
Beyond the Cygnus O'lan Chapter [Ⅱ]

                                                  Chapter 2


   When I woke up from the regularized-usual-unconsciousness, there were already neither beautiful Ellcure's spherical appearance nor inside of the fine geometric transition patterns, soon I was reminded about strange silhouette of TTL and what about of my two old friends staying at shiftor in the huge void, whether if the shiftor could have been slipped away against the ill fortune that brought in as a dangerous hard magnetic-field storm, I was deeply worried them. But, in any case, now I should find out the queer existence of accompanied colleague TTL as early as possible, yet when I looked around, he was surely sitting just behind me on the green clover meadow in front of white birch and aspen forest, still I hadn't certain confidence about his appearance, because its figure was almost as if see-through living contour, almost transparent all by itself.
 "What on world. . .what has happened to him . . . ?"
 I told to myself, is it really his vital presence or mapping silhouette. . .where had his true figure gone, I wished with all my sensibility over his existence.
 "I am here, please wait just a somewhat moment, I'm sure, soon to retrieve normality."    
 Through the Cellerful sphere, I could receive his clear awareness which I hadn't sure assurance to make immediate interaction with neural constituent of the net-works in TTL.
 "Oh, there you are! I thought you were missing!"
 "Yes, I am with you, but just a little more second."
 "Don't mind, I'll be waiting all the time till you recover yourself. At any rate, Is there anything can I help you ?"
 "Oh, please at ease, I’ll be alright in a few minutes."
 Therefore, same as him, I was sitting down on the soft green grass next to him.
 "Chi chi, py'ppy!"
 Somewhere over from the birch and aspen forest, high-pitched chirping of bird came through the calm and relaxed delightful afternoon air. It was coming just when I looked at the pretty mountain brook stream ran around the edgewise of white clover meadow, the stream down flowed through the end of forest, where trees were almost sparse, and along the brook there was narrow path running downward beyond the forest. I could see off to the meadow slope, through the sparse birches and aspens, faraway lower field landscape was extending a endless broad plateau.
 "Py'ppy, chi chi! "
 Again the bird cried sharp chirping, I was shading sunlight with my hands up above for looking over the trees top if I could find out some chirpy bird, but alas! I was instantly realized whole realities that happened in total seriousness, there I saw at last such a hearsay of legendary evidence 'Septuplet Shining Sun' in the deep blue sky. The scenery was just the wonder itself, almost Mother Goose bed-time tales likewise.
 "Is this the wonder world beyond the χ-o'lan?"
 The phenomenon seized overwhelmingly from the bottom of my heart, even if I couldn't assure to recognize it as a true existence, I'd asked to myself that it might be an optical illusion at the first instant. Surely there were many multiple stellar systems such as binary, triple or quadruple, famous as trapezium of Orion nebula, or so in the universe, but they were made by natural process and or by observer's optical angle of directions. Even though such a developing civilization of Lepalace could make only planets, never touch stars. And optical multiple star systems are existed as various forms within those of open clusters, on the other hand this other side of χ-o'lan's world had artificially created extraordinary star system that is why there will have seen nothing kind of regular polygon make up with same 7 edges and 7 inner angles at least in our world, which number do not be able to see in Pierre de Fermat's prime number, that mean this shape of polygon, still not polyhedron is very unstable especially in form of stars formation. They are staying at finely keep-in space curvature balanced in so large strong gravitational field that never permit the least ratio miss about gravity operational force. As a matter of fact, if the appearance of there existence was granted as a some illusionary trick, it should be much more necessary higher scientific techniques.   
 Suddenly I heard a strange softened short sound somewhere around the forest, just when I saw passing black shadow like some falcon or such a raptor over my head.
 "I see it down there!"
 Again I was surprised. It was TTL who retrieved his normal safety figure all at once.
 "Are you all right now? It's splendid!"
 I jumped up and walked following him to the direction where the sound came from.
 "Yes, I'm all right, forgive me to make you such an anxiety. Oh, it's a legendary red start!"
 He stood bending on the clover meadow where someone cropping white clover bunches gathered, that made small heap, the fallen red start laid its beautiful figure upon there.
 "The bird is only just unconscious, he's living, oh poor bird, he has wing broken."
 TTL opened his backpack, and took out some emergency first-aid kit. I recognized he had so much tenderhearted.
 "I'll hold him with my palms."
 "All right, care it softy."
  Red start felt worm on my both palms, when he opened his round cute eyes, looked into my eyes at once, while TTL began to treat broken part, patient stayed still never opposed.
 "Nice boy, you're a good elegant red start!"
 I told to him in my mind. At the time, still I hadn't any knowledge about his hyper ability.
 "I've finished emergency care. He must be all right."
 TTL helped with the bird's wing finely put on a splint.
 "Those are all my mistakes, I should have thought Ellcure no less highly complicated than her appearances, that original extravagant energy might destroy almost whole living thing with whom shall touch her core-spirit which is real pure energy. It will be a great miracle for me living even now, but anyhow, what shall we select things one way or another in this unknown strange land."
 He quickly took up his backpack, and began to walk down forward. The narrow passage along the mountain brook extended to the downward direction for the far away prairie that looked through sparse trees of the end of the birch forest. Ellcure was landed on the green grass meadow at the mountain side hill top by forest edge.
 "Now then we'll go down to the prairie over there I can see some of artificial structures, incidentally, this red start is a synthesized superior life that is so called ANN or CR in the Lepalace, may be he has much more cognitive capacity and will let us know the way." 
 The bird perched on his right shoulder.
 "Did you aware of this world which had existed before started?"
 "To tell the truth, even though I heard the story of over the χ-o'lan through the δ-point, I hadn't any imagination of such a high level strange superior tech world."
 We walked through last trees of white birch forest and came across brook's pretty water fall, so I scooped water on the hands after washed them in cool stream and took the water for red start on the TTL's shoulder. He looked at my eyes again with the fairly cute round eyes, then he suck a few amount of cool water with his bill two times.
 "You're careful boy, Al, won't you?"
 "Thank you, but I'm just a common boy."
 When the passage came to little sharp slope, it turned down for leftward, there were clean around roadside mound and shrubs, they’re Pyracantha coccinea and whortleberries, soon after a while the lane had suddenly changed its appearance wide openly, where we could see all over the vast scenery of the endlessly extensive prairie under the miracle mother septuplet stars shinning.
 "Look at that yellowish sunny reflecting object on the near right side."
 TTL pointed one object with his finger where I couldn't confirm to verify it, that time I've got in the eyes with glaring sun light.
 "Around there, I saw accommodations from that upper meadow, at present we can’t see figure precisely due to faint haze over there."
 "If someone living there, we can find out what realm were we coming in."
 "Yes, now we are just only a driftage traveler in the extensive space-time."
 "Excuse me, I would like to ask you something?"
 When, suddenly the red start asked us something through the Cellerful sphere, this must hear TTL also. We were stopped walking to hear that.
 "Sure, of course, my dear friend. What can I do for you?"
TTL answered him.
 "Owing to your kindly care, my injured feather has been fully healed, so if you don't mind, would you like to put my splint off?"
 "Sure, of course. I'll take it out right now!"
 "Thank you, sir. I'll be coming down there."
 The bird walked down TTL's arm to his hand at once, so I turned out my both palms to help for them. The red start saw my face again and leaped to my open palms, for all that, I should call him formally, he was a Daurian red-start id est Phoenicurus auroreus Species, and once again this time also I felt his whole sole warmly from toes to heels.
 "Is that a resident area that we can see over there?"
 TTL asked through thinking image when he finished the work.
 "Yes it is."
 He jumped to TTL's right shoulder again.
 "There live three sort of living things, and some of remained techs. This world is in some way little complicated, soon you will be find out by yourselves. I have now special important task in a hurry, thank you so much. Oh, there’s one more thing, for about that invisible beings, please take precaution strictly, they’re totally evil. So long, my good friends!"
 He once swung his wing as if saying good-bye and flew away in the clear sky.
 "Did you see something moved over there?"
 TTL pointed at beyond down slope's finishing direction, there were either side of lane covered with various shrubs, I saw there with cautious eyes.
 "What sort of thing did you see?"
 "It's looked like some rock or animal moved."
 This time I could see it moving, surely there was some living things, but why it wanted to hide. I transmitted through Cellurfle sphere few greeting neural patterns as a experiment, if it same living nature of this world such as red start, it would answer. Nothing returned, then I tried once more, still same as it was. Therefore I covered two of us by space-lattice barrier for precaution.
 "Attention please, Mind it!"
 It was nearly at that same time, TTL cried out loudly with his sharp sound voice.   Something keen sonic objects flew by just beside two of us body, moreover several other follower attacking matters passed by near our standing position too, there weren't single attackers, or directed multi-energy weapon. . .
 "Wonder! you've already defended us earlier than me!"
 TTL said strangely.
 "Yes, I was, but what was that? Some kind of sonic or beam weapon?"
 "I don't realize, not yet."
 "Who do you think that raider?"
 "I'm not sure, also, anyway, we must stop them whatsoever it may be. Watch it! Here come again, we'll put them down."
 We got to shut the projected object down just before us, this time together too.
  "What's happened!?"
  When TTL picked up it from the ground, then he cried out and at the same moment burst out into a roar of laughter. I was caught great suspicious to see him such appearance, on that instance, I've projected neural freezing soliton wave through C-sphere for the enemy ward, while I thought if he would had been attacked by opponent's toxic nerve agents.
 "Look at this, Al, just only a stone!"
 I was worried overanxiously, even he continued laughing but already he retrieved normal attitude. The enemy of the high tech world used simple stones as weapon, so he couldn't help laughing loudly against his usual modest behavior.
 "Let's go down there, we must investigate them, I recognized that you have frozen them."
 We hurried down slope for the foot of hill. That stone was rounded about half the size of apple and they were threw it in a great high speed by strong powered hands, if one of them hit the target it may be exerted a lethal effect.
 "Look them, Al, almost killer machine!" 
 There were standing several stiffened unaccountable creatures on each side of the grassy hill passage. All that creatures were looked for about nine or ten feet in height and for about the weight apparently over 250 kg. The creatures were totally none other than the coast gorilla, or if we called them another description instead of that way, they would be looked like for the CroMagnon(EEMH) or the Neanderthal with their wide strong breast, neck and upper arms of great muscularity but they were still included Homo Genus which yet near side of H.S. species, even though their lower parietal with rear part chignon, I thought, at about brain capacity of our Homo sapience native on the Terra incognita have average 1,400 g of mean weight when the correlation coefficient between intellect is generally referred to 0.4, on the other hand that stone throwers might have over 1,800 g, I felt sudden weird utterly. They were winded their body roundly a piece of rough, sloppy same coarse big leather-cloth from one side of shoulder to the under waist.
 "It's so strange, old world lives in the future sense world."
 TTL said in a puzzled way to see their appearance.
 "It seems really so, but there might be some incalculable reason. In any case, how about  loose one or all of them from binding, then we'll be able to ask things."
 I suggested.
 "Right, without communication nothing to be concluded."
 They began to run away in the great high speedy motion as soon as we released them. We were little stupefaction but just only observing their wish. So quick movement, their long-run view were almost shadowy moving figures in a few minutes. We had rather let them run away if they wanted to do, because of their too primitive attitude couldn't exchange any significant conversations and we naturally followed after the trail.
"I can see elevated heights that land-form over there, are there that you said community? "
 I asked TTL about a view where the direction of stone-throwers run away, there looked vaguely several artificial structures as a distant view.
 "Yes, I saw it from the white clover meadow on the up-hill side. The yellowish white cubic box structure was then looked fantastically shining under the brilliant sun light."
 "Oh, yes, there they are, now I can see it. It's tilted very queer angle moreover it make up of combined several cubes."
 "Look at that side of slope! The new attackers are coming down!"
 I could confirm too, newly appeared group counted approximately 25 or 30 in all, yet this time they were mixed troop. Our mutual intervals was soon going to become close on, now we could see each opponents appearance, their leading head object was not big one, the leader rode on the galloping animal as if he wished to fight enemy as early as he could, and followed stone throwers rushed on full speed, there were almost alike angered group of elephants dashing with violent rumbling of around the land. 
 "Boo-oh! boo-oh!"
 At the head of groups leader blew twice with long woodwind-pipe against the sky, within a moment or two the rushing stormy sounds stopped all quietly, about twenty meters between us, I could see everything precisely. The leader was similar to the genus Homo but very small living creature in size, about 10 or 11 years of human child with adult face who reminded me H. florensiensis on which nick named "hobbit" that extinct species of Hominid tribe discovered in 2003 at Liang Bua cave, and such a hobbit riding animal was not the horse. It was certainly a kind of Chimera. All parts were lion like head, panther like body with nothing such a pattern, and cheetah like four speedy legs, these were everything much told in the old time folklore, eventually what they wanted as the end of eccentric tale? 
 "Boo-oh! boo-oh!"
 The small mounted Chimera leader blew to the sky with his wooden horn once again.
 "Gua gyev! gua!"            
 Attackers began to roar and came forth marching, but they moved very slowly this time, and were wide spreading as if they wanted to surround us, several of them took hands cast-net.
 "Mounted creatures are not one, five in all. Anyway, it's time to stop them, isn't it?"
 TTL might be felt tired, so he got walking for their side and suddenly projected dazzling power wave, exactly at the same moment, TTL was seemed as though loosed his body balance, then next instant there I couldn't make sure his figure within my field of vision, he vanished in a second once for all. Attackers were all stayed to stiffen at each place rigidly. I jumped on after him, however, within about six or seven meters my foot stepped in the air, I was realized my misstep so I tried with all my might and main haphazardly while threw out in the air, that instance I felt nothing however my right hand kept hold of something so my body were floating in the air, but after few second, I was fallen down. 
 "It's a pitfall!"
 I was knocked on my foot and threw down to the sandy soil bottom, just over my head there tangled down broken tree branches that might aid straight fall, I didn't feel any hard pain, then I looked around for TTL. He was lay down behind me right below front wall where he'd gotten trapped to fall down.
 "Are you all right? "
 He opened his eyes and smiled me weakly. I took out a small bottle of whey from the backpack and handed it for him to drink. It was again making effective soon, even for TTL.
 ”Thank you, Al, I’m all right, only slight pain feel on bottom and left hand.”
 I looked around the inside of pitfall, the depth was about five or six meters, then length and breadth were both similarly at about five meters.
 "Look at that corner, left side over there. I can see some hollows at intervals, we may get out to follow that track." 
 Now, TTL got up standing and came walking to the corner I was checking hollows, about them I realized correctly hidden artificial meant object. We were simply soon on the normal safety grass land. They deceived us skillfully covered with same kind of green grass.
 "Gi gu gi, ztsaa ge go. . ."
 Getting out TTL quickly released from leader's neuronal-paralysis, asked queer eccentric onomatopoeia.
 "Zanztsa se se, goo nan'mun."
 Surprisingly, chimera mounted small leader answered TTL. Small hominid utterance not only a phoneme but certainly spoke out morpheme with using vocal organs that meant he had enough length of upper respiratory track, so he could speak more than double syllable, therefore he would have been able to talk anyhow.
 "Se go goo two irr come wo'ere dis buraiz ah woo me name Y'ghoon my Lord?"
 Surprisingly, he asked us in return.
 "It's nothing to do with you, Y'ghoon! Tell me, why did you attack us!"
 TTL showed his angry attitude against leader.
 "Go goo big idiot do go goo me sorry many ah me teach idiot ah ah them all name Guakon me bu punish idiot Guakon my Lord."
 At the same rhythm, we both did retrieve all of them, about 25 gorillas and, mounted four small hominid tribes, meanwhile we were keeping attention all through the time, yet this time the big attackers wouldn't run away, of course they looked us two with fearful eyes, but their more dreadful attitude against small creatures were seemed to me very eccentric manner.
 "Ztug zoo gii!"
 Five mounted smalls put out short black stick in hands at once, on the other hand big stone throwers named Guakon were to make in five rows front of the each mounted leader.
 Y'ghoon called out loudly over on great voice. Suddenly, keen screamings cried out, moreover there were all screamed around everywhere, every Guakon knelt down before their masters. Guakons were thrust their body about stomach by the mounted master's black stick, almost touched like red heated hot iron bar.
 "All right, Y'ghoon. It's all enough, now, stop torture, stop it all!" 
 TTL also cried out with his loud voice.
 "Ztug ztug!"
 The leader shouted once again something ambiguous utterance after that, all the screams were vanished reflectively.
 "Ah ah grand Lord Darnnam no anger at all."
 "That's right, they may go back, but I am not Darnnam."
 "Ah yes my Lord Guakon can go ah me go, Lord?"
 "Yes, Guakon may go back, now, but you must be with us."
 "Boo-oh! boo-oh!"
 Y'ghoon put out his horn from the bag on his back and blew it twice. All the Guakon stood up on their foot and began to run after four mounted leaders.
 "Ah grand Lord Darnnam! me sorry me sorry no kill me ah no!"
 "We don't kill you. I told you that we forgive you all, and I'm not Darnnam. By the way where did you learn for speaking words."
 "Speak box holy under room me learn ah no Sherry-en me one only can go holy under room, my Lord."
 "Where is the holy room?"
 "Ah Oros-Butte all tell ah ah Jealus-Deex me know good name mean ah all good dis land also big good my Lord."
Y'ghoon pointed the hill, where it was only heights in the great prairie as far as we could look around. Just about running attackers group were returned there, even we walked on normal speed but they run all the ways.
 "Jealus-Deex, yes, I understand. And who live in Jealus-Deex except your army?"
 "Ah live big tech holdover Onnan ah ah Keynigh keeper da Vespinae, my Lord" 
 "How do you go up to the dwelling region, from the front gate?"
 "Ah up go down go apparatus ah me all ride, my Lord."
 "Now I know everything wanted to learn. Get go forth there and, we may follow you."
 I'd exam Y'ghoon's inside all the way through C-sphere, he told all as he thought about, therefore I was wondered lift apparatus and talking box, even he said "big tech holdover", TTL didn't said any about them, he would think as Y'ghoon's cognitive capacity had limit, but who is Lord Darnnam? He had true terror, at the back of his mind, against its existence of whom he hadn't seen appearance? I didn't understand what it meant at that time. 
 "Dis way, my Lord."
 At the front gate, Y'ghoon guided us left side steel-made-door to which he knocked on twice with his long woodwind-pipe, soon the steel-door wide opened. It was a grand and splendid lift that could load at least 30 adult people. What in the world, by whom should maintain this elaborate apparatus, what sort of power was distributed. . .neither fossil hominid Guakon nor Y'ghoon tribe Sheery-en. . .or, Onnan and Keynigh could be? Every enigma may be answered later on. .
 "Dis is Guakon ah dwell region Deex, my Lord."
We were at the middle of prehistoric virtual strange world. There were so much of igneous-rocks, piled fragments of granite, caves, and with the reed or cogon made thatched igloos, mounted wild beast bones or collected nuts and dried fruits, many mazes run through trimmed Pyracantha shrubberies. The rocky cave resident place so much alike seen in Uçhisar highland settlement area at Cappadocia in Anatolia, as it were I was falling into the illusion of looking at the excavated fairy chimney on that terrain. Perhaps, the igneous rocks combined intricate structures reminded me the L. humile, that is, unique labyrinth nest creator called ordinary Argentina ant, however the eyes of the Guakons who came out from the communicating labyrinth silently watched us in a row.
 "Dey big big fear you two my Lord."
 We walked in a hurry through Deex region's center road. 
 "How many are them in all?"
TTL asked to the mounted leader Y'ghoon.
 "Guakon ah may be ah 800 me know all number my Lord. Dey live dis region ah me Sherry-en all live Jealus region ah Onann ah ah Keynigh live Jealus, my Lord."
 "What is it?"
 We could see fairly wide square on our right side, TTL pointed over there.
 "It me all do prayer day end me Sherry-en do Guakon do holy square, my Lord. Dis all ah No.1 compart-quarter ah me all Sherry-en No.2 live, my Lord."
 The dividing portal came in our sight. Two Guakon sentry keeper were standing there for guar, suddenly they knelt down when noticed Y'ghoon who drew some sugared cranberries out from his bag on his back with saying two or three their G-words, then, at first time, he dismounted chimera down to entrust it two sentry there, of course two big guards said thanks repeatedly for the sugared berry that they would be very much fond of it.
 "Dis is East gate, inside dis here only move life do select person ah go admit enter ah I oh I want like you put dis pheromone tell speak box any skin part do on dat why me all do bred  special good fly object do sharp react own secreting molecular speak box ah say except dis ointment flying creature attack speed do hurry, my Lord."
 If you come across with Medium attack type of Hymenopteron belonging to flying insects vespinae which have strong composite poison is expected, I think that it might be a kind of wasp. It acts on nerves with such as serotonin, acetylcholine, and it develops peptides such as Histamine, Mandala Toxin, Vespakinin, etc., and there may provoke acute allergies such as protease that is neurotransmitters, disturbing anaphylactic shock and so on. Moreover this queer land whatsoever happened I don't wonder at all.
 "All right, Y'ghoon."
 TTL received little wooden pot from small man, paint few amount to the back of his hand then he did same to me.
 Inside the second portal, there was totally another world! It was domestic, sunny and very familiar environment against that No.1 igneous rocky resident was so wild bleakly stone age atmosphere, yes, suddenly we were shifted into warm acquaintance world. There were wide open lawn yard with large beautiful pond, it laid out pretty fountain in the center, and not a speck of dust we could see.
 "From where is this clean water coming?"
 TTL looked very much miraculously.
 "Ah me sorry not know you ask do speak box, my Lord."
 "All right, I'll ask that speaking box, don't mind it."
