstances to kill Sargon, but none of the chance as yet.
 "OK Adaaru, now I can imagine that. He must change his mind, and set up a new plan right away".
 Suddenly Syd said to Adaaru.
 "He just want to avenge King's daughter instead King himself, isn't it?".
 Adaaru said yes for what Syd thought. Muma'irru and his nephew planned to contact En princess in the natural way as using Three Kuriibus. It was a perfect and an appropriate scenario so what Muma'irru seemed strongly believing. For all that, somebody should broke down their evil plot, we decided to send Adaaru as a messenger boy. And,in the end, he had the Willy's Sumerian cuneiform singed letter addressed for Ina-shasheri and the rough route map which Willy drew several main guideposts such as Pimeelidar, Tab Saabe, Biit Abutu and the like, from the town Guishatti that's between the great town Adab Lagash and the Girsu we right now stopped at, while drawing Willy repeatedly told to the boy "it needs so much careful caution, its just a quite distance way from here to the Ur", and Adaaru had received enough money for his smooth travel.  After tucked them into his woolen wide sack, Adaaru hung it over his shoulders saying "good-bye Kurribu sir, I will care everything, so please do not worry about me at all, I am waiting for you at Ur, till then sir, and, and, great much deep thanks about such a plentiful money", so he then walked away on the other side of army setting camp with his usual quick steps.
 "By the way, Willy."
 Syd asked in a something thoughtful voice, when the boy Adaaru passed over far away corner of uncultivated wild plain field waving both hands saying like that his last farewell for us.
 "I mean...I'd like to ask about the whey, that one, a little bottle of whey that you'd let Adaaru
drink.... ".
 "Oh yeah, me too, I've just had the same riddle. I'm really puzzled with my thought to drink him whey. I wanted only Just to make him at ease, never hoped give him a miracle to be able to speak our modern same language. May be we met again that one Cellurfle the abstract had plotted to ...."
 All at once we three were struck by keen thunder-bolt, certainly, we all suddenly begin to take down each backpack in a hurry at same time, and began to search as if there were another wonder waiting. But we three found nothing new unused possessions even our great effort ended in all vain, after all we putted everything back in order where they were. At that instance when I was just about to shut the top of my large backpack, I noticed something leftover. It was a small translucent milky white playing marble ball which was the last one, then I took it up from sandy ground, be that as it may, what on earth, I felt strange warm feeling from that normal playing marble ball, what more it seemed to light faintly in a little while before my eyes!   
 "Wait a second, boys!"
 I told both of them loudly.
 "What happened, Al?"
 They shouted too.
 "This one is. This spherule looks something queer. Touch it, anyway".
 Both Syd and Willy took it own hand in turns, but they felt nothing even that spherule didn't get to light shinning any more, so they returned it to me right away.
 "Are you all right, Al?!"
 They worried about me with their deeply serious faces till I took it in my hand. But, the marble ball again changed its figure as soon as I touched it, now they were able to see shinning ball in my hand.
 "Oh dear! How come does it shine! Why could you!"
 "I don't know. How can I understand this miraculous phenomenon?"
 Still whole miracles wasn't to come to a very end, suddenly the ball leaped upon my palm and flying up to my right shoulder and it stayed in the air few inches above there, even it off-lighted then.
 "Good heavens! It's all the wonder! "
 They shouted loudly again, but then Syd asked me where the ball came from.
 "Oh! certainly, it came from my backpack."  
 I answered as it was. Suddenly same reactions occurred, they two got to open their backpack once again with their breath held and began to search by full might and main. While looking such a devoted attitude, I wished to make them success quickly. In a moment, when I thought their work might to end in the success, both Willy and Syd, blasted out with same call in the great joy.
 "I've got it!"
 "I've found it out!" 
 I was in a queered query whether my wishes brought things forth or it was just a mere contingency. I couldn't utterly realize that happening.
 "This is not a marble, I think, may be a kind of high quality plastic with a reticular marble pattern."
 "Well, I think so too, Syd is right. This ball might be made from some special kind of refined products."
 Their balls were already lighted and again showed us same movement, so they occupied just the same position as mine, but why selected there, I wondered everything at length and, I reached a conclusion that the place itself might have the decisive meaning, and at the same time as I questioned how the balls were showed its existence at this timing and acted like that....
 "Please, listen to me, boys!  Here, I have a enigma."
 I called out them for the sake of appeal things whether if they can solve my questions. 
 "Oh, that's just it!"
 Syd said instantly.
 "All right, Al. Don't worried that!"
 Just at a time answered Willy, also to me. I was confused in full flabbergasting. But, it was different. They were looking each other with quizzed eyes aside from me. And, in a moment to get sight of their attitudes, I've instantly got the answer. Now I knew what they were thinking, which flashed upon my concentration. It should be a kind of communication probe relevant with brain-wave superior amplifier by itself. I soon told them about it and we all blasted out laughing as a consequence of noticing the effect of probe, after a while we tried to examine its effectiveness, as a result, we all recognized that each one of us had attached own exquisite probe which power seemed nearly an infinite.
 Next day, we left the town Bel ahu kaadu followed to schedule, after finishing the regiment ammunition equipment readiness for further army itinerancy including the great city of Ur.
 "I have a few question about Ina-Shasheri."
 Syd asked to Willy, while we were all the way tried to keep safety balances on the unstable chariot moving.
 "About that social position of En-Priestess is her own status? I mean, is she the only one En-Priestess?"
 Willy answered with his serious face as usual.
 "No, there were several En-Priestesses of Ur as far as known historical information, such as En-men-ana whose father was King Naram-Sin and mother was Queen Meshalim, another famous name as I know is En-anna-tuma daughter of King Isin Ishume-dagan who was 4th king at first Isin's dynasty. However Ina-shasheri was most famous that may be for her outstanding poets, I think. But if we didn't care about the title En, there was a particularly important female who is known as famous name Nin-Puabi or at sometimes Eresh-Puabi and also Ur's High-priestess at the first dynasty era of Ur. Her buried funeral attendants were fifty-two persons in addition to a chariot and a lion and other things with many precious fine arts, such as the Lyre of Ur, fine headdress made of golden leaves, complete statue of bull head with inlaid gold and lapis lazuli, splendid golden necklace ornamented by abundance of lapis lazuli and silver cylinder-beads and what not. There are many archaeologists commonly believe Puabi as an ancient Sumerian queen during the first dynasty of Ur." 
 "Now I know their culture were much developed than I thought of. That is, I'd like to make sure the time, around the days of their first settlements period."
 This time, Syd became in serious appearance. He looked really want to get more details.
 "Oh, there were many ethnic groups came and/or went out, I mean some groups were survived instead of others were vanished except originally staying small numbers of quiet inhabitants, they couldn't smooth communication with others as the consequences of their uniquely hard to understandable old-time native Sumerian languages, so it was, however there were seen at Levant region little different development, where in general, something like social origins or semi-sedentary cultures appearance such as the Natufian Culture around the date of circa 12,500 BCE was nearly at the earth's geologically moderate climate epoch so called later Holocene had come advent approximately 11,700 years ago, which is sub-divided Series of current Quaternary period and this Quaternary period was a most recent of the three periods in the Cenozoic Era. This Quaternary period followed to the preceding Neogene period which experienced very unstable hard circumstances. Our present period had time-spans of approximately from 2.6 million years ago to the nowadays interglacial relatively equilibrium term. That is to say, end of recent cold Younger Dryas sub glaciation stage might provide the chances for human activities because of necessity adaptable climate conditions were setting as a basic element, on the other hand there were some more special situations needed as to human creatures, one of that is language, I think. Without essential communication methods, there won't appear any form of civilized establishment, so that peoples at early historical stages, by some means or other, created the words. Now we know, there were several form of proto-writings, aside from whether if they were able to call writings, such as the petroglyphs, excepting those obscure relation with writing systems, whereat the Kамeнная Moгилa so called Kamyana Mohyla petroglyph that mean literally stone tomb took places at near Terpinnia village around the date 9,000 to 7,000 years ago first of all, or the old time Romania's amulet like Tărtăria tablet circa 5,400 BCE, associated that tablet found in present Serbia called Vinča symbols, all of such ideographic or proto-scripts were accurately predated proto-Sumerian pictograph that later developed on finishing as adequate accomplishment of Sumerian cuneiforms." 
 He told the part of the planet history in his otherwise sketchy way with prudent voices.  
 "All right, Willy, I understand somewhat you wanted to say, but why Cellurfle the Abs. taught you so precisely about archaeological knowledge."
 Syd said to Willy directly with his feelings.
 "Oh yes, that of your feeling is just the same as I felt. I have not noticed at the time, there were so many things to learn that my strong concentration never allowed a margin of thinking others, but now, speaking about them by myself, I have noticed that his teaching always contained multiple purposes."
 "Oh, Willy, tell us little more easily, please.”
 "Syd seemed little confusing.
"Yes, yes. I'll try to do so. Well, for instance about those climate related geological ages, Cellerfle the Abs.let me understand to the events of Four Major Ice Ages including 2nd major Cryogenian glaciation ca. 650 Mya that kρύoς means literally cold was dubbed "Snowball earth" and Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary disastrous happening which usually abbreviated KT-boundary event at first, by this way, maybe he wanted me to become aware our planet Earth has a vulnerable side that might easily extinct living things upon it. What I wanted to explain here is his alarming would imply every environmental structures of habitable planet needed sharp observations, including 'abrupt population increase' problem, at any rate we should keep our planet’s environment within the clear situations such as careful eco-management at least. He once said about habitable planet is very unique existences in the universe consequently native creatures have obligatory to maintain best environment all the way that naturally never admit destructive behaviour such as nuke-based power or war like conduct or chemical negligent deed such as micro-plastics or other hazardous chemical many synthesis, one designed abnormal population increase which lead to great ethnic group transition that might be to entice total destruction of methodical social balance it may invite just only a complicated confusion in the end, this unplanned entangled population control matter, UN must take into as a new meaningful ecological element, if not, our idealized fine system of international would be broken after all.    
 "All right, it's surely as a matter of course. I've got it all through."
 He looked so relaxed. 
  Also I am fully agreeable about the matters as well. Those are likely some other natural passing-by phenomenon, for instance Earth’s moon as a result of tidal rock that the living native species on the planet Earth look always moon’s same face, all of us conform to “ready-made” circumstances of the nature as a given requirement. Following in these de fact situations, we should construct ourselves coherent existence that have equivalent ability power against the time spans of eternity. As a reality of this era, we must preserve our living planet’s environments much more suitable for human being that’s so called H. sapiens and others which request for both pro-biotech communities and con-biotech existences, in this meaning I agreed with what Willy said, because, as a matter of fact we don’t still have any inter-galaxy space vehicles, namely a probe equipped ability to select another transit space dimensions, not even inter-planetary shift-probe may large enough to receive any needed numbers, even though there can be seen so many war monomaniacs, those in other words, invasion addicted nation leaders or nuclear fission power dependent culture choice peoples who did not care about ecosystems at all, and they couldn’t realize the Earth has living volcanoes with large scale of magma-plumes, or, when the ozone layer became imperfect, astrological menace happenings that are sometimes gamma-ray bursts from younger blue stars or older red-supergiant hyper novae explosion, otherwise meteorites or similar celestial bodies plunging in to collide. Those natural happenings explain us we have much enough chances to meet human distinction, in spite of those worst heavy chances, still that war-addict livings are strangely wishing to increase much more chance of it. Such eccentric creatures are always guarded by the incredible folklore telling devil's dogs, so they make debut once in a while as a dictator with dark-risky weapons which include nuke or bio-hazardous (for instance ; Ebola/Marburg hemorrhagic fever viruses) arms, those abnormal war-hobby characters would never have imagination about deleting of fine ecosystems bring them same natural disasters like others. If γ-ray burst let ozone molecules layer in the stratosphere reduced, our mother sun's emitting UV-c radiations will hit earth's surface. The demolition of ozone layer also happened by NO, NO or such as atomic chlorine and/or bromine releasing of human made organo-halogen compounds and emission heat of war machines like many types of ballistic missiles. These are just minimum examples that break down this planet ecology. Now the time, H. sapiens must make up United Livings of Earth Coop instead of present day incompetent UN.
 "Oh, Al, please don't mind about that now! They're all madden dogs lacking public spirits."
  It was Syd. He turned back to me saying that appeals. He sure read my mind through that omnipotent Cellurfle Ball on the right shoulder.
"Right now, commander Muma'irr sent us messenger. Our mukīl ašāti the charioteer driver hand it over. In the letter he told about the itinerary plans and there will be three days to Ur."
 "OK, I understand. Then we have enough times to think about protecting strategies."
 "Sure! Besides, Willy knows Ur's precise maps, even though the Giparu itself."  
 According to the schedule built by commander Muma'irru, after three days trip, as a result of nothing unnecessary disturbance had happened, we've got at last to the place where we could look clearly that famous Ur's amber whitening rampart of outer-wall, at about before middle afternoon on the promised day. The City state of Ur took place along the west bank of Euphrates what they called Purattu or as in Sumerian BURANUN and one side of it was a deep canal. The scenery around Ur was utterly different from other part of the sandy prairie land. Almost of the plain where all covered evenly by the fertile alluvium soil were cultivated through well planed line up canal-lanes trenched, furthermore, either water surface of the river and outer Ur's wall side canal, there we could see many white sails of small and large ships.
 "Now that boys, I've something talk to you."
 As we chatted for thanks to arrive safely, or blabbered pleasure to look the City of Ur or so, when Willy clapped his hands slightly and called out.
"You've already read that famous W. Somerset Maugham's last play-writing "Sheppey,"  I think in that play, there remarked about "Death or Death God" relating to either immortal or non-immortal earthly things fortune and or fate. Cellurfle the Abstract once told me to that Death anecdote was from the legend of ancient Fertile Crescent that signify pre-pottery neolithic-A age or more older preceding Natufian hunter-gathered culture. At that time, he told one of them, that's to say there were several modeling legends in older times around Mesopotamia area, but Cellurfle the Abs. concluded Ur's legend most significance.
 "I understand about that, won't you please tell us what you've been told then."
 I asked Willy, 'cause its interested feeling that was to attract me.
 "All right, Al. Anyway I would talk you if not asked. But there are in some way different from
Sheppey as a story. Here, I go. There was a rich copper trader in Ur, one early morning he asks butler Abarakk to buy some special jewels at bazaar, which he needed as the present for a guest at that day in the afternoon. There, every month's first three days morning, at outside plaza of Ur's South Gate, opened morning bazaar as a established custom. At the bazaar, while Abarakk searched to select precious presents in a very enthusiastic way, he fallen in the canal by accident. Furthermore, he didn't know how to swim, Abarakk was drowned. When all the people watching accident began crying out all at once that a man suddenly dived jumping into water for saving poor man who soon caught Abarakk with powerful hand and he took exhausted man up to the canal bank. By the skin of his teeth, after several minutes past, Abarakk well caught his last breath and wish to say his great thankfulness. So he looked for his life savior, but no sooner than his eyes caught a man's face, he jumped up and runaway. Much to his surprise Abarakk saw the Death in front of his view. Death didn't appear always in a female figure. When he got flying backed, Abarakk begged his master to lend a best horse saying "My native village Něrub is far off in the deep valley. There no one could find out me." After Abarakk flew away on best horse, the copper trader went to bazaar. Soon he found out the Death and said, "Even though your rigid mission, you have saved my butler. So I came here wishing to say deep gratitude."  Then the Death answered in solemn way, "A week after from this day, I should meet him at valley village Něrub, how could I break my mission, if I miss in front of my sight today, where gone my steady dignity. I will never demand to lose it forever." That’s the end of the story, so if Mr Maugham had known these new long long ago history and great many variants legendary of the Death story, how would he say a comment."
 "Thank you, Willy, it’s very interesting. By the way, according to my imagination, as of ex-MI 6 agent Mr. Maugham, he might have been investigated those all, I think."
 I told to Willy what I thought as it is. Then both Willy and Syd got into laughing and I, too.
 "Well well, but there was little more things, Master Cellurfle said that The God Nabu, son of the grand god Marduk, whose alias "Nebo" that we can see on the page of Old Testament's Isaiah:46-1 was a inventor of writing letters and the divine of scribe, literation and wisdom. He was always ride late father Murduk's wing-dragon Mushushshu. Anyhow, before anything else, he had charge of the Fate Tablet relating god and human, on behalf of the Tablet power, he could be able to set freely of every human fortunes. I was told that such mythologies at ancient times might be the source of Death legends...."
 While Willy's unaccountable tale talking, we were almost about the Ur's main gate. 
 By the ordinance of city, nearly whole numbers of main army regiments were stayed at camping site about 1km apart from city's north wall by the river bank of Euphrates. And on behalf of the city rule, there were allowed come into The City State very limited number of most specially selected guarding lancers whose fighting weapons also inhibited carrying in, and the commander Muma’irru himself with the vice commander and us that is to say Three Angels. At observation city's check point just beneath the large height Ur's famous stone gate, Muma'irr showed the sealed tablet upon which printing Sargon token. Then we all marched into fascinating legendary streets of the city state.
 "Welcome my Kreebu,sir!"
 Just around the corner of inner wall end, there waited a high class Lady following by two attendants who looked priestess, same as their master was. And then, owing to the Cellurfle Ball's all round super ability, I could understand what the Lady had talked about.
 "My name is Priestess Adda. I am your faithful servant, sir. We were waiting to say well come for our Heavens will that is predicted by En Ina-Sha-sheri, the highest subject, sir. This is my holy pleasure to see heavenly existence of our Kreebu, sir."
 The lady knelt before us in a graceful attitude.
 "Lady! you may have been standing up, we are just an God's messenger, only an apostle."
 So he let his hand helping a Lady on her feet.
 "And then, what would we do for you, lady Adda?"
 "Oh Kreebu! I would like to say thank you deeply, this is all my pleasure! I am waited here to guide our holy guests with commander Muma'iru and his followers to Ur's Giparu and E-hursag respectively of the area where the En Ina-Sha-sheri presence at, city's inhabitants here named it "Holy Temenos" area. It is because the city streets are so much maze, sir."
 After saying that she took a gesture of signals to starting on, we followed marching in after that three priestesses, got into the so called labyrinth-like city streets.
 "You are the great actor of tactical, Willy!"
 Through the Cererfull Ball, Syd sent his feel of cry, certainly I called after him too. 
 "These scenery is a typical ancient Sumer towns. Except compact living spaces, houses are precisely putting to set laid out on limited space, as if there seems house on house or house by house looking at first sight, in spite of more than half of using bricks are adobes with plasters owing to burning workers shortness, they are kept nicely clean outlooks."
 Willy continued his appropriate explanations through his shoulder's BoC. about our marching through streets side towns illustrations. There typical standard citizens living-area compartments were divided by their professions, shops or commercial enterprises are occupied relatively nearer spaces and so others are also at the same alignment, such as artisan and masonry living in another part, and before anything else there were no less than 20 of small shrines at the streets corner especially crossroad or intersection, that were built for meeting ordinary people's religious need. There were various occupants of house users on account of their occupations, for instance the trader of precious metal or copper, the scribe or writing or sometime geometry teacher, the inn keeper, the restaurant or the fast food owner and what not.
 "Is there any other kind of main street?" 
 Asked Syd, suddenly, it's needless to say, through the shoulder ball.