 Y'ghoon walked at ahead of the two visitors on the methodically lapis-lazuli alternated covering marble stones round-circled lane which setted alongside fountain-pond, and he changed walking direction into the water that hemispherical spouting figure upon pond. I was hesitated an instance, still followed him because of recognized there run through transparent some plastic made tube as a tunnel under the fountain's water spraying sphere. The tube branched at center for two way, one straight forward and, the other turned down ward with fine ladder such as by-road, Y'ghoon made a digression to take the staircase.
 "Here me only come my Lord."
 "Then, the wise speaking box is there, isn't it?"
 "Yes, my Lord."
 There was a broad sumptuous dignified conference or meeting room, at the center, there was great large board hanging from the high upper ceiling, many tables, sofas there but wasn't box at all.
 "Good afternoon, Al and TTL! You are well come!"
 When we stood on the floor, the board lighted suddenly and made greeting address.
 "I'm fine thank you, how are you Mr.?
 I was answered him too.
 "I am Afyle-01 KtR : 5 / 202, usually they were calling me just Afyle, my original creators."
 "How do you have information about us, Afyle?"
 "My friend named Mediator told me through the line about you. Around here, everyone knows him say so and he is now living at Erilean Valley, he has a friend of CR whose name ‘Pea'a-le-na’, today's Phoenicurus auroreus i. e. Daurian red-start, you might have been taking care for his broken wing this morning."
 "Oh, that cute bird, I saw that he has auto-recovery faculty. By the way, where is this place? We were coming here beyond the χ-o'lan."
 "Over the χ-o'lan! You mean well, you came this Septuplet space-time from another world! Now you are at center planet Na-Speir-ĵ of mega Septuplet civilization at one time. This Bajhaj district is at the 5th continent, most remote region from the northern continent where the capital known as Gran Arcayer existed. Then we had very high level science."
 "What was the reason that collapsed such a civilization?"
 "Super-acute pandemic of unknown central nerve system damaging plague, it broke out sudden, promptly transmitted to infect, neither native lives nor CR, everything vanished suddenly."
 "Even CR also infectious, too? It's very unique, but this world usually used to be employ special nerve material for CR, I think that disaster would be natural result. Today I was  thoroughly recognized this world sophisticated high tech to see that neural network of the red-start."
 "I wonder you are almost this world civilian!"
 Afyle said in an overwhelming tone.
 "I'd like to know about Onann and Keynigh, are they in charge of the Jealus-Deex every management?"
 "Yes, they are very earnest and honest. They were appointed as their function of Bajhaj area by the Union Committee, so they are free now, but they are still on their duty."
 "And then, one more thing. I've heard the object named Darnnam at many times, will you tell me who is he?"
 "Oh, Darnnam! They are ex-Union's regular guard agents, very dangerous group at present. In the Grand Catastrophe they succeeded by chance finding out their way to get through plague, some of them escaped death by means of cryptobiotic state at which ametabolic state of life at the time in dangerous environment against them, full measurable metabolic behavior stop almost tardigrade does, did nothing living reaction except dormancy, but suitable condition returned, the organism might return to its state of life as it was before cryptobiosis. But some regained Darnnams lost regular abilities in the central neuronal system, especially autonomous control function lines of the diencephalon system. They knew trans-m-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid would effective that contained in rare kind of Vespinae's royal jelly and here Jerlus-Deex in Bajhaj, so they assaulted hither place several times. They were in neuro-paralysis and so much cruel, even had fatally poisonous attackers, moreover they had vanishing manteau! Please be careful!"  
 "Thank you so much, Afyle, for quite a lot of knowledge."
 TTL thanked Afyle politely for the advice, then we stood up to leave.
 "You are well come, my friends."
 I also had a lot of things wanted to ask Afyle, but I thought it would interfere with TTL, so did not ask anything. I knew that I could ask him for anything later on, we left the Afyle's underground room after said thanks earnestly, this time Y'ghoon took a different passage from when we had came down to visit the Afyle, he walked quickly as usual to the back side door of the room from where we got out. There was followed a gentle long stepping path and we came out to a place quite different from the courtyard of the fountain pond. It was an area of No.2 where the tribe of Sheery-en lives. Unlike the No.1 residential area, even a dust was not dropped on the road, their dwelling region are very suitable arrangement. Y'ghoon passed through queerly vacant street where showed no signs of pedestrian traffic at No. 2 area and, after that we came in No. 3 residential area called Quyful-quarter where also completely different part of the region's scenery, its appearance looked like almost rural village of the south-eastern Cornish district, there were built three whitewashed cottages with thatched roof, and the white solid figured cubical boxes were accumulated at far right corner, each boxes were hexagonal regular prism that was a kind of polyhedron, this time regular hexagonal prism or Archimedean prism, they were regularly piled up in parallel. Those structures of hexahedron were sixteen in all, each layer set four boxes.
 "How d'ya do, everybody?"
 There were two well-built young appearance guys came out from the central cottage to meet us. I thought they were twin brothers that's why just resemble as if clones.
 "Fine, thank you."
 TTL saluted them with a smile.
 "Are you TTL and Al? All right, you're well come here, please come on in."
 We were invited by the two young personae and settled down in the living room with a fireplace. As for the appearance of indoors there were also completely every one of them Cornish-style and that made my feeling as if we were at that peninsula region on the Earth. Whether if there existed rare unique coincidence or something mysterious relevance, aside from it, this illusion might be left in the depths of my heart as a questionable memory.
 "Have you ever heard the word Lepalace? "
 TTL asked in a little while.
 "Sure, of course."
 They answered with all of their lips.
 "Who the heck did you heard from?"
 "Oh, Mr. Tojour is a traveler from outer world, and he was also a drifting one in the space-time, his navigator system were in utterly troubled, but lucky man catch our Bajhaj EM-beacon by chance. That made him to be able to come into our old civilization's remained facilities. Keynigh met him once at fixed-point of meteorological observatory orbiter, it was in scores of years ago, when he knew the city Gran Arcayer was the old time Septuplet Union civilization's center capital, soon he went there North No.1 continent."
 That night, we stayed the guest cottage just across the road that of Onnan and Keynigh living, we told much about our successful wonder adventure before went to bed.
 "Nice fresh air, isn't it?"
 Next morning, we got up earlier, so we walked around nearby No.3 region. I had much interest about the white cubic monument like installation. As I approached, the cross section of each prism was also subdivided into regular hexagons on one side, each of which was  used as Vespinae's nest that gathering royalactin from vast white clover grassland. However, unlike the others, just the four prisms at most top layer was covered with silver metal all over, and I could see a lot of input/output wires attached. Perhaps, the high-speed flapping kinetic energy will be transformed into special electromagnetic waves at this part, and it will be hugely amplified then transmitted as a unique navigation signals. 
 "D'you see their size?"
 TTL spoke under his breath.
 "Bajhaj-wasp bees have its size colossal big-bug almost Lepalace sparrow."
 I was horrified at his description that's the reason why Guakons were never to come into other regions that one good sting should make him distinctive shock more than what's called average response of anaphylactoid-symptom. They didn't have any immunity against its allergen. 
 "It's terrible! It's awful!"
 There was suddenly coming great crying sound. We could see someone running very fast.
 "They come! they come!"
 It was Y'ghoon, whose face looked blueish, still speaking lips trembling in purple colour.
 "Be at ease, be at ease, what on world, who came where? Tell me slowly."
 TTL held him softly and asked tenderly.
 "Me eh slow talk early this morning Darnnam came No.1 region Deex center square Celturn want two month amount Loyalactin in quick they hatred for slow dat do kill three Guakon."
 "I know that Darnnam. I'll go there as quick as I can, they are at Deex center square, OK?"
TTL set up inside of his backpack, and took it over his broad back.
 "I'll hurry up to the square now, you may be followed later on, anyway be careful!"
 "I'm going soon chase after you. Be great careful against them!"
 I was especially attentive about optical matters, for that purpose my start delayed one or two minutes, but as for running speed surpassing moreover Chimera rider with me for guide.
 "How many Dernnams came this morning?"
 "Me much sorry me cannot see them."
 Being top speed run, T'ghoon once again reminded me of that transparency. As Afyle said, by the meta-material could really control W-nega-phase-reflections? If it's true phenomenon, it would be formulated within visible light wavelength, in a opt-electromagnetic wave-vector εμ-converter worked effectively to be disarranged for the refractive index. When we left No.3 residential area, I was set converter at approximately the mean value of ultraviolet wavelength 160 nm, which was my own usual perception.
 "We now come square turn that corner."
 Y'ghoon looked so much scared but never showed slightest fearful face.
 "Hyuu! hyuu!"
 At the time we turned the corner, he cried out twice sorrowful scream.
 "It's too late!"
 There were a pool of blood, seven or eight Guakons corpses were scattered around in the square, some were cut head off, others were slashed bodies repeatedly. And center of the square, TTL fought back violently with his strange weapon against vanity air before him.
 "Why don't project own strong soliton energy wave?"
 I was quickly radiated integral of optical εμ-converter out-rush compound paralytic power wave through C-sphere at highest energy level. It happened in an instant, that huge amount of projecting force capacity made whole square Celturn to change over motionless another world scenery. There were the creeps monsters as if standing Komodo dragons herd approximately thirty or so, just about attacking with bloody narrow bladed sword against TTL, all of them suddenly came into view on the square, moreover didn't even twitch.
 "Ztug ztug!"
 Y'ghoon cried out loudly with all his might, in a moment both Sherry-ens and Guakons entire attendance around the site began to get attacking against their visible old enemies, the Smaller one by the black batons and then the Bigger one by the stones throwing. 
 "Are you all right?"
 I dashed to TTL, he had already sat down on the ground.
 "I've cut my leg, will you take out yellow emergency pouch from the backpack?"
 He asked for me that with a feeble voice.
 "All right, just a second. Take it easy."
 I opened his backpack, soon I could find out what he told emergency pouch.
 "May I help you?"
 The voice came on from my back ward, as I turned around, there were standing Onnan and Keynigh.
 "Dernnams always use some lethal venom, we would understand how to treat exactly, please leave him to take care for us."
 They were even ready gurney or stretcher to carry patient and began for emergency treat in a nimble finger movement. At around his underfoot, there was I could see some amount of blood, and TTL looked still keeping faint consciousness but almost lost awareness.
 "Are their venom fatally one? Is he in a dangerous state?"
 "It's a nerve agent that mean so much hazardous, yet we have the wide spectrum serum, please don't be afraid of his prognosis. Now, we succeeded to stop the breeding completely, let's quickly get back our treatment room."
 "Thank you so much, ah, is there anything can I do?"
 "Please you may first manage these confusion, while we take care for the patient."
 I looked around the square, there was getting horrible circumstances expanded. I was too anxiety to TTL consequently nothing my attentions for about what occurred around own surroundings.
 "Y'ghoon! Come on here!"
 I called loudly for his moving appearance.
 "Thank master me much kill villain bad bad Darnnam!"
 "It's enough, now stop all brutality! Order to stop it!"
 At that time, there were not a Darnnam who still living. I ordered Y'ghoon to clean up the
 square, so I left there for Quyful-quarter in the No.3 region.
 When I returned there was vacant on the ground floor, but I soon find out the go down lift for basement at side wall, this time I saw the gauge scales graduated at 5.
 "Please, at ease, we've done every essential steps against nerve agents."
 Onnan told me very gently when I got in to their treatment room. TTL was quietly laid on the incubator-like percutaneous cardiopulmonary support that is artificial integral life support system and, Keynigh regulated something for very complex mechanical underpart of system parts at sitting down on the floor.
 "Their venom was not simple but multiplex type, at first its object were platelet and hemoglobin's function break, bleeding and hemolysis, then main obstruction was nerve system especially central neuronal network destruction."
 "I’ve adjusted every mechanical part for him, it's all work well!"
 Keynigh stand up from the floor, he smiled for me as if saying don't worry about him.
 "This is the technological cooperation apparatus for the life support system applied tissue regenerative engineering medicine, we have been taking care of these devices regularly all through those years, now our efforts are adequately rewarded as a result."
 His soft touch narrative made my complex anxieties lessened so deeply at ease. I looked at unconscious patient through the colorless transparent its canopy panel. To saw silent friend existence, in any case, my feeling was suffered shapeless discouragement. The word nerve agent seized me at the deepest point in the heart.
 "Do you worry about him? I understand what you're thinking of, still we have many special experiences. I'll tell you one cynical reversal side effect of highly developed civilization suffer
ordinary, comfortable environment make living things vulnerable over the primitive defense ability such as immune effects, especially the brain tends to receive the affection. Being collective living organism, whole body deal with the brain very leniently, two per cent mass tissue on the average receive usually about 20 % oxygen, 15 % blood current, 25 % glucose of ratio quantities against whole body's total consumption amounts, even that require 1/3 hours rest a day in a form of sleeping, including these many conditions we have developed most about the brain technologies. Please, be at ease, we are trying our best."
 "I can realize your civilization especially pursued to research about central nerves in your medicine science. I thank deeply for your society, now I'm very glad to hear that." 
 "We have a slight trouble."
 Onnan came into the room from the lift.
 "What's happened?"
 "I've searched a component for the system in the 4th storage cellar and I found out its in short."
 "Is it 06E-supply liquid, at third term medical care equipment? will you ask Afyle? He keeps precise storage documents."
 "Oh, you are right, soon I'll ask him about it."
 Onnan took the center table communication device and talk about supply necessity.
 "He immediately manage it, we run out of stock, still Mediator of Erilean have enough, so at any time he will offer the necessity. Now I'll go there to receive it."
 "May I go there with you, if you don't mind?"
 I asked on the instance, I was eager to see him from the time when I first hear that word ‘Mediator’. As a matter of fact, he actually mediates what to what in anyroad.
 "It's all right, let's go with you, don’t mind always."
 Onnan soon prepared for it, and we left the thatched roof cottage. The shuttle station was at the corner in the Quyful-quarter of which I thought a hay stock silo at first, but it was neatly built round structure as close in view.
 "This tube-shuttle is only way to approach the Bajhaj air-space port."
 Inner side of shuttle room was shaped oval, each seat set along circular room wall, driving gauge seat at the center. Onnan sat driver seat, and I took one of around.
 "Will you put the seat belt?"
 I did what he said, then the oval shuttle began to move without sound.
 "Do you take care of every environment machines like this?"
 "Sure of course, we're entirely isolated now. Good old days were gone faraway, our fine tech group was full of splendid participants. . ."      
 There might be taking times, Onnan told me outline history of around the Jealus-Deex and the grand open plain. 
 Long ago, half of the fifth continent was desert for the purpose of planetary balance by means of climatology, nevertheless at about five thousand years ago, there was discovered precious rare metal in the center of the desert, until that time the fifth continent on 'Na Speir Jay' had been set only two little town, the West Port and the Nine Valley, almost whole land covered sand and dune. The Septuplet Union Community improved continent resident area for the mining society, various mountains at southern region then other great plain area perfectly change normal appropriate civilized places, great many urban cities settled. Onnan and his special colleagues came also at that era as a maintenance team. After several busy centurial term past, as the epidemic plague wouldn't admit of no exceptions, Na speir Jay was attacked also. At around the time when disaster broke out every continent quickly, Onnan and Keynigh had very difficult problems on the own technology mission which had been set them as a task relating large scale projects, therefor the two specialists stayed at Union special nAUP-pair tech research center what founded remote ravine of the mountainous region in the same continent. Their technical discovery was the epoch-making very convenient that achieved mission's scheme. Even though when they returned to the normal society from isolated research center, there were left nothing. During their vacant terms, for about two or three decades, the epidemic sudden contagious was highly expanded and vanished everything, their whole intimate old friends were gone. . .
 "Here is the Bajhaj air-space port. We'll transfer here for the inter-continental vehicle."
 Onnan stopped his story when we reached the underground air base. There were several hangers standing in a row next to the shuttle station. We were walking to the second hanger, then its front large partition panel began to move upward slowly.
 "Do you manage these huge spaces too?"
 The air liner or space ship or shiftor in the hanger was so great than I imagined, so I asked Onnan.
 "Oh no, here are managing by exclusive characteristic keepers, and they never attach themselves to another organizations."
 Onnan and I stepped on the spiral lift, it carried us to the side entrance of the air liner. We were going into vast inside wonder-design cabin, which size almost nearly Lepalece space ship, but not for the space shiftor huge capacity. At the cabin center, we walked in the elev step-board.
 "Open the canopy please! This is Onnan, now I am standing by !"
 Onnan took on the cockpit in the maneuvering room. I took seat also next to him.
 "Rager ! Approved, all clear-off sir!"
 Pretty sound voice responded at once. I could see the sunny septuplet sky-blue over again, there was the shinning blue above through wide opened the Bajhaj air-space port canopy.
 "Thank you everyone! Now I take off to the Erilean Valley!"
 The air liner took off brilliantly to the beautiful blue sky. Yes, it was the Erilean Valley where the enigmatic presence mysteriously existed. That thought made my heart filled with strange emotion. Even though, I'd heard Onnan's forlorn story that realized me his deep loneliness and might be same for keynigh too.
 "You're so much tenderhearted, Al."
 Onnan looked at me, very soft eyes. But how he knew my feeling, I wondered.
 "In this Septuplet World, every native friend of Mediator knows each other’s heart. He is kindest living thing I've ever known. He saved us at the most wretched situation of the time."

The Valley of Erilean was at far off high land basin in the middle of mountain range.
 "There's a beautiful valley, it’s so high sharpish cliffy gradient!"
 At first sight, I felt wonder feeling reflectively.
 "D’you think so, too? I was all the same at first."
 Onnan landed the air-liner quietly on the near side of mountain foot, where the ground was looked clearly leveled with some artificial materials. The valley's scenery from the ground was also beautiful, somewhat more impressive than a view from up above the sky, there could see the various shape of the mountain ridges, peaks or shoulders powerfully risen high up and up in the blue sky and green clover grass all over the basin field, just same as Bajhaj hilly birch and aspen forest’s highland area, shone in the sunny Septuplet bright rays till its edge that sudden ended off the great canyon's sheer cliff.
 "Someone come out from the mountain wall, let's get down to the ground."
 There came a tall man wearing the long grey toga walking down the lane from the hill side at the foot of mountain.
 "Ride on here, Al!"
 Onnan then called me on the center lift.
 "Is he the person Mediator himself?" 
 My heart was beating rapidly with excited convincing thoughts to be able to meet my yearning one over whom every person told as a legendary existence. In a few seconds, the lift landed softly on the basin ground. I jumped off the lift and run for Mr. Mediator who just coming down in front of us.
 "Well, well, early coming. I am glad to see you, Al."
 He already knew my name.
 "I'm very happy to meet you, Mr. Mediator!"
 "Oh, will you please just call me Hassaley. I am Leu Hassaley."
 The tall man was silvery white head with keen grey eyes at first glance, yet so affectionate in a closely looking, his figure was reminded of the Neylon Place's Mr. Cellerful the Abstract, when I felt a slight touching at the left shoulder.
 "Well come my dear friend, Al."
 It was Phoenicurus auroreus that is Daurian red-start for whom Afyle called “Pea'a-le-na.”
 "Glad to see you, Pea'a-le-na."
 "May I guide you later over here? Imagine that! Erilean Valley is so extensive!"
 "Pardon, could you tell me some more plainly?"  
 "All right Al, Erilean have two artificial world, one is the highland basin beside the
mountain, another broad city site is inside of the mountain."
 Pea'a-le-na flapped slightly of his wings and smiled for me. I realized even such a little bird would be able to smile.
 "Be careful, Al! Erilean world is so vast, and he knows your curiosity for scientific hi-tech, here have so much numbers of treasure for you. He wishes to show you that all through the strange labyrinth, now you know it!"
 I looked back by Onnan's word, and even Mediator was smiling at me also. They were   walked little behind us, so easily got to join in our talking.
 "It's no thoroughfare!"
 When I said it, we came at dead end, yet no sooner than the hill side slope's wide part of wall went out of sight, that opened in a very natural way. There unsealed quite a new scenery began to appear its inner existence. I saw another grand nature environment inside of the high mountain. I knew the NORAD organization Alternate Command Center of the Cheyenne Mountain, and CERN's Large Hadron Collider experimental facility in a tunnel that 27 Km of circumference in 175 meters beneath at near Geneva, meanwhile, this Erilean Valley facility wouldn't compare on the same scale level. As a matter of fact, there lay down so much different in the scale of size that the aero-vehicles were the principal transport means. I looked up high above over the head seeking the canopy for wishing to know how high was there, still the particle in the whole air every around us faintly shone twinkling as if evening haze obstructing visibility for westward view by strong shining orange go-down horizon, as a result of same effect they were limited my eye sight, and It was almost looking alike the sky of the Veil Laheiy Louis, that finely arranged atmosphere with photonic elements had contained many of twinkling elementary particles of which voluntarily radiant as an indirect lighting systems of inner-world space. I didn't know that mechanism but when super micro luminous particles in the form of greater collective mass could light far broad space. Anyway there assignment gave me feeling very vast space perceptions. That time, I saw one of flight object coming down near us. It reminded me such an air-flight-vehicle once experienced at the city of Lepalace's Veil Laheiy Louis, even not at all in the limited space. 
 "Will you go to Mediator's chateau, or explore the inside mysterious world with me?"
 Pia'a-le-na asked me good hard question. I couldn't answer for a moment.
 "D'you hear me, Al?"
 "Sure of course, first I will visit Mr. Hassaley's and at second I'll explore everything with you?"
 "Roger, Al! If you say so, I'll follow you."
 There was several air-vehicle-liner flying high above over the head, just as well one of them came landing in front of us that kept flying just near position of us all through several minutes ago. It's a spheroidal shaped air-lift-object.
 "Who operate the control lever?"
 A question arose in my mind as to who took the window seat, meanwhile there wasn't any pilot. If it managed with automatic programmed operator, yet someone would indicate the place where to go next or something more precise pointed directions. I remembered that Onnan told me Mediator relating every person could realize another one's thinking, but he didn't ever say about mechanical existence. I imagined various cooperative autonomous control mechanism. If the devices acted by its free will, and always acted within the range of cooperative criteria that kept normal standards in doing actions, then it had many abilities, such as self-select-conclusions and self-generate-optimizations, so as to make harmony just as well measures of the cooperation. It might be located another more high abilities in his neural-networks.
 "You are just right, Al."
 "You're right, Al."
 Pea'a-le-na with Onnan said about same things at a same instance.
 "Thank you my friends, but about what am I right?"
 I asked through the C-sphere.
 "The exclusive characteristic tech keepers or EC keepers of Erilean world are all superior analyzer including near future events processes."
 Onnan explained while Pea'a-le-na flapped his wings on my left shoulder and stayed there.
 "Mr. Hassaley, may I have some question?"
 The Mediator was very reticent quiet person, so I asked him in a calm way.
 "Sure certainly, I will answer you within my limited knowledge permitting."
 "Is there any plain definition about morphological basic forms of living things or life itself."
 "I think there are not such definition of the forming in any worlds."
 "Well then, what sort of optimal or most suitable life forms in the universe?"
 "In my own sense, as like as not some free form of life is in the best position. It is similar to the neural structure that can be said to the foundation of your existence itself, as you're in force with it."
 "If you do not mind, I would like you to explain specifically."
 "Oh, I understand. They come into existence to collaborate with each individual micro organic life units, and also take on a free form that sometimes exists separately as in the several subsets. Their morphology are so much alike to your nervous system, that’s the basic unit is a neuron cell and a glial cell which can also be a supporting role, a vital source and an insulator such as myelin sheath, they're shown in the appropriate structure from the unit to the central nerve systems and peripheral nervous systems, and the basic operations are in charge of efferent motor nerves and sensory afferent. Similar to your inner system, there they deal with information over transmission and processing through outside to inside using sensor nerves, in particular there exist so-called CPU in the cerebral neocortex and the spinal system and the peripheral nervous systems in which they have somatic nerve, autonomic nerve and the enteric nerve systems. Information and signals are transmitting as electro-physio-chemical wave-like phase called active potentials based on axons with synapses, except for specific communications such as the internuncial (amacrine) cells of retina etc. that perform just as an exception, they can communicate only with dendrite by themselves. And that sort of the supreme living thing is just taking form with which they can be said to be almost congruent on such neural systems, and each unit assembles into groups by its different functions. They are united each assembles with both electromagnetic and chemical-magnetic potentials what induce phenomenon because of they are somewhat appear unique life-morph around the CPU occasionally, yet its most distinctive feature is that its life lasts still nearly forever as long as it lives by the reason of its existence, according to the 'pure normality' based on the natural persistence of the universal eternity."
 “So, how many units are composed of that existence?”
 “Well, CPU part are made from hundreds of thousands, and whole collaboration may consist about almost tens of trillions, I think.”
 "The chateau is coming in the view, soon we'll be landing on the front yard."
 From the shoulder Pea'a-le-na told me. I saw purely splendid cathedral of Mr. Louis at Lepalace surface area of the capital city, and this time again the Mediator's strangely excellent mysterious pretty geometric pattern chateau.
 "It's wonderfully designed chateau!"
 I looked the chateau in front of its main gate. The structure of the chateau composed by three Platonic solid composites, at center sited regular dodecahedron and two octahedrons were on both sides. All of them made from translucent faint colored metal glasses which was brightly changing its color rhythmically reflecting at various shinning artificial-photon-groups.
 "Can you see each polyhedrons movement and a ‘regular-digon’ pair by a miracle of skill ?"
 From the shoulder the voices came on.
 "No, I don't."
 "Look at them, and focus your attention, because of they are moving so slowly, the central regular polyhedron simply turns revolving around the center of gravity and both sides regular octahedrons rotate around the central vertical axis."
 "All right, now I'm conscious of them moving, and a ‘digon’ pair is floating at top of them."
 They were surely moving slowly along with inscribed circle of each three dimensional shaping space, and a two dimensional lune-like twin on the sphere over there! It gave me strange even miracle feeling, still very beautiful certainly. 
 "I wonder you find out the ‘digon’, Al! Anyway, let's go to the chateau."
 We followed after others, they were walking before us in the brook weed patio there were several pretty trimmed Cordyline austral or Cornish palms almost Tresco Abbey Gardens I could see various evergreen trees and heathland around the courtyard.
 "How many peoples live in here?"
 I thought it is too large to live for one person, just at the main doorway I asked.
 "Oh, here is a Mediator's own living resident. Usually he lives all alone, certainly there were EC keepers to maintain housing managements."
 "I see, it's the customs and manners all around your world, isn't it?"
 "You've learnt that! There they're waiting at the living room."
 The living room was in front of main entrance at next floor, or mezzanine, I went up four or five steps to the upstairs. Chateau's walls were purely transparent from inside, so we could see the outer scenery directly. At outside front yard, that spheroid shaped air-lift object was at landing point.
 "May be you and Pia'a-le-na, going around to see the inner world after the lunch." 
 When I took seat at the table, Mediator looked for us two and told about our expedition.
 "Yes sir, I wish to. Will you make arrangements for us flyer to ready outside?"
 "Oh, never mind at all, please take it easy, we have many flyer here."
 Just at this moment, suddenly two men came running from the side-entrance, and said something with unknown language to the master of the chateau.
 "Do you know who they are?"
 I asked to the shoulder's Pia'a-le-na, through the C-sphere.
 "No, I see them at first now, but we soon learn what happened."
 He was right. Two men went out following after Onnan from the side-entrance, then other side wall opened widely, whole wall changed to grand screen. Thus sudden unexpected situation turned about making me to worry Onnan's purpose what he came here for.
 "Don't worry, Al, he has received remedies from Mediator already."
 He also sent thought through the C-sphere for feeling my mind relieved.
 "This is old Septuplet Union's network. We could keep the functions as it is, between some main stations. Our planet set the capital at Gran Arcayer on North 1st Continent at where small public community still manages themselves, very small social activities. They send people with secret communication code, but messengers didn't know the reason, and now I will talk to the center."
 Mediator told the situation adequately at well-timed.
 "The center’s person are coming in the screen."
 Pia'a-le-na send his thoughts, and stuck on to the screen, surely did I too.
 "They wishes whole communication words with cryptogram that making up by the cypher code. Those messages are to exchange as an open-door meeting, they understand from the first for third person's existence."
 "I see it's rational, there are dialects and many languages in the world."
 "However I don't think of any such situation over the planet Na-Speir-ĵ"
 He seemed to ponder around various relative possibilities. Meanwhile, their intercontinental meeting was taking place usually as a regularly formal talking, therefore it ended about within five minutes. Their conversation might include something special information, that's why two men spoke each other just everyday common trite as to astronomical observatory results, which I've heard through the C-sphere. 
 "I can not tell you about it until sometime later on whole story precisely of, but now I will talk outline of the event, at any rate we must take lunch at first, we will start for there soon after the lunch."
This afternoon, the time had passed through very fast. We left from the Erilean Valley's great underground space base riding on the exclusively superior space shiftor of Mediator. He wanted at first to go straight the Northern 1st Continent, however all of us wishes how to verify about supplied medicine O6E liquid effect over TTL's conditions, so we dropped by Bajhaj district.
 "How is he now?"
 Then he asked at first thing when we reached to the Quyful-quarter at Bajhaj region.
 "Thank you, Mediator. He has regained his health perfectly by O6E, everything come from  your kind assistance."
 Keynigh and Onnan thanked Mediator at the same time with radiant smile, while the patient was still at the life support system, however he was soon getting out of it with two specialist’s slight helps, and stood up on the floor straight as usual. I felt his perfect healthy physique.
 "I am TTL, sir. I owed deeply for you and surely Keynigh and Onnan, I will say great thanks  for everyone from the bottom of my heart."
 "You are well come, I am very glad to see you so fine now, I am Leu Hassaley some called Mediator. By the way, are you here in the course of travel?"
 "No, not travel, we are happen to be here. I missed analyzing the super special device, so I couldn't manage to control it, we loose own way to go."
 "If you don't get lost, where would be the primary destination?"
 "My native Lepalace United Galaxy Congress searches for a person. My original object is the congress wanted that person himself and not for the place, Mr. Hassaley."
 "All right, I understand, by the way, do you realize that person by the figure?"
 "Yes, it is. I know almost every details, inside and outside, about him."
 Mediator told shortly something for Onnan and Keynigh, after that Keynigh went out.
 "He goes to Afyle in the holy room to ask printing some of his memory image, such a tech is children's trick for Afyle."
 Onnan explained TTL, whose face had been appeared little concerning images.
 "Afyle equipped with many specific probes as his abilities with such kind of the analyzer. He just understands the way of use."
 Mediator followed the words after Onnan, at the time, front main wall opened widely same as the Mediator's living room wall, there appeared a communicating screen.
 "Howdy everyone, oh Mediator it's been a long while! Your requesting portrait is completed now, even his depth layer memories so much complicated."
 "Great! This is the man of whom I was searching for."
 TTL cried at the portrait appeared in the center of the screen.
 "Keynigh met once at fixed-point of meteorological observatory in the near space region about 10 years ago, his name A.A. Tojours, drifted with troubled navigator, asked where the capital is, only 20 or so minutes of all their contact time Keynigh precisely remember on the most depth stratum of the cerebral cortex."
 "Thank you so much, Afyle. Our old Union appreciate you from the bottom of the heart."
 We were soon started for the Northern 1st Continent from the Bajhaj air-space port which managed by Onnan and Keynigh with their faithful keeping EC colleagues.
 "Our ex-Septuplet union's members are very few at present, some of them set up main center as a provisional communication at old capital Gran Arcayer. Today, they informed me by the perfectly protected secret communication about union's most important property. The unknown person is enthusiastically collecting information for that property. Mr. TTL, you can identify the object's figure at Quyful-quarter, that is the very person we have kept strict observation."
 When space shiftor took its orbital course, Mediator told about the event.
 "If there not ever stick to particular obstruction, I would like to learn about that object."
 "Oh, sure of cause, even if whatever situation over there, I must talk every concerned thing to you, sir. The United Great Galaxies of Lepalace kept long term peaceful civilization. Nevertheless, about thirteen years ago, our Congress Special Committee acknowledged a group of the 13th district had broken fundamental UGU Security Article. District Governor tried to regain public order, meanwhile injustice power against District organization made their armament industry more activated in secretly. Our society as a heritage, long, long time, basically don't have any sort of weapons, on the other hand, the 13th District lawless group had not only conventional arms but also mass distraction weapons. As a general custom, there couldn't see never such an antisocial deed or an immoral conduct within the Lepalace Civilization, that's why our life is very long and living thing can't convert own true memory into another, so as to never violate self-dignity character, almost every living thing set autonomic watch system within their own sub-brain, that’s to say we are very high pride living thing after all. . . ."
 "In short, your person aversion misdeeds naturally, however some criminals happen to appear under such circumstance, is that's right?"
 "Yes, sir. We're so worried about him, whether if he plan a dangerous projects or so, and we should take every available precaution against possible emergencies."
 "At present the agents of intelligent center in Gran Arcayer follow perfectly him lookout at all twenty-fours, though he has carried many high tech communication devices, moreover he seemed to have some ability about reading cryptogram."
 "Yes, he can decipher various language sign and codes, oh, he can reads also another one's thoughts, just like you and our friends here but not any as for power project."
 "All right, I understand what you want to say. Then I will tell you how dangerous his next challenge is."
 Mediator explained about the exceptionally remained individuals of talent and ruins of Ex-Septuplet union civilization. There left only few union relative personal groups and special tech keepers, that meant almost great amount of Old Civilization's remains stayed behind were without protecting, meanwhile his native star region of where attached En-Seqq-Zephyr Super-cluster that have accidentally many space shiftor wings and groups at all times, so they had aided in full-scale, still Ex-Union Civilized Realm is too large to manage and small members of Old Civilians couldn't supply adequately for En-Zephyr air groups, after all the remnants gave up almost whole remains except main planet Na-Speir-ĵ, where the capital of Ex-Union the Gran Arcayer was located. The capital had existed various cultural heritages, and the Library of Union owned great collections, at that library, our object that's to say the person of problem or persona non grata, who searched something in three years, then he went to Ex-Union chemical substance storage accumulation lot, that place strictly prohibited to entrance. There were kept and managed by special keepers, because some of storage substances were absolutely dangerous to the world. And after that, he was vanished our planet for about a year, then he appeared again, this time also visited to the same library, he wasn't seemed to move any other place, almost everyday attended there for nearly two months from his own space shiftor moored at city's space base.
 Meanwhile, in my busy mind, I had long had suspicion about what his way of passing through the cosmic-thoroughfare.
 "Pardon me! I wonder how could he find out that space to space guidance-portal?"
 At the time, I asked Mediator about such shrewd person Tojour’s unaccountable discovery.
 "At first, he just only said against Keynigh that it was true contingency to get in touch with the specific beacon code from Quyful-quarter at Bajhaj region, and Keynigh repaired his broken navigation device. On the whole, he didn’t touch anything about that technique."
 "In other word, do you analyze already why the improbable unite had happened to break in the space-time?"
 "Ah, well, Al, who could ever understand the precise processes? We realize only there was observed locally various singularities, for instance superior magnetic extraordinary or concurrent happened strange gravity-anomaly around there, and soon we were aware of our universe increased entropy. It was that 'Ferr Org'. It works similar to the phantom energy of your world, but when we noticed they were all changed to reverse effecting particles. The event happened soon after our civilization had ruined, this mean we almost lost research techs. No matter how it was, there once appeared portal, either side of them already couldn't keep independent qualifier, which might be appointed that one can't call it portal but just open-space. There were unknown outcome arisen from a cause, and a cause originated for some new occurrence in the space-time with which nobody to decide essential settlement." 
 Mediator told the event all through smiling face. I wondered what-if he should have been to realize whole reasons, yet I couldn't ever realize any about it. Natural phenomenon always occurred in the unlimited free reasoning cause, so any one never say never at all the time. 
 "Then your native En-Zephyr region's space groups would be able to call?"
 Suddenly, TTL asked Mediator.
 "Yes, they are."
 "By our Lepalace Special Committee, that 13th region's local government keeps famous space shiftor squadron. I think that with several evidences, the injustice group reserved already a right to use freely the squadron shiftor as for personal business, consequently we must ready for proper arrangements, certainly I will ask our UGU as fast as possible, so I should return there once. We didn't know anything about such a dangerous mass device that attracted his attentions."
 "Oh, don't worry about that, I will ask to my nature region En-Zephyr groups, even we need your help in anyway, but not soon now."                       
 "Mr Hassaley, may I ask what the dangerous substance is?"
 I asked the question, as for it I was too long to wait after all.
 "I thought you were already aware of."
 Mediator said it and saw me ridiculous way.
 "I remind of abnormal anti-elemental particles what if integrated, about which then I’d heard  totally dangerous to the normal world, and even the large mass of such sort never to keep long terms storage."
 "That's right, long terms storage of common antimatter is almost unable except specific form of type about which would be available, and if there could keep appropriate magnetic fields and tightly packed up proper container existed."
 "Is that abnormal extraordinary matter enough quantity to lost the capacity mass scale of the super galactic cluster?"
 "Yes, approximately at least 100 Mega parsec diameter of the space on which about hundreds of thousands galaxies made from normal substances might be vanished at all, I mean annihilation."
 "Can I hear from you existing its total quantities?"
 "They are ten installations in all, but to tell the truth, five of them are shams, however they are all at enough spatial distances dispersed preservation. And this is top secret, except specially connected keepers do not know which one is true and where it is. The recorded relative documents at capital wrote about mass character's specific details, meanwhile nothing touched with such true secrets in there. There recorded just only one of them at North 2nd continent storage set at 7000 meters beneath the surface for where he once went to, certainly the special keepers shut out him instantly. In the course of practical rule, include special keepers, he couldn't know a de facto answer up to now. To tell the truth, we are perfectly same as him about it but I think we must protect it against evil at all cost, its 50% of danger mean relatively not so wide margin against 100%, therefore we focalized intensive caution for it with our full strength." 
 "That story feel me relieved somehow, still there's left a half probability, thank you. But, if such accident occur at once even one of them, what amount of energy effect would be born to give impact for the rest of universe, or after all what sort of consequential impact would be imaginable against the observable space-time itself?"
 "I couldn't answer you because of not knowing that effect precisely, only I could think it's the end of the knowing reality of this universe."
 "Now, we are coming in Gran Arcayer region!"
 Pea'a-le-na cried from my shoulder.
 "All right, Pea'a, I'm ready now."
 Answered Mediator, the space shiftor took descending position.
 "Have you ever been in Gran Acayer?"
 I wanted to hear about the old capital city's appearances, if Pia'a-le-na came to there.
 "No, I don't. Oh, Al, do you have anything worried about?"
 "I'm thinking of a space shiftor. I mean TTL must return to Lepalace soon."
 "Don't worry about space vehicle, there are always some of reserved in ones and twos."
 He smiled me to feel relieved, so I was laughing too.
 "All right, he needs just only one of them."
 This event might develop for unknown crookery ways, we must defense every evil plots with all our information and superior tactics. TTL should be gather Lepalace adequate power, and Mediator also ask cooperation to his native super space groups and squadrons. Still, I felt strange hunch of something inefficient unclear portion.
 "Al! It's destination. You're tired aren't you? You've just fallen asleep."
 "Oh, don't worry, thank you. I'm not tired, it's all right. Here is the old capital Gran Arcayer?"
 "Yes, but yet we're at in the under city space port."
 There were so large port that almost same scale of Mediator's Erilean world, I could see many space ships in a row, but great large space shiftors were confirmed little numbers in there. We changed vehicle to the air liner at the port and went to the old Commission Union Center. I wondered the old capital looked never olden days ruin, rather than vital modern day's splendid activated metropolitan as a scenery from sky. I reminded that Onnan's words every special keepers very devoted workers about own missions, and they were practically dispatched from En-Seqq-Zephyr which made me thinking to Zephyr's immeasurable potential capacities, this thought gave me enough feeling of possibilities against persona non grata group's invasion.
 "We arrive the center of our organization building."
 Autonomous organized air vehicle landed just in front of main entrance. The building of Gran Arcayer were not so outstandingly constructed high rising like Lepalace city such as Veil Laheiy Louis, there were about thirty stories average, I felt something large difference in contrast with under city's vast scales. I was quizzed why they almost always preferred under beneath. 
 "We keep good balanced system, may be we have not so many survivors. Oh, they were already gathered from all continents members."
"This person is informed special existence."
 Mediator presented TTL before his colleagues, soon after each others exchanged greeting remarks.
 "How do you do, everybody. I am TTL from the Lepalace world."
 Then he told everything related his side circumstances around the inter-space-time strange events. As a natural consequence, many various opinions have appeared, however every one of their members understood whole present individuals aimed at same purpose in the end, as a result Mediator himself undertook prime mover, and every precise projects were to decide after all. TTL would return to his native star region for arranging basic all readiness that included 13th district traitor groups information, so Mediator should manage En-Zephyr space squadrons or wings cooperation and utilizing their whole power against the troubles. And the decision after discussion about the person in question was unanimously to keep present situation, for the present, as of yet, still they couldn't find out decisively of what his aimed plan and real knowledge on its apparent purpose basically secret.
 "I wonder why the commission arrest him to confess. At least Mediator can analyze others central neural networking patterns."
 Through the C-sphere, I asked Pea'a-le-na on my shoulder.
 "No, it's not over the Ex-Septuplet Union including Planet Na-Speir-ĵ. We have the Essential Primary Law (EPL) under which every living life are never arrested except criminals, or undoubtedly have an actual will to execute criminal into practice."
 "The law is already limited as a null and void one around this world, isn't it?"
 "No, it's not, I believe, it's surely the Ex-Septuplet Union's law established at far old age as a basic law, still everyone always keep it mind as an natural standard."
 "However the suspect goes once to the object underground base at the 2nd continent."
 "Oh, he stopped at the lift platform on the ground, at the time he said to keeper, 'just want to see the great scale lift', even if it set at deep in the mountainous region, we know he is surely very questionable person, but that's all, namely not yet get a piece of evidence about his criminal plots, and we should be carefully watching over him."
 "All right, you are so faithful and fairness, yes, I understand all of what you wish to say. By the way, can I visit to the Ex-Union library?"
 "Certainly, anyone can read the wanted objects."
 I wanted to search for every item about the person had touched, there might be left any tracks, but furthermore I wished to know the truth of Septuplet Civilization by which even the little bird had such a splendid fairness mind.
 "It's wonderful, Al. Mediator arranges me a perfect space shiftor, and proper crews of the special keeper members"
 TTL came to our table to said, his face looked so happily. Then, we three went to Mediator saying thanks for his kindness, and I myself wanted to stay the city library as to my own purposes.
 "Well, well, you would challenge it, Al. I once hoped you to invite my native star region, but that work very much valuable, then I'll arrange your staying place."
 We said goodbye Mediator and went for the Ex-Union Space Port to see TTL taking off with his mighty crew members.
 "I would like to visit Mediator's native star region En-Seqq-Zephyr, but here I must carry out obligation."
 "I'll help you as long as possible, Al."
 "Thank you, Pea'a, you're my true friend."
 After sent off TTL, we headed to the old Ex-Civilization extensive thorough knowledge fountain. The library was a solemn three story artistic structure standing on next street to the Ex-Union Central Building, it stood in calm elegance.
 "You are well come, Mr Alnylum J. Allansh Jr."
 A guide person of the information desk at the entrance on the ground floor, greeted us and called me in full name.
 "How do you do, Mr., I would like to read whole sort of documents about persona non grata had read."
 "All right, I will show you the way, please follow me."
 He guided us on the library mobile cart.
 "I'm a member of special searcher for the person in question."
 Through the C-sphere, he told me everything about the reasonable information. Tojours the person in question read many books and documents within his long term staying, so they summarized them already because of which they had also searched precisely too, and they realized that Tojours was very subtle and could feel other's thoughts, meanwhile he usually carried various communication receivers, though no one saw the transmitter.