 "We are walking all through narrow road from initial steps."
 "Oh yes, there is surely a main broad way."
 Also through the ball, Willy answered.
 "I don't know why Lady Adda guide us through these intricate town labyrinth, besides we didn't meet much usual passerby."
 And then Willy added his explanation soon, the broad thoroughfare main street ordinary crowded such as wagons and porters or loading donkeys, therefore Lady Adda would select these less passerby labyrinth like allies and lanes. For the present, we were just walking through residential districts, there seemed that more than half of houses were designed same, single floor detached with flat roof space using sun dried or baked bricks and plaster, not so wide front about 3 to 5 meters wide, but not in a terrace row, each houses had narrow space in either side and there looked approximately thirty percent of double stories mingled in single story houses and few more three stories. After all the city had great numbers of houses on houses. Willy said there were approximately 50,000 residents right now, later on, at about 2,100 BCE age that is to say around Ur's Third Dynasty as the advent of Ur-Nammu circa 2050 to 2030 BCE, when population totals were no less than 65,000 this numerical value meant nearly 0.1 per cent share of earth's population, then Ur was largest city of the world at the time. 
 "Now we can see the Holy Temenos Wall, at last."
 Willy cried quietly through the shoulder ball.
 "Inside the Holy Temenos Wall, there are several public structures are standing besides that great Ziggurat."
 Willy told us about those holy structures, first of all there were temple Giparu that dedicated goddess Ningal the wife of Nanna, laid in the area immediately southwest of Ziggurat Terrace, in front of Giparu there stood E-nunmah and E-hursag were laid little apart place southeast of E-nunmah. There were three smaller building what was left behind, all of them were gathered around southwest corner, E-sharrūtu maiālu, E-Simma gir maiālu and qabassu tābtu, and Willy explained "E" means building or house at the era.
 "I thought she would select side gate, instead of main gate."
 Though, on the contrary to his anticipation she walked into holy precincts through the main gate, just in front of overwhelming large sight of Ziggurat Terrace that looked about 20 or 25 meters high above us. Inside the gate, there were two well sturdy muscular physique priests with their upper half naked waited for us. But priests guided a group of soldiers including commander to lead another passage continued to E-hursag, next to ours, two women attendants of Lady Adda also parted at the gate.
 "Now I will show the way, my Kreebu, sir."
 Lady Adda looked us with fairly smile.
 "We received your letter telling Muma'irru's unjustifiable plot the day before yesterday. Adaaru the boy ran all through the night to Purattu, then he hired speed-ship for the purpose of sending the emergency information more rapidly."
 "I know Adaaru is sensible very wise boy. So he carried out his task, and now I think we have enough time to ready for effective measures, right?"
 Willy wanted to know what about their concerning counter plan was appropriate or not. He looked something worried.
 "Yes, I think we have, sir. In any case, I will tell you precisely, at the Giparu structure later, kreebu sir."
 We were already passing through front courtyard of the Ziggurat Terrace there were paved with pure-white fine sand all over the quadrangle and when we came just in front of the next inner wall gate, at the very instance, suddenly the gate door opened from another side.
 "Ah, now! Here come our Kreebu, sir! We're longing for you, sir! "
 It was suerly a voice of Adaaru himself, but what on earth had happened over him! His appearance was so changed that we couldn't realize momentarily the serene younger respectable little attendant was an our Adaaru himself. We saw there praiseworthy figure of a fairyland "le petit prince" who had worn the marvelous temple formality robe such as Little High Priest.
 "Good boy Adaaru! You did it! I thought you were."
 Adaaru got hold Willy's body instead of leg this time and saying thank you so much.
 After the reunion to our true naïveté friend, we were quickly guided by Lady Adda to the destination Giparu on the northwest side, there laid in grave-mannered double-gate-doorway, "that was the main gate of Giparu structure and surrounded about four meter thick and tall walls of outer circumference" by Adaaru's fluent sudden voices over proper explanations about them were taken place, so then we could see fairly smile of Lady Adda once again.
 "You are the clever boy, adaaru, I know that, but from now on you will be learning more  wise way of talking, if so, that will make your future bright."
  She stroked boy's head in a soft way, then locked with bar and bolt to both outer and inner gate. In the Gipal, there were so quiet as if no one in there, Lady Adda leaded us through several rooms until to get her room which placed behind the growing fairly thick jujube trees with partly trimmed of the outer left side open courtyard. In her room, we were all taking seat around the refined marvelous stone table, while Adaaru moved quickly around the room as to provided for us tea sets or so.
 "Here we are Kribuu, sir, now we will talk elaborately to our counter plans, sir."
 "Are there any garrisons in The City State Ur?"
 Syd asked soon at first.
 "Yes, we have one usually, but this time they were all getting out of the way into another places by the order of En-Priestess for their sake, as a matter of fact, to compared with each absolute military weight value, the Muma'irru battalion have far strong power in this occasion, on the other hand, I had sent quick messengers for Her Highness father King Šarru-ukīn. Anyway, we have not enough times but much better than have not information at all. We are very much deep appreciate you Kreebu sir."
 "Your procedures are so fine, I think. And then, what about other persons here?"
 "They are all returning to their native home already except Adaaru and I. To be more precisely, at present, sir, I am waiting for E-Hursag's attendant priestess, so the time when they arrive here with some of necessary information, the total number will change, sir. And about our solemn as a judge Her Highness En-Priestess and some of attendants are staying at royal-urgent-annex right now, sir"
 "Now we feel at fully confidence with your careful procedure,Lady Adda."
 Syd looked in a peaceful mind earning her expression relative Gipal's situations against brutal conspiracy of the cliquishly Muma'irru armed forces .
 "Lady Adda, would you mind learn us about geographical surroundings including the royal-urgent-annex, if possible?" 
 No sooner I asked a relations with some specific position's lay out over here,  than she left her chair, and went to the next room through arch form doorway they called it dakkannu, within a few seconds she returned with a large white board that seemed to me a plastered board. 
 "I will show you my drawing and explain all relations overview upon the board, sir."
 She set the plaster board on the table center which surface had been drawing a precinct of inner Holy Temenos Wall, especially for the main overview outline of Gipal and Ziggurat. Upon the map, Lady Adda drew a cross mark "×" at the northeast part of Gipal with a black chalk made of cinder, saying that the place where we were now. For the benefit of her map, we knew precise draft of Gipal's whole inner blueprint. The two-dimensional perimeter figure of building were almost square, surrounded by external thick brick wall that had only two gates, north side doubled main gate and southern narrow monument-towered sub gate. There ran passageway through just inside the thick outer wall except south side, and the temple zone itself divided south part and north part by the center running thoroughfare way
nearly double width than others, either side of them had about same number of rooms which roughly forty added a open courtyard and a forecourt respectively.
 "This mark "×" checked point is one of my daily living room that we are staying right now, and next place where I am pointing at, northwest part of the square,here is the main shrine center of northern compartment, we enshrine there our highest Ur's patron deity Nanna the moon god, certainly, other deities are setting at many other rooms, if adding instance, either corner side of antechamber, nest room or outside of main cella and at the corner marble podium with pedestal stela in the front courtyard. Our holly sanctum is in the southern region at this part here, I will mark with encircled check-mark, at this special point we have listened the revelation, so that we dedicate here for Divine Ištal, people called Goddess of fertile, love and justice Inanna."
 At that time. we heard something like metal's ringing sounds. Lady Adda stopped suddenly talking and standing up so quickly as in a reflective action.
 "Just a few minutes, sir, I am waiting for this sounds."
 She said that in a hurry, then she was running out through the arch doorway.
 "Willy's copy have practically come to an end! Al, aren't you noticed it?"
 "Not any, but when you know it? Well, well, he's up again to make a job easy!"
 We both two cry over surprising.
 "By the way, Al, have you any answer for where the annex is?"
 Syd asked me through the Cellurfle Ball that's to say he knew my fancy imagination hadn't still find out whereabouts the place of it. But this question gave me another mighty answer.
 "How about trying to test our Ball relating double objects, both defense and extra-defense, Syd, if you like?"    
 "That's an idea! I didn't thought of."
 At that, we heard hasty foot steps outside of the room, all at once, there appeared the boy Adaaru up at the arch doorway in his flurried way.
 "Easy Adaaru, easy. Breathe a deep breath!"
 Willy called out Adaaru of his kindly voices, waked up from the chair and hold boy softly in his right hand.
 "There... there, priestess came back ...got injury, blood bleeding...at main gate, I saw, sir."
 "Don't mind, Adaaru. We'll sure rescue her soon, so you're stay here and never mind it."
 We were quickly reacted by boy's words, and ran in a hurry across to the main gate, with careful attitude for vigilance.  When we reached the main gate, Lady Adda with a attendant priestess were there to take care for another deeply hurt priestess at there nest room.
"Won't you please let us do the emergency remedy for the victim, Lady Adda?"
 I asked her that I remembered the remedy set in my backpack, then I quickly took it out. The victim priestess had been got her neck cut little deeply but not either trachea and carotid itself. I sprayed detergent and after cleaned around the area with sterilized gauze then stuck the Cellerful's post-surgical-op remedy film over there tightly, of cause Willy gave her drinking his small bottle of whey carefully twice amount while I treated her, after every needed care finished, we told Lady Adda it's all completed, who then deeply said thankful to save life of that priestess, and we must start here for another place.
 "Lady Adda, you appear to be in some troubles, I think."
 That was Syd. Oh, yes, he was a specialist in both psychiatry and psychology.
 "I do not know about what I am going to do. . .there are a problem, sir. We should start right now, but we could not do that."
 "Thank you Kreebu, sir!"
 It was Adaaru. He was drawing a four-wheel barrow like cart.
 "I have setting cushion on the top, this may feel her ease, I think."
 "You are a good boy, thank you so much, Adaaru. Anyway, we must try our best."
 We took up the victim to lay on the so called cushion, and hurried to the destination that we didn't know where it would be.
 "They will be coming here tonight that unfaithful cold blooded mass of cruelty, my two priestess get that information for the risks of their life, and instead of their fate other our two priests were killed to fight for protecting colleagues. Now, we must be going to south Holy Sanctum, and through there the way to the Royal-Annex. But, this time may be too hard to pass, there are so many narrow winding staircases, even screw-shaped spiral stairs, so if not, I should stay here with the wounded priestess in our sacred Gipal."
 "Lady Adda, you shouldn't stay here."
 Willy returned his answer instantly in the clear sounded speaking way against her narrative.
 "What did you say, I could hardly realize it, sir?"
 With an uttermost perplexed way, Lady Adda looked at Willy. 
 "Be at ease, Lady Adda. Now, you may talk to your so called victim on the cushioned curt."
 "Oh, my god!"
 She cried out to see her wounded attendant priestess did come down by herself from the curt which we three pulled through the way in turn, and in the end she stood straight right on the baked bricks paved passage, then she walked to the astounding her master. In any case , we two, Syd and I, were frightened too, so that our Cellerful Ball was again to back up all the way until we got to the sanctum of Inanna Altar. Just behind the Altar's pedestal, Lady Adda pushed the left-side deity stela standing on the edge of pedestal with her wand, then after few seconds there seemed some movements at the back side of the pedestal, the back side opened widely.  There appeared a staircases winding down to left-ward, while Adaaru came in a quick steps back from side doorway carrying with the burning torch and handed it to Lady Adda. We didn't let them to tell about our headlight-set, thinking of the case whether if that torch would take another purposes. 
 "Please, be careful everybody, watch your step, sir!"
 Adaaru cried out instead of Lady Adda. And after the boy shut the stone-plate tightly to fit the inside socket, we all smiled to see such a careful Adaaru's manner, then we began to walk down the steps which lighted up by Lady Adda's torch and naturally there were included our headlight too. The wounded priestess walked very smoothly following just after Lady Adda who took the leader role. We soon came to the flattened passage, at the corner, the leader with following other six parties turned to left. But within several seconds, we found out it was a blind alley, furthermore the passage ended in a cliff.
 "It's certainly peculiar, we should be at the artesian well here!"
 Willy showed us his notebook with pointing the place on it. I could recollect the seen when Lady Adda took out the white plaster board from her room, Willy had copied her map at that time. He was looking of that map on his notebook paper all along the way and checked out every main points while I didn't aware of him to do that.
 "You've been well careful boy, it may be useful for us, I think."
 I told straight forward to Willy what I thought about.
 "Ah, well, many thanks, as you do think so, but look at it, now they begin to some work!"
 Lady Adda took out wooden long pole from the side-wall of tunnel and handed it to one of priestess who were standing on the cliff edge, then she began to stretch the pole against another side vertical rocky wall, when the top end of the pole touched hard rocks surface, we knew there laid actually nothing but painted rocks-like awning or texture-reredos, and from the opened rock cave she drew off some rope which was hooked by pole top, then Adaaru in turn took the pole from the priestess and he quickly pulled it toward our side.
 "Would you please pull this rope Kreebu, sir? That board are little heavy for me, sir."
 At the moment touched the rope, Adaaru looked back for us three asking to help.
 "Sure, never mind it !"
 Syd answered soon, and he took the rope from Adaaru's hands for pulling instead.  We could see the wide plank-board coming out from the cave's entrance opened at opposite side, about in a minute it reached our edge and just fitted wall-sides concave. There were carved narrow gutter on both sides of lower part of the tunnel wall, so that we laid a fine bridge that across two edges almost four meters long in size. After confirming the whole party members had come through another cave entrance, Syd tugged the plank-bridge sliding along the carved gutter which made in the setting talc stone by the wall both sides, they seemed to need high masonry work of technique. I had noticed Willy's inference was just true when I walked across the bridge. It was deep dried out old big artesian well what we thought vertical fissure cliff. The lane soon changed again staircase, this new down steps continued little longer than before, some fifty or sixty or so down we passed steps there opened again crossing underground fine tunnel where we could see a curious settings like coal-mine's small carrying truck. 
 "This way lead us to the Royal-Urgent-Annex in the Ziggurat Terrace, sir."
 Lady Adda looked us pointing the truck at eased manner than before in some way.
 "Will you please take the front seat, sir? Again some one must pull the rope, sir."
 Adaaru came to Syd to ask helping, and he walked down to the front seat for explaining how it works. There were setting rope winding wheel that had two middle sized arm handles. Adaaru took both handles with his hand turning the wheel to wind up the rope in it, then the truck moved little foreword.
 "All right, Adaaru, now I know it. I'll move the truck. So, please take the seats everybody!"
 Syd began to get starting, the truck moved on along the tunnel wall at about walking speed, but within five minutes we changed the role, it needed more powers if it winded by single person, so we two Willy and I each took single armed handle to wind the rope, this time much smoothly moved forward. At least within several minutes, we could reach the end of tunnel, all the party members stepped out of the truck, Lady Adda U-turned from the dead end cavity wall and began to walk the way back for nearly two minutes.
 "Here is the blind portal, sir. Now we just climb up to this staircase, that is the end of our trip, so we soon arrive to the Annex, sir."
 She touched the surface of side wall, then there opened the hidden gate, but that staircase was not an usual winding one. It might have been called screw-shaped spiral stairs, that in other words very steep angle, so we were carefully to climb up the stairs step by step, and counted about hundred steps, we got at last standing on the uppermost wide porch.
 "This way, sir."
  Lady Adda opened the door to step in and ushered us to the wide room. The urgent room had unexpectedly not compact simple space as a evacuating aimed considering utility. We
walked through 1st room to the behind door, boy Adaaru and two priestess were left there.
 "Here is En-Priestess, Ina-Ša-šeri, our Kreebu, sir."
 Lady Adda introduced us En-Priestess i.e. Princess Enheduanna, daughter of King Sargon The Great. She was just standing up at the royal seat in front of the side wall ornamented with lacework curtain, and to take a graceful meeting posture by bent her single knee to touch on the floor.  
  "You are welcome, Kreebu, sir. We are longing for you, sir."
  "Please, take the seat, Your Excellency, we come here to protect you, at ease, please."
 Willy answered politely to make her assuring. There were neat but very simple about daily life furniture, and the floor was covered with a carpet from wall to wall, on that carpet four persons were sitting directly, two high priests and two high priestesses.  
 "Would you mind provide a bottle of the divine whey to En-Priestess? I mean that saved life of my attendant, sir."
 Lady Adda entreated Willy an earnest appeal for that little bottle of whey.
 "Surely, please take it, if you wish."
 Willy answered yes instantly. I wondered how many bottles Cellurfle the Abs. gave to Willy at the Neylon Place, anyhow I thanked deeply to the Neylon's divine power in my mind. Lady Adda repeatedly told her grateful then she walked straight to En-Priestess who might be lost vigour or spirit by some reason. Meanwhile, two priestess went out to front room, in exchange another two came walking for us.  
 "Welcome Kreebu, sir. I am Tātu-Nasiḫūtu and this is Aširtu-kakki-Āšibu, both of us at your servant, sir."
 "Never mind about it, never, in any case, I'd like to ask you something, how come you staying so small number here for guard Her Highness."
 "It was too sudden, sir. We had got report yesterday, that everything confused, and got to too many works in a short while, even our master couldn't take nothing from morning."
 "All right, we'll do take care in some way quickly, wait a moment . . ."
 All of a sudden, tremendous great noisy sound exploded just outside of the room and once again big sound trembled the room strong. Instantly, we all ran hurrying to next room, there were just through the nearly broken main doorway many unknown armed soldiers came into before us.
 "Don't shout! Be quiet, if not I'll cut you down to pieces, everybody!" 
 It was commander muma'irru at last to show his hawk-eyes!
 "Where is your master, get hurry, Tātu-Nasiḫūtu?" 
 I was never forget that voice. Next to Muma'irru, there came out the voice of commander's nephew. I remembered his name Gaṣṣi-la-Bābil and he called to the one of high priests with his full name. They knew each other, already.
 "I'll show you the way, she is in the next room, this way, please."
 High Priest Nasiḫūtu walked to behind room leading vice commander following with our enemy soldiers. He opened the behind-door widely, but no one in the royal seat except Lady Adda who was standing in front of the lacework curtain.
 "Where the En-Priestess is? That one is only an attendant of her!"
 Gassi-la-Bābil cried out loudly to the priest.
 "Just a second, please, I know now, where about her place, wait a second!"
 He went to the wall behind the royal seat, then pulled aside the lace curtain. There he opened the secret door and went into there with two or three soldiers. Within a minute, he came out again, but following soldiers caught tightly En-Priestess by the rope.
 "Good, that's it! We've get it!"
 Muma'irru cried out, but that time, Lady Adda stepped out to soldiers and took off the rope end from the soldiers hand.
 "Go get rid of here! She is our Highest En-Priestess!"
 Her dignity clear voice sounded in full room, the soldiers shrank from it, then our two high priestess and another high priest Āšibu came running to there saying loudly about betrayer should be gone to hell, but that crewel la-Bābil was moving more quickly, no more he run to high priest Āšibu than cutting upon priest throat. Everything went on in an instant, I realized in my mind we were too late, when through the Cellerful Ball Syd and Willy told "let us go at once!" They thought same deeds as I imagined. We were soon to take readiness utter-solidarity of three spirits, so we began "extra-defense", at 1st, la-Bābil dropped his crescent saber, at 2nd, Killer the la-Bābil, Muma'irru and Nasiḫūtu the High Priest, all three of them were moved against each others in a sliding form to the wall side, and at 3rd, came them to the final stage. There were not even a cough sound, everything veiled in mist quietly.  All through the stages other armed soldiers just stayed to stand at there place as if their bodies were all frozen, then they began to quiver and trembling to look of their commanders and betrayed priest standing figures turned suddenly upside down that is standing tightly on the head, so then suddenly all the soldiers threw down each of their arms before running away at full speed.
 "Please, at ease, everyone. This is heaven's work, never afraid, please."
 Willy told to our friend sides in his soft manner, and he asked Adaaru some rope. We bound three rogues carefully and laid the bodies beside the wall.
 "Lady Adda, would we help any more about that three traitor?"
 He said her, because of En-Priestess was encircled by all priestesses to treat her shocks.
 "Thank you, Kreebu, sir. Please do not mind about it, garrisons will back soon, and in a day or two, King's strong army may arrive here, sir."
 Lady Adda answered something in a peace of mind with emotionally moistened her eyes of  thankfulness.
 "Lady Adda!" Syd said in a lovely tone, "I would like to ask you about the boy Adaaru, I mean of his future life, if you would."
 We three all had same wish, Syd desired such a fervent request on behalf of two others.
 "He is very clever, sure, of course I will have him future bright. He may soon begin to learn things at one of best Bēt-ṭuppi that is to say edubba at Ur, I promise you, sir."
 We were thanked so much to her and beckoned Adaaru to come closer so as to give him many blessings.
 "I'll work hard at Bēt ṭuppi, and I'll some day make me fine High-Temple scribe, 'cause I'm an only child to be able to see that strong Kreebu, sir. I'll never forget, sir!"
 Then Adaaru led us to the royal seat, there already retrieved Ina-Ša-šer who was just going to take in her emergency royal seat helped softly by Lady Adda.
 "Thank you very much grateful, Kreebu, sir. You give me new life, Kreebu, sir."
 She looked for us with her famous fairly smile in echo sounding tone which was very much alike Lady Adda, while all attendant high priestess knelt down saluting us on the floor.
 Willy told them to wake up in his soft manner, at the time, it happened in an instant, I saw the never forgotten spherical-angle beside the front door wall, there appeared that familiar geometrical changing strange pattern!!
 "Syd! Willy! We've done it! It's Ellcure!"
 My dear two friend faces began to shine. We've got the First Portal!
 "We'll. . . able to. . . meet again. . . my Kreebu sir . . . ?"
 Adaaru's echoed crying voices were all gone away in the glorious dazzling light.


 This time again, I was the first one to get retrieved own consciousness, all the while, there might have been passed unrecognizable quantity of time, still my ordinary neuronal patterns didn’t workclearly, it seemed almost like Ellcure's quick changing geometrical speedy patterns. . .Ellcure?  Oh, yes! Now I could remind the Ellcure's sudden presence, and faintly recalled the ancient Sumerian society. . .that clever little praiseworthy boy Adaaru. . .polite dignified Lady Adda. . . 
 "Where are we now, Al?"
 "You're already retrieved, Al?"
 Willy and Syd, together just got up at the same moment.
 "I don't know where are we now."
 I looked around reflectively, and felt a flabbergast feeling at the scenery.
 "Can you realize this frightful looking, what would you say?"
 "I don't know what to say about this dumbfounded wonder sight."
 Willy was seemed also in much stunned appearance, on the other hand Syd kept looking
cautiously all around the view that might have been stretching widely before his eyes.
 "What a spectacular sight! I can hardly believe such a scene in the world!"
 At last, Syd opened his mouth lively with so stimulated cry.
 "Usual high-rising multistory buildings are having every straight wall lines, but those buildings portrayal are depicting of curved lines, even elliptical or oval curves, furthermore there are ellipsoid silhouette, I can look over there."
 "All right, Syd, you have good eyes. It's all true, so then, how about look up the sky!"
 Willy pointed his finger up above the unknown urban sky, there were several flying objects either big or small without engine's hard sound calmly flying over there.
 "What's on earth! Ah, things here really reversing! they almost have no round-angle, that one over right utterly similar to pyramid that's to say pentahedron or a quadrangular pyramid , other two just like common dodecahedron, and the fourth one is nearly small stellated flying object, additionally our front one make things more confused, that is a toroidal polyhedron. It's a geometric text book!"
 Syd said them smoothly as his favorite specialty.
 "This urbanize area are taking things reverse, streamlines are not at air but on the ground."
 Willy and I were also agreed him. They stayed at there just to cheer up for looking.
 "Well, as you say it, right, but some buildings are looked floating to me."
 Willy saw the town's figure attentively. I looked around, too. We were sitting on the park lawn in the unknown fully arranged modern city. There were many high-rising tall buildings, I couldn't count how many stories they were, they were so much higher that made my neck ached to see top ward of the building, yet the sky was looking very clear, as if the air-space itself shinning, and I didn't find out the sun. I wonder there wasn't any sun. . .?
 "It's coming, at last! That's an flying box, just a regular triangle in one side."
 Suddenly, Syd cried out with his finger pointing in the air right before us. With no sound, a small air vehicle was just coming for us, its figure seemed such as a flying box. It was surely a regular tetrahedron made up with translucent outer constituents, it smoothly touched down, landing in several feet ahead of us on the city park lawn, it soon one side opened, and a pilot walked out through it. The pilot was looked younger than us. Could child control it!
 "You are required to be attending the surveillance board of UGU."
 The pilot told us an order in quiet understandably clear voice, there was nothing childish way, normal talking way of the adult.
 "We'll accept your order, but, let us learn where is this place?"
 Syd said also quietly.
 "Everyone in the UGU know the capital of the central UGU's planet Moy Lepalace, this is the City of Veil Laheiy Louis, and my name is Escerley-203."
 We were followed Escerley-203 to get in the flying regular tetrahedron, inside of it was much more wider than we thought, so we took seat freely behind the pilot still the vacant spaces left there, which might allow another ten more passengers, when I looked around inner space figure, I found out there adopted fully different configuration from outside, there were several single cells consecutively bounded by side-spaces in the form of polytype, they have more than ten surfaces, five vortexes and less than ten edges. It was queer, there might not be any regular tetrahedron with such a multi numbers shape-elements in the three dimensions of space, however, if ever there were one more dimension added, the story would surely get sense, namely as a regular pentachoron alias four dimensional pyramid with a tetrahedral base, that's exactly mean convex 4-polytope (i.e.not polychoron) figure analogue of normal world's tetrahedron. I couldn't hardly believe own eyes, and I concluded it might be optical illusion. But, at the time when I saw the outside of the window, it happened astonishing metamorphosis, there had been already vanished the sharp straight lines of the regular triangle, my eyesight caught the finely curved line of teardrop that sometimes make its shape in part way of glass-work.
 "Don't be frightened, Al! It's a transform of outer side of the continuous-air-space itself, not body's."
 It was Syd. He talked through the Cellerful Ball or BoC
 "All right, now I know it." 
 I saw flashing numerous corpuscles of mica in the teardrop surface's appearance, it would be the reason to make my sensibility of description hallucinated, and at the same time, I realized why the sky of Veil Laheiy Louis was looked so bright. That was the air-space itself had an ability to emit relevant amount of the photon particles or moderated radiation EP beams.
 "BoC has great efficacious in its abilities, boys! I talk it to the Ball of Cellerful, right?"
 It was Willy, he also transmitted his words through that "BoC."
 "I felt some fear about the surveillance board that I touched softly Escerley-203, still his neuronal memory has nothing info definitely, he has ordered only to bring three boys."
 "Oh no, don't do it again, please, Willy! They're all living in such a progressed world!"
 I honestly asked him on the instant, 'cause we would be much cautious about their high quality-control probe.
 "All right then, never, I promise you!"
 Surely he realized it at once.  We always know our ability-efficiency power of solidarity, so as to use it in most necessary moment.
 "We will soon arrive at UGU centre building."
 Escerley-203 told in his quiet tone, in it's fine operating way of control-lever, the Flying Box lightly landed in front of big translucent ellipsoid building.   
 "This is the UGU's centre of Veil Laheiy Louis. The surveillance board is in here."
 We were all stepped out following the young pilot, the plane took automatically off softly after we had left. We were wondered at great size of the building which might include several soccer stadiums and it's ellipsoid revolution blueish surface wasn't a glass but a some kind of metals. The metal-glass? I couldn't make sure that material and not also confirm the top of building. They were too great and too high at every ways.
 "This way, please follow me."
 We followed him and went inside. There was a large entrance hall, various lines printed like icons without arrow on the clean floor, there looked many come and go peoples, still I couldn't see a speck of dust on it. Escerley-203 took choice of one line and we did same, then we knew it a level moving floor escalator. When it came to the centre of the hall, he stepped on the new icon.
 "Now, stand by me, please. We will lift above there."
 Standing on the spot by him side by side, there came down the spherical-cell made from same blueish translucent metal-glass that was shaped the outer figures of building, and it took off up above through the inner space. We counted many stairs one or two hundreds or so, it stopped there. We stepped out in front of the destination room, but Escerley-203 left in it and went down. At the same time the door opened automatically, we could look inside of the wide room which was very much looking like the General Assembly of Earth's UN. Then there came usher boy who again so much alike Escerley-203.
 "This way, please. They are waiting for you."
 Usher boy guided us through the down ward steps to the centre round table, where made like ancient Colosseum or the school's theatre room. We all three were walking down to the central place.
 "You are welcome at our Surveillance Committee Board of the UGU, take the seat, please. Well, yes, I am Meshzellar the Chairman of this Committee." 
 "I am Sydney Auduborn"
 "I am William L Cowiey."
 Syd quickly answered soon after the chairman Meshzellar then Willy continued at once, so, I wanted to follow them, but Meshzellar interrupted me in a soft way.
 "We will listen your names afterward, thank you, boys. The Chairman will expedite to take the proceedings. This time, I should ask you a issued motion which required your identity."
 While listening the chairman's explanation, I looked around the assembly floor. The committee members were about sixties or seventies, all in same grey uniforms with grey unfamiliar hats.
 "please talk your living place before arrived this place as the attendance of this court."
 "I will answer the question, Mr. chairman."
 Syd was standing up right to answer.
 "We come here from the City Ur in an ancient Mesopotamia."
 From whole the Committee Members, I heard something noisy claim like murmurous sounds. The chairman Meshzellar tried to suppress noises by his raised hands.
 "Which planet is that city existing of?"
 "Certainly, the planet called Earth."
 The noisy sounds rose again little harder than before, this time Meshzellar didn't suppress but asked reflectively another question at once.
 "Then tell us what star systems that Earth laying-out? "
 "Earth belongs solar system, surely of course."
 Noisy claiming sounds became more higher than before.
 "Be quiet, every person, please!  All of you, Member of the Committee, would you mind looking the gauge of functional analysis MEG setting at the centre? He talks every truth wards, so we should admit it!"  
 There was a some sort of cubic gauge panel that presents the digital calculating amounts which I didn't notice about it.
 "We need to know our Committee attendants are coming from what star systems."
 The chairmen looked for us three and told that.
 "Yes, we understand Mr. Chairman, I will answer the Committee question instead ."
 Syd performed his role right enough, next might be my turn, so I stood up instead of him.
 "Now I will be to take a role of answering the testimony for the reason why we are here, but now I tell you our native place at first. We are coming here from a primitive civilization such as the science is under developing planet world, so we know little knowledge about your space-time coordinate even not the origin point, that is the true reason whether if you do believe it or not, now then, I will tell you as it is, please listen to me first of all, we have come in your world from a local area Solar system's planet of the Milky Way galaxy in the Virgo Super Cluster that are subsumed of the greater Super Cluster called Laniakea, which have about hundreds of thousands galaxies stretching approximately hundred-sixty mega per sec, with its center lay down a famous gravity anomaly phenomenon so called Great Attractor, but may be dark-phantom energies more powerful. I have told outline of our none traits nearby cluster-groups as a neighborhood, even though I have anymore special features. And in such environments, our three natives are belonging lives to that planet, ah, there are also alias for that planet's name, almost every one of us all call it planet Earth casually, but at some occasions it is said Terra incagnita this is certainly an affectional calling of the Terrae incognitae et incognita in actually . . . "
  At the time, the Committee board is overspreading by so wondered buzzing and murmur of chattering speaks. Their hard noises influenced not only each other members but also spreading whole the room, consequently I ended my answer.
 "We all know accidentally the planet named Terra incagnita what you told right now, but how could you come to the Lepalace Civilization through such a far long distance? Moreover, now we have a local dangerous rebellion element's army, within hyper space of the upper dimensional battles. You have come here through it."
 The Chairman calm down the Committee Board and asked me in very suspicious way, so, I explained whole story, how we left Scilly Archipelago, how we could met Cellurfle the Abstract of Neylon place's superior versatile power, how the Ellcure carried us to the ancient Mesopotamia and then shifted here, on the condition of that given situation, I couldn't even have a affordable to let them in the confidence feeling, nothing to do with their matters I spoke all the things as it is.
 "Prime Leader Meshzellar! I am Elv Ishtenserre the representative of thirteenth stellar district, I put forward a proposal which want to take regular precise analysis on them."
 As I was anticipated, one of the Committee member made out some accused proposal, there I saw another two or three red lighted buttons on the Committee Board seats.
 "We are just conflicting dangerous rebellion, we do not complete our new epoch-making that arsenal research still at present day. I can’t admit such a pipe dreaming story."
 "On behalf of this gauge panel, I mean they are certainly coming from Terra incognita, but you do want to much more?"
 "Of course, yes sir! I need to know the Ellcure's real owner! If it belongs to the rebellion group, it's a new fearful arm against the United Lepalace."
 There are some more red buttons lighted, however the chairman still has kept his quiet atmosphere.
 "Then once more you must take a look of recorded image, please examine precisely, this scene is processed extremely extended the moment of Ellcure's vanishing point, in other words, these show off its display under either atto or zept unit, if it were rebellion's arm, they must open new P.E.P. circuit, that I mean Peri-Epi-Plane passage, without new made-up circuit, there no one go away. Never whole Lepalace space ranges over four dimensions, it
couldn't be vanished. But the Ellcure uses no other phase-space just go out in normal dimension. Within every 360⁰ angle position, there are any sign of hyper dimension's characteristic passage features. It just vanished, as our Committee witness told. We should look at that surface of the sphere more precisely, those turf's, each micro-cyte of cutting turfs stick to sphere face are left on our world but another sphere face side is gone away on the spot."
 "Yes, sir, chairman. I did not see such vanishing in anyway, but, I feel tricks in some way."
 "Let us aware of definite example, you must explain specific cause, not abstracted."
 "For instance, I dare say of the languages. They are able to mutual interaction without use any converting devices. When do not know common native Lepalace language, our dialect, how can they manage communication with us? It is very illogical, do everyone think so?"
 This time, Prime Leader turned around to look at me.
 "Will you explain him to understand the reason why?"
 "Yes sir, chairman. This is our automatic translating probe. I have already told you about that Neylon place's Mr. Cellurfle, we had been presented this translator from him."
 I borrow BoC from Willy and hand it to Prime Leader. 
 "I request instantly to analyze this device at the United Surveillance Research Center, while the Committee Board will take transient suspension about two hours, of which I am received now from the researcher's information, and our witnesses might be under the supervision till the reasonable conclusion we shall receive. Please remember, the time is based on Lepalace Time, Lepalace Conventional Time not on the Universal Coordinate Time, over."
 Even though, Elv Ishtenserre said no more objections smoothly taking off his seat to walk out from the Hall, but, aside of them attitudes, I was very astonished with another usher boy. Again, there was a No.3rd utterly similar figure appearing.
 "I am Pheryel-203, from now on, I am your cooperative member. I am ready for any of your wishful orders within regulation. Now let us go to the rest room, anyway."
 We followed him to the rest room, there was neat relaxed feeling space, fine sofas, nice 3-D game machines, computer like devices such and such. We relaxed on the soft cushion.
 "Will you take some soft drinks or light meal?"
 Pheryel asked for us something to take, then we remembered about nothing had taken for these hours, we told that we would conform fully his offering, and it was not long before we got our stomach content.
 "Thank you so much, for your kindness."
 We told him for fine meals at the same time, because every served his dishes were all tasted very delicious.
 "By the way, I wondered at the Committee members how their knowledge about Terra incagnita have set between them? Do you hear any information to the name?" 
 I could hardly believe it was just true at there, so I asked if Pheryel have any knowledge.
 "Oh, yes, once I heard about it. The man From there is so famous of his high sense of wider sensible spectrum, I have it by hearsay that he has just a normal provincial planet's knowledge before arrived here, but after he have got Lepalace's know-how concerning science, he entered soon to top scientists circle of the UGU Headquarters, and he is now on board first class hyper-space-drive 'G-2' putting C.V. with himself, at the far away space zone for the inspecting mission, there occurred non-precedent rebel outbreak. But this is all I know about."
 "Won't you tell me what the C.V. is, Pheryel?"
 "No, I don't know about it precisely, people said C.V. is so much hi-tech sub brain probe, that's all."
 "All right, I understand. Anyhow, from where did the probe come from?"
 "I know nothing about it. He is just famous belonging Headquarter as a foreigner. There are only several refined elite, even as a non-native, so its make him famous, no more I know."
 "Thank you, Pheryel, I see it, people know little about him in the long run, isn't it?"
 "Yes, every one has his daily own business and especially about Headquarters."
 I thanked him for his help and walked to the sofa thinking deeply that event. Even if he had lived in undeveloped civilization, there wasn't always putting up shutters over their valued science. Mr. Cellurfle once said "within whatever circumstance be your living life sovereignty forced to set, there comes some of results by selector's own will adapted each steps preserving process, that's called one's life itself, it's one step after another in a row which make overlap at any moment if one could look them, that processes themselves we call possible-life, so the process signify the time itself."
 Remembering that of Mr Cellurfle words, something made my feeling little more bravely.
 "Wake up, Al! You've been sleeping!"
 It was Willy. He looked at me worried eyes, might have been thinking I was tired entirely.
 "We are told that Committee Members again all assembled."
 "Roger wilco!  Let's go and clear it out! I'm right up now."
 "Sure of course!"
 Syd answered clearly looking me with his wide opened eyes.
 We walked into the Committee Hall following after usher boy Pheryel, and took each seat.
 "All the Committee Member, I will make the United Surveillance Research Center results public. The result write that there will be no contradictions to the witness attendees both testimonies and send in evidences. This is a formal decision of the UGU Headquarter, all members are able to see the results on your own table's terminal panels."
 The Prime Leader called usher boy Pheryel to handed Willy's BoC asking to take it to me.
 "I assent with the results, Mr Chairman."
 Elv Ishtenserre said to the Prime Leader.
 "Yes I assent that, but from now on, how would you take measure for those attendees?"
 "Take measure something to them? What are you wanting to, mister?"
 "I want them to keep under the Committee Board observation at least."
 "If you have any legal grounds, please be opened here?"
 "We have now rebellion, they are surely far off zones, but when think once their dangerous nature, we must always take care strongly, about them we shall impose a month at least."
 About his new motion, the Committee was thrown into the disagreements for a while, still then, through last several arguments had come to an end and the right of decision clearly handed to the chairman as a settling after all.
 "Now we will take a vote to make decision about if this Committee put on attendees one month long observation that may well to say necessity or not-necessity."