 "One exception is happened this year, for about six months he didn't appear here, follow-up surveyor indicated for his returning to the native region."
 "And his appearance to the No.2 continent's storage place was before his returning?"
 "Yes, he was."
 We climbed onto the roof, there stood a working keeper penthouse, and guided to a small reading room set at most back part of the penthouse.
 "All our documents inside of this reader, and the device receives every your question, that is to say this is also acting a normal promoted CR."
 "Thank you so much, Mr."
 "Oh, I am Cerrtlann, my colleagues call me just Lann, this is always available to interact."
 "Thank you, Lann. I'll call you when I need your help."
 "All right, see you then."
 He smiled saying goodbye for us and nice guy went out on his mobile cart. When I turned on the reader, soon I noticed that there comprise exclusive knowledge about Tojours.
 "I'd like to know about the relation with Tojours and Lepalace 13th district traitor groups."
 "Yes, I understand you two qualifications, sir, and you may confirm my ID number, 'Obcy-00 MtR: 1/002', they call me just Obcy but not obstinacy, this communication apparatus numbered device is designated strictly classified. Now you can see today's TTL testimony at the Commission." 
 "I understand every word what you said, Obcy."
 Obcy changed its screen face mode, and there appeared triple different visions.
 "You can manage them, there were set signals near under bar."
 Pia'a-le-na read the screen earlier than me, so I made two of them waiting mode and I selected center one, where I could read his testimony by the writing words from the very first, other two were videos. Tojours was a member of the 13th district local government congress in the United Lepalace Federation, he had been left congress for about nearly a decade still social status kept as incumbent congress member. The 13th district government is now under the unstable situation with the strong rebellion groups even though Federation's expedition three squadrons developed large operation, meanwhile normal Lepalace natives are received hereditary peaceable essence, all of them have struggle-phobic gene-code, against such traditional circumstance some of 13th habitants utterly different, so there existed deep gap between Lepalace regular defense system and rebellion power for about battle tactics, regular temporary army never realize war practical skillfully tactics at first. On the other hand, about twelve or thirteen year ago, Lepapace traveler returned home with a stranger from unknown land alias Terra incognita. The man from Terra incognita was very peaceful minded person who tried very hard to study on the Lepalace superior high level civilization knowledge over eight years, meanwhile, by chance far from his personality, about his knowledge relating large scale state of struggle tactics, he had extraordinary optimum theory, it's because of his native planet had been experienced lawless fanatic groups rebellions even with mad dictator nations required high qualities about making peace management technology, with his positive aid United Galaxy Union's offence System regained 90% peace over strong 13th rebellion's powerful mutiny in there Star Region, all through that trouble term he learnt various hard experiences, therefore, 13th Star region Congress Representative Elv Ishtenserre claimed to his whole theory, and expressed opposition point of view against his every idea even him acceptance to space wings chief of staffs, so the urgent committee conference opened, after all Elv Ishtencerre couldn't prove any clear specific tech theory at the conference. Ishtencerre's opposition denied. So that quiet man made many fine effects at dispatched battle-site of star region, then rebellion groups almost surrendered except one isolated district. The person in question at the capital city of this planet 'Na-Speir-ĵ' is now definitely cleared coming from that last district, while he once answered that he had nothing to do with such an unlawful group.
 "It's the end of it, let's see another."
 "Yes, I understand, but I have some questions, the planet Terra incognita is my native place, I know there were frequently appeared fanatic terrorists rebellions and even dictator leaded province which called nation had often occurred danger troubles. They never recognize the struggle means, poorly mad leaders couldn't realize what the true peace is meaning."
 "If so, your planet have been very sad existences."
 "I asked once for Lepalace High Commissioner at a time when I will get learning of high technologies that might talk such war-mania people recognizing what a real peace means, at any cost I wish my native planet can get along through security free societies. Eternal peace of my planet is my true dreams."
 "Do you always dream of ?"
 Pia'a-le-na was little surprised to hear that. I didn't tell him about my family, especially my father was killed at terrorist sweep battle. I was reminded mother's things in an instant yet I should learn too many tasks in these high level civilizations over which I would enlighten true peace to the whole people of Earth itself.
 "Then, what it said you?"
 "They didn't have such regulations, still thought it for me if my wishes so strong. I might be to receive their answer later on."
 "Can I ask you something?"
 He said to Obcy. It was at first time Pia'a-le-na asked things another one so seriously, I was surprised too.
 "Sure of course, sir, what about may I search for?"
 "The main quintessence assembly of the Aulga itself, if you know them."
 "Yes, I know the name of them, but there are requested strict conditional key-code, while I realize in your memory's person so called Mr Mediator has the special key-code. If you can call him, now, he would manage it."
 "All right, I can communicate him right now. Please, let me do it."
 Pia'a-le-na was to touch with his pretty bill for the screen board's under side signal patterns then he called up Mr Leu Hassaley the New Prime-Mover.
 "Yes, it's me, Pia'a. Oh, Al is too! I am already en route to the native region."
 "Would you mind ask Aulga to teach their power onto Al, any time never mind."
 And Pia'a-le-na told my native place's circumstances and my basic wishful purposes for such an uncivilized planetary human’s improvement.
 "You pia'a does think Al's ambition as his life itself?"
 "Yes, sir, Mediator. He thought it as his own life-will."
 "All right, I could understand your will too. Please, wait till their words you shall receive it."
 To tell the truth, anything I couldn't realize of their mutual thought interactive deeds then I couldn't realized, their dialect-code communication needed for only an instant to the completion with central neural pattern. Long after that, I learnt its phenomenon wasn't a normal device amplified waves but a kind of specific wave motion relative Aulga, formality it's Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga. There wasn't any profound meaning, by Pia'a-le-na, it has been simply handed down from an old time. 
 "Then from now on, if Aulga touches you, it's all right, but when we're not at place, just say 'the required course receiver' is Al, who is from Terra incognita, Obcy. Oh well, Al. You do wanted to read this world civilization history."
 That night, after the dinner we received call from TTL that he returned there safely with  Septuplet space shiftor's special crew members.
 "I've already presented precise report to the United Congress. About Elv Ishtenserre, he wasn't at the Capital, few days ago, he took a month vacation and went his star district."
 "Now I can realize their inter-cross line, they use 'cross section' as a interactive operator elements of the Curb Ratio appeared in super space with amphibious diverse receiver."
 "Roger wilco! We'll go to search right away. He is only one object who can come in its center."
 "He has left there and has come back homeland? It means their new movement, I think."
 "May be so, anyway I'll begin to investigate him. See you, then!"
 TTL was hurried to leave communication. He might be headed for the 13th star region to follow after Ishtenserre, while by means of the difference of shiftor structure, much earlier latter one would arrive there. We two looked each's face with smiling eyes.
 "That's just what I expected, the Septuplet civilization is far longer and stepped out much fantastic world!"
 I had read their history through full two days.They offered every information for me, there were nothing ambiguous pages, however, even my ardor search didn't find out anything about Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga for which Pia'a-le-na eagerly tried to introduce me to it.
 "You should be certainly to think wonderful."
 We would find out something the person in question if possible. 
 "Yes, exactly, we have hypothesis or assumptions"
 "I am too, yet I have a plan. I want to find out evadable evidence. How about break into his living place, can we?"
 "He's now staying own space ship, I heard."
 That conversation made Obcy little stimulant mood,
 "You mustn't do special keepers interference, even if you wear meta-material cloak, subtle object must many traps there. Your knowledge aren't including police detective. They are learning spacial technique, never learning cause a dangerous result.
 "All right, Obcy, I was surely wrong, promise you never do as a police man like, you're totally right."
 It was this moment, suddenly some queer code-signal appeared on our screen, neither my
                                       ﬥ פּ ᒩᒻ
C-sphere nor Pia'a-le-na did say any word, everyone kept silence. What this mean, its too strange, too extraordinary too miraculous.  .  .  .
 "I was called on with the Detached Separation Self-Support Portion of .  .  ." 
 Obcy said it pressingly and fell in silent mode. When I felt our room's atmosphere sudden changing its mood, as if almost every elementary particle of the entire room's air were oscillating at the instance and then everything became wholly quiet, still part of the oscillated particles faint radiation stayed, there I was conscious for passing of time became so slowly, and little by little translucent some image came in sight, none the less emerging morphotype stopped its process in the half way, so that it stayed as a floating silhouette and it was always changing its form like faint morning aurora. I felt strong overwhelming pressure at first, but soon recovered normal feeling that's why the queer signal on the screen and Obcy's words Aulga attracted strongly my native inquisitive stimulated so to say curiosity to demand a question, while it was rather than looking like any of Orion's various nebula, more alike Crab nebula in which comprised abundant ionized helium, oxygen and hydrogen illuminated by free high energy of excited electrons or the light from center neutron star gave to rise Compton effects for other remnant molecular of supernova.
 "We understand there only being to keep conscious state living thing is Mediator's .  .  ."
 Until these recognizable words could appear, though there had taken very hard process experienced, ever more between such hard process I could feel from the contour in silhouette saying that it wanted to say explanation. The sound began to oral messages at first in so messy way, and then began to tell the reason why it coming out for my staying place. It might be knew little my native planet circumstance, that it tried to adjust my own language. . .
 "Nous venons ici pour dire à nos connaissances . . .вот почему мы позволили вам узнать наши живые существа.  .  .  .   nuestra civilización es tan extraña buscando tus ojos. . . .  βρισκόμαστε στη μητρική σας γλώσσα, εκτός από το ότι δεν μπορούμε να ανταλλάξουμε τη συνομιλία μας . . .tá muid an-mearbhall anois nach bhféadfaí a fháil amach ach ceann amháin. . . at the moment, now, we could find out your native language at last. How do you do, Alnylum. We are just detached portion of Aulga, formally Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga. We hear from Mediator that you are eagerly wishing to get a knowledge about the existence of the space-time itself or the Universe, at same time, the reason of own existence and reality on minds solidarity or the engaged minds, for the purpose of making balanced 'True Peace' over your native planet. Our Centre Main Aulga has been received your wishing, nevertheless Main Aulga is not around these near space, our detached portion could not learn you all of that, as a result, you should be waited Main Quintessential Aulga will be back here around the space. You Alnylum are having so strong brave heart at such a young experienced spirit, now listen, this detached portion yet have power by ourselves, at any time if you need help, just call this portion. Good bye strong spirit ! Be careful."
 I felt the existence of contour in silhouette to vanish, they left at an instance different from coming into room's air, one more strange thing I felt, they said the main Aulga in singular form while portion in plural, it made the question much increased. 
 "What the phenomenon! When it's gone?"
 "It's again usual world! Did they leave?"
 Both Pia'a-le-na and Obcy returned normal again from perfectly silent situation at the same time and asked at once, in any case I myself kept form of 'stand still'.
 "Yes, they're gone already, anyway take it easy, two of you!"
 "Yes sir, brave boy, I feel relax now, and how's their answer?"
 "They are dispatched integrated potion. They said the quintessence of Aulga is far away region right now, still the answer is yes and at any time when we need help, they are waiting for my call."
 "That's wonderful, their great strong power, by the way, how can you endure that energy?"
 "To tell the truth, I'm a quiz-mania, always searching for answer even at dead-end whatzit."
 Again both two got the same reaction, they laugh at once, both of small bird and high tech machine could laugh when felt it. While my heart had gone far away where Aulga might be, I was really wishing those basic enigmata to know from the bottom of my heart, and strongly wishing for the quiet real peace of native planet the whole Earth.  


  At last, I was encountered with Aulga, however it was not formal Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga central quintessence himself, in fact their detached independent separating division came to meet us when I was at the capital library of the planet Na Speir Ĵ. After all, again I should have to thought about specifically strange kind of living life's morphogenesis in this universe. Even though our local planet the Earth have many forms of the lives, as for example, from the hydrothermal vent creature's tube worm, or trichoplax adherence of the Phylum placozoan or similar to that minuscule worm planaria so called tridadida in the Phylum Platyhelminthes or there are various innumerable micro-organisms or Tardigrada class's tardigrade who could live through at when they meet peril using a tech so called cryptobiosis and what not.
 They are all having overcome abilities against difficult environmental as a natural selection, on the other hand, there were so much clear difference to the many types of Lepalace and Septuplet civilization's superior synthetic, compound lives about whom the natives never used such genesis name but 'CR', that's to say the common race. It meant there were not existing any special races, it used just as a idiom, as a matter of fact the lives at long term living might be needed about necessary to repair of the parts of the body including central organ system itself, then there could not stay indeed any protogenic biologically genuine materials, as a result with many time practice of essential remodification, there were just only conserved wholly true artificial structures. Meanwhile as an inherent detached existence of whose proper own name is nothing difference, it's a consecutive living-life, and whether if any questionable view happened to appear, it might be the matter of questioner's own abstract yet basically deep sophisticated subject about a raison d'être, or else inquiry for a real life itself.
 And, consequently every hi-tech device CR just the same as naturally born lives either conception over morphology and biology, they were all having independent own autonomic reason of existence in the world of space-time, and whole somatic and nerve cells of body, not only peripheral but also including central nerve system made by artificial that surely the same to natural ones, so nothing different from Earth bound H. sapiens certainly much more idealistically precise function than H. sapiens, except higher level integrated knowledge, they presented their usual thinking ways over the central neural networks limited their social common sense level without special own high tech ability after all.
 The definition of A.I. or robot is the call-name limited within the Earth level civilization. Nevertheless, if I call the dispatched independent part of Aulga are the living life existence, nobody might believe me. To tell the truth, I myself couldn't imagine what it was, in other words, what the living life was, in the long run, what's the true definition of the genuine life. They had the superior abnormal figure, I hadn't never seen such a living thing, while their way of thinking was very normal and much theoretical recognition. Of course, there were too many ifs and buts, so I decided to keep tightly tuck all questions away deep inner mind until I would meet Aulga Main Quintessence himself in the near future, though, at our limited small native planet, I could see daily many overt discriminatory deeds, by mere exterior morph. Such an outlook just came from only the natural statistical D-Nucleic Acid's probability.
 "I have received a message for you from Mediator."
 Next morning, Obcy told to us at first.
  "I have a good news."                                                      
  On the screen, Madiator smiled for us.
 "En-Seqq-Zephyr Congress decide to dispatch two space-shiftor squadrons and a division of space-air lift, they begin to readiness for counter tactics operation."
 "It's wonderful, really good news!"
 "TTL send us precious info about opponent power levels and space armed forces details, the info is so much helpful."
 "And how about your schedules are expected?"
 "Within a few days, I will return there."
 Mediator smiled again, when he said that schedule for meeting us.
 "Oh I remind of the Aulga's Portion touched me last night wondering so brave you were, even as the 1st class grade racial of the family, Al. Well, brave young man, see you later!"
 Mediator left from the screen, however what's the 1st class grade and other things, it utterly quizzed me so sharp way, soon after, I was asked a question to the left shoulder's Pia'a.
 "What on world, we thought you were already to realize the Classification relating living things by its terms in the world or in the universe, at first we everyone didn't understand about you when Onnan had heard about it from you and then told us that you were strictly one of natural short living thing. At the time, everybody was surprised with it, that is to say it meant you are the very rare case, because none of us could have been to exclude surmising true reality. It might be your whole daily deeds, especially every thinking way just the same with us and you had so highly precious peaceful mind. You always wished to know the eternal Aeon of space-time existing reason for which short term living lives usually never thought of. . ."
 Pia'a-le-na talked away endlessly.  
 "Am I so strange?"
 "Oh no! You are surely normal. Please don't misunderstanding!"
 He looked for me with surprised eyes.
 "Please don't mind, I just wanted to say you are so miraculous existence. We go sometime primitive societies en route to expedition travels, then contact many 1st class degree lives, yet, we never meet any one like your sense of existences. If we search whole universe, there mightn't be to have find out such a consciousness. I'd like to say you're normal being in our society."
  He said about aeon or eternity, but they aren't usually thought of, only feel it sometimes.
 "You do hide your true schema of living conceptions, when you'd stayed in such primitive people's environment, don’t you ?"
 I was just smiling while he was taking continued, because he was in his thinking almost like an ancient Roman philosopher talking dreamy endless extensive universe.
 "Now, TTL is coming in, Al."
 Suddenly, Obcy said to me, so I turned to the screen, there was TTL who looked at me with his solemn face.
 "What's the matter, TTL?"
 "Their main armed forces are vanished all around those star region, just vanished! May be, we don't ever aware of any unknown portal they had made, if we concerned the problem special researchers might find out such a secret passage soon. therefore, I'll start as soon as readiness ended. When Mediator receive my infornation, he tells me their En Seqq Zephyr's space squadrons will start instantly."
 "It's so sudden happenings! How many their Space Divisions composition?"
 "At present I couldn't clear answer, but at least Space Group Unit they have now. We'll soon start following after them, till then!"
 TTL left the screen, then as a reflex action I felt about a person in questionable suspect Tojours' present situation.
 "Will you call Mr Cerrtlann who is at library information desk."
 I asked Obcy for call Lann.
 "Yes, Al, I am just returned from the Union Center."
 "Now, I'd like to ask about Tojours."
 "What! You know already! We find out he has vanished at about ten minutes ago !"
 "Well well, it occurred at same time. The 13th rebellion Space Group of Lepalace left their region today."
 "So you estimated over Tojours?"
 "Yes, may be we must search North 2nd Continent."
 "Thank you, Al. We'll do it as soon as possible."
 Cerrtlann was appeared to be in trouble while always he kept presence of mind, I had never looked such a distressed appearances. Mediator told once their special searchers almost always to manage thing in complete way, and they didn't have their minds unsettled, might be set own mind steadiness. This time, Tojours had attempted outwit in some way so he did it at too smart. I had read all the file of Tojours deeds, it include every his personal history on this planet, that report indicated his personal profile as extraordinary subtle, shrewd and clever, then his behavior to be at the point was in a top caution of our attention, and we were most strictly guarded 2nd continent's antimatter storage place, therefore it was so much curious procedure for me, if that was intentional attitude to impression his indifference against object, he would attempt very shrewd way that nobody could become aware of. I knew him cold blooded utterly cruel personality from its report, but what on world he once returned dangerous battle region, in other word, how and why could he did through it even those such hard troublesome feats, moreover 13th district was the only survival resistance of outlaw group region, it meant they could have special tactics or powers, even this time they left up all for vanishing.
 "So can you imagine any answer? "
 Pia'a-le-na asked something in a little fret way.
 "I don't know, still storage place must spread its guard strictly."
 "That's it, we'll do from known measure, you worry too much, I care of your sound body."
I know him concerning about me, it would be friend's at the 1st class weak one, that's why.
 "I am all right at any time."
 "Oh, yeah, that's alright, Al."
 "Call the Ex Union Center."
 I asked Obcy to call the Center.
 "This is the Union Center. May I help you something, Al? "
 It was one of the Committee member with whom I once met at the Center.
 "Yes, sir. Please send a message to the 2nd continent storage place, from now on, do careful identity confirm all-out those who are directly guarding special keeper members, there may occur of possibility the transformed espionage agent sneaking in, I ask that."
 "All right we'll confirm it strictly, thank you for precious information."
 "How can find out such a clear conclusion, Al? I think so just the same way, too."
 "I think about everything of which have any possible hazard, Pia'a. In the end, only that case leave there, but this search is too much difficult to find out I think."
 At the very moment, splendid space squadrons flying formation appeared on the central screen, it was from En-Seqq Zephyr space base lifting started. 
 "En Zephyr United Commission accept kindly our request in a fitting manner, encounter group start to head for opponents star region as early as signals received from regular observatory satellite. Now you're looking scenery is En Zephyr shiftor formation of the space squadrons with space lift-ship."
 Mediator was so pleased way to explain us that wonderful scenery. 
 "I will go back soon to Na Speir ĵ, and take up you two. Wait for us at space base there."
 "Yes, sir, we'll be waiting for you at the space base."
 I answered him immediately, at last we would meet rebellion groups, meanwhile I didn't have any knowledge of our roll for about coming encounter, either to take part in edge-site or up-end as just an onlooker. However, there were so much difference in the operational action relating the speed between Lepalace civilization's abilities and the Septuplet system level, in behalf of the former using PEP as a shift-free-way, on the other hand the latter always took pre-set path-route networks in the superior specific space as a transfer regular way, that meant usually the latter one are much higher in the time ratio to shift place tech, except unknown space of the universe. And En Zephyr was already set the observation satellite along the appointed encounter space of the regions, Mediator would took earlier the pre-set path-routes, I understand for every possibilities that one should prepare own proper measure, against coming occasions, because we allowed of more time to get into the active phase after the encounter at around predicted area in the space.
 "Now I can see the ship arriving, look at that, it's gonna posture for landing!"
 Pia'a-le-na cried for me, he was waiting eagerly for its appearance.
 "It's new one, see the shiftor! Pretty new type, much bigger than before."
 The shifting body was completely changed new one compared to the former. The under side of the shiftor's small entrance was got to open and the lift came down. We rode on it.
 "This time you do eager to see Mediator, don't you?"
 "Sure it is. I wish to hear from him some secret precious information, this time."
 Pia'a smiled softly so I felt his exciting heart. We had exchanged upper-going lifts several times as to follow the guide voices.
 "You are well come!"
 Our terminal spot was just behind the commander seat. There was strangely large and miracle looking headquarter room, several crews were one another sitting on the floating steps over head in the air against to the far higher background of dome canopy.
 "It's too big, isn't it?
 Pia'a-le-na flied away up above with rhythmic flapping of wings sound.
 "I think same as his feeling, too. So do you undertake the executive commander position?"
 "No, not it. I have received another role of duty, as a result."
 "I wonder maybe your role is auxiliary large scale one that relating to Tojours's risk, didn't you?"
 "How could you get the idea?"