 After all the votes are split, so we were taking to put on under the Committee's observation, but that required only two conditions, one was attaching GPS all the ways and another was just accompany a escort Lieyntz whose name and figure were so similar to 203 series of Escerley or Pheryel, id est he also had 203 namesake too.
 "I will follow you anywhere you will want to go, anyway in the first place, how about we shall go to our appointed living place, shall we?"
 Lieyntz was very fine and clear lively being. He led a party of boys to so called living room which belongs to the Union Building more higher than the Hall stair, the room was by far gorgeous than we once rested with Escerley have four bedrooms with bus tub. It was good spaced neat living room, furthermore there came a housemaid to ask for any order.
 "Are there a map here? "
 Willy said to Lieyntz after a cup of ginger ail like cool drinks and takes some of cakes, while Syd and I were talking about futures.
 "Yes, here we have many, Willy. Which do you like to see books or screen?"
 Of course Willy select panels so he was much accustomed by our favorite Google Earth when staying over there.
 "Clear by, it’s alright ! I'll show one."
 Following the operation on the wall touch panel, the large screen came down from the ceiling. He began to explain earnestly of his world on that big screen. So, after all, we decided deeply to listen to the explanation on a big screen according to what he says, and we gathered around him for listening diligently.
 "Could we go up to out surface of the planet?"
 May be after Willy contented enough his interesting with map of Veil Laheiy Louis, and outer surfaces where the scenery was very beautiful, by our optical illusion, we thought as if we were on hiking somewhere in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Then Willy asked him about his escorting limit, admitted even such as over surface world, there scenery looked in such a yearning sea-landscape.
 "I might have been explaining you may be able to go anywhere, in the first place, you'd like to."
 Willy jumped up with his either hands above his head as he showed us his shining smile.
 "How so excited Willy, tell it to me!"
 Syd called out laughing.
 "Well, well Syd, now we know the city is in the underworld, at first Al said the sky itself get  shining. Nothing changes, we can find out Lepalace have its own vast pleasant outer world. Won't you like to see there, I'd eagerly to do."
 "That's wonderful! You didn't know whether might we be to want there or not, oh, yes he let us know what we'll do it! Thank you, Lieyntz!"
  Next morning we went suburban space terminal, there Lieyntz made advance booking to hire a smart rent-a-rocket, it seemed to me everything at free in the city. Already I asked Willy's hope to be extended for a while, so we take a returning flight to the city and Lieyntz guided us to the census number management department. There was in a same building where we were asked many things yesterday as a Committee's surveillance.
 "Welcome to the censor-archive section."
 At the management office the most former seated agent welcomed me.
 "I have heard that people who lived in Lepalace and also the people of whom nothing less than once here are all registered at the section."
 "Yes, it is, but it can be divided into many part and division by depending on archives."
 "I want to know about the man from Terra incagnita."
 "Person from Terra incagnita, please wait a little, please."
  After operating the equipment in front of a agent, then he consulted several minutes with the side panels and after some talking, then he saw me, at last
 "This subject is under jurisdiction of UGU Special Committee. Please contact to executive
committee or a Chief of Committee and you can use that terminal."
 He directed Lieyntz's equipment, and that 'converter of No. 203, it's all right, you'll may well take contact with Meshzellar the Chief of the Committee' then I did as agent told, in any case,  permission with contact with Prime Leader was easily accepted.
 The Chief himself carried out all such a complex treatment, afterwards I just went to the Special Committee Department.
 "What's the purpose, Al?"
 Syd asked me through BoC.
 "It is just a first step of the way to the portal, but it is still secret now."
  I had a certain amount of sure to success. To the special department in another building, we could arrive extremely smooth and comfortably than I thought on that complicated  passages. Unlike the others, the guard of the special department was so strict that I was explained them many times at each question. At first, scan-panel of the gate Lieyntz ordered to stay out there, but we three were each given 'pass card' by auto-teller who said 'please up to 190th floor, cube-lift will take you in a minute, thank you, sir.'
 So, teller told true, we were soon able to got up the special committee, I counted the floor number while cube-lift used time to get 190th floor. I thought, by my count, today's 190 was much lesser than yesterday experienced time, that Committee Court might be at much higher floor, but after we got on today's floor, we must three times to show our pass card, in other word, we were asked to need pass through three gates to meet our purpose key person called highest agent of special committee.
 "Welcome to the Central Technical Committee."
 A tall woman who dressed in a dark blue uniform said a greeting message, the voice came from behind of the hall where she had come out. The room was much wider than we were called on yesterday's court, and many colour display of various size in the form of ellipsoid hanging nearly high up the ceiling was seen here and there.
 "I am a member of this place, just call me Elseine, are you a visitor from the Earth, aren't you?"
 "Yes, Ms Elseine, that's right."
 "Well, please come after me."
 However, I was concerned with the ellipsoidal indicator-screen that sparkling with the various colors, they were hanging up over head, I couldn’t reckon no matter how their function might be, they looked just like extending the globe vertically.
 "Those are sort of graphic monitor that show the information from the communication equipment installed on the space transition machines and their current positions. The problem of intergalactic conflict is the jurisdiction of the Federation General Meeting, in terms of expertise, here we directly contact with responsibility."
 "I have a question about the earthling persona on board the UGU integrated command space shifting potential machine G2."
 "Alnylam J. Allansh senior who is commonly referred to as AA, what d'you want to know?"
 "What I want to know is his learning process at Lepalace."
 "Let's wait a moment, I will be ordering the records."
 "AA is learning the Lepalace civilization in a special form. This means that he was already at a certain intellectual level. Also, AA is wearing a special converter, which is not allowed by members of the α class, it can be said to be a kind of sub-brain or by-perception."
 She was to take once breathing space.
"Although it can be said to be a kind of perceptual intensifier, it is exclusively used for individuals, and it does not conform to any other person, it fits only just he himself."
 "You mean he is attached to the another type of the population that I saw as each living individual, after all, there lies much difference around the originally conformed mechanism."
 "Do you mean some of those living beings with symbols? But how did you understand, it belong to our biological superior tech's artificial effect."
 "Observational results, mom, they do not have learning records and they had by nature of
current knowledge. I surely admire Lepalace have deeply high faculties."
 "Thanks, but what your hope is ?"
 "I do not mind being as much as AA, just I would like to learn the knowledge of Lepalace by all means if possible. Please, think about if you have 8 billion people on a primitive planet, and most of them undeveloped, such an our world. I wonder what percentage is happy to live there, perhaps 20% or 30% or the like, I would like reform some leader's central neural constituent as possible to create there the normal peaceful environment in near future."
 I did not realize actual circumstance, I thought Ms. Elseine could perform the possibility of learning here, but the result is still very hard and tough, even international student of the UGU member federation is the only one nominee student at present time. It was requested by the unanimous approval by the highest committee that was difficult so far. She had an opinion in favor of a young person with whom personally had learning motivation, but the conclusion ended at the submission of a petition.
 "The time has already passed since our planet had acquired civilization for 650,000 years ago and now most of the fields are in charge of the artificial lives. There are only 35% of pure LP in being. It is very happy to know active motivation like you, especially such as your situation. More and more I will appeal to the leaders. I myself shall gather the signatures of your purpose. Please expect it. And if you have any different request, you will come here with new card I hand you now and ask me at anytime over anything."
 "Yes Ms. Elseine, I wish your support by all means."
 After visiting central offices, again we go to the suburban space port, where waited compact air vehicle already Lienytz hired, that had a magneto-electronic propulsion reactor.
 "There are three wide tube formed spaces as the upward passage. Its grade are ordered by the scale of a space ship power sequence, we'll take most left-hand pass-space, ours are smallest one in size and power as you looked already, because we'll go there just trip around the surface and having not schedule higher space above there."
 He was always to keep that memories of the Committee orders.
 "How many time need to there from the under city?"
 Syd asked.
 "It needs about eight to ten minutes."
 "So the depth of crustal structure is very thick, isn't it?"
 "Oh, not so deep, this type of the vehicle speed are not faster under twelve hundred Km/h within the normal height of the planet surface and under in every UGU's. The city zone level to the surface distance is approximately in two hundred Km average now, in the old days there were more two units deeper but nowadays alloy-metal-tech is highly available procedure, including most depth city there’s completely made by perfectly refined alloys."
 "Then it's far more safety to the earthquake ?."
 "Excuse me? What's that earthquake? Is there any other danger element than celestial threatening?"
 Lieyntz asked such a strange question. However, the word earthquake was the beginning. The difference of overwhelming civilization about the each planet was now revealed.   Lepalace was not a natural planet but a composite body. On the other hand, the outline of that celestial body roughly alike to that of ours, little by little there were many more other things coming to clear from the detailed explanation over various aspects by the words of Lienytz, even it was quite mysterious that numerical values, so much similar to our planet. The equator radius is about 6,400 Km, the planet's average density is about 5.6 g per cubic cm, and the escape speed is 11.2 Km/s. Moreover there were rivers, lakes and oceans in order to maintain the energy distribution efficiency from the main star in properly, the hydrosphere area was about 70%. The equatorial inclination angle and the oblateness were also similar, but much more interesting phenomenon was the atmospheric matters composition, which is nearly nitrogen of 78%, oxygen's 21% and carbon dioxide 0.03%. So, the afterwards very few matters were rare gases with mainly composite by argon. And there was only one tidal locked satellite which so resembling the Earth's moon that is a radius of about 1,740 Km, average density is about 3.4 g per cubic centimeter, and equatorial gravity is also similar to that of ours in the total mass ratio such as 17% to the main planet Lepalace.
 "Knowing this atmospheric constituent, I understand why the ground landscape is beautiful for some reason."
 Willy was deeply moved and said it, so I wondered how he will tell same words to the sky when we are getting on above world, where he'll be going to look white floating cloud in the beautiful blue sky and would ask me about the light scattering phenomenon “white one is the Mie and the Reyleigh for blue, I've been just forgotten precisely about it!”
 "At any rate, I think Lepalace civilization may be top level of the universe, at least present time. Moy Lepalace did make up the structure utterly similar environmental composition compare with ours. Their result of selection is what we call Earth, that's the answer. Our mother planet is the best one! We all love it, let no one might pollute it, I hope every human being should try to keep the clean Earth forever."
 Yes, sure, Willy told righteous truth. If there are each galaxy representing for the approx. average number of 300~400 billion stars, and there are about over the double number of galaxies in the whole universe, roughly 1.5~2.5 trillion galaxies may be existed in the form of queer entangled strings in the darkened vast space, among those big number even there might be few habitable planets scattered at somewhere inside of them, perhaps the blue sky and the sea may have planets less than 4q(10)¹¹%(q indicate 'galaxy star number ratio') of each galaxy or much more lesser. Although the earth is absolutely valuable star, is there certainly with any strong consciousness that people will definitely protect the Earth that is firm? Enhancement of union like UN which should stop the any type of war as well as it must have obligation to endlessly increase population, or whole control on energy acquisition never to rely upon either fission or fusion by means of nuke as the resource usage, and try to make the aggressive advancement of academic situations for advanced science seriously and especially those considerable hi-level-learning now existing in progressed world, unless the whole planet culture area could ever be to avoid extinction, or it might be back to the Stone Age. These were the words said by Mr. Cellurfle, but, since we were in the midst of a tremendously wonder civilization at present, we should make an effort to assimilate some or full-way with its knowledge here.
 "Ah, Mr. Lienytz, where are the education facilities of the children, parents, or done with?"
"There is a technical association belonging to the special branch in Veil Laheiy Louis, and there are specialists in all fields, so there is no school to educate 'schoolie' "
 "Is each owner of the expertise, I mean they are already accomplished from the first? "
 "Yes, there are things I know about and the others I don't know."
 Of course Lienytz explained in a strange way of saying. According to him, the number code after the name also has meaning, and by that number people could recognize the expertise of the owner. Also, it was said that departments in the highest conference are managing all symbols.
 "However, not all Lepalace inhabitants are numbered, perhaps 35% is unnumbered."
I wondered that queer 35% why, but couldn't find out what it means, so I just softly putting it inside my chest as a special memory.
 At the time when we left the space base, Lienytz told us, it was via the leftmost No.3 pathway, but there were almost nothing distinctive difference between the passing aisle space and as for the ascending track space as well, there were veiling whole through in clear bright light, and the air-route itself was never as narrow as he said, and it was rather difficult to find the difference from normal space.
 "Splendid! It's wonderful! It's almost Cornwall. There are rural, hilly idyllic country area landscapes, and over there, look at that blue beach and the white sands, oh a quiet fishery village and, and . . ." 
 Willy cried out at the instance, surely there were as he showed it was.
 "Are there any living peoples over here?"
 Willy asked during looked around everywhere on the ground scenery.
 "Yes, about eleven per cent are lived around surface area."
 "I see, but more people must be lived here."
 "How many numbers are they?"
 "It's about 20 million people, because there are about 200 million people at all in whole planet of Moy Lepalace."
 I was surprised because it operates a global planet like this only with about 200 million people. It is 1/40 of ours, which couldn't comparable absolute values. If it was think normally, it was not a number in the developed cultural zone, there might highly sophisticated optimization program had been developed and implemented.
 "It’s just above the city of Veil Laheiy Louis, I’ll be gonna as far as possible, please tell me  your wish or hope for the destination."
Just under the vehicle, the shinning river flowed around gentle hill countryside, when Lieyntz told that. I was looking at the surface of the ground, the farmhouse with white walls was scattered as a pointed accent, a flock of sheep glared and disappeared from the meadow, and the mountain ranges were hazy in the distance.
 "Please, continue flying as it is, we are now feeling so great mood, but I can't believe every looking are made artificially. All of the people here are all genius artists."
 "Roger, sir, but from now on there will be a connection between a deep canyons and high alpines."
 Lienytz took the rocket-vehicle on the higher course, at same time it got to speed up. 
 "We will soon exceed them, then the way to go will eventually enter the vast plains." 
 Soon arrived the peaceful vast plain beyond the mountain ranged area, the plain continued  to a sun light sparkling ocean. Suddenly, at this time, I saw a terribly quirky building. It was far unlike a modern sight of the underground city, and very different way to that peaceful country scene, it was a never believable structure, really it was impossible.
 "Look at that!"
 I called for everyone. Both Syd and Willy looked at the way I pointed cried out a surprise comment. It was understandable at a glance that it might originate to the Earth in natural. It was entirely a same church at any villages, towns and cities on the Earth.
 "That is an individual possession, but I think that you can look the inside of it, if you ask. Would you like to go down to the ground?"
 Lienytz landed the rent-a-rocket to the nearby meadow. The church was built on the rock that cut opened the deep forest. I didn't know what's what, but no matter how it looked so much alike Western Gothic church architecture, it was very similar to the Northern France Amiens Great Cathedral which everyone knows.
 "Mr. V. L. Louis known as a descendant of the Lepalace capital the City Veil Laheiy Louis builder who lives here. He is the Ex-Prime Leader who is now coming from the front door."
 We got out of the rent-a-rocket and went up the steps engraved on the rock, Lieyntz stayed in the pilot seat.
 "How do you do Mr. Veil Laheiy Louis."
 We all together said hello to him.
 "We are visitors from the Earth."
 "What did you say? Ah! From the Earth! It's probably of my misunderstanding, isn't it?"
 "It's is no doubt, genuine, sir. We are young adults of the Earth."
 We nodded together. He had a good physique, great white cheek whiskers was clearly similar to Uncle Jacob, it gave me a close feeling of familiar mood.
 "Well, well, I understand. Come on up boys, here let's go, in the front."
Mr. Louis invited us easily. When we stood at the top of the rock steps, we walked across  the garden to the front façade. The exterior is a large-scale Gothic building with outer walls made of somewhat grayish white stones, keeping the fascination mood with the medieval grave façade correctly, a beautiful rose window of a high position to look up Basilica style we entered a Narthex, to the wide Nave hall, where sided Colonnades Aisles of the structure. The floor was all stunning lapis lazuli finishing. It was probably at least 60 meters to the Ribbed-Vault that forms much higher ceiling of Nave which was about over 40 meters in the Nave of the actual Amiens Cathedral, so if it were to build as a hobby, there was too much to devoted working. In addition, all of the each pillars of the colonnade were made of finely polished snowflake marbles, and it was a wonderful expression by computation calculated figure perspective method to distant Choir. I was overwhelmed by this.
 "Oh! Wonderful. But how did you choose such a way of architecture of the Earth?"
 "Well, it's not me but a visitor from the Earth, it's just too beautiful that I just wished to live with what he designed and finished, it was perfect for my hobby. It was OK for easy."
 Although Mr Louis talked about variously while walking, the most surprised wonder among them was the span of the Lepalace people's living term, for about 800y or 900y are in our Old Testament, but theirs are on no account comparable numbers, such as 300, or 400 thousands years, those numbers were far beyond another world story for us. It was no reality in these accounts.
 "A.A. declined our recommendation, but only peculiar CV device was delightfully received." According to Mr. Louis, that Mr. A.A. knew the direct cause of the intergalactic conflict and promised cooperation when asked for it, A.A, handled biological life extensions for just 100 years in some circumstances, but it would seem to refuse immortality one’s.
 "The way he thinks very similar to us, especially in conception of self-management."
 A.A. had interest just only the consecutive terms of Lepalace civilization rather than the level of it, he was attracted by the fact that the civilization maintained for a long time stages.
 Lepalace people are naturally tending to cherish their careers, especially ethical view, and thoroughly clarified the distinction between right and wrong. For that reason, they arranged measures in advance to prepare for some cases, such as having mental problems or having defects in the central nervous system. Almost whole people had their self-alarm system in the form of a sub-brain, in short, there laid the ultimate criteria of which they certainly wanted to keep, therefore they were well aware of that, because it’s an absolutely inoperable about own memories and took fully precautious never to happen mistaken acting such an immoral deed due to their long life term, that the central neural network’s latent disorder might always be in unexpected ambiguous state and, they recognized sufficiently the life without an impulse deed, eventually, at the same time realized one’s memories never to reform by the 'brain manipulating.' 
 "He indicate our immigration history, we read his research record and had gotten great embarrassment. As a result, a number exceeding 2.5 million people went out to a immigration with a frontier spirit, but in the end, survivors of them only a little over 10% were found, not only that they were lived in a very poor environment. It was better if stayed at Iron Age, mostly survived at Paleolithic Era. A.A. was highly appreciating Lepalace's self-control device, nevertheless, he searched for reasons such as immigration failure or rebellious appearance and reported it without contradiction.
 "There was a big controversy about how outer galactic scale trouble that was actually started by only one creature, what is worse, the person was Lepalace administration’s relative one, so about that reason, why such a persona had appeared, I felt I was the responsible person who sent out a criminal, for what I had done I apologized to everyone, and left the job, but then I met A.A. by chance, I heard the theory from him, and I was able to break my inner persecuted annoyance by A.A."
  We almost passed through behind the Nave and were stepping into the Choir. But why did A.A. choose the special type of this Western Gothic specimen church? He might be wanted to leave Earth typical figure, I thought, because there I couldn't see inner elaborated artifice decorations with religiously maniac curio or antique, and Choir seemed to use the studying room, but Apse was likely used as a work room there were lot of computers with equipment  lined up by the polished ebony wall. In the ambulatory, the radiating chapel was already the doorway of the passage to the backyard, and when walked out at the back yard, the three narrow paths following each door extended into the deep woods. However, only the middle road ended at neat middle sized building stood at the edge of the birches and fir trees. That structure also stood on the hard rocks. 