 Mediator looked at me little frightened way.
 "When I heard it. I thought it was queer coincidence, all in all, the 13th region rebel groups and Tojours vanishing nearly in the same time, without any communicating evidence left, even though both of them under the strict observations, it's too complex to find out in at once."
 "Yes, while En-Zephyr Space Forces should focus on actual tactics, nevertheless that antimatter have so great peril, we must avoid to dodge the possible risk by all means."
 He said about foresee danger in a serious expression.
 "What is your most doubtful point?"
 Then, he was to ask me, I had never been experienced such psychological emotional state
for Mediator, he was honestly at anxiety about it.
 "I doubted mostly to his existence, surely he was vanished from his dwelt-place, but how could he tricked veteran special observers, no one ever could make that, I think. At 2nd, he is exactly evil subtle man once designed wick-plan to visiting storage place and after his drove away there was little miss had occurred, the document of the special keepers was copied of which I found it in the records at library. After that small accident Tojours returned 13th own native spot, so he appeared here again about three months later, Lepapace tech is at enough level to create to disguise a living figure in any cases, for instance any optional guard system would be surely got through of its figures."
 I told him all the questionable points as it was.
 "You just add one more point, Al. I see that, alright I'll raise them alert about it!"
 Pia'a-le-na was backed at my shoulder while I told it, and said it suddenly.
 "Al find out also Tojours learnt the Septuplet space-time path technology, that knowledge make them to the new loophole passageway."
 "Yes, Pia'a, it's exactly true."
 Mediator smiled for Pia'a-le-na who was became serious.
"Thank you, Al, I'd sent your references to the center of 2nd continent, so they answered me already that now they begin to search inside of the storage hall."
 However I didn't notice as Pia'a-le-na said explaining lawless rebel groups might use the shift route within the regular transit passage network in the space of universe. I thought they were only choice to make as a loophole, in short, we didn't have large amount of time-superiority.
 "Look up canopy, Al, it's changed to the all over screen, and it synchronized to our moving."
 "Oh, I couldn't realize when we leave the Na Speir ĵ , it's too smooth. Well then, there are appeared various color spots with many other indicators."
 "At first the red and yellow spots are opponent color, our side are just only green spots, most right-ward side behind the group of green spots, there we can see the radiant light, that colorless shining spot is expressed this ship."
 Instead Pia'a-le-na, Mediator explained both side's formation color spots floating on the surface of 360° wide screen high up above our over head in the commander room. The red spots formation was lining up in triple rows that's to say the three rows of trail, 12 red spots files at each row, except 2 spots in center of the middle row were yellow.
 "That central yellow two are cargo ships, and by the satellite information their size are more than double of other shiftors, naturally we didn't understand why they accompanied cargo ship, while there came Al's shrewd conjecture, they wanted to carry dangerous matter in that, but I don't realize how they need two."
 "Our side green spots are less numbers than red spots, just 18 spots in all!"
 Pia'a-le-na called out suddenly, while two of others kept silence, then he smiled.
 "Surely I know En-Zephyr is far progressed at high technology, so they have hi-tactics."
 At the time, on the panel in front of our cockpit seats, appeared TTL.
 "We are now entering the active space zone with friend space shiftor which is ex-chairman of United Lepalace Dr Louis with our precious young crews are onboard, at present we receive our Zephyr's code, mine is 'Blue 25th' and Dr Louis is 'Blue 26th', so I will introduce them for you all."
 The panel changed scene from TTL to Dr Louis and there appeared my good old dear friends Willy and Syd, of course they two are hand up taking a figure high five to me, I also raised up my right hand in full smile.
 "I am from United Lepalace Congress, ex-chairman Veil Laheiy Louis, we owe you both Septuplet Union and En-Seqq-Zephyr so deeply exerting against large amount of troubles by the rebel group's conspiracy, here I should say many thanks for you, thank you very much."
 Dr Louis told that in very politely, then En-Zephyr squadrons commander and chief of staff came in front to ask various circumstances with 13th rebel group, meanwhile the screen changed its site to my friends figure for me.
 "Hi, Al!"
 "How's thing right in gonna run with you, Al!"
 Two of my old friends, young guys, called out the words for me at the same second. I was surely glad to meet them again, they were purely of my heart, and so they were, too.
 "I miss you, Syd, Willy, but there was too many things to do, sometimes fearful dangers and other times fearful perils, anyway the world of Septuplet is wonder itself."
 "All right, you've been living in the heaven, but this time it's our turn!"
 Willy told it in full smiling.
 "Shoulder's pretty petit bird, where d'you meet him."
 Syd was a bird fan, especially small bird, he might has been concerned about my shoulder.
 "Hi, Syd, hi Willy! I am Pia'a-le-na, please just call me Pia'a. I'll waiting for you at Gran Arcayer."
 Syd was surprised.
 "All right! I'll be wishing for, Pia'a!"
 At the moment, all the alert sound rang out and warning light began blinking. Dr Louis's commander cockpit and my friends vanished, instead En-Zehpyr squads two commander of C'dr-Ψ and appeared on the screen. 
 "Listen me, every aboard personnel!  Our operation have now required a possible temporary suspension, but we shouldn't never issue easy answer, please wait for a few moment, just few."
 Mediator and two commander of C'dr-Ψ and were to begin discussion by taking another communicate circuit. That was about antimatter storage center of which Tojours had perfectly occupied it, just a few minutes ago, Tojour intimidated from beneath storage room to ground center, whether if space counter forces stop the strategical operation, or not, he waited thirty minutes waiting, and if didn't stop, he would destroy whole storage base. At the same time, I asked Pia'a to go special keeper leader of communication post in the room for inform my two friend came on through C-sphere circuit.
 "Will you equip C-sphere now?"
 "Yes, we are. Then what's for?"
 I told them Tojours' deed and then explained Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga's existence also detached portion of Aulga who stayed somewhere near by around regional space.
 "They are not only almighty but also strictly anti evil, we know our heart when united it could create enormous infinite power. Please unite minds with me to call Aulga portion."
 "Sure of course! Unite our souls to Al."
 "All our's might, Let's to make unity tight!"
 "Thank you, now our strong solidarity mind go!"
 I do my best to touch that sternness 'Nyx Lucid', we feel each other true reality we do all our might through Cellurfule sphere, my Aulga our Aulga, we tried and tried and tried, so we repeated, then at last we felt some of quintessence faint heart, suddenly it all of a glow!
 "My young friend Al and your mind friends! What will you wish us to do."
 "Our detached portion of Aulga, here we do wish to ask you. Please protect our universe. North 2nd continent of Speir-Ĵ’s anti-matter storage center occupied by destroyer, he threaten us destroy all over around here everyhing."
 "Don't mind! Now we’ll go down there and make the world quiet. A few second wait!"
 We three saw his word on the left hand equipped monitor tablet, that no other person never know what was happened of three young men from Earth doing the vast wide space except Pia'a. And soon the answer of the Aulga touched our three hearts.
 "Evil is at over the ground, special keepers are all ease at safe, serious one are now cured, they are keeping evil to send the correcting facility. Now, let easy Al and two mind friends. We should return to other preciously needed place, then. Oh, if you need us, anytime call us with that your ensemble solidarity ardor."
 "Thank you Aulga, thank you so much!"
 Our three told them thanks and Aulga’s Nyx Lucid gone. We said each other farewell till then, and parted. That time, there were again exerting alarm sound & light to come over.
 "Opponent have launched RK-High-Energy-Waver against us, we must take immediate discharge the multi-bundle of counter HEW and soon after we should project each ship own protect barrier, wait till commander to get in touch with the timing 'now get it' sign."
 I looked upon the canopy screen, rebel 's attacking wave in red dotted lines moved from left to right about a quarter of way between right side green spots formation. Then, there appeared radiant light moving several dots against red dotted line from the top of green formation.
 "Now get it every ship!"
 Commander's loudly ordered voice resounded, so the green spots changed to blue at the instance, may be every Zephyr squad's shiftor including ours, so then Dr Louis and TTL's.
 "Commander of C'dr-Ψ, this is tail-higher's Ennrey-Θάζντ. Now, we have always ready to project the ultra freezer soliton-bundle sheaves at anytime, we're waiting for."
 "Clear by Θάζντ, wait that first encounter result."
 Two commander of C'dr-Ψ, looked still to follow the moving locus orbit of several light dots. 
 "Our Ennrey-Θάζντ participate the encounter cross action as a controlled power."
 I asked through C-sphere to Pia'a-le-na.
  "Yes, we have super strong freezing wave in a form of soliton, so this ship relatively took higher position to the whole formation."
 "How could endure to keep superior energy all through long duration against far away enemy?"
 "That's the Aulga quintessence effect, so only Mediator have its great tech. Oh, see it, now our counter HEW break the opponent attacking energy waves RK, and the leftover bundles continue moving its orbit as the nullifier of enemy barrier."
 Just the moment Pia'a said that, the commander of C'dr-Ψ's order sign reached.
 "Yes, sir. We discharge our soliton right now!"
 Mediator answered crisply to the commander and pushed launch button himself. Its shinny spots appeared as the mass of blueish radiant light bundle on the canopy screen, they moved more speedy than other's orbit, their higher transit moving lines were as if they caught up with earlier before going light dots.
 "Al, you are asked to come to the ship's library, at there communication comes from Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga itself."
 "Is it main quintessence of Aulga?"
 "Yes it is. I think it's very rare case, now you might hurry to library, Al."
 "I understand, sir."
 I soon left the cockpit seat, so as to meet the most desirable existence object at the ship's library. At last I could be able to ask how to make a secure peace on the Earth and mine ultimate object theme of 'raison d'être' and 'existence reason of universe' or 'aeon' itself, I felt my heart beat much faster than usual.
 "You are so happy to meet them, Al. I feel your exciting mind directly."
 From my shoulder Pia'a said on strange voice, he might be excited too. Our riding cart stopped just before the main entrance of the ship's large library. Pia'a flied for the door to perch on the ornament sculpture over the door board.
 "There are figure certificate opening space right in front of your face."
 I was standing just before the pupillary pattern I.D. certificate screen, as he told.
 "We recognize you Mr Alnylum Allansh Jr, you are well come, please come in the library."
 The tall great door was opened slowly sliding right ward. Pia'a came flying down to my shoulder.
 "Now let's come in, Al."
 "All right, let's walk in."
 There was a reception counter just inside the door, and medium sized autonomous monitor was set at center on the front desk.
 "You are well come, Mr. Allansh Jr, your designated room is 26th room sir, please follow the blue guiding light on the floor, it lead you to the appointment."
 "Look Al, the blue lighted arrow appears on the floor!"
 We walked after the moving guide light through the corridor, then there about a few minutes the leading light stopped.
 "The door number is 26th, here we come to the room."
  Pia'a flapped his wings slightly, I opened the door. The room was designed almost looking alike truncated icosahedron and every surface were transparent warm orange colored wall. There were several furniture. Main info screen was setting on the front wall and the table made from marble was before the screen with chairs.
 "Take a seat, Al, give notice of our arrival."
 I was followed after his instructions, so the screen began to get bright.
 "I recognize you, Alnylum J. Allansh Jr, now I will tell you, at first, do not think over the figure of mine meaning, so as to you are the existence yet couldn't be able to recognize every living thing's exterior appearance categories, henceforth never mind what sort of live I would be classified, just be aware of Alnylum's friend Aulga, Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga as it is, so please do not afraid of my visiting. I understand already your every wishing to perform your native home planetary civilization should achieve much more progressed one, in order to make whole people in much more better adequate living environment. And I understand you wish to know the ultimate reason about the eternity of space-time existence itself, and raison d'être about yourself and what not, therefor I will talk with you at the time when we meet again, in other words I would like to talk with you personally. I am at present far away region of the universe to examine the reason of sudden basic elements transformation over this universe's space-time continuous structure, whereby I had sent the message for you through some pathway on which two independent sections would relay as transmission satellite. Though they are part of Eile-Irn-Croi, they are also Eile-Irn-Croi idem quod and of itself, oh I should be said ourselves at the same time, in this context you would like to think them as a 'calon ac enaid' solidarity colleagues, that may not be a mistake in all. However, these narratives might have been confused you at certain degree, I realize what you think now, but the real truth . . ."
"It's again the emergency alarm!!"
 Suddenly Pia'a-le-na on my shoulder cried out in a keen way. There were full of alarming sound and flashing signal light all over the library. Meanwhile Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga already stopped talking, and the surface of screen was utterly quiet in grey mode, then under side of the screen's narrow slot was opened, from there something tablet like small thin box came out on the front table.
 "Take it, Al, it's a recording device, may be Aulga's discontinued message, I think. Anyway we must hurry to come back headquarter."
 Again we were followed blue light on the floor hurrying to the exit.
 "Did you know the relation between Mediator and Aulga?"
 I asked Pia'a about Mediator.
 "Yes, but I've only a few knowledge with it. Aulga is a so lofty mysterious existence."
 "I wonder why Aulga said ‘ourselves’ as in a singular figure instead plural, we've met Aulga's detached portion and they were lives of assembly, anyhow I couldn't understand."  
 "I don't know anything, too. Aulga is the ultimate being of the extreme situations after all."
 We two jumped into the riding cart at the library exit porch.
 "Pia'a, let me know immediately, if you have any idea what's this sudden alarm."
 "No, I haven't exact idea, only just worrying opponent accidental attack hit at somewhere of our side."
 He also didn't know exact info about the emergency alarm as yet, while the riding cart surprising speedily returned to the center entrance of the headquarter room, but at that time the alarm was stopped suddenly.  
 "What's happened, Mediator?"
 I asked him as soon as I took seat by the side.
 "Now that information appear on the main screen, look at it over there."
 He pointed at the front side, where we could see some space shiftor formation.
 "Look them on the ship noses! They are all marked Na-Speir-ĵ official coat of arms."
  Pia'a said with a loud voice.
 "Yes, they are our reinforcements from the valley of Erilean space base, at first some of our observatory satellite mistook them as the strange foreign space vehicles."
 "I wonder that we have enough strength against opponents."
 "Sure it is, still they have not interactive power by nature, that mean their purpose may be something about necessary information or so."
 "Mediator, I'd like to know, how did the S-S-Freezing soliton wave effect?"
 I asked him most anxiety things.
 "Oh, it was quite a success, all of rebel groups every member of crew might have been frozen right now, there may be no exceptions I believe."
 "And we didn't have any damage?"
 "Only one of observing satellite at the front got destructive damage, but that's all."
 "Then seizure rebel members are sending to the reformation facility?"
 "Yes, all of them will correct at that facility where they should make themselves as natural common sensed individuals by several months of special guidance."
 At the same time, the monitor on the control panel of the cockpit was lighted, after that appeared the tele-com apparatus on screen calling Mediator's signal code, and they exchanged several words in the form of miraculous dialect by which even Pia'a couldn't recognize any part over the conversation, in any case, we two so much delighted that's why there we would be able to see Onnan and Keynigh again.
 "Here Onnan is coming in!"
 Soon after the tele-com apparatus withdrew from the panel, Onnan came in sight a moment after.
 "We have a massage for you, Mediator. I don't know the reason why, though we received a
information from Aulga, I mean Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga, they send message via Afyle-01KtR : 5/202 i.e. super computer at Bajhaj region in written mode of address for you, of which I'll be coming here to transmit that message for you directly. Because at that time, around whole space zone over Na-Speir-ĵ was under communicative emergency law."
 Onnan and Keynigh wished that in order to deliver directly a pack of compressed communication messages from Aulga to Mediator, so they were using the private interactive line to hand it for Mediator, after delivering they left farewell words for us then went away on their return way.
 "Did you request these projects for Aulga?"
 Mediator asked me when he finished reading all the messages from Aulga.
 "Yes, I once asked him about my primitive home planet whether if Aulga would help us to evolve for selecting non evil healthy clear environment."
 "Aulga answered assent perfectly for every project you had wished."
 "Oh well, you sure! I'm so happy to here that! It's wonderful!"
 Mediator looked at me with his warmhearted smiling eyes.
 "After we settle down these whole troubles, we all will follow Aulga to help you, too."
 "Thank you, Mediator. Thank you so much."
 I was very delighted that as if I was in the highest center of dreaming trance. Those were the things I had long been searching, hoping, wishing to be actually to occur over my loving home place.
 "Aulga will go down straight to the Terra-incagnita as soon as his research-exploring completed. So we certainly do follow him too, after straightening up the Lepalace rebellion groups on the Na-Speir-ĵ's correcting facilities, may be my home planet En-Seqq-Zephyr's various organizations still take part with us, and certainly Lepalace shall help you in full-scale, I think."
 "It's so nice for you, Al. I'm also very happy to hear that."
 Pia'a said it with a exalting voice.
 "Sure, it is. It's the life-giving dreams of all the things about me."
 At the time, first capturing report information of rebellion ships came in from the Zephyr squadron commander of C'dr-Ψ, then, there followed smoothly similar results coming in from various support side shiftors. And, eventually the reports of capture continued to be receiving from one after another over Zephr's participant executor’s forefront team ships, after that, soon the Lepalace side also transmitting the official announcement that all of rebel groups were consented to the unconditional surrender, and, consequently the En-Seqq Zephyr Space Squadrons fleet as a main coalition took care to settle the whole rebellions relocating for the Na-Speir-ĵ's formal correcting facilities, that was, as a result, Mediator with the super shiftor Enree-Θάζντ and Lepalace combined fleet were departed from combat duties and moved to free navigation.
 "Which do you think faster to go to your mother planet, Aulga or our Enree-Θ?"
 When we shifted on the free orbit, Pia'a asked to me from the shoulder.
 "I don't know at present time of the situation, but soon we'll be able to meet Lapalace colleagues at the first continent on Na-Speir-ĵ, then we may talk about it more practically."
 "Your old friends will be delighted greatly to hear that."
 "Oh yes, they will be! Surely, we'd already knew highly advanced culture, that’s why we shall convert mother planet level into similarly one out of the primitive it’s lot, there H. sapiens are still destroying own boarded sole star-ship called Earth."
 "I'll assist you as hard as I can."
 Pia'a said it with emphasize so as to encourage me. He might be overwhelmed by my impressive going on hard passions.
 "Your friends are coming in, Al. Look over the front screen."
 Mediator smiled at me. I saw the object, there were cheerful figures of my two dear old friends in the commanding room of Dr Louis navigated by himself the Lepalace controller flagship of which commanded newly made space-brigade detachment for the operation.
 "Hi Al! It's a great success, isn't it!"
 "Everything went well, it's wonderful!" 
 They were calling out at once, concurrently.
 "Yes, it ended with perfectly, we are very glad for your help, thanks so much."  
 Pia'a answered them instead of me as his wings flapping.
 "Ah Pia'a!, you look so happy, aren't you? See you at Gran Arcayer, we'll be a nice pal."
 Bird fanatic Syd told soon.
 "I have a massage for you, Al."
 Dr Louis called to me behind the boys.
 "Listen me, Al, do you remember the Central Tech Committee's member Ms. Elseine?"
 "Yes, I remember quite well Ms. Elseine, sir."
 "Well, that's good, she request your will earnestly for the UGU Superior Committee and they accept your learning academic implore."
 "That's great! Thank you, sir."
 I was so much glad to hear the surprising news, however, for that purpose I couldn't oversee the total reformation of own birth-planet's primitive properties, but Aulga might know every fundamental my ideal project, moreover there were two of my good old subtle friends, so I told them whole my feeling.
  "Oh Al, don't worry about it. We two know surely your every wishing, therefore we'll be the correct witness, undoubtedly."
 Syd answered me of their careful consideration reflectively.
 "All right! I understand what you wanted to say, then we'll meet at Gran Arcayer on the planet Na-Speir-ĵ."


  The joint team of the En-Seqq-Zephyr and Lepalace coalition finished accommodating all of the rebellion cliques in the central correction facility center in Gran-Arcayer that the capital of Na-Speir-ĵ, and eventually as the anti-E petty thugs related every problems were cleverly solved comfortably at length, after that the coalition active dispatchers were successfully divided up to each other and returned to their own native space regions.
 Young two personalities from the Terra incognita, took on board to 'Enree Θ’ following the consultation between Dr Louis and Mediator, they were going to travel for target space district, said it another express their own native star region, ahead to the Eile-Irn-Croi Aulga’s unique space shifter based on the formal aid approval consent. Every relating personalities were rely upon Aulga’s capacity in full reliance, of cause there were followed many other supporting special technological org. teams from both of Lepalace and En-Zephyr.       
 Before everything had started, my young friends were so deeply concerned about the welfare on my staying in Lepalace Academe alone, at the time, we three were discussed long hours about it, and as a result, we came to the conclusion for getting higher knowledge might be necessary to keep more reliable the reformed Earth’s appropriate situations stayed much longer, so after that, I was decided to receive all things the committee offered learning official aid approval, for which Ms. Elseine strongly recommended. There then I was headed for the city of veil Laheiy Louis, it was practically the first case for the foreigner of far off space-time resident persona such as Homo sapiens to accept, that is, for a regulated term, I was stuck at the superior civilizational Education Association of the Lepalace Highest Committee, when they came to meet me with tenderhearted yet somehow at very few complicated in thoughts, nevertheless It was really the most desired treasure for me at which for a while I was a attendance in the center of pure deep knowledge fountain.  
 And, as a result, the sequence of the main story current would flow another manner along the several successive course of events, for about every such development Pia'a might be told me as the precise completion details, . . .
 ”. . .at last, both superior civilizations are visiting our good old native G2-mother-star system before long!”
 Willy told lively to his friends, at the central navigation room's cockpit of the Enree-Θ with which many cooperative En-Zephyr's follower space vehicles were en route to the Terra incognita, furthermore other large number of union advanced team's cargo ships group were already started for about a month ago.  
 "Yes, it is. I feel as if everything seemed like a dream!"
 "That's true enough! Al's dream is about to come true, I could scarcely believe it."