 "Come on in, I'll show you a strange room."
 Mr. Louis opened the door. There were many rooms inside, we walked through four or five rooms they were all very clean and tidy, then we were at the some wide laboratory. It looked like physical-chemistry room, but otherwise there were many gauges setting here and there almost like lent-a-rocket's cockpit. We three took seat side by side behind Mr. Louis.
 "Now, let's start. I would like to see you strange phenomenon, please look it cautiously."
 We watched with interested feeling as to what would start. When the lighting of the room got a bit darker, the front three panels went out forward, then the two left and right panels moved to take angle and changed their direction perpendicular against front panel, so looking from the front, just as if it’s removed one piece of panel from the box. I imagined to feel the scent of ozone which occurred in a valley where hydroelectric power plant settled, at the moment one projection image resembling a hologram was generated in the center of the room. However, unlike the holographic effect, the collection of those project rays shaped a bipedalism morph of figure. Surprisingly, that human formed figure moved advances in space, he greeted Mr Louis with greeting words. Furthermoer, he put his feet on the floor and stood up there.
 "How do you do Dr. Veil Laheiy Louis. How are you doing, who are these three young persons?"
 "They are the visitors from far away planet called the Earth which name you may know it already. If it has no error in the UGU's record, they are the visitors beyond dimensions, it should be called a space-time travelers."
 "Howdy everyone! I'm TTL-102, just call me TTL, it's alright. By this time, I'll be reunited with guests from the Earth, so we are going to be the fourth person in this."
 He came walking for us and shook hands with each one. It was neither warm nor cold, and nothing different sensuous with ordinary living things.
 "TTL is the only one in Lepalace civilization that can transpose into a different dimension phase loops of PEP, that is Peri-Epi-Plane. Usually, only the transition body can arbitrarily define the spatial dimensions, but owing to he himself is an energy body, so each phase plane he can set the passage as his desired of the boundary surface, and his efficient memory capacity and processing speed are extremely fast one."
 "He is living computer, isn't he!"
 Syd talked reflectively.
 "Well, we might solve our problem, too."
 "But, if the motive does not satisfy the conditions, he wouldn't get the right to perform it, that is the purpose of UGU always pursue its prosperity at first, in spite of the given condition,  you have plenty of potential inquiry skill in latent divine possibilities, it might compromise whole condition. In addition to, Ellcure has ability of beyond the general physical laws in the universe. So we happen to have a combination of Ellcure and TTL forces, there will easily be able to hold down the anti-Galactic Union's rebellion in the 13th space region.
 "Though our Ellcure is impossible to control."
 Syd told back as his thought.
 "I don't think we have to worry about it. I can control, the prediction of appearance will be notified to me before it appears even a bit earlier, I will calculate it immediately and will show the results. Meshzellar has already received notification of predictive transmission."
 "Eh!? Are you aware of we will be coming here today?"
 Willy was surprised and asked, surely Syd and I were the same. What is it all about? It is quite a mystery. It was Willy's thought at the city of Veil Laheiy Louis and none of other person knew us to come here. Then from the sky I happened to look Western Gothic Church on the prairie.
 In Lepalace's estimation logic, it is certain that the condition is already satisfied.
 "Did you understand it already, are you fast adapting?"
 Syd had learned enough psycho-physics at the Neylon place."
 "Dr Louis! there still problem left, I think."
 "Tell us it, Syd, please."
 "I don't care anything about TTL's procedures. However, the real hard one is Ellcure itself really the true genuine nature, all I know about it, it's basically free to move. No one couldn't control it. It has hyper ability far over normal sense."
 "Yes, we all understand it well, Ellcure surely have genuine ability. That's right. And same thing we admit at TTL. Don't worry about it, Syd."
 Learning after every Ellcure abilities, we anyway believe them. They are of the Lepalece civilization. Above all, their object was just much like us 'peace', universal peace. So, we had determined to do with them. I thought it might be a key point to meet the Earth man AA,
he would have an answer to the portals we expected. 
 "Well everybody, then, we are leaving, anyway."
 Dr. Louis stood up at first and left the room. We picked the leftmost one out of the three lane and went into the fir and birch forest. Another side of the forest, there were fine spaceship air-port, thick tall trees shaded from the outside view, so we couldn't realize a vast departure base in the near by forest.
"It's coming down a space ship over there!"
Syd was looking up the sky. I also could see a huge aircraft descending from the sky without sound.
 "That is our relay machine up to the ‘Space-Shiftor’, not the usual shifter staying orbit."
 Dr. Louis pointed at landing great machine.
 "That is, it takes us to the Lissajous orbit, up there our PEP Space Transfer Machine is waiting, we just call it 'Shiftor', because it’s so huge that we can’t touch down to the planet ground. Oh yes, some information come in, it's a message from the Supreme Committee, saying the monitoring period for you three was lifted off, and there was also a message from Lienytz who told to return to the city."
 When the spacecraft, the lifting aircraft landed, Mr Louis first took on board and next we followed, it's inside was a deluxe designed, there was almost the same as a regular spaceship, and a large cockpit is lined with numerous instruments. In the center front, the spherical Navigator was categorized by lights of various color shades. 
 "Well, all of you, please go to each seat, you can have any seat that's alright, but please fix the body with the belt when you take on the seat."
 TTL also took the seat next to Dr Louis who was standing in the central cockpit.
 "Since it takes a gravitational load due to acceleration for a while, we have to rely on the absorption capacity of the seat, well, it's only a few minutes."
 We three sat in front of the center screen. The machine went ascending in the planet Moy Lepalace's atmosphere, but I did not feel a big G power in particular.
 "Won't you see it ? TTL completed his calculation and made one solution, that screen expresses the map of his answer."
 Unexpectedly, a large 3-dimensional display came down from the top and lay at the right side of the room. Unlike UGU's ellipsoidal display method, the Dr Louis's indication form was not only spherical with but also completely transparent 3-D map, the latitude and longitude lines were only gray, others were full in color of each spectrum, so many super-galactic clusters alike DNA fibers in the liquid solution, or like diluted thin liquid of scattered cellulose fibres on a process of paper-mill, finely floated in the randomized block. There were not only stars but other celestial materials such as interstellar various clouds were also sharp in color , that's why they were emitting their own spectral lines with various light waves, just like pleasant dreamy land.
 "The brightest spot light at the center is the mother star Steaola of Lepalace id est the origin of this coordinate."
 TTL began to explain in its place.
 "After all, the next point I want to talk about is another light spot, now it is shown as a red pointer, oh well, it comes out, that red point space-region, it's the goal of our this time transition."
 "How's that, do we travel in the space!?"
 Syd asked in a frightened way.
 "Yes, right. It's a journey of the hyper space, we don't shift through the normal space. Our space Shiftor just slide PEP. There are guaranteed much higher quality of security when compared to normal space, and it's the transition between the coordinates of the fixed cosmic space like this time we had just now done in a very short time, the degree of risk is naturally almost nothing."
 He continued explanation.
 "That is, the result of TTL calculated every itinerary precise course, but it occurred as a specific phenomenon in there space zone, and then, Ellcure encounters with us?"
 "Yes, 'δ13A05K22' is in the last target point. However, before we reach there it must definitely pass through five specific points. Supposedly, when we thinking, A is 1st, B is 2nd, and C is 3rd. The 2nd does not appear unless we passes through 1st, and it is also meaning that 3rd will occur after we do pass through the 2nd. Besides, even if the first one will be conquered by the optimum act, still the next may never get advantageous. This case is clearly discrete, it is never continuous. Each time is surely independent. In addition, as the conditions, 4th and 5th must always be followed, therefore, we will get to 'δ13A05K22' through after 4th and 5th."
 "But, as they are different from chess game, the prediction is very difficult, I think. It is almost impossible."
 "In ordinary cases it is true that you are utterly right, but this time it's little different. We did try best, we'd worked with full of our power. This is much different from ordinary case. While the first goal point, we must pass by huge filament where the BK current flows, that is the extreme point where proton synchrotron radiation is excessive, but we might be to pass safely, there TTL will never run a risk by his superior accurate calculation. . . "
 While listening to Dr Louis's explanation, I was thinking about the difference of civilizations. The difference between the 21st one in of Earth and about that Mesopotamian era, and then of the difference between Lepalace and ours. How much will this gap of civilization level be filled by education in Lepalace? In addition to collision with other celestial objects, we have a huge magma plumes inner side of crustal structure as a form of high heated liquid, not only those menace there in order to the difference of basic recognition, people on the non infinite size planet, divided the planetary sphere into so many districts named nation and pursuing only their own nation’s interests. But would be at some other day, living of developed shut things on that globular point in the vast universe get up on the sudden moment, and that time those open eyed beings understand the meaning of the educations, the population control meaning, the large ethnic transfer movement managing superior level of knowledge, and would be open the civilizations competitions, not the tech of devices for both civil and international wars, then the true significance of peace will be conscious and encourage just to improve civilization? Such thoughts continued endlessly as if I never knew where to stop. . .


 There might had been extremely hard stimulus sequences with me that various fastened feeling like an incoherent latch-string trial made my nerves exhausted, then I fell asleep and went to the land of queer dream from where we couldn't have been to get returned as yet, however, we were of all staying at the Tube station in the Great City. I didn't remember anything about being back to the Earth, and now we were consulting about to go somewhere at Maida Vale station of the Bakerloo line.
 "But if that is it, all the conditions will not be satisfied, some of discrepancy will come out in the last part."
 Syd said to Willy in a worried way.
  "Oh, yes, you also think so, too."
 Willy answered in little shaky confidence brisk voice.
 "Anyway, to begin with, we'll start soon to go to Dagenham East, this subject haven’t so many restriction, I think."
 "Yes, you are right. There are only three ways to go that station, when taking Central and Jubilee are each twice transfer, and Bakerloo is only one, but both time and distance may be different."
 "I see, those distances will be changed in the end. I mean it must be plus waiting time, in any case, transit time added also. So, it will be a hassle, won't you explain it concretely."
 "Yup, I'll explain from the case of riding a next train arriving in 2 minutes, from now on I will express just 'м.'instead minutes. First of all, in a two-way transfer case, (1) 12 м. to Oxford Circus via Bakerloo line, 6 м. use at there to transfer for via Central line to Mile End, we will arrival after 15 м., here must wait for 7 м. to transfer for District line to Dagenham East, its run time take 26 м., then the total distance is 27.1 Km, total time is 66 м. , (2) 8 м. to Baker Street by Bakerloo line, 3 м. use to transfer for Jubilee line to West Ham, 10 м. use to transfer for District line to the destination arrival after 20 м., it's total 30.4 Km in 66 м. , (3) 17 м. to Embankment by Bakerloo line, 10 м. use to transfer for District line to destination arrival after 46 м., it's total 27.6 Km in 73 м., that's all of them."
 Willy and Syd had calculated something enthusiastically, it seems that relating the graph theory involved. They told about that famous mathematician Leonhard Euler and related theme such as Königsberg's seven bridge problem or discrete matroid or so forth, then again discrete mathematics theories, dual transformation or Markov state or ergodic state and so on unfamiliar words were exchanged in such context. However, if they think connected line of each adjacent two stations as a edge and every station as a vertex, there may be made up some graph in the consideration. But, nothing is more valuable than the railway route Map of Mr. Henry Charles Beck. He wrote the public network of transportation map just using 3-form of lines which are straight x, y-axis line and 45° oblique line only, even not math specialist, his invention is the one of best thing in the world, I think.
 "At any rate, first qualification is the ratio to the time effectiveness against distance, there must be the (2). Let's take (2) and we'll go to Bakerloo, then we transfer for Jubilee line."
 "Yes, right, now just the train coming!  But, when d'you think the next instructions arrive?"   "Here, I've got it. The next designation is to shake the electronic dice on the micro panel and to match the eyes with the random number table, probably either Seven Sisters or Blackhorse Road, I imagine. Now, hurry to get on to ride, still we'll investigate it after that."   Three of us got into the train from the door opened in front of us. But we were four, not three at all. The fourth person was Lieyntz who had 203 symbol code. He performed as the rocket pilot to Dr. Louis's research center on the upper world. But neither Willy nor Syd hadn't said a single word of greeting to Lienytz and me, even though as we sat on the train seat side by side.
 "Well, well, there was an accompanying another condition, so it's obscure unless the over-ground-line could be specified in the second movement, that direction may not come until we arrived at Dagenham East station. Oh, then one more thing become clear, our next destination is Blackhorse Road station."
 "In other words, it depends on the potential process, or it means that the next possibility may change greatly in accordance with circumstance."
 "That's right, if the Goblin line can be used from Barking station, the result will be different at all and we'll have much margin against the rest of the conditions."
 "Yes, if it's able to via overground, we can go to Blackhorse road in 18 minutes from Barking, however, at any rate it's limited subway only, there are four ways to get there, however it must be required three times as to the time scale."
 "Anyway, can you tell me the four different ways?"
 "Sure, at first, (1) turn back to the Mile End by the District line, transfer at there via Central line to Oxford circus, then change for the Victoria line to go to the appointed station of  Blackhorse Road.  (2) in this case also uses District line to Bank & Monument and transfer at there via Northern line to King's Cross St. Pancras tube-station, then change line there for Victoria's to the destination. (3)  at first, similar way to return to West Ham station and here to take the Jubilee line go to Green Park station, there change line for Victoria to the settled.
(4) return to Bow Road station, at this station transfer for Hammersmith & City line and via this line to the King's Cross St. Pancras tube-station, then similar in (2) case to go to the destination. Well, as a result, these 4-way variations calculated, for the distance, i.e. equivalence to the quantity of the time in the graph theory, with each way are (1) is 73 м., (2) and (3) are the same 79 м. respectively, (4) is 77 м.,that's all."
 "Won't you think it's something like a peculiar quiz?  And it's very complicated, every individual action is independent, it seems that each process is submitting a condition for each process, just as if someone anticipate something and respond to changes in such a enigmatic event."
 "yes, I think so too, it's way of issued requirement unusual. It seems like that the high-speed computer is predicting optimal corresponding behavior, as if the quantum calculator is moving in units of Q-bits."
 "In any case it's thoroughly complicated. I imagine it may be that we are in charge of a heavy importance, but when we think about serious matters in the subway might come in the result just the simultaneous multiple terrorism of the other day only, if there might be recurrence of the incident, it probably too much tough to stop alike such a case for us."
 "Sure it is. We couldn't be able to get rid of such violent militants who have been trained with hard military fighting, yet, it will be no recurrence of terrorism at this time, it is the time of the most vigilant period for them, not right now, isn't it?"
 "Therefore they may plan it, terrorists would have their reversal manner of terrorism tactical, you may think of behind the scenes, consequently if it will come to the true, how we can do for it! We don't have any weapons and no experience of combat."
  "If the terrorist planned, it would be a mass bombing, we should absolutely stop it in any way. Certainly, but, remember we have Cellurfle Ball that is BoC. We strongly acknowledge BoC have super power, and so we could help Lady Adda, Princess and Adaaru the clever from army of Muma'irru. We made that undefeated army ruined, but it is unknown whether if that horrible thing will truly happen or not."
 Willy and Syd continued conversation all the while as if they couldn't see us at all.
 "Can you realize that they do not recognize us?"
 Suddenly, Rienytz asked me.
 "Ah, oh, what's for all that?"
 "There might have happened some trouble occurred such as space-time phase or dimensional error, and couldn't find out what causes are there, as a result we are not in the same interactive dimension. I have reported this situation to the center, it may be soon recovering to utilized phase and dimension."
 Even though I didn't understand what Rienytz meaning, still I could learn two of them, both Willy and Syd did not be able to saw us. 
 "What is the Home Office of the Government of UK?"
 To my surprise, he issued a question about the social structure of UK, also one of the circumstances of the modern social structure on the Earth.
 "Perhaps, it's a part of the state organization member in the government institutions, there
are open-page explained by the Home Office that is Department of Gov. UK saying 'the Intelligence Services Commissioner provides independently judicative oversight for the conduct of the Secret Intelligence Service [MI-6], Security Service [MI-5], Government Communication Headquarters [GCHQ], and the Ministry of Defense [MoD], are work with Home Office' such and such."
  "Then, is the Security Service organization called MI-5 or Thames House a section of such group system? Is it not under the control of JIC? I actually look its name on their micro tablet panel right now."
 "May be in some special case, for that purpose MI-5 need many intelligent information, they coop with an operational tactics. Even though Joint Intelligence Committee, JIC have deep powers. However, what are those organized institutions to relate with?" 
  "I once tell you we couldn't communicate each other, consequently, I have not actually received precise information, primal performer of those signal interacting object is TTL himself, on the other hand I am just a medium coefficient which mean almost onlooker at present, as a result I can monitor their communication and that's all."
 "Then your social structure knowledge on Earth came from TTL's transmitting contents?"
 "Yes, yes, that's right."
 "For what purpose does he contact with that sort of signals?"
 "I can't realize secure concept, but I'm sure they might have been drawing out some solvable conclusion by means of various trial conducts for the hidden purpose, yesterday, they went to terminal 2, via Heathrow Express from Paddington station, after that, again by taking the train, and this time returned long way to the North Greenwich, there they got on the Emirates A.L. gondola, then took flight to CDG by hired a chartered plane at the City Air Port, and soon returned there from CDG Terminal 2 station to Gare du Nord, there then took Eurostar to returned back to the arrival platform of the King's Cross St.Pancras station. As a result, they take every terminal spot and/or transfer spot to think as a vertex, similarly put up the spending time of each transit section as for a abstracted distance schematic unit, they have set every numeral value in a some transformed special 'directed graph' utilizing that two units as vertex and edge. That's the reason why I can’t understand it's true purpose."
 He really seemed to me just as his thoughts what he said.
 "Though there are conspicuous one queer custom. Our natural world have nothing to do with unpractical thinking, I don't know well but their strong adherence about '7' number is very much strange for me, such as 7, 14, 21,28 & c. I realize. . . .after that, for question people that is terrorist customary attached to outwit, aren't they? So they very childish. . ."
 His voice included a little distress tone. He heard various hyper-signal transmissions of TTL had sent for them using PEP, there he felt particularly quite certain about some parts in suspicious people's moving of all was JIC information which depicting portraits about imam of Finsbury Park Mosk Abu Hamza al-Masri's relating objects, such as leader member of al-Muhajiron or Omar Bakri Muhammad or so. If TTL caught sure evidence, Willy and Syd might have noticed information to the Met, therefore that organization execute to apprehend or interrogate the suspects, however they are about to send info SIGINT only, it might be they still hadn't secure evidence. . . ,Lienytz himself was little obscure also, while two friends of mine were continued to act to do something as ever.
 "Sure it is. Well, there may be from here Euston to Marylebon only, let's start right now!"
 Syd said as he looking on his micro tablet.
 "It's 7 м.to Charing Cross via Northern line, where we must 10 м. waiting to take Bakerloo line for transfer to 10 м. ride for the object station. After that at there, we should recognize 2 men within about 13 м.who will arrive in London City by the Chiltern railway train that depart Birmingham Moor Street 9: 15 and come here Marylebon station at 11:11, still it's purpose is unclear, two objects name and figure by CCTV are already arrived. That's demand for recognizing persons are Siraj Ali and Manfo Kwaku Asiedu. No sooner than we confirm two, we'll get back to here via Bakerloo line for Oxford Circus using 6 м., there we change line to Victoria with 6 м. waiting time and return to Euston within 3 м., that is all our this time plan, so the total using time are 52 м."
 "Oh, exactly right now!"
 This time Willy called out loudly.
 "Next requirement almost similar one, it's a same arrival examination. There they seemed to realize the detail of suspect's whole project, that's why I get CCTV information earlier than conduct direction contents. This time, we are going to Euston overground station and to wait 11:45 arrival of Midland train at 12th platform that from Birmingham New Street of the West Coast Midland train. Our precisely directed objects are three men who ride on the second carriage, here are their figures."
 Soon after that Willy again received next information.
 "That's not of all, here I already have another message. It's a No.6 man's face photo. and memo. telling the man take Eurostar of 9:13 departure this morning from the Gare du Nord, so he will arrive 10:39, yet British summer time is UTC+1, this object will be surely going to Euston if so he must get there earlier than us depend on our plan, we'll essentially need precaution. Oh dear! Their precise projects didn't still clear until six members of them all meet together at Euston overground station, moreover here comes some alert that tells 'those six men include elite trained militant, you all should take care of those', and there're able to read also another special attention that except their every detail comes out obvious, we are asked for never take active operation." 
 "The finalized criminal schedule will be decided finally at the time when they gathered according to TTL expecting, anyway it was really fine discovery only just by that theoretical calculations as his setting up at first. If it were on the level of D-wave system, there might be impossible, I think. From the viewpoint of our pulling out evidences, it was almost seemed to the optimal calculation of the car navigation system or some random walking theory against the infrared security network's analyzing, as a result, TTL wonderfully could predict crime and finally he find out suspects at last. Oh, here again I have receive his new signal, by this, he find out the object detonations. They ready two type of explosives this attack, one have
70 % power of TNT using organic peroxide, another type is stronger C-4 a kind of plastic explosive. We must be proceed carefully." 
 They were talking about trial conducts which faced up to reality, however I was still keeping the role of onlooker.
 "Don't you know, Lienytz, when we will be possible to share the same unified space?"  
 "I'm thinking about the same thing right now. We must be sharing same space more earlier point of time, there should happen something beyond their control, and normalization is delayed, but at any moment may it return to normal state, even I known nothing about it, please keep your precaution constantly, as they seem to have several more supporters, danger is never few."
 He also felt uneasy as well, on the other hand he kept attention all the way.
 "How could you think of their final decision time?"
 I would like to know his way of relevance for anticipation.
 "I think at the time when all members come to gather at starting point, if not for that mean the real leader of them is not included those six and some other one's remote-controlled order might decide at that time. In any case, their operation will be very precise deed that's  following minutes or seconds units."
  I had basically same idea with him, anyway we must ready all until their six to meet at 11:45 at Euston over ground station 12th plat. We followed tightly to Syd and Willy through the way. Consequently, everything clearly opened as we expected to be at Euston, their leader was Muktar Said Ibrahim 27 who commanded five men to practice bomber assault similar to 7 July terrorism. That moment, at last our four also could meet in same dimension.
 "Just now, abnormal phase had changed to regain right circumstances and I receive whole offence projects of terrorism, that's why I've transmitted information of clear contents instantly to our comrade, so you may already receive information on your hand attached micro-tablet."
 Already I read the received content, as a result I knew everything about their plot that they wished to be carrying out their offence before long at this particular day. 
They were now added in number with another five supporters to make group eleven, as a result six men carried explosives others were all supporters, by my received info, (A) leader M.S.Ibrahim lived in Stoke Newington, there he was sharing an apartment with (c), (d) and supporter Siraji Yassin Ali, and (A) will take the 1st train of Northern line he can ride at this Euston station to the Bank used 10 м.,change route here to the 26 double-decker stop near the Bank station to take 12:23 arrival bus bound for St. Mary of Eton Church, on the bus he detonate at 14 м. later about 7th stop Shoreditch Church on Hakney Road at the corner with Columbia Road in Shoreditch. (B) Osman Hussein 27 lived at Stockwell, who will take 12:07 departure Victoria Line train go to the Oxford Circus use 3 м.and change the line here 8 м.wait for transfer Central line and detonate the explosive 12 м.later when the train pass through about Shephard's Bush. (C) Ramzi Mohammed 23 shared room with (a) ,(d) will take 12:10 departure Northern line train from here, and 22 м. later about when he pass through Oval station detonate the object. (D) Manfo Kwaku Asiedu 32, shared apartment (a), (c), at this Euston tube station take 11:57 Victoria line train to the Oxford Circus there wait 7 м.for transfer Bakerloo line after 9 м. to Paddington station, and again change line there wait for 5 м., then get on Circle line about 10 м.ride to the scheduled place near Ladbroke Grove detonate explosive. (E) Yasin Hassan Omar 24 may hand over each 'will' of fighters to the supporter before he leave Euston, and take the South bound Victoria line 12:28 м. departure train about 2 м.later when pass through the Warren Street station should detonate purpose matter. After that, there were reported five supporters name, Muhedin Ali 29, Whabi Mohammed 25 living place Stockwell, Ismil Abdurahuman 25 lives at Lambeth, Siraji Yassin Ali 32 live at Enfield, Abdul Sherif 30 live at Stockwell, their portraits except Muhedin Ali didn't arrive therefor I couldn't their image recognition of four supporters.
 "Right now I receive unconditional permission for trial-conduct of my attached every instruments."
 Suddenly, Lienytz told to me.
 "What sort of effect have your instruments?"
 I asked him reflectively, because I was much surprised to hear that.
 "A kind of controller against injustice deed. All of them work by Lepalace inherent scientific theory which may be unknown for you, that I had received definite using explanation at first. Anyhow, now I make their explosive itself useless except fuse device. Ah, well I must say that controlling effect will continue 60 minutes sharply on the Earth Time."
 When he said quietly such an awful explanation, I could see two of my friend coming in so hurried way. They both were with great strained.
 "It's all right. I say I've known everything, still we should apologize you for so late to come."
 I tried to pretend usual way wishing them to get in relaxed mind.
 "They're no more harmful, 'cause Lienytz made their every bomb useless, except fuse."
 "Then there no need to follow them stopping explosion?"
 Willy was out of breath for asking Lienytz.
 "No, I don't think so. They carried great amount of C-4, that is very unstable and my effect have time limit, henceforth there may be considered to arise so many unexpected irregular hazard. We should be along with them all the way."
 "Yes, I understand that, but how about 6th object?"
 Syd asked with a reflex movement.
 "About the object of (D) Manfo Kwaku Asiedu, I have already exerted my influence that is so called para-freezing, as a result he is perfectly excluded."
 "Para-freezing. . .?"
 "yes, it is. There is almond shaped amygdaloid-complex considered part of limbic system, in that nuclei complex especially to the central nuclei of him, I have encoded the short term strong imminent conception as fixed-idea, after that considerable amount of stress hormone released in his blood vessels, this phenomenon would make special part of central nerve system temporary para-freezing. As a result, he received the absolute prohibition order that include himself never destructive activities against living things."
 "All right, that's fine! Then tell us each follower object."
 "I've sent information to everyone just now, please look on your tablet."
 We looked upon each tablet panel, and realized that Syd for (B), Willy for (C), I am for (E) and Lienytz himself was for leader (A).
 "If we meet their counter-attack?"
 Syd already had set his BoC on his shoulder. 
 "That's it. Your ball is over-level than Lepalace, and you know that! So, hurry up now!"
 We four all got in a hurry on each way at an instant. My opponent Hassan Omar was most lately to leave this station that I have 34 м. until to take south bound Victoria line tube train at below floor under the main concourse. He was once gong for a ramp nearly before ticket gates of No.11 & 12 with follower five men, then returned through walk-way to the information booth in the main concourse, there they told something each other shortly, after that went on hurry for crossing the concourse to the stairs of the underground car park area. There were jammed with various racial group of travelers so I also hurried to follow them threading my way through the crowd. They were down to the car park area but I lost to their site in the underground, when I started to search around for the site of them, suddenly I heard the air tore trembling fricative sound nearly my ear side. Surely it was soundless shot out flying bullet I've been setting up barrier used BoC before down the stairs.
 "What's on earth! It's only a brat!"
 "Hey bum kid! Here's not ya place to come! Go got out!"
 Three of followers came up from my left side, another one came after from right side, each of them were equipped arms, one had bayonet for M-4 assault-carbine, next had штык for Ak 74, and the other's right hand was gripping dumb founded MK3A2! What were those fellows think of? Last appeared one was the first attacker who shot me by P226MK25 with silencer, they were almost the play-war monomania, all at once I threw them all undulatory power of soliton via BoC, they fixed stick in a moment, that's the end of my job, further tasks will belong the Met that might such case all collected in a place and trouble-shoot with correctly.
 "Stay still as it is, but the toys never stay with you forever."
 I said frozen supporter, so BoC took up from their two big army knives, special grenade and, automatic silencer-set handgun that no one saw such a brand new self-made silencer model and with 9 mm para-bellum spare magazine, then I broke them down into pieces, just at the time, I saw Omal going on the stairs to upper concourse, soon I ran after him. He didn't went to lift, but took choice the way down by escalator, his attitude made me perplexed, that's why there were only two passengers between us, still Omal never got his attention against me but looked far after back upper persons. With his unconcern, my shadowy trailing was very easy at either platform and got aboard on the immediate aimed carriage which was about middle of the train, at where I stood before next of him seated old fat woman. Omal took hold his big backpack on his knee, his left hand already in the top of the bag, and I was ready to emit most higher level of soliton to freeze everything if explosive react the detonation, train began to slow down its speed, I could see Warren Street station’s platform but Omal didn't appear for sign pulling detonator-device, the train door shut and began to move still nothing happened, I suddenly imagined he might be mistook Oxford Circus to Warren Street. He did so, after  my anticipation. His bag broke out smoking with terrible disgusting smell but explosives were never reacted.
 "It's fire! train is burning! It's fire! Hurry to run!"
 I cried out loudly with all my might, then the whole passengers of the carriage started to run for another spaces. I was worried if he had some of Mk3A2 that special arms worked very effectively in a sealed space.
 "Where's fire, kid?"
 Omal asked me.
 "On your body, old dude."
 He had my answer with light fear soliton. Omar bounced up himself by means of spring, then went to door trying to open. I could hardly believe to see him who wanted so bravely to destroy others lives, once shifted its own position that would exist value of the life.
 I reminded Lienytz words, in which seriously he told "through my scanning I realize these living things on this planet almost unemployed cerebral cortex's neuronal active network, 1% or under, if I didn't scan, I shouldn't have been believing it. The inefficient central nerve system invite usually to retrogress of individual existence that is basic unit in the social construction, or civilization."
And Lepalace highest researcher committee senior member Ms. Elseine said later in a mail exchange more natural principals, it was when we talk about there symbolic-existence-lives who is born as a result of their ethics ready analysis multi-biotech theory, "high level related knowledgeable cognition is not so much difficult for transference to generate that symbolic- existence-lives individuals, the most hard setting is the timing of such as the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus secrete matter's like POMC transmitting opening date, about that date we find out long after over trial and error, the reason is little complex one, for instance natural basics need most early timing of make conditioning or letting executive functioned to be activated the ethical conception when use tech of secreting mech. via ventral tegmental area for A10 neuron group collections so called dopaminergic neuron, almost early as at the same time to set on cognitive abilities. However, I said about clearly on the condition over 80 % user of either side cerebral hemisphere cortex, right and left, yet the things about brain is usually generous with training utilizable objects, yes CNS always wait for overwork, therefore even the natural lives that including you have plentiful potential diversity effects as a possibilities, by all means, never forget there should be needed existence of 'harmonious regulatory' in the ultimate dignity with life ethics, there will never be to exist civilization without individuals who have 'harmonious regulatory' , and 'harmonious regulatory will' provide ultimate knowledge vice versa, I like your strong wishes to native planetary civilization’s level for which make higher, please do remember my advice after you return to own native land. . .", the train stopped at Warren Street station while I was reminding the words of another cultural existences who repeatedly told the deep meaning about dignity of life.
 Thereat a breathtaking scene was on the platform I could see the suspect went running away at full speed, when tablet received mail, it was from Willy.
"Thanks for your info about short range hand grenade, anyway we are finished in peace, it's so lucky nobody to get hurt. I've sent info to Syd that we'll meet at City Airport."
 "I see, it's all right, at City Airport, till then!"
 We were really in the happy mood through perilous experience and again safely all together including Lienytz. We blessed each other lucky feeling, when two of unknown RAF officers in their uniform were coming up with quick steps.
 "I beg your pardon, are you Mr Lienytz?"
 They two stood upright saluting us with their hands up.
 "Yes, it is. I am Lienytz. Is there anything can I do for you?"
 He answered in a somewhat perplexing way.
 "Mr Lienytz, we are looking forward you. We are so much appreciate your cooperation."
 A man came out behind the RAF officers.
 "I am from JIC Committee, David Chaucer, we received valuable information via TTL. We are so much grateful for your kind help, would you mind attending our tactical meeting at Lakenheath AFB."
 He showed us his ID card.
 "All right, I understand, we will be going to take your requirement."
 He might think some interest about such a human networking.
 "Thank you, thank you very much. Please follow me, I'll show the way."
 Mr Chaucer walked lively long stride across the wide terminal lobby to counter side corridor, there watching three airport security guards saluted in a quick motion against Mr Chaucer who opened the left side door, we were through one more room as a shortcut to the apron of the City Airport.
  "It's Gulf Stream G-550/C-37 B!"
 Willy, once about air-vehicle, always became jack-o'-all-trades looked at it soon, it stayed
behind the BAe146/Avro RJ. RAF's young officers were smiled to hear Willy's crying pleasure voice, they were both OF-3; Squadron Leader that mean Mr Chauser might carry out special mission over his time.
 "Here equipped HUD, it's wonderful!"
 Willy sat on front seat, and two flight officer also took pilot seats without changing their uniform.
 "Mr Chaucer, you have a calling here, from Mildenhall Air Base."
 "Would you mind, the meeting may become little large scaled, such as NATO commander, or top of UK Government members will be attending, and place also change to Mildenhall Air Base."
 As a result, our all member didn't reject that new circumstance, there opened meeting at Mildenhall Air Base commander's room.  
 "All the attendant persons, I will appreciate to say you are well come to this informative emergency committee."
  One of the general spoke out with his dignified voice, his card before him read Supreme Commander of NATO.
 "I have a motion concerning the progress of proceedings. Mr Chaucer from UK Gov., he did most distinguished services for our position, and have precise knowledge. We should be to ask him the chair of this meeting."
 After all, Mr Chaucer accepted the proposal and he began to introduce attendant member.
 There were various sort of member to presented, just about half of them were from army and other half were from intelligence agencies. About these attendants, particularly remarkable personal details were US European Commander from Stuttgart, United Combatant Commander, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, Vice Commander of NATO Response Force, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe &c, there after next half were UK Gov.'s high ranking officers, such as JIC committee member Mr Chaucer who also a concurrently undersecretary of Home Office his NATO code-plate OF-9, I could read, and or intelligent agency's members from Echeron/UKUSA signatory nations.
 "Today we have received several information including underground terrorism from TTL, about this person with whom we have not any relation until now. His information are outstanding almost perfect one so far. That anonymous TTL, at the same time, give us serious next information subject what is more largely scaled destruction."
 Mr Chaucer continued talking about predicted another broadly extensive simultaneous severe raid over eastern Mediterranean region, which information related Neo-Sahel-Levant Revival Union was confidently scheduled to attack UN naval or air base situated around such area, for instance, the 3rd Rapid Reaction Corps at Akrotiri Garrison of Cyprus, or coastal military zone at Souda Bay and Chania Air Base on Crete, or planed next week united drill of marine corps and R.N. Albion Class Assault Well Dock Ship's LPD amphibious test by the east-rocky-seaside of Gibraltar might be targeted or other things around the Mediterranean Sea.
 "Yesterday, our national I.A. member arrested two terrorism suspects at Gibraltar International Airport, by utilizing received rigorously fit for information, and a desired result of steady investigative conduct, then one of arrested suspect answered outline what I said right now. He was also talking about Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Cole that was attacked in Aden harbor five years ago, and include that information, here I would like to introduce our splendid well-timed data source!"
 Mr. Chaucer introduced four of us to the whole attendant members.
 "Excuse me, I am J.K. Gordon from USS MTW, may I have a question?"
 As soon as Mr. Chaucer's introduction was over, a tall man who wore US Navy uniform stood up from his seat, and raised question. I did not know the meaning of MTW, so I looked at the micro-tablet and confirmed it. There I could read that Blue-Ridge-class 2nd ship Mount Whitney is the flag ship of US 6th Fleet.
 "Yes, you may ask us, then, what is your question for, sir?"
 Lienytz said to him.
 "I would like to know everything your way to protect whole explosions."
"It depends on the individual case for explosives, please specifically."
 "I'd like to ask in order from the first case to the 3rd ones."
 "About the first time organic peroxides, so-called acetone peroxide was caused mainly by incompatibility, and for the second and Semtex composition C-4 plastic explosives we added chemically neutralizer agent β-2 mixed in, but about the third event was different, its suspect Asiedu turned off his criminal motivation and got off at the planned place Ladbroke Grove station and abandoned it nearby Little Wormwood Scrub Play-hut."
 "Thank you so much, I realize it. Now that please tell us how to require information of such accuracy?"
 "This has a bit of a problem because information collecting procedure has been carried out within phenomena that you can not understand, no matter how we describe it properly, but the appropriate time should come later on, after that we will talk about it, now let's head towards the prevention of imminent violence right now, because we can behave perfectly only as a pair of 4 people, we respond first to the greatest risk subjects, with finish that one, we will advance aid acts as soon as possible to further crisis if happen."
 "All right, please tell us where is the most probable dangerous point?"
 Mr Chaucer said it reflectively.
 "Our calculated result is Chania Airfield sight on the Akrotiri Peninsula and neighborhood harbor facilities around the Souda Bay area of the Crete, and this is an answer for you."
 "I understand yes, thank you."
 Answered the Commander General from Stuttgart with his dignified voice.
 "Now then, we ask you four people to fly that island, would you going to undertake this operation?  For that purpose, I selected few efficient assistant for you as followers."
 "Are they some of technical specialists?"
 "Oh, well that, ah yeah, yes. At first a member of NGA that belong to Pentagon, next two agents are from DoE's NNSA and NEST, rest members are all of NASA researchers."
 No sooner than he said those acronym I looked my tablet, however from where these text were transmitting, and by whom did execute in more than light speed, TTL or Lepalace's information center. . .I still remained in full enigma. . . NGA for National Geospatial I.A. and NNSA for National Nuclear Security AD. so the NEST for one of nine team which attached NNSA; Nuclear Emergency Support Team.
 "NEST is a team thought to be immediately respond to every type of radiological accident anywhere, and other two also related to nuke, are there any of special accident? However my major line nothing touch it. If there connected problem about operation Harmattan?"
 "That's the problem, yes, you talk that. We don't know whether if related or not, but we lost the new booster type of W-88 about a month ago, we called it tentatively W-88n which has same explosive power still its weight 40 % lighter than that."