 "Oh it's too good, Willy and Syd! You guys are so happy! I also think that I am really glad to know your feelings."
 "You feel so too, well, thank you Pia'a."
 Syd said to the pretty little bird who was ever after perching on his left shoulder.
 "For all that, Lepalace and Aulga seem like to carry out their missions separately, I think."
 "Yes, you're right, Pia'a. They have different information."
 Mediator began to explain the special cooperation project.
 "To tell the truth, one of extra-particular active UGU Commissioner who was once came from that destinaton planetary system, that's to say exactly he is just a Homo sapience and affiliated person to the Lepalace Superior Commission gave the precise information about actual community situation of Terra incognita, and his intimate friend Dr Louis's research member introduced a graph-chart of Separated Tₖ₂ Space around V.S-cluster included solar system. The tech level of Septuplet civilization is much higher, accordingly to Lepalace Union take the planetary reformation work-part of the cooperation for which they’ll be just to change the one of planet's total bulk mass and modify its orbital elements correctly, oh yes, it means whole gravity balance over star system must be to regulate."
 "I beg your pardon, Mr Mediator. I’d like to know the person of whom the Earth originated human being's personal history. How he could go to the Lepalace, for instance."
 Suddenly, Willy asked it to Mediator.
 "Oh, I'm very sorry, Willy. I don't have any knowledge about that person’s personal history."
 "All right, Mr. Mediator, I can understand it."
 "You may ask Dr Louis later on, Willy."
 "Yes sir. I will do so, later."
 "Mediator, you said about the planet mass reformation. Is it the 3rd blue planet?"
 Pia'a-le-na asked after a short pause.
 "No, it's not the 3rd one, Pia'a. They are modifying to increase the mass of 4th Red-Planet."
 "Is the project also trying to modulate their population properly, I’ve heard there were going to increase explosively, how high are their average density ratio to correspond for effective land size?"
 " Well, yes, that's true, but it's perfectly another sense of purpose against the theme over the diversity for 'normality and abnormality' existence's category separating."
 "Isn't it relating the Al's strong intention against evil for the purpose of peaceful community all over the mother planet?"
 Willy asked to Mediator. At the time, main frontal communication screen got to be bright, and the messenger in it began to talk.
 "Just now, we receive the first formal answer from the United H.sapiens on the 3rd planet of the Solar System."
 "Then what's the answer saying?"
 Mediator asked reflectively.
 "The answer is not adequate one. They do not want to receive any meddle-some of another circle's influence, if there appeared any interference, they would be taking the action of subversive activities."
 "All right, messenger. I have confirmed of it, wait for a moment." 
 At the cockpit seat, Mediator took some communication on his private S-probe, for a few moment.
 "All right messenger, I have got an instruction from Aulga about which he bid to deal with them operation Q ₔ trial, for that purpose I'd like to ask your parties to follow Q ₔ's."
 "Yes, I agree, sir. We will switch the action under Q ₔ conductive principal from now on."
 So the messenger went away instantly from the communication screen at once.
 "What kind of action is it?"
 Willy again asked Mediator for an explanation.
 "It is a way to classify normal and abnormal existences by making them all neutral situation in nature."
 "Is it a kind of psychic freezing?"
 "Oh no, it's not actually using psychic effects only for about their every kind of ammunition."
 "Then there any destructive firearms couldn't be effective on that planet?"
 "Yes it is, and in the course of time, after our Enree-Θάζντ arrive to their orbital space,   Aulga may soon come around the surface of the planet area, everything will be to go on effectively fine result, I think."
 "When we'll be able to unite Aulga?"
 Pia'a said it as if he was talking to himself.
 "It's not far-off future time, my Pia'a. Is there anything special favor of him?"
 "Yes, it is, Mediator. I do wish to learn the 4th planet. Now, I recognize Lepalace specialists reforming its mass and orbit, on the other hand once I heard Al and Aulga's conversation about those planets, at the time, Aulga promised of 4th planet is perfectly similar to the 3rd one, much more Aulga ever tell an actual scheme."
 "Oh Pia'a, don't worry about it. Aulga's deeds always reasonable, as you already confirmed. As a matter of fact, whether if there may be necessary one more another celestial body to make the population ratio adequately."
 "Yes, sir. You might be right, Mediator, however I just imagine the ratio of substances in the universe against the characteristic materials by which formative 3rd planet typified pattern , such as water or rock-ingredients or specific elements of the atmosphere. . .with those peculiar materials."
 "All right, Pia'a, now I realize what you worry about, even if Aulga is the superior existence, still you would be afraid of such a thing."
 Mediator saw Pia'a-le-na with kindly smiling eyes.
 "You're right about the matter ratio in the universe, there are roughly about under 5% density of all the mass of ordinary matters in the whole universe, according to that circumstances you are afraid of the hardship about the new planet's ingredients acquiring, meanwhile Aulga have much more cosmic knowledge than common lives, after that, you mightn't be afraid of it, whether if Aulga already created a blue planet and carrying it over the system to replace the old red one with the new twin celestial body after all, I would never be so surprised to that occasion."
 "Mediator, I asked you about the abnormality selecting operational control a little while ago, and relating the conduct, I'd once heard that En-Seqq own the adequate hi-tech remedy for correcting distorted personality. Why don't you use that management this time?"
 Willy asked with puzzled eyes.
 "I must tell you more earlier what the definition for abnormal part of H. sapiens after our great deal analyzing experiments, we learn the limit of our correcting effect about them."
 Mediator told to Willy in something disappointed way.
 "I'd like to know the reason why, because H. sapiens are in too much qualities of less ability on the neuronal quality than our lives."
 Pia'a said also puzzling.
 "How come such a living things in the primitive age circumstances earned intrinsic tolerable knowledge."
 "Oh no, Pia'a, it's not that ground but for characteristic problem. More than half of them are very mild and righteous normal lives, on the other hand some H.sapiens are possessed an evil offensive instinct for which our correcting effect couldn't be able to last long." 
 "Now I see, sir. We couldn't remedy abnormal personality perfectly, whereby there need two planet for the purpose to reserve peaceful community." 
 "Yes, it is, in any case, there must be dividing procedure settle the problem of extraordinary growing population, 'cause they didn't have knowledge about the population management tech not only that H.sapiens never realized the population control fundamental reasons, wholly alike to that small mammalia named Lemming in the Phylum Chordata whose large urgent migration impulse cause are affected just the less provisions of total hood amount ratio against fast growing population number problem, this usually lead to the racial great extinction, at the same time, human race hardly notice own extinction indication at all."
 While Mediator was talking his explanation, the oblate spheroidal information probe which arranged at right before the chief cockpit began suddenly to blink quickly, then someone appeared almost at the same time as the communication screen got brighter.
 "Now I will be soon to reach the same P.E.P. transit-space, Mediator!"
 "Oh it's so wonderful! We all well come for you, Aulga! Is there anything can I help you?"
 "Yes, I would like to know their circumstances."
 "At present, they are divided 195 or so communities in many districts of which they call the 'nation' and half of them are confronting, consequently there are ordinary happened even mass live deletions, namely their main purpose to possess mighty ammunition are naturally so much desirable, in the course of such process, now, there are especially two districts superior to other less armed countries, and remainder districts divided in three standpoint, about 2/5 of the countries are standing on A-group's point of view, another of 2/5 follow B-league and surplus 1/5 of them are always stayed in ambiguous situations."
 "How many divisions are there, really precise numbers at present time?"
 "They are now divided about 195 divided zones I already mentioned now, with about 8 billion population, now that, they're already starting 'the Great Ethnic Sifting' started, as a form of a migration just similar to small mammal of the phylum Chordata in case of special emergency, this usually ended in a de facto as the form of forlorn mass suicide, while Homo sapiences have made the systematic unified structure called the United Countries which function is strongly influenced by the ammunition power as in a background subjects."
 "I understand very well about the point, for all that, how about of their tolerance degree against our correcting remedy for abnormal character, do they possess it in high extent?"
 "Yes, many of them have widely strong immunities for the improving remedy by nature, still we couldn't find out accurately what parts and kinds of neural network systems are involved, some of our mental research specialists are now beginning to survey about hereditary genetic mutations which inherent within H. sappiens on that planet. The most common case in which their characteristic personality appears briefly is the time when they accidentally attained to the place of power, no matter how our probe accurate, such group with some genetic factors have different phase is reacting as an another effects, they must exercise their own unusual selfishness and to eliminate all of other obstacles to fulfill their own desires and to satisfy their plotted interests. Therefore, once such sort of the category persona are going to be inaugurated division's chief with influential position, even if there might be anticipated a process of life destruction of other divisions numeral living things, they never hesitate to try destroying every life of whole opposite existing lives, id est mass murders. . . ."
 For a while, the appearance of Aulga vanished from the mutual communication screen, the voice ceased, still, after a few seconds, the screen regained its shine again, Aulga's clear voice reverberated in our command room.
 "It seems that now we joined the same P.E.P. transit space, that's to say, I was traveling on a different breaking-space-path, and consequently the ship of mine seems to have gone far ahead, as a matter of fact, I have already reached far off the northern position where I could see the galaxy to which T.I. belonging from this arctic side, so you may also look over there summary of the sight."
 Now the screen is depicting the outline of external destination's appearances. It was a kind of SBbc galaxy surrounded by large outer almost transparent but unclear looking what is called 'dark particle' halo. This galaxy disk surrounding strange spheroidal halo has a huge sizable diameter that is approximately 50 or 60 Kpc. There lay some minute amount in total
mass of old stars, globular clusters and/or some of dwarf satellite-like faint galaxies, meanwhile against their apparent clear mass, even though the astronomical gravitational probe indicates contradictorily higher values.    
"Yes, I can recognize the En-Seqq-Zephyr communicate-signal patterns in that image where lie such as torn off cotton-sedge with scattered orange pinkish blots looking whitish grey spur."
 "That's right, Orion/Cygnus bar-like fluffy spur that crossing over each other are situated between third and fourth stretching around long spiral arms with which contained great amount of interstellar gaseous medium or dust and various stars, while a point of the bright center bar's edge emissions of powerful radio waves or sometimes strong X-ray flare."
 "What about balloon like looking gigantic spherical double translucent bubbles, upper and below of central bulge? I don’t mean point to that central bulge."
 "Oh it's pretty bird Pia'a-le-na! You are looking things so acute always, good. That balloons you've asked about are once independent dwarf-galaxy star clusters from other stars of these disk groups, they might be collided with this galaxy long time ago, they are elderly celestial existences and almost older stars more than about 10 billion years, and balancing queer their spherical figures by the specific super high magnetized ubiety of the polarized flow-power."
 "I couldn't understand well, sir, however from where do you learn these local knowledge or Terra incognita origin describing contexts concerning these far away space regions."
 "Well, well, you didn't have knowledge of Mr. Alnylum J. Allansh Sr, the first leader of this time improvement project. He had gave us every knowledge concerning Terra Incagnita."
 "Excuse me, sir!"
 Willy asked to Aulga all of a sudden.
 "Your Excellency Aulga, I am a friend of Alnylum J. Allansh Jr, after all, I wonder whether if Mr. A. J. Allansh Sr was an any relative of my best friend Al on the order of that contexture with name, how could you consider anything about its possibilities?"
 "Oh, Willy, just a moment, please. Now I will ask Lepalace Info Center about it, because he is belong to the Lepalace Supreme Commission, and I do have only a little knowledge over his individual circumstances."
 Aulga seems to get in touch with some one over another communication apparatus for a several minute, after that he returned his face before us and opened his mouth again, even there lies huge spacial distance such as hundreds of thousands Mpc, how super existence Aulga manages it, Willy couldn't understand anything about their capabilities. 
 "Now I receive his personal history, but Lepalace Info Center do not have his personal documents before he touched to their civilization, on the other hand they have some records about two Alnylum's Deoxy-ribo-nucleic acid profiling, as for the FOXP2 which also appear at chromosome 7-q 31, member of the FOX protein factor groupe, expressed in fetal & adult brain, lung and gut, with the ordinary DNA that indicate almost nearly hundred percent two H. sapiens would be the possible father and son."
 "It's miracle! Thank you so much, sir. Mr. Allansh Sr is against to the relative account of Royal Navy's report, subsequently his father had good fortunate so that living even now! It's wonderful ! Thank you, your excellency Aulga!"
 Willy and Syd cried out happily at the same moment. Aulga saw them with his affectionate eyes and then changed the main screen object to whereabouts of the under eye galaxy disk's enlargement profile. Some distance away from the bright center, there are strongly yellow marked fluffy faint spur destination of which lay crossing two or three in a shallow degree situated between two somewhat clear looking but a little bit ambiguous whitish grey larger arms.
 "Mister Aulga!"
 Willy called back again.
 "Is this true figure of our native galaxy? I have learnt our galaxy as a Sbc type that is barred spiral with four clear main arms and Orion-Cygnus short arm are detached between the Scutum-Centaurus and the Perseus Arms, but it's not the one I'd thought of."
 "Oh, Willy, please do not worry about the structural conception, as of yet there are no ideal conventionalized galaxy patterns in the universe, I mean to say, this is the proximity view, so if you see the neighboring one just now, you would be convinced with it. It stays about 0.8 Mpc apart from the Earth, the nearest spiral galaxy around the Milky-Way, now you can look several spiral arms."
 "Yes, sir. I can recognize some spiral lines in that oblique looking ellipse figure."
 "Galactic spiral arms at the close sight are usually obscure shape, especially around your Orion Spur looks ambiguous appearance, because of complicated structure as for present unique locally positioning, there are some distance separated at outward about 2 Kpc apart major Perseus Arm and inner side Arm Carina-Sagittarius with adjacent Minor Orion/Cygnus Arms, moreover they are joining in another separated short branch arms. Well, anyway I will show you the objective local view directly."
 The main screen changed its image to new celestial chart.
 "Here comes your native Spur of Arm, the Orion Spur, this is approximately 1.1 Kilo-parsec across and 3.1 Kpc in length. I will mark out the Solar System with yellow token on the inner rim of it, where lies at a distance of approximately 8.3 Kpc apart from the galactic center. This qualification will meet H.sapiens's ideal required region as for habitable environment."
 "Mister Aulga, I would like to see little more closely sight of that neighborhood, sir."
 "All right, this is the Solar System affiliated ellipsoidal space zone, its local interstellar molecular cloud relative cavity has roughly 90 parsecs across and is surrounded by three adjacent neighboring spatial super-shells so called Loop,Loop,Loopand Orion Eridanus Loop cavities connected with several different varied-tunnels. . ."
 When the screen's scene showed dim quivering for moment, but it soon came next sight. 
 "Oh my dear friends, now I have arrived on the destination 'Brother Earth', at last. This one of the Earth's twin planet is a masterpiece setting up by the united maneuver team of Lepalace and Enn-Seqq-Zephyr, they are excellently accomplished many difficult gravitational hard problems about reforming this planetary system, please look these diagrams."
 Aulga's gigantic cosmic P.E.P. transit shiftor have already made a landing on the planet which looks so much like the Earth as it were the twin planet, then, after the seen of New Planet it was changed to another image. That communicating screen monitored the celestial simulation picture of the planetary orbital steering, at the time, there were already minute smaller objects such as asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, scattered disc and Sednoids categorical bodies gone out of sight. Meanwhile, as the audience might be expected, there wasn't orbiting Red Mars on the fourth orbit but about nine times larger blue planet showed up its figure clearly, in return, and at the center of revolving movement, just located a enormous motherly G2V being shinning brilliantly with its 99% over the whole mass of the solar system. 
 "By the way, Aulga, how about the H.sapiens's selecting and the therapeutic remedy works?"
 Mediator talked at last over the central ultimate dogma of the human beings.
  When the words were issued on the status of concrete scheduled actions against H.sapiens from Mediator, by which made it clear that a detailed reports on the H.sapiens relating with an actual remedy practice's and to sort out normal quality lives by the issue of facts resulting effects for the preceding joint teams, then Aulga soon sent for some precautious notice to the every parties about the concerning sort of statistical chart of it.
 "This is one of the reaction chart against abnormal objects over the EPS cell based on the nucleus raphe dorsalis plus-response, and those same objects may indicate for the clear trend that showing an Eu collaboration receptor in the neuroendocrine cells at the nucleus accumbens shell section."
 "That is to say our expedient procedures are also valid judgment over there. Well, then the selecting operation about H.sapiens into two categories isn't so hard one, I think."
 "Yes, you might be right, if we didn't consider the total amount." 
 "Excuse me Your Excellency, I would like to know how many autonomous individuals were sent there from Lepalace and En-Zephyr Union."
 Again Willy asked directory to Aulga.
 "They have provided a large number of autonomous collaborators, tens of thousands taking charge of persons and cargo-ships respectively for the perfection of this project."
 "Be it so, then, whatsoever did react the representatives of UHB, the United Human Beings?"
 "At first, they did not understand the true circumstances over their destructive ammunition, that is why we could not make a good beginning, though they had no sooner realized on the actual situation than they began to wish for the peaceful negotiations. For all that, they substituted the former deputy for the latter lenient group of delegates with which people called commission on UHB General Assembly and about the former was UHB Security Council P-5."
 "I feel great confidence to hear such a course of event, sir. As a matter of fact, P-5 that is to say permanent 5 are representation of my native planet's whole up-to-date ammunition and practically center pivot parties over the military power, in this mean they might be called rather Power-5 as a practically. On the other hand they are divided in two, A+B+C coalition and D+E alliance. As you might predict it in a matter of course, this two great armaments rich parties had always been sticking to army race, but now every H.sapiens realize that every kind of ammunition are useless, this new condition make UHB member's fundamental rights all to go along even as a inevitable result, including P-5. Everyone feel there vanished at least big violence. Consequently General Assembly members whose armed power used to much less influentially than P-5 and usually keep away from the strife now may replace the role of deputy. I think it's the best phenomenon to happen as its own course."       
 "All right, Willy, I appreciate of your explanation that 'now it's time for beginning of proper probability,' thank you so much. Now I will go to our preceding union team on the planet Earth for some assistance, so inform us when your shiftor arrives in the site. We will meet again, then, everyone!"
 All the images of Aulga's huge cosmic trans-shiftor and the newly born twin water planet of the Earth were faded out from the main screen.
 "How could they manage to shift those half of the 8 billion people? I can hardly imagine such a process."
 Syd said to Mediator.
 "Oh, Syd, do not care for that process, there are huge number of Lepalace versatile autonomous collaborators and great many numbers of space cargo-ships."
 "Would they recover the damaged Earth's environment perfectly? H. sapiens uses nuclear fission energy to make out electric power and some ignorant autocracy Far Eastward sited island nation still try to set up the liquid metallic sodium cooled Fast Breeder, even lack of knowledge of the totally ignorant dictator soon realized that they wanted to plan for no answering foolhardy go-around-in-circles, but also they didn't know how to strip safely down that perilous obstructed good-for-nothing. And, there are so many air traffic vehicles, this problem surely not only air but also on the land, which macine’s engine category still uses fossil fuel, at your world there are practically flying ecological adequate vehicles. May the precious Earth environment recover again whatsoever they left it as it is?"
 "Sure of course we perform them ! For instance, about your fearful contaminated areas or nuclear reactors are exterminated by pulling them up from the whole roots and our relevant league's colossal space-cargo ships will carry them all to the Sagittarius A* for canceling out, while Lepalace team might set up space base at where collect abundantly existing electric current that generated by the effect of MHD in the Earth's magnetosphere, then space base will convert electric power to microwave energy, and that plentiful energy is transmitting for the grand conventional receiver on the Antarctica base. This transmission amount might be enough supplying power quantities for all over the Earth's necessity."
 "That mean every pollution including such as micro plastic problem or the other many hazardous organic chemical compounds or many hazardous chem. or narcotic matters and such and such over our old native Earth is cleaning up as neat as newcomer twin planet that replaced Red-Mars. Sure of cause, Aulga developed rain forest absolute value recovered?"
 "Right, from now on you would be able to trust to union world's everything, and there're about the whole population may become in half the number, because of that halved H. sapiens large set, may be peacefully carried their life cycle on the new born planet with the condition that will never trace a recurrent atavism. And it isn’t so gravely necessity heading, after that, Aulga provided let the Homo sapiens outer three patterned figures into all in one same-morph as the end step. So there might never be to occur race problem again."
 "Are there still many objects presenting a sign or symptom of immunity against the remedy for normalization?"
 "Yes, but its potential ratio is getting much reduced as a result of newly discovered cure for some obstacle neurotransmitter relating those egocentric type's stimulus receiver systems at the Raphe nuclei and ventral tegmental nucleus by the efforts of remedy team."
 "I'm so glad to hear such a improvement, as a result there may be more additional number of everlasting peaceable spirits, still we have many minor warfare addicted outrageous lives called terrorist, your researchers could also reform their behavior?"
 "Sure, of course. You should be nothing anxiety about that sort of remedies." 
 At the moment, there came up a new image over the main screen, it indicated at last Enree-Θ would be getting into the destination Solar-System through Local Bubble sparse space enclosure. 
 Earth representatives at the afresh innovation meeting are totally different from the initial contact response, the "Earth Community", E.C. itself was newly become a representative of human society, not the former UN which was formed by the nations itself, and the superior-civilization side that was led by Aulga came to a meeting place for assistance with the super technological worlds of union. After all, old concepts of individual nations have already been forgotten from the surface of the Earth, for that purpose there existed just as the community organization formed by a very simple and natural H. sapiens organized group called ‘E.C.’ have been shaped the foundation based on the true freedom and peace. Various specific talks between both delegates were progressing smoothly. For example, over all the questions from the E.C. delegates, such as the degree for substantial quality of
constructed the living environment of the 4 billion people with whom were granted the right of residence on the newly restored planet presented by the powerful cultured technology, on the other hand, as for the old Earth, clean-up operations were thoroughly made around the both ocean and land radioactive contamination include several severe sort of chemical hazardous colossal organic compounds removals, and such actions took place not only in the atmosphere but also lakes or high mountains areas i.e. air and marine ecology plus 5 main lands, and any kind of questions existed, there were no contradictions and clear-cut response as the answer . . .