 Lost a nuke? I saw to confirm the W-88n on my panel, there I could read just W-88 designs,
 the primary, upper part is egg-shaped, while the secondary, under part is spherical, what is called peanut this is a US thermonuclear warhead, with an estimated yield of 475 kilotons (kt), and is small enough to fit on MIRVed missiles. Then I searched lost nuke within US Army, there I found 4 document 1st accident in 1961 was at US mainland Seymour Air Base near Golsbor, dropped off two mark 39 mod 2 accidentally from B52 Stratofortress by midair explosion, lucky enough got through a crisis that was only one key effectively rocked out of six safety keys. 2nd at Spain in 1966.1.17. near of seaside Palomares village had been dropped safe-state three MK-28 type H-bomb, one was dropped in the Mediterranean Sea, that was later safely collected. 3rd time in 1968.1.28. at near Thule Air Base on the frozen sea Northern Greenland, B-52 carrying four B28 F- was destroyed airplane body by cabin's firing, this time many nuclear pollution had occurred not caused on explosion but physical damaged bomb's outer shell however designated as the broken-arrow case, after that Denmark instead to US  made to compensate for polluted patients, and this time 4th accident were unidentified very mysterious. My attached micro panel showed two possibilities about lost thermonuclear W.H., one is W-88n, another is Falcon or Davy Crockett relative W-54 or AIM 26 and so forth. As a potential terrorist tactics most possible one should be common user W-54 which is only 23 kg carrying weight against 363 kg of W-88's even has nuclear power 10~250 t, if W-88n by far lighter than W-88, still it has 217.8 kg, this mean inconvenience for terrorist group, I just thought so.
 "I understand what you have talk to us. We will take the responsibility of the operation, so we may start for the island right now."
 Lienytz told to the Commander General from Stuttgart, and we all including special assistants stood up in a hurry to aboard the waiting plane. Mr. Chaucer leaded us up to the cabin seat and handed some of flight plan to the pilot who was same RAF Wing commander both main and copilot, this time they were already changing into flight suits.
 "Lienytz, if terrorists may attack with thermonuclear war head, our BoC have enough power to control against them?"
 No sooner than the plane reached cruising altitude the C-37 B shifted to level flight, Syd asked through BoC on the micro tablet.
 "You have no need to worry about anything as long as you attach it."
 Lienytz answered in a quite naturally.
 "Oh, well it's so fine! However, can terrorists manipulate nuke attach?"
 "No, I do not think they do. That government will be investigated for the lost accident even if they spend all the energy of the state, and there will be no developed countries selling nuke to them. Because it must surely release whole statements after terrorist carry out the criminal assault. Thinking of the other methods, whether if they may develop such a thing only by themselves. . .oh, that’s impossible no matter what, so we do not need to consider about nuke attacks."
 He affirmed it never happen, may Lienytz be received clear information about lost event.
 "I think so too, Lienytz."
 It was Willy, he also used same BoC's unique structure.
"But, they were seriously worried so much. North Atlantic treaty relating Nations were too discreet to manage nukes, that's why I'd deeply wondered. . ."
 "Wait a minute, please. I have something to ask that specialists."
 Lienytz left his seat and walked to assistant team, they took all front seats.
 "I'd like to talk nuclear physicist."
 "I am the leader of NEST."
 One of the assistant member answered Lienytz with his head turned back, there might be physicist always to take the leader's role, so Lienytz took a seat next to him.
 "Your commander explained difference of mass quantity about two explosives, and I realize same ratio as for the high speed neutron-source booster gas, is that right?"
 "Yes, that's right, we use hydrogen isotope, ²H and ³H mixed gas as booster."
 "And where set the gas-canister, inside or outside of the peanut shell?"
 "It take place outside of the channel-filter, that's right, yes, it sets outer of the shell."
 "I understand that's all, thank you so much. By the way, who's line of work over the Lybian internal affairs."
 Lienytz appealed to another member.
 "I am, sir."
 The member who just sat his right side seat line next of aisle.
 "I will be supposed to answer such question."
 "Would you please tell me Gaddafi's plan for nuclear development program?"
 "Excuse me, our West-Side have not full information about Gaddafi's nuclear program after December 2003 which date he agreed formally to eliminate weapons of mass destruction program against US, UK and IAEA and access NPT as a result of nuclear dismantlement, of course, he open his facilities such as Tajoura Nuclear Research Center to inspection, but we are not sure as the perfect information."
 "All right, I know that peculiar geographical difficulties in addition to the exclusive political structures, that's OK, but how about LIFG's potential capacities? I mean their ability to carry nuke."
 "No they can not. Their potential much less than pursuit any a such program around there, their members were almost to stick in Afghan troubles."
 "Then, about the original-CEN-SAD?"
 "You mean proto-CEN-SAD? It's melted decades ago."
 "Thank you, so much. Oh, one more left, it's only a small business, we'll be supposed to call on NAS Sigonella Navy Air Base for refueling, still old relation between Gaddafi to Italian Government existed?"
 "Well, well, you do know the Sicilian La Cosa Nostra! It was a old clan's tale with Andreotti but Mr. Craxi who tipped off the plot of Mr. Reagan. That's why the answer to your question is no, they've already separated and went along each ways."
 Lienytz came walking back to his seat that next to me.
 "When did you find out a suspect?"
 It was Syd through the BoC. He listened out their conversation carefully from beginning.
 "Before talk with them I've already informed the offender but I must something verify to the NEST member's recognition qualities."
 "What sort of agent, I mean Gaddafi's intelligent peoples?"
 "I've already sent your tablet about this information." 
 I read the received passage wards, in the long run Gaddafi selected out whole members from his own special forces, there took large amount of steps, therefore every team elements made up of retired free people from regular armed forces which namely untitled ex-serviceman that is normal Libyan citizen. The 12-men-team divided in two, team A and B, and either team on boarded drift-net fishery ships. Team A ship carried bio-chemical weapons include Sulfur Mustard and Sarin, then ship B carried WK-54(not W-54) warhead with M-28 recoilless rifle bought from international black market that nuclear power about 10~20 t.
 "May be his piled up persecution complex for long years."
 Syd made a prompt psychoanalysis.
"There didn't indicate when and where they leave the Libya."
 Willy said in little unsatisfactory way and looked for Lienytz.
 "Now I directly receive that signal of the text, they left Marsaxlokk fishery harbor southern Malta 20 July evening at 19:00 and was scheduled to arrive Souda Bay northwest of Crete at about 21:00 of 22 July."
 At the time, there was a pilot announce saying every person on board to take seat-belt for landing NAS Sigonella Naval Ar Base.
 "I'd like to know this plane's usual flight range?"
 It was Willy who want to know that distance.
  "I'll answer it."
 Syd said right away.
 "At normal on board person numbers over usual cruising altitude and speed, this G-550 have an ability of flight range 12,500 km. Yes, there took no need to use a refueling transit base. What do you want to say, Willy?"
 "All right, perhaps some relating person may join in, probably we'll get new member on board."
  Willy 's feeling was right. When refueling was finished, two people joined as new crew members. The NEST leader introduced us about them, but both of them were officials of the space communication network belonging to the Air Force Space Command (AFSPC), in short, they were experts in mission of reconnaissance and cyberspace monitoring. They were from 50th Space Wing affiliated of 14 AF. I looked my wrist attached tablet where was already explained their inherent satellite relay most progressed reconnaissance abilities on the Earth.
 "We happened to be NAS Sigonella Navy Air Base, when we just started to go back home this afternoon, there came information about you and we thought we might be helpful to some of your active requests."
 "Thank you, so much. We are now searching 2 fishery small ships about 10 to 20 ton in this Mediterranean sea area, between from Malta to Crete."
 Lienytz told about terrorist fishery ships.
 "May I ask you some more about it?"
 "Excuse me, my information is very roughly, the ship is small drift-net fishery ships, 12 men  were parted two, 6 men each ship, and they started at Malta's southern port 19:00 20 July, both ship moves 18 knot per hour to Souda Bay of the island Crete, they expected to there at 21:00 22nd July. The terrorist have bio-chemical weapons and miniature nuclear bomb so called Davy Crockett, but this information already sent to both NATO Headquarter and UK Gov. at about 30 minutes ago."
 "Thank you, so much. We didn't contact the information, all right, now then we must hurry to act countermeasures. Thank you."
 He and NEST leader talk few ward frankly, soon they went to pilot room for communicate another objects.
 "Where are they going to raid for about main influential power what was supposed to invade around over area that hard militants of Neo-Sahel-Levant such and such?"
 Syd asked Lienytz which we all had been in great anxiety.
 "It was just same I, my request signal were twice transmitting to the center about that, still no answer returned but after my question there was one information received. The 46th US President J.W.B. cancelled to meet with Chairperson Olusegun Obasanjo of African Union on GMT 04:00 21 July, by simple technical reason of a week adjournment, and their confer place was Heraklion City on the Crete."
 "Can you think of any possible occasion by inference over that happening?"
 Syd asked again.
 "If the information of the adjournment circulate to pass through Neo-Sahel-Levant army, it would be a cause of possible suspending tomorrow attack, but I am not sure of it. Anyway, at least there should expect a gas and nuke raid which we must protect."
 "Our NATO command received your information, they already provide necessary activated awareness operations."
 High officer from Air Force Space Command returned from pilot room.
 "I have ordered this area's precise search for the 1st Space Operation Squadron, they are  most superior specialist at accurate situation awareness in the world."
 He took near by seat as if it seemed some more relaxing appearance than tense attitude at several minutes ago.
 "Thanks for your notice of suspension of the Sahel-Levant nuke attack, I send information to Center of NNSA, so they'll be soon able to the B-2 Spirit making return from half way between Guam and Diego Garcia, instead big stealth, The Stuttgart decide to operate Fighting Falcon for that fishery ships."
 NEST leader told an undecided news in a very pleased voice, 4 of us all hurried to looked own tablet at once and we found there same sentence as his told. We all missed to see.
 "Excuse me, sir. May I have a talk to your European Commander?"
 "Sure certainly, there are two devices in the pilot room that you can communicate to our Stuttgart headquarter. Please come with me."
 Lienytz and NEST leader left seat walking for front of the plane.
 "I know what he want to talk with commander."
 It was Willy, he said to Syd and I through BoC.
 "He might request to adjourn the fighters bombing slightly later on, at least, after our fours contact them, but he'll never explain our hidden power. I do mind that may extinguish the  commander's possible affirmative answer. "
 "Willy, what are you worrying about?"
 Syd turned to see him with dubious eyes.
 "I'm worrying about their cargoes, especially one of biochemical weapon the mustard. It may pollute broad area of Mediterranean with broken nukes. I think It won't be allowed easy attacking."
 I once read a history of WW, in that report I was learned a tragedy of "Luftangriff auf den Hafen von Bari" incident that USS Liberty John Harvey (well known) carrying a secret cargo of liquid sulfur mustard gas bombs about 12,000 shells as M47A each of them were 60~70 lb. On 2 December 1943, Southern Italy harbour city Bari suffered air-raid by German bomber squadrons, after that, great amount of mustard liquid and gas were broken out harbour and evaporated gas were covered all over the city. Next day, there were already beginning to appear syndrome on the soldiers and citizens body influence by the mustard poison. But none of allied forces main responsible persons including US top Commanding Headquarters and UK Prime Minister reacted adequately. If there took cared of suitable medical treatment, many people would survive. The death total of army and non-army in all up to 2,500 more, because citizens went out suburban other areas, after that there weren’t any precise data remained. One exceptional story left, that the top Commander General Eisenhower medical staff Dr. S.A. (or some anonymous medical officer) used his medicine knowledge acted appropriate treat on many patients as his personal judgment with his limited power. All the truth were covered within secret until 25 years later. I think the real culprit is the war and terrorism themselves, in that war, a then USA President Harry S.T. ordered drop nukes to the Far Eastern feeble-'dictatorial'-island-nation against the will of Eisenhower and his colleague every US Armed Forces general in the world on the ground of anti-humanitarian.
  "It's fine, the Supreme Commander James Jones well receive my request, we will be able to nullify the nuke and mustard gas."
 Lienytz was looked so assurance.
 "The sarin will become harmless matters to affect hydrolysis influence through the mixing process of sea water."
 That every situation went as his planed, AFSC team's accuracy working made wonderfully precise image analysis that could designate two fishery ships geological position within one and half hours before dawn that was to say their infrared pixel resolvable also at high level. Raiders were still on the middle way, and our four solidarity power made terrorist bombs utterly useless, then two F-16 Fighting Falcons from Incirlik Air Base, they destroyed ships after terrorists surrendered and they took dropped relief life-saver. Surrendered terrorists were notified within thirty minutes would arrest by US Navy, that suspects didn't know what ship was in the vicinity of sea zone, in fact, she was accidentally SSN-719 Providence, as it was. so, we landed The Chania International Airport at 04:20, 22nd July, on the state of safe and sound. But, we met there some unexpected objects.
 "Thank you so much for your wonderful supporting! Everyone appreciate!"
 The NEST leader thanked us at the end of ramp.
 "I have the memorandum from Sir David Chaucer, KCMG and OBE, concurrently he hold the position SIS chief who asked you for his assistants and something to alarm you."
 We opened the envelope, where Mr. Chaucer had written what NEST leader told about and he had sent few person to meet at the Airport, but would have been strongly cared for other agencies invitation until met them. And he had written only acronyms, hMMTM and CBP.
 Then we began to walk for air-field terminal, there were truly taking the figures such couple of pairs asked something for us at the same time, however we also looked out that moment dear old changing sparkle flashing pattern there, it's an advent of Ellcure. We've got to clear up the portal! We surely plunged into our beloved Ellcure!


 "Well, well, here you're again coming back to join us! It's really marvelous!"
 "Oh, get to retrieve consciousness!"
 Dr Louis and TTL cried out concurrently. Ah, now that voices reminded me of the solemn Western Gothic Cathedral on the shining rock heights, three alleys through fir and birch forest in the back yard, Dr. Louis's experimental arrival of TTL and large space ship launching site deep into the forest, so we took on board the space ship in there would something implausible phenomenon have happened, then we got to experience just alike queer dream, at any rate it was an extraordinary behavioral event, after we put ourselves throwing out that entangled quizzical world through unknown dimensional slit, and as a result it took us back into former Lepalace space ship seat. what in the world that involvement processes on the other phase of space, no one could recognize such a dumbfounded labyrinth. . . .
 They had already been transferred to the Shiftor-ship at Lissajous orbit, so the Shiftor was now to take on the programmed course which almost near the neighborhood of periapsis over pre-selected transit boundary plane facet.
 "Dr. Louis, what was that, after all? Just a dream or some trick of hypnotics?"
 Syd asked to Dr. Louis dubiously that certainly not only him I was also eagerly wishing to recognize it by all means.
 "It was not a dream, that experiment had been existed as a part of your life-cycle documents."
 His answer was very strange against our anticipation.
 "What! Our real living physical existence had been gone there?"
 "No, no, it's little difference between Prx. ah, proxy phenomenon and real non abstracted common three-dimensional experience. We were at prearranged final phase of the isolated singularity onto the PEP, I mean Peri-Epi-Plane of transit space, we have at some special time to suffer such a temporal crossover phenomenon on transferred different site like an exchange of chromosomal pair at last stage."
 "Oh, Dr. Louis, would you explain it more simple plausible way?"
 I asked him easily remarking about the unreasonable incident.
 "In fact, as I had already explained we need to make appearance of five asked events, and we should adequately clear whole those five problems before we get to the coordinate 'δ13A05K22' and except that conditions its coordinate never would happen, however you three got to overcome four given cases out of 5 events, so there left only one task that we must take care of. It was called the Prx. phenomenon what you had done. The enigmatic things would easily happen at about near side within periapsis of PEP."
 "Well sir, I couldn't understand space-crossover's theoretical structure, yet as an exchange, we could make it to open the final aimed portal."
 Syd shook hands with TTL in a considerable attitude of his own nature.
 "Thank you, boys! It's all under the favour of you, now that we figured character of the goal on purpose point as red indicant in the navigation map over the head of ceiling 360° display both graphic and diagram chart."
 Dr Louis gratefully appreciated us to show the newly appeared wide-view display.
 "Is it the object planet Q₂₀₃ that facing a crisis of the asteroid collision?"
 Willy asked to him.
 "Oh, no, not that. The crisis of that collision cleared safely as your 'will-power' selected proper deed in the past proxy phenomenon which you never become aware of. They'd been so much thanked for you about the fact that fallen asteroid orbit to make corrected-course. Well, the red indication means our final purposed coordinate 'δ13A05K22' itself." 
 "Ah, well. . ."
 Syd said in a deeply meditated way as if an old benign philosopher.
 "Are there of another world, such as next one. . . if it's parallel universe?"
 So Syd asked Dr. Louis, but this time in some uneasiness appearance.
 "Be easy my friend. Surely, it is in our own world, but this time practically in a special case, there is not an existed part of the space domain, it's little unusual. That object zone had neither star born area nor stars continued line of web-net strings. There are noteworthy yet so gigantic great void, we couldn't find out any effective gravity sources around there, except one accidental specific case, we have only a few knowledge over there."
 "Then you may discover the suitable gravity source?"   
 "You’re right, we had one over there, yet you wouldn't know even it was on account of your suitable deed over the Prx., there comes into existence numerous quantity of hidden potentialities in the vast scaled structure of the universe. At a very small lucky conjecture just got to find out predicted objects, really few chance. The coordinate 'δ13A05K22' will be one of such a high valued realm of the space-time, as our Lepalace's theoretical researching purpose. We always wish to know the full structure of this large scaled universe, but the situation is very serious tough-work, if that purpose region could give us any key instead of showing dangerous phase, we'll be entirely to feel happy."
 "Dr. Louis, are there expected any of danger?"
 "Yes, generally speaking there are usually high possibility to meet danger around the neighborhood of superior gravity appearance domain, particularly such as 'δ13A05K22', that's why we took most orthodox safety case by far better approaching measure instead of speedy short cut way, that was one of Lepalace super-space gravitational equilibrium research community, 'GEC' workshop projects. They are the specialists in the super-space gravity researches. We took entirely standard effective countermeasure, so there may be no need to afraid."
 Dr. Louis looked Syd with clear open eyes like as his own father did.
 "Surely I don't afraid, but vast unknown void is my first experience, that's the problem."
 "Don't mind I myself same as you, such a huge void wasn't appeared in our history, I will show you a recorded that situation."
 TTL set datum of which he was finding out at the ship's old part library.
 "This is only one relevant doc. that I accidentally happen to meet. It's all about huge valuable!"
 It was a first occasion to listen TTL told a joke, and he put on the light of our front screen.
 "Few decades ago, Lepalace cargo ship discovered it accidentally, when the ship was drifting over there due to navigation devices had been out of order, what is regarded as most fearful accident in the space, then the pilot encountered there to stretch perpendicularly streaming strong diversified beam and, that would be same as cosmic jet which sometimes come from the micro-quasars or GRB so called γ-ray burst and, or active galactic nuclei that is AGN, we had analyzed it on all of every precise phenomenal structure, it was theoretically puzzled, and we ought to research perfectly but we still hadn't reasonable probe, then just looked it over superficially. There were some of variable beam-flows that figure periodically altered by the observer's view point angle, otherwise from the multi-energy source as a rule. We basically estimated the central axis on high speed-rotate-torus, what you called accretion disk, as the emission source and the direction of central axis might set within fixed range, after all, everything would depend upon its total mass of energy source, but in some case it would logically be able to access from its neighborhood points, if we may have a magneto hydro dynamic searching probe."
 "Even the void has energy source! I can hardly believe it!"
 Willy also surprised to cry.
 "Yes, it is, while this case is little whimsical that we couldn't notice anything at long time before the cargo ship happened to discover it, besides that large domain existed near by one of our PEP trans-shift course, and most eccentric phase was its huge attractive mode, in any case, at first we didn't notice that phenomenon but soon we found out, it unfolded its true nature mass that was very huge scaled one, almost alike from the size of the Galactic Cluster class to even more larger Super Galactic Cluster's space magnitude, every around celestial objects were attracted to that direction in quite a speed."
 Our world, related to the Earth still have same story. That was famous cold-spot in the Eridanus have some relative similarities to the void which diameter about 150 Mega-parsec and Z≈1 through the theory on the late-integrated-Sachs-Wolfe effect to minimum domain 'cold spot' (70μk lower in 10°angular diameter) of CMB anisotropy by confirmed numerical analysis on Gaussian simulations, it’s so small occurrence ratio just only 1.85 per-cent with statistics, on the other hand if we could put it aside few equivocal theory, or in other words, that observatory obscuring based over that complicated phase of matters yet except Hubble Flow, there was interesting situation we got to find out a gravity anomaly on the large-scale structure which covered over a region about 100 million of light years around, and they call it great attractor in the local Laniakea Super cluster and/or the Shapley super cluster, telling allocated concentration large mass which might be 10,000 times more massive than average scale of the spiral galaxies. 
 Now then, they show us a vast void, furthermore it would have super high energy source in it, and it would have appeared comparatively in short historic terms of existence too. Why Dr. Louis called out TTL, and at the same time, took three of new visitors to such a special place, I totally couldn't understand. 
 "Anyway, how did you bring about the answer as an outcome?"
 Willy said in his way of urging with any logical conclusion.
 "Well, we couldn't derive practically any unanimous logical result, at our level of scientific knowledge would never understand such events. There had been neither void nor attractive huge mass before that cargo ship found them out, that unknown mass could product huge amount of super great strange energies and the vast void, may be a distortion or imbalance on the large scale of space scheme."
 "Do you really mean . . . don't you say, this universe has got a cracked hole. . .it would be like a Klein’s hyper-surface over the complex manifold, in short it wouldn't have been happened, I think."
 "Did you once imagine a phenomenon on the interactive event with another dimensional space world?"
 "To be speculate that way, otherwise it couldn't be consistent with, perhaps it’s only a joke."
 "Yeah well, once you presume it, even though the nature would work things on whim-wham, certainly you may talk about a quintessence of ubique."
 Dr. Louis began to laugh nimble with Willy, then he told about a number of expectable  situations that induced by Willy's intuitional hypothesis by which included exotic-stars basic mechanism, and add up to them, he continued to explain us over 'Bulk modulus' conceptions in a very plainly way by easier terms, but Dr. Louis utilized the notion 'Bulk' dealing with much careful minded, especially about the transition of physical quantities through Bulk membrane problem, he said that even as momentum shouldn't be able to pass through most outer boundary to inner interface, unlike biological living cell Bulk's surface never to admit any transporting except for specifically qualified case.
 "Occasionally, at the neighborhood of interface arise local disturbance according to the various physical situations that’s what we say near-boundary-realm random synergy or interactions, in proportion to physical quantity in spatial scale that made fluxes. In that fluxes, no arbitrary exchange maybe occur." 
 "Even at definitely isolated world?"
 Willy asked the word of the world distinctly. 
 "That's why I said it mysterious. For instance, without any clear ground no one can make selfish decision of the physical law, it's just likewise, surely we do not have never perfect knowledge especially about another worlds, it's only a matter of common saying, whether the hypothesis ever exist or not is the simple event on the crossroad signal, at there every visitor might be called just an extremely ignorant stranger, otherwise that space-time will be able to verify it, consequently potential random option would turn into the real basic assertion of the world, I mean nothing strange but phantom energy ever happen to born after the Great bang assumption story."
 "The Nature says some time a joke on the probability?"
 Syd said that in a slight dignity mood.
 "Oh yes, true knowledge might haven't been playing on magic spot. I said about the other day we haven't real deep knowledge, on the other hand your Ellcure has."
 I saw TTL signed something to Dr. Louis then changed the navigation ellipsoid indicator phase graduation, may be our diversity-Shiftor-ship slipped into PEP transit-plane. I had already experienced several times for about changing space-time from the normal to the hyper-shifting space by the Ellcure, though every time that was conducted through unconscious situation, consequently it was first experience to transit consciously into the hyper-space, even all I felt only a faint oscillating in a moment nothing any more unusual things had happened. 
 "By the way, Dr. Louis. . ."
 Syd asked somehow in an anxious way.
 "I would like to know the elementary particle constituent exotic stars in that huge void."
 "Oh, they would be supposed to between neutron star and so called B. Hole."
 "Do you mean they are all sort of mass compressed objects? "
 "Yes, that's right, except B. Hole, all of them are the compact star type."
 "My really uncertain notion about them, I wonder what are their true natures, such as a Quark-star or a Preon-star or Electroweak-star. . .?"
 "Ah, well, what you call them that belong to your own freedom of the expression, however please remember this, we are now in the real world not in the experimental room, and to   tell the truth, no one of our world ever had come across such stars, so we really don't have accurate knowledge."
 "All right, Dr. Louis, I can understand what you wanted to teach me, thank you sir! I'll never hope to come closer to unknown compact star."
 Syd answered to Dr. Louis so careless in which he told a few irrelevant words about some of unidentified celestial bodies that had super high energy, on the other hand I wondered what the united congress of Lepalace took so evaluative assessment over our Ellcure's mysterious power, in any case, what if they wanted to count upon her utility with this expedition. This is my imagination, Dr. Louis probably knew all the circumstances. Certainly the coordinate of the target would have been fixed from the beginning, yet the process leading up to it was very unclear. Therefore if they really needed Ellcure, it might be an important goal so much for it was complicated on the way and still there covered up some hidden secret behind it. Otherwise there was so incredible that waiting supernatural phenomenon such as Syd had said, a true loophole would have been found in that space domain. Thereat, I remember TTL said the other day "we can realize usually such a quantum tunneling phenomenon as the natural macroscopic world, for instance, ³He or He liquids as in the state of super-fluidity can easily pass through the barrier even if there lies an atom size pinhole, and for about the proton-proton-chain reactions at nuclear fusion reaction inside the stars which masses are either less or little less than your mother star (), each hydrogen and/or helium (including isotope) ¹H,²H,³He,He particles of the process will be able to overcome the mega strong barrier as an repulsive interaction, or concerted proton tunneling in ice and there are several more precedent examples passing through the stubborn barriers," if ever they would try to find out any possibility about absolute hard barrier, there might have existed unaccountable episode like the parallel or the multi-verse, about this question I had already been told from Mr. Cellurfle at the Neylon Place, but as a actual real world's space-time sequence I can hardly believe such a story. And about concerning the scale of enormous or hugeness, there are no need to granting such other extra world, we have enough space nearly endless vastitude in our own universe, those are for instance Hercules-Corona Borealis great wall or Colossal Gigantic-Quasar-Assembly and the like, especially of the great-wall which major axis approximately up to 3 Giga-parsec, minor axis around 2 Gpc, its binding mass nearly 2(10¹⁹M), Z=1.31.5 and as a most remarkable subject, the distance to that object was calculated about 10 billion light years, this mean giga-super cluster of the galaxies had already born to form themselves at about earlier than 0.4 billion years after the hypothetical cosmic very beginning, as a result, even though the famous nimble-Sphinx might be never touch such an riddle, so if its figure could be true existence then some basic (questionable) hypotheses including Great bang theory must be requested to rectify at many places, in consequence of major theoretical alteration make our space much more vast one. 
 "Listen every-one, we'll arrive soon upon the scheduled point of transition!"
 Dr. Louis informed to every crew member suddenly.
 "At that singular point, we will shift into the normal space, but this space-domain is almost unknown for us, so everyone get ready for it."
 Willy and Syd, both of them were talking enthusiastically over sub elementary particles with TTL, now watched for main screen at center carefully in a stifling silence, and other crew members were taking at each one's post, every crew looked something strained. At the very moment, suddenly whole alert systems in the navigation room issued shrieking alarm sound with sparkling light. 
 "What is it?"
 TTL asked Dr. Louis in a dubious way.
 "I don't understand at all, anyway you should order to all the crew for searching if any mechanical disorder within the Shiftor-ship. I will ask 'GEC' in the Lepalace Super-Space Center about this, until find out the reason why, never do interactive behavior with normal space."
 As the response to order by TTL, the assigned matrix display of the side screen embedded safety check mark one after another from every checking points of the post over the ship within few seconds.
 "The ship turn out to be safety at all!"
 Willy cried out with joy.
 "Then, how about out-side the normal space?"
 "We couldn't search any of outer side, this trans-shift space strictly isolated from the normal space by the hyper-dimensional barrier."
 "Do you mean this PEP having perfect safety from the normal space?"
 "Yes, it's true, we use PEP just as a transfer pathway including UGU internal mutual sect. communication."
 "I've made contact with them."
 Dr. Louis with his head up from the personal panel board for looking all of us in a relaxed mood, meanwhile every complex alarming big noisy sound and lights stopped instantly.
 "Please be at ease! It was emergency modification notice, changing of transition point, that's why the operating agent was little scattered brain to realize situations that if we would encounter with the dangerous strong energy, so he flurried to send us 1st degree alarm."
 "Changing the exit point notice for the purpose to alternate exit?"
 TTL asked reflectively. Dr. Louis explained that the high energy cosmic electromagnetic jet direction was moved its outflow degrees twice by some gravitational perturbation and looked very unstable as an observatory result, so in behalf of avoiding possible danger, as a result, the ship would move to one division slid the target of transfer point.
 "Now I receive that analysis processing image of the cosmic jet."
 He placed the full image on the center screen, no one hope to encounter with such an impressive dynamic vast energy of the plasma beam flux, appearing controlled to the slim figure in comparatively as a beam form by its complicated intense magnetic force line, if we might collide with head on that image made me horrified at the scene. Far beyond over there, around the direction of vast power generating mechanism, we could see somehow little flattened oval shaped accretion disc which rotating clockwise as revolutionary in a distant view. We could look almost every such physical phenomena in the shape of natural experimenting presentation, but neither TTL nor Dr. Louis seemed to have as any concerns at the astronomical jet mechanism. We've little known two major surmised viewpoints, one is so called B-Z process and the other is suggested that the astrophysical plasma jet could be generated without the predominant angular velocity and accretion matter used as a energy source, just like the pulsar IGR J11014-6103, therefore I wished to understand the jet's principal emission mechanism, but I was abandoned my desire at a while after recognizing their attentive concerned things were utterly different from that.
 "As you surely looking there, the energy source of jet are all coming from some compact binary objects reciprocal effect, on the other hand we couldn't never find out another strong celestial gravity source."
 Dr. Louis said that as it were he told to himself.
 "Do you mean 3-body or N-body problem? Are there any necessary reason?"
 Syd asked puzzled way.
 "All the purpose for getting to the coordinate 'δ13A05K22' point?"
 "Yes it is, we should arrive in the point at all costs, however this isn't simple one, this have so much intricate strange problems from the initial, which I told you the strayed space cargo ship that happened to encounter “χ-o'lan,” that was the beginning of the tales, but the captain of the cargo ship, who was only one crew of the cargo ship, vanished soon after, instead told us his experience details." 
 "All right, now I know that, as a result you haven't enough knowledge what's what. By the way, I'd like to know the location just like as you wanted, it may be very roughly assumption, did you supposed to come from where send out the great gravitational influence."
 Willy told to their contradictory point of phenomenon accounts that had been explained.
 "Look at that full 360° wide screen of the canopy."
 TTL answered Willy at the instance.
 "I'll be now expanding the binary part of the picture, and overlapping them with from infrared ray to x and γ-ray image we've photographed before and with magnetic force line image, they are surely binary star system to present Roche-lobe shape that forming a letter eight figure and center intersect-point depicts critical equi-potential part which overlapped at L-Lagrangian point, nevertheless that queer alignment of magnetic field and elongating distorted whole figures are representing clearly some of relating another strong powered anomalous gravitation or attractive power, I thought."
 "If so, then, where the other such object is?"
 Syd asked as soon as TTL told it.
 "That exist nowhere, every our efforts wouldn't rewarded."
 Dr. Louis answered instead of TTL.  
 "I don't understand what you want to say, I mean it's not a three-body problem."
 "Well, it's very natural you say so, since we couldn't find out another celestial body mass, vast superior mass, on the other hand we had detected vast gigantic gravity over there, in other words we could not find out precise location of the gravity source." 
 "I see, so, this time is newly challenge, isn't it?"
 Syd said on looking like consented.
 "Everyone get ready for shifting! It's soon coming to exit point!"
  TTL called out loudly again, there already navigation ellipsoid indicator took its usual place and he managed smoothly shifting out the ship to the normal space, consequently we came to confront face to face dark enormously deep void, the strange compact stellar binary system and the prominent astronomical radiant Jet in the perfectly black-dark background.
 "Are they of same category?"
 Willy asked Dr. Louis.  
 "That binary? Yes they are same sort of celestial body, a kind of neutron stars, eventually very unique case. We are now to encounter most unusual celestial object, in general the formative rate of magnetar may be occurred about under 9.0% of all the neutron stars born ratio after supernovae collapse event, moreover their forces both gravity and magnetic field are so greatly mighty powered, especially the field strength of magnetism may be more than 10¹³ tesla which had been generated by initial superior rotation velocity with proportionate speed of inner strange state of nuclei-matter's convection current."
 "You mean that pair of magnetars appeared suddenly in this space after all?"
 "Yes, they were appeared with that vast cosmic dust in the form of disc, too many troublesome objects to inquiry, but in the end we could find out a few clues. When they become to increase extremely their surface tension, it will occur terrific quake, star-quake, if the double magnetar's star-quake happened, there would generate vast amount of energy."
 "So that your 'GEC' had calculated over a special event's probable effect, isn't it?"
 I told to Dr. Louis as my flushed feelings project some images to my neuronal pattern at the time when I listened what he said that simultaneous star quake.
 "Yes, it was true, but how do you know it?"
 Dr. Louis looked into my face very astonishing way with marvel asking voice.
 "I remind of your researcher member told about the Ellcure's possibilities to that final destination point, when my images or representations flushed out suddenly. I don't know why such a phenomenon occurred but there may be somewhat relating with the Cellurfle sphere and micro-tablet, I think."
 "Oh yes, you might be righteous talking about what the developments turn out its own course, and the future result may be deeply influenced by that sphere. Well, I will explain major process of events, after that we learn the matter of transmitting, United Congress Committee inquired sufficiently the cargo ship captain concurrently with 'GEC' scientific precise survey about the magnetar and the vast void, the captain told many but almost of his information were useless except one. He said the word χ-o'lan and the septuplet or the septuplex star system of which he encountered at that drifting experience occasion. On the other hand 'GEC' found out one singularity-point named tentatively coordinate 'δ13A05K22' that was coincident to the cargo ship captain's appointed χ-o'lan region, then we searched for him just asked to listen more detailed story, yet, no one knew the person's whereabouts."
 "Why did he disappear?"
 "Lepalace public commissioner investigated widely every relationship about him, finally they found out that he went away somewhere all alone by his own cargo ship and he had not any reason to vanish from the community, until now nobody could make out plausible reasons, even though we've tried to find out."
 "I see why are you so puzzled."
 Willy told to Dr. Louis suddenly.
 "After all, what do you think that septuplet star system?"
 "We think it very difficult question, very mysterious object, apart from that story we detected some strange phase of space in the δ-point neighboring area where we searched around a specific kind of the wave which can penetrate almost every space-time domains that electromagnetic waves never usually pass through and, little later by a happened accident, we found out his cargo ship's transit-trail around the region, consequently 'GEC' opened the meeting to examine this problem. It was at that time, when you three on the Ellcure arrived in our community."
 "I wonder that Proxy affair may have some relevance with it?"
 I asked Dr. Louis straightforward just what I supposed to be.
 "It was my scheme, I designed it all by myself."
 TTL answered honestly at once.  
 "I had known Ellcure's hyper qualities, still I didn't have any immediate opportunity to meet her, and I realize Proxy effect happen in the secure mode of consecutive time distribution except Elcure’s singularity, anyhow I've learnt some of properties on that experiment, so if you three haven't any dissenting opinion against our trial project, I would like to ask Ellcure for the advent."
 "I'm afraid you can really manage her."
 Syd said it soon in clearly manner.
 "I think so, too. Ellcure is ubiquitous, acts utterly on free will."
 Willy followed after same way, and surely I thought so too.
 "Yes, you are right. Even our civilization can't analyze at all, she might be outranked us."
 Dr. Louis agreed with two of us.
 "But TTL find out one property which would synchronize with her over particular case that  I do confirmed at then Proxy event already, surely not knowing the reason why. In any case,  I have a favor to ask you, we need one of you when Ellcure will appear. TTL and one of you must be at the place, he said."  
 After all, my anticipation about Ellcure turned out actual reality, on the other hand we were looking forward to see Ellcure in a joyful mood, so we made lottery for making decision who might be able to get on. And the lucky winner of that happy little event was I.
 "Soon we will touch the destination of δ-point, right in the heart of its center."
 TTL called out for all the crew member.
"Now then we may move for meeting place."
 "Where do you expect to appear?"
 Willy asked TTL.
 "I am expecting at the mooring square of the littoral orbiter."
 In response to his reply, all the crew members were gathered together and started moving towards the orbiter mooring district. Oh, it was exactly at this time, that nostalgic Ellcure's figure appeared following as TTL had been promising to make its occurrence. However, the place was not the predicted anchoring open wide area, but it was the navigation room with the row of pilot cockpit seats. I was deeply enchanted in an instant with that variously changing of beautiful geometric patterns of the morphology and jumped into the middle of the sphere with no time to think about anything. I felt even in the wind eye of Willy and Syd, which made my heart in the mood of sore and sorry for somewhat, aside from my feelings TTL wasn't hurried to come in, he kept just calm and self-controlled looking, still he was engrossed in manipulating to do some instrument looked like handy tablet while walking.
 "May be I tuned in to Ellcure's harmonious sequencer."
 He told me that with his sufficiently relieving voice.
 "Then you can manage Ellcure?"
 "I don't know, yet I can just touch with some algorithm code, I will try to interact through this moving pattern codes."
 At the moment, I felt strange soft touch of image on the shoulder's Cellurfle sphere, I looked at wrist panel as if by a reflex action, there I could read alarming letters. It told me that there would be assaulted by intense γ-ray or strong magnetic flux projection, calculating result of the n-body problem included that binary magnetar's elliptical orbit, the magnetic flux density would have enough force to destroy multi-cell organism for their diamagnetism of the water in the somatic cells, it might be just in time if the shiftor-ship will soon turn back.
 "I'll send information from Ellcure!"
 I called out for my friends outer side of there and sent my knowledge received from that warning, but I couldn't make sure because of Ellcure's patterns just got into the mode of transit in addition to I saw TTL's figure almost for changing translucent such and such, at that instant my consciousness was about going to pass out.