 "Either the elliptical or the spiral galaxy, we can only see the individual independent regimes in the persistent civilization, it means inevitably that the community society is by all means formed naturally?"
 When Willy asked about galactic civilization in the general universe, Pia'a-Le-na answered as a matter of course.
 "In other words, the society on every habitable planet, nevertheless which existence ratio in each galaxy are very rare in general concept under (1/7n)×10¹² planet in most affiliated to optical pertinent star number, where the well balanced community may be sometime forming, but if it couldn't escape from the chaotic primitive era, I mean the level whether they’ll be able to acquire starship or not, without space vehicle and there get discovery to utilize Peri-Epi-Plane, if not that the culture never exist long term, in other wards, without firm high degree of education or instruction facilities, it would always disappear in short-lived. The category of First Species Life morph-pattern have an innate immature cerebral cortex with the undeveloped neural-networks, whereby they can not harbor excellent imagination that is equivalent to certain standards to some extent, therefore extreme key of the levelled civilization lies in whether if the terms are keeping to exist long or short."
 "But, how can we fantasize at acquisition potential capacity within a specific lifetime that could be said to be a reference value is feasible? It's impossible for us to think about the reality of civilization level . . ."
 Syd murmured on looking depressed.
 "But, I think Al was convinced of the possibilities from the beginning, Syd."
 "Yeah, that's right, because we inherited a purely maximum education from Master Cellurfle, it is not just a First kind of degree, however there're just only three people."
 "Would it be really only just three people?"
 When the Mediator broke the silence for the first time, he brought it into the question.
 "Mr. Allansh Sr existed in reality besides you three, and this thing can be assumed other possibility of other things, it may not be an unknown probability to the last."
 "Mediator, we've also arrived at the designated destination."
Shiftor’s managing C.R. audio from the information center reported the arrival of Enree-Θ.
"The mooring point of Enree-Θ has been preferentially allocated to the Earth / Lunar L1, and the lightweight Space Yachts for communication can be used at any time."
"There may be the stable Lagrange points - labeled L4 and L5 allocated for huge number of space cargo ships, yet there may be no time to rest with a huge amount of work though, they may not have time to rest.”
"Ah ! Welcome Mediator and colleagues, you have finally arrived."
In the meantime Mediator seemed to inform Aulga and immediately the existence of Aulga appeared once again in the main screen.
 "To what extent did you transport H.sapiens to the new planet?"
Mediator soon told the question that seemed to have been concerned.
"Yes, it's still around 50 percent, or 60 percent, but since the work group took time to improve the environment on the new planet, besides it was not because they were the first time experience to contact in H.sapiens residential facilities."
"Oh, well, they did it really fine-tuning, they created just the same form perfectly in the natural environment, and ever after they completed the gravity balance problem of the system itself in only a short period of time, even if up to the planetary magnetic field occurred homologically with the twin celestial body, all right, well, all of them there exceptionally terrible handy work."
"Well, it seems a little confidential matter is hidden in this. Actually, Aulga's isolated independent mechanisms called 'Nyx Lucid' participated in several lines and subsidized by basic measurements or calculations. Other parts that are difficult to practice, so only just a few amount I am possibly helping."
"After all, everything went on all-out, was that so?"
Mediator nodded his head somewhat big way.
"Regardless of the oceans, lakes, rivers, there lie around in slight limits as far as the definite composition ratio, similar to the Antarctic or Alpine glaciers or the Great Desert, the large vegetation areas, and the atmospheric composition etc."
 "At any rate, always you were in contact with them on the basis of autonomy and self-reliance independence of the human beings live group on the basis of immovable principles? "
Pia'a-le-na asked Aulga with a revised tone.
"Yes, exactly as you describe, we are setting along with the powerful desire of Alnylum J. Alansh Jr, the permanent peace-building of the planet Earth and the environment setting  be in accordance with the self generating existence value of the precious lives group called H. sapiens, then there we strive to exist as of the even and equal standard, we carefully protected with constant consciousness of mutual autonomy."
 "Thanks to him, he has an absolutely peaceful desire at first, but, apart from that, he always kept dignity of equal to ours and kept his daily life, that self-esteem was his original. I think  it was from a deep intelligence conception he possessed, perhaps he may have wanted to expect similar things to the Earth life existences made as much of possible. "
"Yes, he admits that he is at originated from The First Degree Life and has always used overwhelmingly the neural networks to the utmost, never tried to forget the 'amnesia' even for a moment. Alnylum J. Alansh Jr said "I was constantly conscious of the reality of the First Species Life form", so that he came close to me to seek out the concept of 'eternity', in fact, I was moved by his sharp short-lived conscious sense of acceptance. He knows what the possible potentialities over the conferred necessity and the true contingency mean."
 Everything had been perfectly managed by the ultra-high civilization’s working teams and after that all of them left the Earth with their space-shiftors including all relevant equipment and transport cargo vessels upon completing their schemed projects. Aulga have also gone away to the world far beyond the distant great many clusters of galaxies. On the other hand, among the three Earthlings, whose famous name was already known world-widely, former Royal Navy lieutenant colonel who was by accidentally once denied existence, Alnylum J Allansh Sr headed to his father-in-law; Lord Isaac Dorerrian Rheese and his daughter also Allansh’s wife Mrs. Eileen Rheese Allansh waiting summer-house at a village somewhere in the Ayrshire. And, of other sides about the young two heroes, William L Conweigh and Sydney Auduborn returned to the St Mary's Island in the Scilly archipelago that floats beyond the Cornish peninsula. As their existence was also widely known to the society, at the time of homecoming, it became a storm of welcome beyond imagination. Especially concerning Allansh Sr, there were grew up waiting for his wife Eileen at full of extraordinary joy. Naturally, there Aulga had already notified of Allansh Jr's wonderful special study abroad program at the Lepalace Union.


 Regarding a de facto on multidimensional space coalescence, a representative conference was held as an afresh sense in the form of a new agreement on the establishment of the community between two independent cross-cultural worlds. Since the United Lepalace and the Septuplet Superior Civilization had already established friendship relations that was acknowledged everything, its representative meeting was held just a formal procedure from the beginning, yet in the grand huge space between vast super clusters of the galactic groups, there was at length needed as a necessary discipline in order to inform all of the wide spreading communities. 
  The epoch-making ceremony that might long remain in this universe as a historic event was to hold in the capital city of Gran Arcayer that placed on the planet Na-Speir-ĵ at which once was the cultural center of Septuplet civilization’s Universe. There were most of the delegates who engaged in the great rescue operations of our young super three's beloved native planet, including famous figures such as Master Aulga, Mr. Mediator, et cetera and coalition part of Lepalace side there just as well took part as representative Dr Louis with the top group full attendance of the Administration’s High Commission Members, they were especially participated as a response to complete restoration of the 13th space region rebellion.
 Certainly l was also attended to the luxurious architectural styled construction of the great conventional congregating place. The meeting held at 'la grande salle d'hôtel' where was known for its famous ceremonial venue by an explanation of Pia'a-le-na on my left shoulder as usual. It was just indeed M’tre Aulga himself that the one who first noticed the presence of me.
"Welcome Al, I have read the notice of a gratified honorarium message from you."
M’ter Aulga used a specific automatic-mover for some unknown reason, but it was a special improvement of mobile equipment used by persons with disabilities due to physically injured.
"Oh, Your Excellency Master Aulga, did something happen with the success operations of this time? Is your health all right?"
"O! Eh! Al. I'm always all right! You wouldn’t need to worry about it, I will explain later precise reason, but this has some circumstances."
 He came to shake hand with me meanwhile sent his fair smile for my shoulder's favorable friend le petit oiseau.
"Anyway, we will meet again after the end of the ceremony and will talk great many, so please wait at that moment, there are surely side topics such as the detailed situation of the Earth Refreshing Cooperation."
After saying ‘there are some circumstances,’ M’ter Aulga drove the automatic guide floater toward the central podium where wrapped in gorgeous twinkling glow, but to tell the truth, if that ‘some circumstances’ was out of accordance with mine ultimate pursuing final object in any case, it might be to appear something inherent obstacles against our world. There I could not anticipate any probable answer, perhaps his superior existence of M’ter Aulga’s dignity had always affected an inevitable overlapping feel with a god-hood-like image of Cellurfl the Abstract.
"I think it’s not the first time that Master Aulga used G-free Conductor, I saw him on the mobile as ever before."
Pia'a-le-na indicated and insisted over my uneasy concerning against M’ter Aulga in mind, from the top of my left shoulder in the whispering mode.
"What did you mean now?"
"Oh, you've just been thinking about that fly-block, didn't you?  It's the mobility device of that existence, it's a kind of barrier/free device or G-Shield panel drogue, even when you were on a intragalaxy space shiftor, you'd sometimes used to similar G-Shield conductor as well."
 "Well, yes, again I recognize it, every time after you press to pay attention so. Probably, he’ll be likely to tell an explanation including ‘them,’ I wonder what kind of secret it is. In any case, it's top aggregate lives that may be said to the absolute separation ‘Nyx Lucid’, while M’ter Aulga has always touched casually with us, that’s true mystery."
"That's it, I’ve always wondered what it might mean, too.”
"May be, he asks each other riddle, I think."   
I’d been through those hard past days at a special training course of the Lepalace High Commission’s Technical Society, all the rest, as a matter of fact I'm so grateful for Ms. Elsene and their great assistance. But, now that M’ter Aulga. . . I wouldn't yet be able to measure the meaning with its hard to realize riddle over his figure. . . initially M’ter Aulga were the plural beings, still after that he consistently used to speak with a singular person, and thenceforth to continue entering the Earth Support Assistance, when he was utterly a comprehensive one independent existence in outward appearance, even with the help of threatening supreme being 'Nyx Lucid' express themselves as a clearly aggregate, yet more than anything, there were no doubt of him now that exactly hyper dimensional of the great huge project might accomplish boldly unfolded. 
 The venue was something cluttered with the installation of various forms of screens or microphone testing, and also there were usual other arrangements before the start that any common celebration were always seen, consequently the presenter stood on the floor spoke the words of the opening.
 "I would like to say many thank you all the participants, I am deeply grateful for the attendance of Mr. and Mrs. from faraway space areas. Thank you so much. Now we will start the celebration on according with the schedule."
 At this time, one of the members of Lepalace High Committee was came to approach to the presenter and he said something to the presenter.
 "I just want to start with these forgotten proposals, because it's so important suggestions sending in from the High Committee of Lepalace."
 When the presenter got off the podium, man from Lepalace started to talk instead.
 "Thank you very much for your attendance here everybody, I am from the Lepalece High Committee and I would like ask you something necessary articles, because it's an important subjects, still, I will tell you at first, that's why it is a simple proposal. We had missed one of necessary fact in this perfect success great project, so I will take this place to announce over it right away. That's to say, we forgot to provide H. sapiens both our basic communication facilities and space traffic expediencies such as space vehicles, these are the means of direct reciprocal expedience, and never apart from this time task, we had in the long history, there were many brave pioneering colonist groups dispatched to remote galaxies space from Lepalace, but none of the success episodes about the immigrant had been recorded. And now, there are a collection about some result of the committee's researchers have recently published, in this researchers report indicated one of main reasons for those cases are the lack of basic communication convenient route and traffic vehicles with attached maintenance CRs, even if any discrepancies against the assessment report. I hope you to agree the matters and to provide these new projects, therefore the answer for the subject don't require immediately, so it will be on all in high time that you don't have a comment right now, please leave it in your mind the topic of this subject and treat it as a separate matter, thank you everyone."
 I also completely agreed with him assertion. Certainly, if we'll be not keep all through the civilized morality that currently working on, it would be a remote-custom just in the well of isolated Gotham circumstances as ever. I thought it would be very favorable requirement that’s never easily cut off, but this newly exhibited important matter was not included within the Earth Rescue Project previously proposed to them. It was completely unknown person by whom there should provide such condition of the procedure.
 "They're now recognized relating on your hidden troubles at length! "
 Pia'a told it in deep thoughtful way of talking.
 "Anyway the space transfer expedience especially the shiftor, not usual space shifter about such a enormous distance, may be always needed and the special mooring base at the near area of the surface with technical CRs, they must be going to do the fundamental works!"
 "At ease, Pia'a. We have too many amount of the problems potentialities."
 "There are again Lepalace new member standing. Oh, no! He's from Septaplet Union."
 As Pia'a told, there was a new speaker from Septuplet Union appeared at the podium. He made it clear that his S.U. side would be acceptable for the proposals from Lepalace High Committee and would immediately set up a telecommunication facility through the PEP,  and after that, he also told with regard to the space vehicles offer plan might need suitable consideration. So, he left the podium, and all of our Earth relating concomitants subject were over, then the speeches of the delegates one after another, in any case the celebration started with great excitement.
 "It's so nice about communication, but why the shiftor is to put on next subject?"
 "I think so too, Pia'a, there must be something we couldn't become aware of. I'll ask M’ter Aulga later on precisely."
 "That's right. He knows everything. By the way I'd like to ask you some question".
Pia'a said that in a somewhat changed atmosphere.
"Why did you turn away their proposal as to the same ‘universal-life-form’ as ours, not based upon the First Species?"
"Oh, it's not about me but Mr. Alnylum J. Allansh Sr, in other words, my father who was seriously injured then by an abnormal accident between terrorists and the guardian force of the Royal Navy, when he got several organs fatally damaged including sub-cerebral-cortex setting with both sub-diencephalon-transplant from a Lepalace surgeon of whose space shiftor rescued Alnylum Sr by chance, when surgeon's shiftor mistook an unexpected outer PEP transit line over the Solar System of ours, so he could escape death just only by a miracle. Nevertheless, after knowing the automatic importation of highly advanced novel knowledge, it seemed that refusing the 'universality life pattern' on merely noticing the large gap of the form of life conception to the First Species living organisms above the recognition sensibility with that regenerative ability for the sensuous response instinct on 'death or expiry' over the common high civilization, as a result, he chose just only add up to 100 years. The recognition of the existential consciousness in the First Species life-form called short-lived life's sense owe never a small deal to concerned with deep consciousness in a very strong influence, still the universal life-form in normal high civilizations are totally different with death recognition, while I wonder if it reminded him comparatively the some sort of lives on Terra incognita such as a jellyfish called ‘Turritopsis dohrnii’, they are the sea lives when reach mature age they utilize cell conversion ability of trans-differentia for metamorphosis of own body back into larva-mode and this cycle will repeat endlessly, or otherwise the example over in vitro episode, that's to present a eliminating senescent living specimen HPV18 with elements L1,E6,E7 so called ‘HeLa cell line’ taking out and isolated from Mrs. H. Lacks without telling her any knowledge. They are both immortals within proper circumstances, but I'm now worrying if you have some discomfort in the fact that your usual dominant view on life."
 "I think it's somewhat different, in a sense I can understand what you would like to say about the utmost limits. The repercussion feeling or keen thought of the living body at the time of expiring is usually long-lived universal lives yet actually impossible as a race’s natural organic stromata to understand, on the other hand similar situations rarely occur in smaller birds that can be said to be the structures of weaker existence, so I could have some kind of empathy."
 "In the normal environment in the Lepalace Union world, even the strength of power is hardly to become a cause of conflict except for those outlaws in the thirteenth Gxy. air-district as for example, the common sense over all Lepalace world is usually anything including with little birds of which might never be the prey for carnivores such as raptors. It was a thing that I had been excluded from the beginning, however if it’s to connect with small CR type's exception, it isn't under the same lineage as in a natural wildlife, what on world were these contradictions coming from?”
"One of the mysteries that no one notices the contradiction, although against the purpose of ‘Almost any living things could survive their own basic self-support existence during one’s    own characteristic life-time’ is specified in the item of Independent Liberal Sovereign in the Highest Basic Law about which Al do not yet know except few parts of it."
 Pia'a talked for the second time about the term ‘the Highest Basic Law’, it would be probably the absolute highest standard, that was perhaps similar to our Constitution as it is called on the Earth, until now, about this natural yet unforeseen reality-convention above which I couldn't imagine at such superior civilizations also needed legal standards, none the less it might be inevitable such sort of discipline should be placed in any whatsoever living matter groups assembled.
 "How will you do, Al, if someone would propose you that life of universality ?"
 "Eh, my dear friend, I will answer over the natural custom with my own rule."
 "Why won't you live on diversified way."
 "I wouldn't do that until find out mine ultimate pursuant object."
 "Oh, yes, I know that, on the other hand your searching road isn't almost always to let you show any limitation, I think."
 "Do you want to say it takes far long procedures?
 "Yeah, well, but. . .just wait a minute. there the greeting of M’ter Aulga is over and I think the ceremony has seemed for nearly approaching the end, I think."
 "Well, after closing, we must go to see M’ter Aulga, I'm full of questions to ask."
 "Oh yes, right, then we’ll go around and jump up directly to the 5th continent space base where M’ter Aulga's super shiftor mooring."
 As Pia’a said, consequently I notified M’ter Aulga with mutual signal-coder, then left the venue before the completion of the ceremonial event. We called city-shuttle-craft in behalf of going to the gran-Arcayer large space platform, at where we had been able to take the continental-shuttle liner. On the day, special liner services at appointed hour shifted nonstop to every continental main port.
 "Where-in Al, are all the training process done?"
 Pia'a-Le-na asked to me, when we took seat on the liner.
 "Yes, I’d been learning everything I wanted to know around there, naturally except mine ultimate theme against life, it was a tremendous amount of knowledge, but I installed preliminary memory probe as a form of grafting T.P., so in my normal daily life even including those hard specific-professional knowledge went through smoothly under consciousness anyway, thanks to Ms. Elseine for everything, I was really the first inter-galaxy super-tech trainee of UGU due to her earnest assistance."
 The inter-continental liner of the temporary flight took the landing at the newly reformed
spacecraft base of the 5th continent Bajhaj-district just after one hour sharply as planned, and the liner automatically allowed to alight two of us from it to the underground base step-floor, then went back to the 1st continent Gran-Arcayer space-field again through the autonomic canopy of the gigantic base structure. At the huge base, the magnificent shiftor of Aulga which stayed outstanding, stopped over there as if overwhelming other space crafts, but we decided to visit a nostalgic group of Jerlus-Deex friends such as Onnan, Kenigh and Afyle-01 KtR. They would be living quietly all together at queyful-quarter on a beautiful hillocky area named that Jerlus-Deex.
 "I remember for the first sight of you and TTL around over there."
 Pia'a read my thought as usual way, while I was walking to go to the door of underground  tube-shuttle lead to queyful-quarter.
 "It was also Jerlus-Deex where I met Onnan and Kenigh for the first time, for all that, Al, you really love that friends!"
When I took on the driver's center seat in the cabin of tube - shuttle which the only route to the Queyful quarter from the space-port, almost at the same time, Pia'a told me to shout in an exciting voice from above my left shoulder. In other words, so he read my neural patterns above the cerebral cortex habitually as usual, it seemed that the pleasure of reuniting with them was strongly received in himself as well.
 "Yes, that's right, because I’m so indebted to Onnan and his companions."
 "That poisonous Scorpion Dragon Darnnan incident! I remembered, yes, Mediator was also worrying much."
 That was also delightful recollections for him, too.
 "The acceleration feeling disappeared, it may be about the end point of tube-shuttle, Al."
“Oh yes, you’re right, here we are, the door is just gonna open.”
Pia'a jumped out in a moment to the queyful square in front of the tube terminal point, yet he headed for notifying Onnan and his comrade that we had come. Naturally, he himself wanted to see his old friends as early as possible, or so as to get them to surprise, but I was much flabbergasted. What on world, ubiquitous M’ter Aulga who might arrive later than us, was there at the living room of the queyful quarter’s thatched roof cottage, to sum up, he came earlier than us in the white coloured wood and plaster house on that quarter, through the great enigmatic pass-time phenomenon, he’d already arrived.
 "Welcome, Al, I've been waiting for you."
 "Your Excellency, Master Aulga, when did you arrive here? We left there immediately after you delivered a congratulatory address."
  "Well, Well, please calm down, Al, there's nothing to be surprised with, as I said ‘I have something to talk about’ before the start of the ceremony there, as a matter of fact, it might be exactly the case now, probably all convinced. Oh, Mediator has also come."
 Looking back at the word of M’ter Aulga, the Mediator came in at the entrance door. That tall silver haired man did also remind me again Cellerful the Abstract with his sharp but discreet eyes as usual, it made me to feel some thoughtful sensibility and offered multiply pleasant impression all of my comrades at the living room with greeting words, after shaking hands with me, he took seat on a sofa that was placed next to M’ter Aulga. Then and there through the two were exchanged very short words in some sort of unknown dialect.
"Hi, Onnan, hi, Kenigh, it's been a while since, how about you?
I spoke to my old friends while the two super brains were talking.
"Surely we're fine, you are said to have worked hard, Al."
"I heard rumors from Afyle, actually, Aulga also told us."
Both of them were surely splendid at all same as before, and nothing changed, they spoke to each other alternately with a very energetic voice.
"Well, then, Afyle is always versatile."
"Yeah, I see."
Onnan got up and touched the investigation panel on the side of the fireplace wall.
"Now, Afyle will soon appear, Al."
That's right, the main center screen in the living room lights up, and Afyle also appeared at the same time.
"Oh, how do you do everyone. You’re gathering all together, I’m proud to have Your Reverence absolute Aulga, Mediator and Onnan, Kenigh, Oh, Well, Pia'a-le-na, and there our nostalgic bosom colleague are at here, Al! We sincerely welcome you."
 "Mr Afyle!"
Mediator called out abruptly.
"How do you think that there are any transfigure appearance than before by looking at Al here?"
"Yes, today I have noticed it from the beginning, which is only a state of consciousness, but he currently seems to be just a member of exactly the same spiritual systematic species as ours."
"What do you think about Afyle’s opinion, two of you, Mr. Onann and Mr. Kenigh?"
"Al is always as proud and in full of curious as ever, nothing changed."
But Kenigh took a different stance from Onnan’s interpretation.
 "I agree with two colleagues in some part, still my point of view is somewhat separated one that his spirit has been transformed into a typically form of natural-embracing as a universal living entity, even though his personality hasn’t been changed so far."
"Incidentally, Pia'a, have you ever talked with Al about Eternity of absolute time?"
When M’ter Aulga broke the silence for the first time, he spoke to Pia'a-le-na.
"Yes, sir. We’ve talked about forever and ever phenomenon, and some of cosmography with him many times."
"So what sort of recognition do you have?"
"We discuss with the aeonian existence of the cosmic frame, and put it at a different position from the existence reason of the space-time of the universe. In other words, if the morpheme of the universe comes practically ambiguous, it means that eternity turns into just an illusion, at any rate may it arise sporadically?"
"Yes, except that in case of an annihilation of the universes, it may be impossible for an eternity to exist here. Now the Septuplet universe is heading for Big Crunch. Perhaps if the observation result of the present ‘Ferr-Olga’ existence is correct, there is a possibility of getting involved unto the Lepalace system universe. It is as a real process discovered by our observation, a super strong anomalous magnetic field and F.O. bi-gravitation effect broke the boundary of forbidden partition membrane and are not excluded by so called phantom energy, that is, when it is fully absorbed in as reversal non negative energy, even the Lapalece universe might be heading for the super condensing Big-Crunch. Nevertheless, in the opposite case, the expansion of the outer space towards the imaginary unknown outer matter of abyss or pure-null is accelerated, and at the end it would become Big-Lip, then even elementary particles may be broken to disappear as it is told, this time, as you might expectedly the universe has already eliminated the existence reason as well as entropy, and leave aside the concept of zero is dissipated, there may be only the infinite emptiness in which never vacuum potentiality. It would be occurred at far away future, none the less, theretofore in relative time about some trillion years may pass by.”
 "Your Excellency, Master Aulga, if there come nearby an end of the cosmic space-time, universal life forms also follow the same process?"
Pia'a asked to M’ter Aulga in a quiet tone.
"Yes, in the cosmos, our existence is consecutively along with both the normal and the specific spatiotemporal systems, as a result, far long before the end of the universe, for instance, at the time when the cosmic environment already ambiguously existing over the process about the collapse of stout Galaxy constituents, our genuine elements will be also lost its equilibrium energies."
 The word of M’ter Aulga was exactly the timing to clear my long time enigma.
"Your Excellency Master Aulga, I'd like to ask you, is the independent separator ‘Nyx Lucid’ the living body who corresponds to the element you said right now?"
"That's right, Al. We could exercise equal sovereign freedom, surely as a matter of fact, when everyone is come gathering together to be one complete life organization."
 "Does the combination of atoms become molecules, so that aggregates of molecules become constituents of organic life matter such as carbon which having a covalent-bond quality?  However, atoms and molecules alone can’t constitute the same existence as the living life forms."
 "Indeed, it is true as Al said, even simple life phenomena are always formed on the characteristic polymerization of a certain foundation structure, our individual elements are similar to other living organisms. Likewise, it is made up of a complex composition, since it is an organographical self-supporting life-style with very distinctive background, I think that is difficult to surmise in the theory of the general world concept. The morphologic biochemical theory is somewhat complicated, as a result, the appearance of a living body is often a major valuable standard of an individual, so in this respect, we take into account certain misunderstandings. For instance, when Al said Nyx Lucid, you're bringing the Earth's animal ‘Apolemia uvaria’ to your mind which in same hydrozoa class with that of Turritopsis dohrnii. Without their physical composed basic system and function, Al's image is almost correct. Apolemia uveria observe as a morphologically so much similar, their appearance present colonial lives composing mechanism with assembly of individual life units."
 "I understand well what you’ve said, when I first encountered that high energy-level 'Nyx Lucid' I got an extreme impression similar to shock, even though you have the ability to satisfy occasional circumstances for the same relevant appearance as you could be formed as well, if necessary."
"Yes, it is a translation that adapts to the occasional action requirements."
"If we had such a capability in H. sapiens, I suppose it was a very good choice as we could have simply prevented rudimentary mistakes such as racial discrimination."
 "Everyone, now the communication have just entered!"
Afyle shouted loudly to attract everyone's attention.
"Hi, there, everyone. It’s great fun to see you!"
It was the entrance of Dr Louis, TTL and Ms. Elsene appeared on the main central screen.
 "Mr. Aulga, that wonderful speech, we all were impressed, I thought your ultimate view on the life is exactly the truth itself, at the place, with regard to Al who is staying there we have a some kind of proposal, it's a report from Ms. Elseine."
 "Mr. Allansh Jr, you had performed your works with strong conscience, therefore you gained the highest ranking score in the history of Lepalace union in the comprehensive evaluation of the Aggregative Intelligence Society's congratulations, I who recommend you too much proud of it, as a result, the highest commission council announced a resolution unanimously to honor and present ‘Lepalace citizenship’ as honor. If you accept it, I would like pick you up to Lepalace, isn’t it?"
 "I think I am responsible for that matter."
It was an unexpected thing, but M’ter Aulga took over for me.
"Actually, he wouldn't have noticed that, also both Mediator and Pia'a le na here are transforming themselves into universal life forms as well as Al, if he receive its proposal. In the case of acquiring living organisms, especially in the case of ‘Type life forms, I have decided to abstain from the parties' intentions, so I have kept them until today, that is, they belong to the ontological Aulga assembly as it is, whether if he chooses it. "
"That was right, I understood the circumstances well."
Ms. Elseine told him the word of acceptance, but a dark expression was found in her eyes without anything.
"Your Excellency Aulga, I and Dr Louis are responsible every Al’s free will, how do you think of it?"
 Temporarily TTL embarked himself upon talking to M’ter Aulga before asking for it.
"In other words, will you want Al to attend the highest commission council once?"
"Yes, but I am not interested in belonging to the Research Technology Corporation with which the Superior Council wants Al to stay, about that requirement, both Dr Louis and I shall like to respect Al's free will, first of all, whatsoever their intentions, Al's hope we should be to obey."
"All right, then at first, we might ask his own opinion of Al himself. What do you think, Al?
"My actions are always the same, I do take my conducts fundamentally depending on motivated reasons, other than this offer, there are so much obligations for Ms. Elseine and CTC, I shouldn’t have any reason not to go to the Lepalace Supreme Council. My intention is to accept the proposal of their desire, but I will go back to Master Aulga’s place after meeting, and next to that, as soon as the way of transfer would be found, I am planning to go to see a newly remodeled planet of my birthplace."
"You have listened his straight answer ready to follow the intention of TTL and Dr Louis, as a result I will immediately pick him up to the Lepalace capital city Veil Laheiy Louis."
M’ter Aulga told them a clear answer after checking all my requests.
"Anyway, I might be attending Lepalace none the less than one time, for the purpose of next new Earth's Project, in other word, we must install new communication Peri-Epi-Plane, P.E.P. route to the planet as a information interchangeable way, certainly there may need many relay satellite still we manage it easily, about this there is none of worrisome thing against the project, because we're already opened as our joint enterprise team, even though I’ve recognized another question, what is more, I couldn't find out so far any zone its existing out of our community union, for the time being, that is because every shiftor-own civilization as long as it complies to our federation's current basic law, there remains two provisions of unattainable fact, at first, the space vehicle owner in this united community should be requested proper morality on condition that having public proper order and welfare, at second, this article make the matter complicated, the owner must be a member of this community, for all that, we should search around all isolated civilized galaxy."
"We will cooperate you with all our strength."
They all agreed to support M’ter Aulga for that purpose, anyhow, in the sudden change of situations, the three of them got to take complexed bright atmosphere and carefully describe the thankful words to M’ter Aulga courteously, and once again seeing me to bow their thanks as well saying a separate greeting, then disappeared shortly afterwards.
I gave the farewell words to each of the assembled comrade one by one, as a result we left queyful quarter. And as a practice, Pia'a came to perch on my left shoulder after usual rule.
"Is it true that both Pia'a and I were qualified as the elements of ‘Aulga-homogeneous’ correct existence unit?"
"Yes, it is true, on the other hand it is purely a potential thing as to whether you hope to participate in convergence evolution phase or not. It's utterly depend on your free will."
He said it in very quiet attitude.
"Your Highness Master Aulga, how many total elements are you made from?"
Pia'a-le-na asked seriously.
"There are wonder amounts in number, it can only be said to be very large, just similar to the number of nerve cells that constitute Al's central nervous system, I suppose about the H. sapiens now nearly everyone understand what's what, elaborated mechanisms and total numbers of somatic cells and a clear value, they were little too complicated yet very useful. Just like them, my living mechanism is at very large scale when they came to gather for making inherent unificatory life, all of the unit change automatically by its mass absolute value, without use mutual morphogen, we have an ability of procedure the energy control."
 "In short, there are very large numbers that is not the unit of tens or hundreds, moreover even individual elements can independently perform life activities, becoming an aggregative formation will compose a single living organism existence, and its form is the ultimate highest life form, after that it is impossible to recognize it unless considerable understanding. I’ve been puzzled for a long time ago when I first met you at Enree-Θ’s library. Of course, there are independent ‘Nyx Lucid’ whose appearance absolutely unusual, after all they'd with great huge energy far apart with that mass-less abstractive figure."
"Well, apparently it will be a time to explain, Al. Now just the tube shuttle come to the end point and I will talk everything precisely after riding the space vehicle since it is not a simply understandable theory."
As M’ter Aulga says, tube shuttle has stopped at the Bajihaj district Space Station. Aulga's outstanding apace shiftor was waiting for such a majestic outline to prepare at the departure in the center of the station as if overwhelming the other ships.
 “Nyx lucid is just one of the subsets and I should say they behave as genuine energy compound in the conjugate-arc morph, then. You’ve already met them twice."
As soon as the ship slipped into transit space and switched to automatic maneuvering, M’ter Aulga started talking again.
"Even if it says a subset, there are various forms, and each one can also act freely as to how to live in alone exist, even it’s very temporary state, rightfully one assembled body at a time, we are basically constraint with free will on the spontaneous each one's real living intention as a solidarity-community in a collective morph, except one specific heritage of our rule that's to say to keep central active unit is always neutral within collective will."
"Our usual eukaryote, such as H. sapiens is composed as a basic element, mainly of oxygen about 64% of content, carbon is 18%, hydrogen 10%, nitrogen 3% and there may be small amount of about 20 types of other elements, for all that what are the basic composition of your constituents?"
"That is the problem, because our fundamental element is built by basic constituents not belonging to the baryon series or elementary particles of your world, this alone is impossible to translate into a common language. Completely various another types including your world  elementary particles are caused our lives and/or my life in another constructing way, so about this subject I couldn’t answer on the direct narration in rigid correctly words. I should apologize to you at this actual fact."
"Until this day, there are so much words about those various things you've translated all the concepts not only the languages but also every recognition to my Earth level, then I will not explore this and keeping it as a homework in order to the future, I’ll put it aside now."
"Well, that's all about you, so I will realize it along with the reasons for the existence of the life and the space-time."
We talked about various themes related to the universe throughout the itinerary to the capital of Lepalace, but in fact, it was not anticipated development that the Lepalace Supreme Commissioners came to meet us with some unexpected demanding.
It was right after official awarding ceremony for the welfare of mine, the Highest Committee officially announced that they would like me to stay in the Lepalace Physical Research Center for a suitable period as a member of the Union’s Veil Laheiy Division.
 "Could you tell me the research subject?"
 Aulga asked the Committee’s speaker almost at the same time as the request for my stay.
 "Ever after it’s astronomical problem of which they’er most interested in, we have a problem now, a phenomenon related to the entire universe has caused a transitional diversity in the gravity constant ratio of our universal system. The red shift rate of distant celestial body has begun to show a decreasing tendency. There should be apologized for you that we are not technical research committee, as a result we can’t give an accurate explanation."
 “Was it so, I got an overview of the problem. If possible, I would like to talk directly to someone of the Technical Committee member, is it possible? ".
 "I understand, please wait a moment."
Following the request of M’ter Aulga, the committee’s speaker turned around and discussed with other members for a while, then again announced to M’ter Aulga.
 "Right now, all of them went to observe situations with make shift team and happen to be their staying place district is out of a communicable airspace by chance, so please wait for about two days in order to be sure to call over the team."
"Waiting for two days, Al, are there any opinions about this?"
This time, M’ter Aulga turned around for me and asked.
"If it’s a problem of all over the universe, it must be the important problem, I think I should be to wait for two days."
I expressed my opinion in accordance with own conclusion.
 "Wait a while, Al."
 Suddenly ,TTL asked me to wait.
 "We have an appointment with you, as soon as the award ceremony is over, we will immediately took up you from Lepalace, that’s why we hand Al over to M’ter Aulga, in order to Al will be able to carry out the wish of returning to the Earth. It was supposed to be something of."
 "I invited you with exactly the same intention."
 Ms. Elseine also started telling me with a serious face.
 "We, including three of us, certainly with Mr. Aulga, will join the observation team on your behalf."
 "Well, I think that it may be, greatly allelujah Master Aulga may also think to embark upon the aid of observation, if it’ll be seemed that we would need Master Aulga's absolute knowledge that we must ask him by no means."
Dr Louis also consented to the other two and affirmed M’ter Aulga's high ability.
Aulga silently listened to the opinions of the three people, nevertheless turned to the Committee speaker again.
"Let's wait two days, based on the voluntary free will of Alnylum J. Allansh Jr, we will stay on our ship at the Space Base in there we will wait for the earlier contact."
 As a result of the words of M’ter Aulga, the Supreme Committee closed, we took the city liner from the front entrance of the Capital Parliament building and headed to the Veil Laheiy Space Station with other three personae, TTL and Ms. Elseine as well as Mr. Louis did not return to their home but joined us as a group, eventually the group decided to see a mysterious interior that can be said to be the hyper dimension of famous Aulga ship. Perhaps it was the wind that they felt their responsibilities to the course of consequences or more than somehow else matter.
 "Dr Louis, I think you had once been a representative of Lepalace-Union."
As soon as a group arrived in the personal occupation room of Aulga, he spoke to Dr Louis.
"Yes, that's right, but it was a long time ago, and since the Supreme Committee is a unique organization, I couldn’t dissuade their decision with my will."
Dr Louis was seemed to be sorry, as if he said something like a soliloquy.
"That is right, Mr. Aulga."
Ms. Elseine also opened up to assist softlly.
"He doesn’t have the right to persuade them even with the current Prime Leader Meshzellar, that's why I don't know how to apologize to Al, really. Though the pair of TTL and Dr Louis is nearly the best intelligence person, yet the Committee denies the request, they are seeking for Alansh Jr's ability to record high reputation."
 "Everyone, please listen to my thought, it’s the problem for the fate of the entire universe is at stake, and for that purpose, this time I have chosen voluntarily on my strong motives against innumerable lives in the whole world. It comes from the consequence of my freely selected will, it isn’t belong to your responsibility, for all that, please don't blame yourselves whatever may happen."
“I know that he is seriously deciding cooperation with Lepalace team, please do not worry."
Pia'a was following me from the top of my left shoulder.
 "All right, we will once raise it out, today."
When he got up, Dr Louis lightly tapped my back with his beloved warmish compassion.
"How true! You are just alike to your father, a stubborn righteous man, let's meet again tomorrow, I will go home with my comrades."
Aulga also left the room to guide three person.
"Well, Al, that F.O. effect was actually caused of the Septuplet's space-time system to go to Big-Crunch, and it would exert an influence over this universe, though I think M’ter Aulga mightn’t be gonna be unattended. He surely give his mind to the subject matter."
When we became just two, Pia’a had gathered his opinions of which he immediately felt.
"I also think so, Pia'a, meanwhile, what kind of opinion can you have about the significance of existence of the space-time over the whole universe?"
 "I think it’s to provide an arbitrary action field as the framework for the shaped-life forms and the non-shaped-life forms, then at a same time, there never bring up the sizes problem."
"If so, it might be needed a definition of the life-forms, isn’t it?"
 "Eh! I don’t think it does, Oh well, just about I was interpreted in a broad sense about the lives, yet it's not only the existence of possession the will or intention to get activated sign but also there are required other qualifications?”
 "All right, Pia’a, now I know what you wanna say by that mention. Activities with intention, I think that the definition of life forms is enough, surely there are various kinds of things to say, even intention, simply to maintain life in accordance with the code of genes, arbitrary such as vegetations or microorganisms that repeat mechanically passive acts, while predators to act in search of daily prey, or bees that convey the location information of honey who uses analogue language to communicate the info, etc., however, multi-lingual bipedal life organisms that has a distinctly different active thinking power, but how to operate the neural network is a separate problem."
 "So, what's the meaning of that active, none of the passive intention?"
 "It will be the driving force of the way of life that makes universality of self-existence."
 "In any case, regardless of the life-time size of the living organism who surely dies?"
 "Yes, but this is a problem, that is, if the average life expectancy is 100 years, 100,000 years or millions of years, or the immortal like Aulga, the degree of tension comes a bit differentia I think, that the serious taste differs from the way of life. I feel that this is the difference in the number of choices of the revision on the lives, still conversely, Aulga with the infinite number of selective procedures are at positive steps like a short-living organism. It is a very rare phenomenon, he continue to have a sense of meaningful solidarity as well as sensitivity."
 "Perhaps because he understands the meaning of eternity so well, I mean, unless he is constantly generating himself at every moment, he think it’s hard to say without that isn't a meaningful life activity. I think that he is well acquainted with the fact that the life acts do not exist in a stationary space where only having the time just to spread and never to count."
 "I also agree with that point, because those who are not self-generating at every moment, such things do not live in real time, only within the passing of the time are merely surviving. Well now, even though there may be that way, but the life form about M’ter Aulga, a unit, a single body, or a polymer. . . .there mightn't be applied any stereotypes definitive viewpoints. Oh yes, I always stop thinking at all and I couldn’t really understand the translation what he. . .”
Just the time, M’ter Aulga himself was coming in the room.
 "Oh !, I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Actually, it took me awhile to contact with our several inquiry subsets, they were dispatched early in the morning as quick as ever to various zone-line, there sure enough including that independent isolates ‘Nyx Lucid’. This time, Mid-Course Correcting Communication doesn’t go smoothly, but at length I receive some necessary definitive information. The reversal of the mutation of the Blue-Shift was apparently at a time temporary phenomenon again, it seems that this space began to show indicated signs of Red-Shift toward expansion, so Al virtually finished the collaboration with the Lepalace Supreme Committee. When I explained the present situations to them, I showed my willingness to cancel the request to Allansh Jr, there, ever after, they came to a conclusion with Mr. Alansh Jr to suspend the cooperative behavior.”
 At the time, sudden communication alarm came on the main screen.
 "Hi, Al, I have a special news for you!"
 It was Obcy - 00 MtR1/002 of the Gran-Arcayer.
 "At last, Enn-Seqq-Zephy's searching teams find out isolated same degree society, in the
galaxy at only one mega per sec away, named 'Asquer Tigrina', after they receive to sit at the negotiation table, consequently they offer two space shiftor and three cargo ships with appropriate CRs."
 "Oh, my good friend, Obcy! Thank you so much for the wonderful information."
 "How are you, Obcy, This is Aulga talking. Do you know that team name of Enn-Zephy?"
 "O, Master Aulga, its name is 'C.T.contractor squadron' of the 352nd space-wing, sir."
 "Thank you, Obcy, now then I will contact with them."
 "I understand, Your Excellency. Now I will call up chief of them on this line."
 The main screen changed its scene and there came on captain of C'dr Ψ,after all he was the chief of searching team. M’ter Aulga asked several things using their special dialect, and  chief answered in the same code word.
 "Asquer Tigrina star regions were just another side of a compact globular cluster that was why Enn-Zephy didn't touch with them. Their offering had contracted before participated in  the Union, so there was observable none of illegal relevance. At present, those space vehicles are all mooring in Gran Arcayer space port, certainly every object underwent strict inspection."
 When Enn-Zephy chief disappeared, M’ter Aulga explained about it.
 " Master Aulga, how about all the payment that I must be owing?"
 "Oh, no, you owe none of debt, all the vehicles with CRs were offering from Asquer Tigrina and neighbor-hoods star regions became they are allowed to the member of Septuplet Union, it means they get possession of great property."
 M’ter Aulga told to me in his tender-hearted voice.  
 Henceforth, eventually I would follow a first planned schedule, namely it did mean that immediately had to go back to my own birthplace, nevertheless the program was little changed, Aulga himself who would be supposed to go to pick up Nyx Lucids at now they were independent separated bodies, consequently Mediator took on Aulga’s behalf. We were, I and Pia'a, when at the Veil Laheiy Space Base, after seeing off M’ter Aulga was flew away to bring back for independent separate party existences that were hurriedly expedition for me to the remote space districts followed by Aulga’s Project. Then we were at the Superior Committee Institute’s reception house, to that spot Dr Louis who was living in that famous Gothic-style church of his research Institute building at the ground region of the Lepalace Capital, next morning came to pick us up that we decided to wait for Mediator in his peculiar building. After all, in his beautiful house, I was dreaming great many dreams with passionate expectations, when I came back to my homeplace, I really learned that various thoughts emerged in my mind. There were surely appeared most loving token as a memory symbol, it was a quietly beautiful smile of gentle mother, and about my father, Mr.Allansh Sr, who surrounded with great many mysterious rumors, now that my heart nearly broke just only by imagination. Besides, at the Shilly archipelago, Syd and Willy feeling each other as mutual friends who shared the destiny of ourselves, or rather their own alter egos, would be waiting for me.